1349 : Intrigue

The expression on Darth Malthael's face was very gloomy, and no one would feel comfortable being treated like this.

He took a deep look at Darth Tenebrous's body, and slowly took out a black communicator from the hidden compartment next to it, directly pressed the button, and connected to a fixed frequency band.

The hyperspace communication was quickly connected, and the communicator began to project a holographic projection.

In the distorted communication signal due to the hyperspace spanning tens of thousands of light-years, a short figure, a Bisman, was projected!

"Long time no see, Darth Tenebrous, recently I got news that you seem to be doing well, which makes me very relieved." Darth Malthael showed a bright and sunny smile.

The Bith man in front of him is the temporary body of the Bith man that Darth Malthael gave to Darth Tenebrous before to accommodate his ghost!

"Hey hey hey..." Darth Tenebrous let out a shrill laugh unique to the people of Bith, "In contrast, the development of the Dawn star is really gratifying, and it has now become the center of the galaxy. One of the few powerful planets, it seems that defeating Darth Sidious will finally be possible."

"It seems that you also know that Darth Sidious is our real enemy." Darth Malthael said with a smile.

"That's for sure, Darth Sidious is climbing the Galactic Republic's peak of power, and he's almost at the top," Darth Tenebrous said, "By that time, he'll be in power, Everything in the galaxy, he will give and take."

"Oh... I thought you didn't know, Master." Darth Malthael pretended to be surprised, "I think you are planning to fall at Darth Sidious's feet and kiss him Where is the throne!"

"Hey hey hey... If that's the case, you should be able to see me in Coruscant by now, Darth Malthael. We are still allies, aren't we?" Darth Tenebrous pretended to be stupid .

"Then why, I found the rough protomium in my subordinate's body?" Darth Malthael asked, his face turned cold instantly.

"Oh, that was just an accident. You know, I took great pains to tell you the news that the Galactic Republic is about to raid the planet Semiles, and I almost got my frail body into it!" Darth- Tenebrous said.

Darth Malthael's gaze immediately became sharper, "No, no, no... including the seasonal hyperspace channel that can raid the planet Semirs, you also told the Galactic Republic! Darth Teneb Les, is also the great adventurer and traveler, Rogers-Nome... Oh yes, and at the same time, he is also a genius warship designer!"

He then made an exaggerated expression of sudden realization, "That's right! Planet Semiles! The dock of the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier! Your goal is the Infinity-class..."

Darth Tenebrous laughed sharply, "Infinity-class super aircraft carrier, what a great name! You managed to arouse my interest, this should be a very powerful battleship! I hope this battleship can Help us defeat Darth Sidious..."

Darth Masail also laughed, "Yes, it all makes sense. You are an adventurer and traveler, and you have traveled all over the galaxy... You naturally know that there are some unknown people in the galaxy. I know the secret channel, but it should be said that my luck is very bad. One of the secret hyperspace channels happens to lead to the planet Semiles... You are also a battleship designer. While raiding the planet Semiles, you You can also find a way to get the data of the endless-class super aircraft carrier, or even the prototype ship! With the help of the super battleship, you will have a powerful hole card."

The atmosphere around Darth Tenebrous instantly became gloomy and cold, and his voice began to distort, "Oh... not bad, not bad... Darth Malthael, you really thought about it a lot Stuff. But you also understand that in order to fight Darth Sidious, I must have power, and without power, I can do nothing."

"Power, as I promised, I will give it back to you. However, you chose to refuse... Could it be that you think I will still keep your stinky corpse?" Darth Massai Er sneered.

"Will you really give me your power? Stop teasing me, Darth Malthael, you and I both know it's impossible." Darth Tenebrous said, "I must keep my Only then can we complete the agreement between us. Since we are afraid of each other, why don't we leave some space for each other? You just gave me the design of the endless-class super aircraft carrier, so why not?"

Darth Malthael breathed a sigh of relief, and the expression on his face also relaxed, "It seems that you have not forgotten our agreement, Master. It seems that I am too sensitive... You are right, You need strength. But, you said it earlier, even if you want a free space, I will give it to you. We are allies!"

"Don't worry, allies. I'll give you a satisfactory explanation on Planet Semiles... Look, haven't I blocked the back route of the main fleet of the Fourth Army of the Republic? Can you eat it again?" Take down one of their main fleets, and Darth Sidious is weaker!" said Darth Tenebrous.

"For your trouble, master, thank you very much. The whole main fleet, this cake is really delicious. Then, I will wait for your explanation..." Darth Malthael smiled After saluting, the communication was turned off.

Watching the holographic projection gradually disappear, the expression on Darth Malthael's face instantly became extremely sinister. He turned and walked out of the secret room, returned to his office, and suddenly turned sideways and said to the air: "Go to the planet Mandalore , whatever is happening there, stop it! Also, if you find a Biss, kill him!"

"Ul'as addari..." A deep male voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

Protoss, as you wish.

"It's exactly what we want to hunt dark and evil beings..." Another equally deep female voice sounded in Darth Malthael's mind.

He looked at a direction in the air and nodded.


At the same time, on the edge of the Mandalorian galaxy, in a floating black spaceship. Two figures, one tall and one short, stood on the bridge, motionless.

"Change the coordinates, don't go to Mandalore. Tell Transcendence Vizsla to get out too, don't stay there to die." Darth Tenebrous said in a shrill voice.

"Darth Malthael, do you understand?" Shen Jon said coldly.

"If he doesn't know, then I'm so disappointed... Hehehehe..."

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