The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1628 The Collapse of the Second Battlegroup

1628. The collapse of the second battle group

This knight-class star destroyer, the flagship of the battle group, flew towards another battleship with the burning No. 3 engine. During the communication, the commander of the battle group just said that his battleship suffered a malfunction, and then said no more, the communication was also closed, and he just shut up and continued to fly.

"General? General? Please call! General!" Calls continued to come from the communication.

"General! Where is the fighter that attacked your ship just now?"

"Anti-hidden radar is fully searching!"

The captains of the other warships were not fools either. They also sensed that something was wrong, so they hurriedly continued to ask.

But the commander of the battle group still didn't say a word, he slumped on his seat with a pale face. At this time, the four rotting corpses that were holding him grabbed him again. The commander knew what it meant, so trembling, he picked up the communicator again, cleared his throat with a dry cough, and said, "That fighter plane escaped." It's gone... I don't know where to go..."

The captain of one of the battleships was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "General, did something happen to your ship? Can you turn on the video screen?"

"! The communicator is out of order!" The commander was already in a cold sweat and didn't know what to say.

"...General, please turn around immediately, and don't continue to approach our ship. Otherwise...we will open fire." The captain of the Knight-class Star Destroyer that was approaching also said in the communication.

The commander's chest heaved violently, and suddenly, he suddenly turned on the video screen of the communicator, and then shouted hysterically: "Shoot at us!! Quickly! Shoot at me!! Everyone has become dead ! EVERYONE!!!"

A rotting corpse next to it immediately grabbed it with one claw, and at the same time opened its rotten mouth and bit it down!

But the commander had already pulled out the blaster pistol on his waist, pointed it directly at his chin and pulled the trigger!

puff! ! Countless bloody brains splattered in all directions.

At this moment, the damaged Knight-class Star Destroyer has been rapidly approaching other warships like a wild horse!

At the same time, the red comet has already started to move, flying directly towards another Knight-class star destroyer.

"Sir! The anti-obscure radar is responding!! It's that fighter jet just now!!"

"Fire and shoot!! All warships! Fire and shoot!! Stop it for me!!"

But the red comet used the star destroyer that had become a death warship as a cover, flying up and down, not giving them a chance to intercept it at all.

The Jaeger-class battlecruiser took off again and another wave of fighter jets rushed over to intercept them, but they were all easily thrown off by Darth Malthael. The six laser cannons on both sides fired rapidly, and in just a few minutes More than a dozen fighter jets were shot down! Even the latest V-wing fighter is not an all-in-one enemy at all, and is blown into a ball of fire in an instant.

"No! I can't stop it! Spread out! Spread out!!"

These battleships are still unable to block the approach of the red comet. On the screen of the fire control radar, the signal representing the red comet appears and disappears, here and there for a while, like a ghost, let alone locked, even if it is able to follow Given its speed, it is not easy to keep within the detection range of the fire control radar at all times.

The second Knight-class Star Destroyer was also approached by the red comet!

This time, Darth Malthael did not hide any more, he directly canceled the optical stealth system, and then hovered the fighter jet in front of the porthole of the bridge so that his figure could be seen by the inside of the bridge. Everyone can see it directly!

In the eyes of those inside the bridge, this blood-red dagger-shaped fighter is the arrival of the god of death!

Under the erosion of the death force, all members of this Knight-class Star Destroyer soon became walking corpses, and only the team leaders of various departments were still alive. Then let them drive the warship towards other warships under the coercion of the walking dead.

"The Huguang is also occupied!!"

"! How did he do it! The Huguang's shield is still there!!"

"Don't let it come! Shoot! Shoot!!"

"That fighter plane cannot be locked!"

"Then shoot the Huguang!!"

At this time, the third batch of 20 Jaeger-class battlecruisers and 5 Knight-class star destroyers also came to the outer space of Anji's planet with a burst of white flashes.

However, what they saw and heard was such a chaotic and doomsday-like scene!

The first batch of 20 Invincible-class battlecruisers are being frantically attacked by the fighter formations of the Duchy of Dawn. The backward design of the Invincible-class is simply unable to withstand the attack of the main fighter jets of the current era, the Ghost Fighter!

Perhaps the performance of fighter jets 3,000 years ago made the Invincible-class battlecruiser even if it had a disadvantage in air defense, but it would not be a complete defeat. The current most mainstream fighter jets are still far behind!

The close-in defense guns on the Invincible turned around and fired desperately, but to no avail. They only shot down more than 70 vulture robot fighters. As for the ghost fighters, they didn't even touch a hair. If it weren't for the fighter formation reinforcements sent by the second batch of hunters, it would probably have collapsed by now.

And the second batch of 10 Knight-class Star Destroyers and 5 Hunter-class battlecruisers was even more chaotic! They were running around and there was no formation at all. Several of the Knight-class star destroyers behaved very strangely, and the other warships avoided them one after another, as if they were playing hide-and-seek.

There were a lot of screams, shouts, and roars in the communication, and the atmosphere of despair began to spread.

"What happened! Answer immediately! Answer immediately!!" The commander of the third batch of battle groups asked loudly.

"Don't come here! Don't come here! Wow!!!!!!" Only screams responded to him.

"Here is the first battle group! Request fighter support! And our fighter formation is in urgent need of landing supplies! Their mothership has completely lost contact!" The voice of the commander of the first battle group came through the communication.

"What happened to the second battle group?!" The commander of the third battle group asked.

"I don't know! But the second battle group is over! Don't go there! Don't let them come!" said the commander of the first battle group.

"Call for help from the rear immediately! Send reinforcements immediately! Otherwise, we won't even be able to gain a foothold here!" The commander of the third combat group shouted, "Take off the fighter formation! At least half of the carrier-based aircraft! Make room for those who lost their mother The ship's fighter jets landed!"


"General! The separatist defense fleet is advancing towards us!" the adjutant shouted.

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