1863. "Death Star" plan (Part 1)

"Your Majesty the Governor, General Severance Tann's envoy has arrived." An assistant came to Tang Xiao and said respectfully.

"Secret envoy?" Tang Xiao stopped what he was doing and frowned.

In this era of highly developed hyperspace communications, sending emissaries is very rare. Because hyperspace communication combined with quantum entanglement technology has made it possible to achieve almost real-time communication within more than half of the galaxy. And if an emissary is sent, even if the hyperspace navigation technology is very mature, the process of crossing the entire galaxy from the Mandalorian sector where Severance Tann is located to the Dawn Planet will be very tortuous and dangerous.

But some of the most top-secret information still needs to be delivered through emissaries. For example, in "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones", Count Dooku personally went to Coruscant and conveyed the Death Star data and the information about the official outbreak of the war to Darth Sidious in person.

Because if hyperspace communications are used, hyperspace outposts scattered throughout the galaxy may intercept this message, leading to intelligence leakage. However, in such a vast galaxy, the possibility of actual interception is actually low, but if the information is important enough, then this risk cannot be taken.

After receiving Tang Xiao's permission, Severance Tann led her fleet to station in the Mandalorian sector, which was regarded as a solo flight. In that direction, she has almost complete free decision-making power. In addition, the Mandalorian sector is almost diagonal to the Milky Way from the Dawn Planet and is beyond reach. Therefore, what happens there will actually have a great impact on the Dawn Planet. small.

So even if there was something to report, Severance Tann would just send him a message directly. For example, in the previous decisive battle on the Salukami planet, Severance Tann noticed the large-scale mobilization of the Galactic Empire fleet and the flexible and rigorous batch deployment a few days in advance, thus telling Tang Xiao in advance that Salukami would Planet Rukami is likely to fall.

And at that time, she also told Tang Xiao that she would not participate in this battle. Because even she believed that she could not reverse the situation of the battle. Instead of rushing forward to use up her last strength, it was better to keep some strength in her own hands.

And now, Severance Tann has sent a secret envoy? What is it that makes her feel that it is even more important than the decisive battle on Salukami Planet? !

Tang Xiao nodded and said to his assistant: "Ask the emissary to come to my meditation room."

After saying that, he stood up and walked towards the hidden elevator behind the office.

A moment later, a robot walked in. It was a robot modified from a ceremonial robot. It also had a blood-red Kyber crystal on its chest, as well as complex and mysterious patterns around it.

It is a product of Sith alchemy.

Tang Xiao said: "Tell me the information you brought."

"Please confirm your identity." The robot's rigid electronic voice said.

Tang Xiao directly raised his hand and placed it on the red Kyber crystal, injecting a force of death into it. This is a gadget made by Darth Lilium. Only Tang Xiao's force of death can unlock it. If a mistake is made, the force stored in the Kyber crystal by Darth Lilium will immediately explode. , completely destroying the storage system inside the robot.

After being confirmed, the robot's eyes projected a holographic projection, which displayed some text, video and data intelligence, accompanied by Severance Tann's voice.

[My master, during the recent operations, I discovered some unusual information. First of all, during the decisive battle on Salukami planet, Asajj Ventress and Savage Opress did not appear on Salukami planet. Although before that, they had been stationed there to assist General Grievous in his operations. And until now, they are still missing. What is certain is that they are no longer with Count Dooku. 】

[In addition, my reconnaissance plane is no longer able to approach the planet Dathomir. An unknown situation has occurred there, causing all exploration to fail. I guess something dangerous is happening on the planet Dathomir. Considering both Asajj Ventress and Savage Opress are from here, I think there is a connection. 】

Tang Xiao's face became serious. The distance between the planet Dathomir and the Mandalorian sector was not far. At the same time, as the seat of the Sisters of the Night, before Severance Tann set off for the Mandalorian sector, Tang Xiao also told her to focus on the situation there.

And now, something has happened to the planet Dathomir, and it has escaped surveillance?

[At the same time, I discovered that the Galactic Empire was monitoring my movements. In recent times, the Galactic Empire's spies and reconnaissance aircraft have been spotted more and more frequently. I don't think the Mandalorian sector currently has such a strategic height, so this is probably coming at me. If they dare to interfere in the Mandalorian sector, they will never come back! 】

[The above are some recent abnormal situations. And what follows is a very serious piece of information that I accidentally discovered. ] Severance Tann's voice became deeper, [The Technology Alliance, in fact, at the beginning of the establishment of the Galactic Empire, had completely betrayed the Confederation of Independent Systems and became our enemy. Also betraying was the Archduke of Geonosis, Bogle-the Inferior. 】

Upon hearing this information, Tang Xiao's heart skipped a beat!

Because what he knew was that after the establishment of the Galactic Empire, Count Dooku renegotiated agreements with several core members of the Confederation of Independent Systems, and further consolidated their loyalty at the cost of transferring a large amount of benefits.

And at that time, the Galactic Empire had just been established, and everything was in turmoil. Newt Gunray, Thorn Hill, Parcell Argent and others all believed that this was the time to further consolidate their territory, and then gradually counterattack and regain it. Those planets lost during the counterattack at the end of the Galactic Republic.

Although the Dawn Planet and the Galactic Empire made a separate peace, in fact at that time the Dawn Planet also annihilated the last main fleet of the Galactic Republic in two battles, so this matter did not shake the confidence of those people.

Therefore, at that time, the corporate alliance, technology alliance, retail industry association, Geonosian planet, etc. were in a state of high morale. They even launched a counterattack and indeed took back some planets.

In this process, although the Technology Alliance had indeed contacted the Galactic Republic before, from that time onwards, Walter Tambo, the chief foreman of the Technology Alliance, assured Count Dooku that he had once again strengthened his confidence and resolutely cooperated with the Galaxy Republic. The empire fought to the end and actually took action.

Because Tang Xiao learned about this matter through Count Dooku himself. After Count Dooku completely severed his relationship with Darth Sidious, the intensity of his internal control and integration of the Confederation of Independent Systems was much higher than the almost free-range state of the original plot. From his perspective The information obtained there should be very reliable.

But now, Severance Tann actually told him that the Technology Alliance and the planet Geonosis had completely betrayed them at that time?

what's the situation! ?

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