Chapter 1630 Haunted Fleet

1630. Haunted Fleet

By the time the fourth battle group of the Galactic Republic Expeditionary Force had 20 Jaeger-class battlecruisers and five Cheer-class assault landing ships arrived at the outer space battlefield of Planet Anji, the first three battle groups had already reached a precarious situation.

There are only 11 of the 20 invincible battlecruisers left in the first battle group, and it seems that their current positions are desperately moving towards the third battle group. In the nearby airspace, the fighter formations of the two sides are fighting bloody battles, and they are fighting hard.

But the second battle group is particularly weird. With the strength of 10 Knight-class star destroyers and 5 Hunter-class battlecruisers, there are only 6 Knight-class and 4 Hunter-class left. In space, even a huge gap was blown out, and it was completely paralyzed at first glance.

Strangely, the surviving warships of the second battle group all stopped in place, with no intention of moving at all.

At the same time, the third battle group was fighting fiercely with the Separatist fleet, and it was clearly at a disadvantage. The Separatists have dispatched 8 behemoth-class battlecruisers to bombard them indiscriminately!

The Yamato cannons fired continuously, and exploded on the deflector shields of the Jaeger-class and Knight-class, leaving the wreckage of 3 Jaeger-class battlecruisers around. Obviously, in such artillery battles, they were completely defeated!

The third battle group has 20 Jaeger-class battlecruisers and 5 Knight-class star destroyers. Such a force should have been an absolute advantage, but in terms of separatism, there are an unknown number of disaster-class battlecruisers hidden near the planet Anji. In the shadow of a satellite, long-range shooting continued, and the powerful firepower caused the Republic fleet to retreat steadily.

The strange thing is that although both the first battle group and the third battle group are in a hard fight, and at the same time, a discerning person can see that the second battle group is also extremely miserable, but neither the first nor the third battle group has any intention of fighting with them. The meaning of the second battle group getting closer, on the contrary, they fought and retreated, heading away from there.

It was as if the one over there was not the severely damaged second battle group, but a terrifying cosmic monster!

The lonely second battle group still stopped there, with nothing around. There were no fighter jets taking off or returning, and no other enemy ships existed. Even the friendly forces were constantly moving away. It was not even known who and how the lost warships were sunk.

"This is the fourth battle group! The on-site commander will report the situation immediately!" The commander of the fourth battle group said loudly in the communication.

"This is the first battle group! Please assemble!"

[This is the second battle group, please assemble. 】

"The third battle... No!! Don't go!! Leave them alone!!"

A series of voices came from the communication, some were eager, some were gloomy, and some were frightened.

"What the hell happened!?" The commander of the fourth battle group frowned and looked at the two faces distorted by fear on the screen in front of him, "Second battle group, is your video call system malfunctioning?"

[This is the second battle group, requesting reinforcements. ] The gloomy voice from the second battle group was still repeating.

"The second battle group has been completely wiped out...the reason... is unknown..." The voice of the commander of the third battle group was trembling.

"Total destruction? But he is still..."

"Over there...they are all people who should have died..." The voice of the commander of the first battle group was even more crying.


"Stop talking! The battle is urgent! Stay away from the second battle group, let's regroup! The separatist offensive is fierce!" The commander of the third battle group shouted hysterically, "Take off fighter jets to support! We can't hold on anymore!!"

"...Understood! The fighter jet formation will take off immediately! The Cheerer-class assault landing ship formation retreats away from the battlefield! All ships enter the combat position!" The commander of the fourth battle group finally made up his mind and ordered loudly.

"The new combat communication frequency has been sent to you separately through encrypted communication, let's leave this channel." The commander of the third battle group said.

[This is the second battle group, save us. 】

"Here is the second beep... Douqun, save us...beep..." The voice was low, hoarse, and lifeless.

Drops of black blood flowed down and into the microphone, causing bursts of noise. The mouth that was speaking, the lips had already turned purple, and a big hole was blown open on the chin, bloody and bloody, black and stinky blood continued to flow down the chin hole.

A small piece of the upper face had been blasted off, and beside the wound hole, the cortical tissue of the brain and gray-white brain pulp were still covered.

【...Save us...】The commander of the second battle group has long been a rotting corpse. He shot himself directly from the chin with a blaster.

But death is not his end.

He was still sitting on the main seat of the bridge, staggering, holding a communicator and constantly sending distress messages.

The main lighting in the bridge has been extinguished, and the red light of the backup power supply illuminates the not-so-large bridge space, making this already extremely terrifying place even more like a hell of death!

dead...all dead...

But they were still moving, staggering at their original positions, as if they couldn't even stand firmly.

Everyone is highly corrupted, as if dead for days.

Who would have known that just a few hours ago, they were still alive and kicking!

This battleship has become a steel coffin! No, all the battleships of the second battle group are already like this!


The battle was still going on, and Volgograd-Kanidi seized the opportunity of the complete annihilation of the second battle group, and dispatched his own fleet to launch an assault on the currently strongest third battle group of the Republic.

The behemoth-class battlecruiser rushed forward, and the catastrophe-class battlecruiser hid in the dark and attacked remotely with a particle light spear.

Under the powerful electronic interference, it is difficult for the radar of the Republic Fleet to find the location of these disaster-class battlecruisers, and naturally there is no way to counterattack.

The Duchy of Dawn's fleet continued to attack, forcing the first and third combat groups of the Republic to retreat continuously, making it impossible for them to continue to expand their formation.

Even if the fourth battle group came, it would not be able to turn the tide of the battle!

It's clear from the configuration of the Galactic Republic's first four battlegroups that their plans are pretty obvious.

First of all, the old Invincible-class battlecruiser was used as the guide. The first battle group came over for fire reconnaissance and attracted the attention of the defenders.

The second battle group has a total of 10 Knight-class star destroyers. Obviously, after the second batch arrived, they used long-range bombardment to further contain the defenders of the Principality of Dawn.

Next, the third battle group of 20 hunter-class ships and 5 knight-class ships will completely gain a foothold. Whether it is a fighter formation or a fleet bombardment battle, it will form a very powerful combat force, making it impossible for the defenders of the Duchy of Dawn to attack.

Then, the 20 Jaeger-class battlecruisers of the fourth battle group escorted 5 Cheer-class assault landing ships. It was obvious that they wanted to take this opportunity to launch a landing!

It's so beautiful!

Volgograd-Canidi's mocking smile emerged from his beard. Who planned this? Seriously, I am the main player, and I don't care about how the opponent responds at all, and only care about how to achieve my own tactics.

Obvious student style.

The so-called student style is that you can't say that his tactics are wrong. On the contrary, his tactical layout and troop ratio are better than others. Judging from the formation of fighter jets taking off, it is obvious that the opposing commander has carefully calculated the ratio of carrier-based aircraft, and has targeted configurations in different combat stages.

But... the battlefield changes rapidly, and no one is obliged to follow your rhythm.

What Volgograd-Kanidi did was to fight hard, without giving the Republic Fleet any chance to stabilize its position! It is to make them fall into the quagmire of fighting from the second they jump out of hyperspace and cannot get out.

He is not without concerns, because the hyperspace jump used by the Galactic Republic this time is somewhat abnormal. Because of the normal hyperspace jump, although the landing point can also be adjusted, generally speaking, you must follow the direction of the hyperspace channel.

The essence of the hyperspace waterway is actually the safe passages in the vast hyperspace that avoid all mass projections. Therefore, to reach the destination through such a channel, it is naturally impossible for you to turn around in the channel and then come out from another direction-then this is not a waterway, it is simply a calm high sea.

Hyperspace has never been so quiet.

But this time, after the warships of the Galactic Republic left the hyperspace, their landing range was very large, and they had completely escaped the scope of the hyperspace channel!

If you want to say it, it can even be described as the Galactic Republic and they can adjust the angle of the hyperspace channel!

How can this be? !

The technology database of the Principality of Dawn contains many superluminal navigation technologies, ranging from wormholes to star gates. But none of the technologies involved in the hyperspace channel can adjust the angle of the hyperspace channel!

This can only be understood as the Galactic Republic has been immersed in the technology of hyperspace channels for tens of thousands of years, and their understanding of hyperspace is even higher than that in the database of the Principality of Dawn!

If they are allowed to continue to increase their troops from different directions, then with the absolute superiority of the Galactic Republic, they will soon be able to form a siege around the planet Anji, forcing the defenders to divide their troops to defend, making their strength even more stretched.

This can only show that the Galactic Republic has come prepared, and is even ready to complete its work in one battle! So Volgograd-Kanidi must not allow this to happen!

He commanded the fleet to continue to attack, and even after the arrival of the Fourth Battle Group of the Republic, he did not stop, constantly attacking! Keep oppressing their formation! Only in this way can their follow-up reinforcements not continue to expand.

And...Kanidi looked in the direction of the second battle group.

That man... that man who is honored as the Grand Duke of Liming...

He just destroyed the entire Galactic Republic's most advanced Star Destroyer battle group! The 10 Knight-class Star Destroyers have never suffered such a heavy loss since the advent of the Knight-class Star Destroyer.

But in front of the Grand Duke Dawn and the Sith Lord, those Star Destroyers are like toys.

Is this... his power...

Volgograd-Kanidi made no secret of his dislike for Tang Xiao. Shortly after waking up, Tang Xiao arranged him to be a pirate when he had been wanting to take up a production position. The star cluster to bear the aggressive war behavior of the domineering Ailu people at that time.

From then on, he knew that he and Tang Xiao were not in the same way.

However, he could only admit that the leader of the fourth civilization can only be Tang Xiao. If it were any other person, it might take less than half a year to wipe out the entire Fourth Civilization's wealth.

This has nothing to do with ability, but because, from the day the Fourth Civilization set foot on the Dawn Planet, the road that Tang Xiao has walked has been planned-the road of war.

In Volgograd-Kanidi’s view, the road to war is the road to destruction.

And before that doomed destruction, what he wanted was to build the Model sector into a place where the people could live and work in peace during the war. Even if it's only part of it, that's enough.

But when the fleet of the Galactic Republic broke through the impossible channel and came to the Model sector, he realized that he had underestimated the Galactic Republic, the war, and the war... Tang Xiao !

From this moment on, the future of the Model star sector is no longer under the control of the star sector itself.

In the future... what else can I do? Volgograd-Kanidi secretly sighed in his heart.

On the battlefield, the fleet of the Galactic Republic kept retreating. After paying heavy losses, except for the second battle group, which had already become a dead area, the other three battle groups finally joined forces, and the strength reached more than 50 ships The capital ship is considered to have the power to fight.

The capital ship formation supported each other, and the fighter formation also resolutely intercepted the enemy plane after taking off, finally keeping the battle from collapsing.

Finally, the white light of hyperspace flickered violently, and the fifth battle group arrived on the battlefield!

The flagship of the expeditionary force, the Commander-class dreadnought Tag, is at the core of the fifth battle group!

The huge force of 40 hunter-class battlecruisers and 5 governor-class battleships immediately changed the strength of the enemy and us.

"What the hell happened?!" Seeing the retreating Republic Fleet, Casio Tag roared loudly.

"Dead Angel..." Sa-Kuis turned his head and looked in the direction of the second battle group. Although the distance was more than 100,000 kilometers, and he couldn't see it with his eyes, he still accurately judged the result in the perception of the force, "It turned out to be the dead angel who shot it himself!"

He said gloomyly, "Forget it! If he can be killed, the war in the western region will be over!"

"We are not his opponents, don't act rashly." Zhan Deroga, who has been hiding himself under the hood, said slowly.

"Could it be that we came here just to watch a play?" Sa-Kuis said displeased.

"Lord Sidious, we have already made arrangements..." A cruel smile emerged from the corner of Jan Droga's mouth under the hood.

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