The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1865 Planning the Geonosians

1866. Plot against the Geonosians

Shu Mai, the president of the Commercial Guild at the time, did not realize the seriousness of the problem at all. She also tried to unite several other giants to oppose Count Dooku.

But the result was completely opposite to what she imagined - the commercial guild was forcibly dismembered and annexed by several other major corporate giants, and Shu Mai was killed as a result.

The major corporate giants who had annexed the commercial guilds and received compensation in terms of actual benefits had no reason to continue to oppose Count Dooku, and that reform was successfully passed.

So if we judge it this way, it was at this time that the Technical Alliance's confidence in Count Dooku was shaken and they began to contact the Galactic Republic. As a planet closely related to the Technology Alliance, the planet Geonosis may have had different ideas at this time.

And this is the biggest difference between the original plot of "Star Wars" and the current development of the situation.

At the same time, after the establishment of the Galactic Empire, due to Tang Xiao's impression, the strength of the Galactic Empire was much weaker than at the same time in the original plot. Therefore, it is impossible for them to implement a policy of extermination against these members of the Confederation of Independent Systems as in the original plot, and it is very possible that they will offer a certain price to win them over.

As for the matter of the Geonosian Queen, Darth Sidious should have done it himself. With his methods, it is absolutely possible to capture Emperor Karina and bring her back to the empire.

Tang Xiao touched the stubble on his chin and shook his head secretly. Regardless of the fact that the Geonosians are deeply hidden, they have not directly dealt with people like the Technical Alliance who are half-hearted and half-hearted. It can only be said that Count Dooku is still holding on to illusions.

He may believe that the Confederation of Independent Systems is weak relative to the Galactic Republic, so it must muster a stronger force, and successively dealing with two of the five major corporate giants in the early days of the Confederation of Independent Systems may cause political instability. What's more, the Technology Alliance controls a large number of industrial worlds. Many of the advanced combat machines of the Confederation of Independent Systems are developed and produced by the Technology Alliance. Count Dooku does not have the confidence to deal with them.

Therefore, although the Technology Alliance was wavering at that time, Count Dooku was still gentle towards the great foreman Walter Tambo, and continued to coax him to continue to build warships and robots for the Confederacy of Independent Systems for as long as possible. In the future, if the Technical Alliance really plans to break up with each other completely, it won't be too late to eliminate him all at once.

Tang Xiao had to admit that even he thought so at that time.

I just didn’t expect that Walter Tambor’s betrayal would be so complete! It seems that one of the conspiracies between him and Darth Sidious is to win over the Geonosian Archduke Poggle-The Inferior to produce the DS-1 battle space station for the Galactic Empire!

"Do we need to send troops to occupy the planet Geonosis? It is not far from the planet Christofsis under our control. The fleet stationed there can kill it within a day." Saratan Moss suggested.

Tang Xiao shook his head, "If we can do this before the battle on the Salukami planet is over. But now, it is meaningless... Once we send troops, Bogle and the lower class will most likely publicly declare their surrender to the Galactic Empire. In this way, we will lose our reputation and may give the Galactic Empire an excuse to attack us. You should know that we cannot fall out with the Galactic Empire now."

Saratan Moss nodded and said: "I understand. So if, as you guessed, the Technological Alliance and the Geonosians are the main builders of the DS-1 battle space station, then our top priority is to delay the DS-1 battle space station. 1 construction plan to buy time for our own plan... Well, although Orson Cullen Krennic was closely protected by the Galactic Empire, I still found Galen Wilton based on your tips- Galen Walton Erso’s Hideaway…”

He raised his hand and grabbed it hard, "Galen Erso couldn't stand the tyranny and exploitation of the Galactic Empire, so he resigned from all his posts and lived in seclusion, but I can immediately arrange agents to kidnap him. He specializes in An energetics expert in Kyber crystal research, if the Galactic Empire wants to solve the problem of DS-1’s energy transmitter, it must turn to him!”

Tang Xiao shook his head and said: "No need, just continue to monitor Galen Erso. In fact, we all underestimated the talent of Orson Krennic, including himself. He can pick up girls at the same time While drinking, he was able to graduate with honors from the Republic's Future Plan, which shows that his talent is no less than that of Galen Erso."

"Krennic was able to complete the weapon system design of the DS-1 battle station by himself, but even he couldn't believe it, so he looked around for Galen Erso to help. For this line, we let it go As long as they develop. If you can't find and kill Orson Krennic, then keep monitoring Galen Erso from a certain distance, and sooner or later he will be beneficial to us."

Tang Xiao knocked on the table, reminding Saratan Moss to write down this matter, and then continued: "So now, since the Queen of the Geonosians is not in the Holy Land, for the Geonosians, it is definitely It’s a devastating blow. I don’t believe that all Geonosians know about and support this. On the contrary, I think it is the Bogle-inferior people who betrayed their entire race.”

"He sold Emperor Kalina, who was responsible for the reproduction of his entire race, to Darth Sidious. It's hard to imagine that a person from a lower caste would be so ruthless." Saratan - Moss sneered, "Of course, if you think about it from another angle, it's not surprising. Such a person will only be more ruthless when he exploits his former compatriots. And when he was in the lower caste, he must be full of enthusiasm for those in the upper caste. There is hatred, and this hatred is likely to extend to the highest person in the race, Emperor Karina."

"This is equivalent to selling Nuwa to Jesus as a slave. It is so treasonous..." Tang Xiao's face was also full of contempt. He knocked on the table again and said, "I give you a task."

"Please tell me." Saratan Moss responded immediately.

"Secretly go to the planet Geonosis to find and contact a Geonosian engineer named Gizor Dellso. Don't express our meaning too clearly. You need to figure out what he means to Karin. What are your views on the kidnapping of Queen Na?" Tang Xiao said.

Saratan Moss immediately understood, "I understand. The Bogle-Inferior has deceived all the Geonosians. It is impossible for him to gain the approval of those people. On the contrary, this is how we win over the Geonosians." Chance!"

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