Chapter 1629 'Master'

1629. 'Master'

Unmanned galaxy number T6652U7X8849L, Galactic Republic/Quarter Power Dock General Command Base, fleet flagship Tag Tag bridge.

The Tag is a Commander-class dreadnought ship. Although this Commander-class is just an old battleship, there is a big gap in performance compared with the Commander-II class that is now used more and more by the Republic Navy. But this Commander class is different. In order to serve as the flagship, this battleship has undergone large-scale refitting, strengthening the communication system, combat command system, and very complete living facilities and safety facilities.

It can be said that this Tag battleship is completely a mobile villa manor!

For Casio Tag, who was able to command such a huge fleet of more than 400 warships, he felt extremely honored. He named this flagship after his family, and he thought that his entire family would be honored by this!

A fleet of 400 capital ships! Even in the history of the Galactic Republic, there are only a handful of people who can command a fleet of this size! The reason why they are all capital ships is because of this hyperspace stabilizer. Only capital ships have a hyperspace engine large enough to directly reach the Model star area at one time.

"News from the front line! The first battle group has encountered a crisis, and the second battle group has completely collapsed. The reason is unknown!" The signalman ran over quickly and said to Casio Tag, who was standing in the middle of the bridge, "The third battle group The group commander sent an urgent request for help, requesting to speed up the dispatch of reinforcements! Otherwise, we may not be able to gain a foothold!"

"The situation is so bad?" Casio Tag was surprised.

"Separatism may have been prepared! There is an ambush!" His adjutant, veteran Laszlo Dolittle said, "Could it be that our plan has leaked?"

"It's impossible! The plan to attack the Mordel star area is the top secret of the Republic! Those who know this plan, the entire galaxy does not exceed double digits!" Casio-Tag said.

"But that's the truth," said Laszlo Dolittle. "We can't wait any longer. In addition to the fourth battle group that is already on the way, we should adjust our plan and increase the strength of the fifth battle group. And we personally Go!"

"Go in person?" Casio Tag's face changed, "We don't even know what happened in the Anji galaxy now! Going rashly like this is tantamount to death!"

"It's even worse if you wait here! We don't know the specific situation at all, and the news spreads very slowly. If we can't respond in time and wait until the advance team is wiped out, then our offensive can only be terminated early!" Laszlo advised.

"Hmm..." Casio Tag pondered, he still hesitated.

Because there is no doubt that their advance fleet has encountered trouble on the planet Anji, and it is not small, and it is even in danger of being destroyed!

However, three battle groups have already been sent over, including 20 Invincible-class battlecruisers, 15 Knight-class star destroyers, and 25 Jaeger-class battlecruisers! Such a number of capital ships, if paired with the assistance of some small and medium-sized warships, is enough for the Galactic Republic to launch a battle in one direction!

But such a force is facing catastrophe in a very short period of time!

What the hell did they run into?

But no matter what it is, this is definitely not what Casio Tag wants to face. He is still young and has a lot to do, so he cannot risk his life in the face of unknown dangers at this time.

"General! If we can't go to the Model star area immediately, those warships sent before will be completely in vain..." Laszlo Dolittle is still advising this man who is nearly 30 years younger than him, but the military rank But he is a Rear Admiral of the Republic who is four levels higher than him.

"Go! If there is anything, I will protect you!" At this time, a cold voice came from the door.

Laszlo Dolittle looked back, "Ah, here are the two masters!"

"Is it an insult to call us 'Master'?" The voice sneered.

"No... dare not... it was my mistake, sorry." Laszlo Dolittle hurriedly bowed and admitted his mistake.

Standing at the door of the command center and walking in at this moment are the two advisers sent directly by the Speaker Palpatine. The so-called consultants are actually masters of the dark side, providing them with assistance in the Force.

Like the Jedi Knights, such people have transcendent power, and they on the dark side will really kill people if they disagree with each other!

Both were dressed in black robes with hoods covering their faces, but it was still possible to tell that one was tall and strong and the other short and fat.

After they walked in, about 20 people walked in from the door. These people were wearing black samurai uniforms and black masks. There was no expression on the mask, only a flat-shaped tactical eyepiece with red light flashing in the eye position. .

These people lined up on both sides and saluted the two in the middle in a uniform manner.

"Let's start making arrangements! It's time for us to act." The short and fat man took a step forward and took off his hood to reveal his true face.

This person is dark-skinned and short and fat, with a bald head, but his eyes are completely black, looking hideous and weird.

"Mr. Sa-Cuis." No matter what, Cassio Tag had to respect such a master of the dark side, and he also nodded.

He nodded again to the tall man behind him, and said hello, "Mr. Jeng Droga."

But this Zhan Deroga didn't speak, he looked very cold, and he didn't take off his hood, just stood by, like a stone statue.

"The reason why the first battle group, the second battle group, and the third battle group were in danger is probably because they met the force masters under the dead angel." Sa-Kuis said, "Then this matter is naturally Our 'Speaker's Hand' is no longer responsible."

His pair of completely invisible eyes and pupils, all of which were completely black, stared at Cassio-Tag, making his hair stand on end, and then said: "The old soldier is right, you should start now .under our protection..."

Casio Tag nodded stiffly.

He began to immediately adjust the force composition of the fifth battle group, and continued to order adjustments to the fleet deployment. It has to be said that this talented student and military genius is indeed in stock. Under his arrangement and organization, the entire formation began to be adjusted in an orderly manner without any confusion.

With the flagship Tag as the core, 40 Jaeger-class battlecruisers and 5 Governor-class battleships were organized into the fifth battle group.

The huge formation began to drive towards the huge hyperspace stabilizer.


[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: Sa-Quis, one of the elders of the "Hand of the Emperor" under Darth Sidious. 】

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