1864. "Death Star" Plan (Part 2)

As soon as he heard the news, Tang Xiao's face suddenly became extremely ugly. He said to himself, "The home planet of the Technology Alliance is far away from the planet Skako in the core circle. I can't do anything about him for the time being, so forget it. . Bogle, low-class man, who gave you the courage to betray?! Tomorrow I will plow the planet Geonosis to the ground!"

But at this time, Severance Tann continued to talk about the information in the holographic projection, [According to my investigation, the Queen of the Geonosians, Karina the Great, is not currently in Kyrgyzstan. Planet Onosis. 】

This incident made Tang Xiao frown again, because it reminded him of many not-so-good things.

Next, Severance Tann also shared some of her views and opinions on the intelligence, and reminded Tang Xiao that although the Galactic Empire had instigated the rebellion against the Technology Alliance and the planet Geonosis very early, it did not even Using them in the battle of Salukami planet is enough to prove that in the eyes of the Galactic Empire, the significance of their betrayal is greater than that of Salukami planet.

The gain or loss of the planet Salukami is related to the outcome of this protracted battle between the Galactic Empire and the Confederation of Independent Systems. It can be said that capturing the planet Salukami is equivalent to defeating the Confederation of Independent Systems. In other words, from the perspective of the Galactic Empire, the Technology Alliance and the planet Geonosis are even more important than the Confederation of Independent Systems! !

After the intelligence was played, the Kyber crystal on the robot's chest emitted a bloody light, and then a dark force burst out. A large number of electric sparks suddenly burst out from everywhere on the robot's body, and then collapsed with a bang. , turned into a pile of half-melted scrap iron.

And Tang Xiao also fell into deep contemplation amid the information sent by Severance Tann.

After a long time, he connected with the current Minister of Military Intelligence, Saratan Moss.

Saratan Morse is a Salarian with dark green skin. He has congenital vertical stripes on his face, which makes him an outlier even among the Salarians. And this appearance makes him look very ferocious.

The former Minister of Military Intelligence was Mrs. M, but Tang Xiao had been somewhat dissatisfied with Mrs. M's work since the second half of the Clone Wars. Therefore, after the intelligence department reformed, redistributed power, and strengthened the National Security Bureau and the Secret Intelligence Department, Tang Xiao replaced Mrs. M, the director of the Military Intelligence Department, in the next reform.

After all, Mrs. M is still too old, and on the other hand, her work ability can no longer keep up with the pace of the Imperial Intelligence Agency in the Galaxy Empire, which has also been reorganized and reformed, so her resignation is inevitable.

Salarian native Saratan Moss is an ace spy, code-named 018 in the former Military Intelligence Department, and has demonstrated strong personal and organizational abilities in many missions. In the Military Intelligence Department, they belong to the new generation under the aging Mrs. M and James Bond.

And because the Salarians are innately suitable for intelligence work, they have actually begun to appear in large numbers and occupy important positions in the major intelligence agencies of the Principality of Dawn. Among the intelligence agencies, only human ghost agents can compete with them.

Mrs. M is a very calm person. She actually promoted Saratan Moss to Deputy Minister of Military Intelligence before get out of class ended. And after Tang Xiao informed her of the news that she was about to be replaced, she still accepted it all with grace, and tried her best to cooperate with Saratan Moss to complete the transfer of work and power.

After taking over the work of the Military Intelligence Department, Saratan Moss also showed a completely different style from Mrs. M. He acts more efficiently and accurately, and is even ruthless and unscrupulous. In this regard, Mrs. M, who still has the elegant demeanor of a veteran spy, is indeed inferior to him.

After the communication was connected, Saratan Moss gave Tang Xiao a military salute, and then asked in a deep voice: "May I have any orders, Your Excellency the Grand Duke?"

He spoke slowly and steadily, and enunciated his words clearly, which was really not easy for a Salarian. Because the metabolic rate of Salarians is twice that of humans, they move very quickly, including talking. Saratan Moss, on the other hand, has undergone rigorous training and can even control his speaking speed freely. For this alone, one has to marvel at his professionalism.

"What's the progress on the Galactic Empire's DS-1 battle space station plan?" Tang Xiao asked straightforwardly.

"We are strictly monitoring the planet Geonosis and have confirmed that the Galactic Empire cannot make any moves there. Archduke Bogle-The Inferior also organized a powerful army force on the planet, but from Geonosis Analyzing the output of the robot factories on the planet, they should have adjusted their production capacity allocation." Saratan Moss said, "But generally speaking, if the Galactic Empire wants to choose the construction site of the DS-1 battle space station, Ji The planet Onosis is impossible.”

He paused and then said: "Based on the need to build a huge spherical combat space station with a diameter of more than 120 kilometers, we have checked more than 1,400 planets and conducted analysis. We have not found a specific site yet. But it is certain What is clear is that the Galactic Empire has ended its research and development phase and has begun its construction plan. This is the report."

Tang Xiao nodded and looked at the report submitted to him by Saratan Moss. According to this report, approximately 1,700 companies within the Galactic Empire have been canceled.

According to previous analysis and judgment, most of these companies were established under various names, and then recruited experts and talents in various fields through side projects, and split the research and development work of the DS-1 combat space station into tens of thousands of companies. projects and then carry out scattered research efforts.

Those companies are the companies that the Military Intelligence Department has targeted to provide research and development support for DS-1 after a long period of investigation and investigation.

Now, these companies have been disbanded and some of their key personnel are missing, indicating that the main research and development work has been completed and a huge engineering team is ready to start construction.

However, due to the in-depth intelligence work of the Galactic Empire, Saratan Moss also feels that it is very difficult. The specific location of DS-1 has still not been found. Anyway, it is absolutely impossible to build it on the planet Geonosis in the original plot.

The reason why Tang Xiao brought Saratan Moss to ask about this matter was that he suspected that the disappearance of the Technical Alliance and the Queen of Geonosis had a lot to do with the start of construction of DS-1!

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