1350: road

Northeast of the Milky Way, Outer Rim, Mandalorian planet.

"It's definitely here... the underground wine cellar of the Sunset Bar." The hermit stood at the door of the underground wine cellar and squatted down, looking at the messy blood on the ground. "The last time I came here, I was attracted by those residents who behaved strangely." I didn't have time to check it carefully. This is where Vitaly Olov was attacked."

"Look for any clues..." Grand Duke Satin-Krize said, she looked around, "The door is locked, we need to find the key."

At this time, the doors outside suddenly opened, and a bartender walked in with a tray, and seeing them, he was surprised and said, "Hey! What are you doing?! Outsiders are not allowed in here!"

Satine frowned, walked over and asked, "Have you seen Vita here... woo..."

Before she finished speaking, the hermit grabbed her and covered her mouth, "Listen, these people are still in a state of brainwashing. Once certain keywords are triggered, the death guard on the console will know. They are Using this method to find that person..."

Shatine Kritz slapped the hermit's hand away with three points of displeasure and seven points of coquettish anger, looked at the waiter in front of him and said, "Then what should we do?"

"You should go out now..." Boom! Jango Fett cut his carotid with a palm from behind, and the waiter passed out as soon as he rolled his eyes.

"Compared to other things, you will attract the death guards like this!" Satine Kriz looked at Jango Fett with displeasure.

One of them is the leader of the real Mandalorian, and the other is the grand duke of the new Mandalorian. They have disliked each other from the beginning.

"Hehe, he will only continue to do what he should do when he wakes up, and won't care about anything else." Jango Fett said coldly, knelt down and touched the waiter, took out a card, Standing up and scratching the wine cellar door, the automatic door opened silently, and an inexplicable smell came to the nostrils.

"What's the smell?" Satine Kritz frowned

"Spice." The hermit said in a solemn tone.

"The smell contains at least 7 kinds of spices, including Eurasia, Roquena Blue, and Death Rod, and they have been accumulated for a long time. This is a hidden spice smoking den." Jango Fett still wore his disguise The Mandalorian crusader armor in the style of the death guard, he clicked on the wrist controller a few times, and the air filter device of the helmet analyzed the trace components of the spices in the air.

He looked at Shatine Kritz and said coldly: "This is the planet Mandalorian under your rule. Flashy, hypocritical, weak, filthy... You not only lost the glory of Mandalorians, It even lost the spirit of the Mandalorians. What is the difference between you now and those moths in Coruscant?"

This sentence directly touched Satine's inverse scales, she jumped up and said angrily: "Moths? Then do you know that these so-called 'moths' enjoy the best conditions, the best food, and the best environment in the galaxy The whole galaxy is serving them! If my people can live like Coruscant, then I'd rather be a moth! I just hope my people can live a better life! Little children can get enough food Advanced education, the elderly can get enough medical care and enough security! I did it!!"

She patted her chest excitedly, her voice getting louder and louder, "And what did you do? When those hungry and homeless children stretched out their immature hands to beg around in despair, your Mandalorians Can Glory give her a piece of bread?! When the Death Guards are raging in our homeland, can you resist their attack?! No! You have recruited Jedi Knights, and then there is a massacre!! So now you tell me, Where is the so-called glory of your Mandalorians?!"

Jango Fett was also angry, "You are begging from the murderers who slaughtered us! The Galactic Republic will reward you with a piece of bread today, and tomorrow their Star Destroyer will be able to drive over Sundari and plow it to the ground! Our prestige in the Milky Way is made drop by drop of blood! And we fought hard, and although we failed, the Galactic Republic never dared to despise us! Do you think that members of your ridiculous neutral alliance are looking at yours? Ridiculous idea of ​​peace? No! What they are afraid of is the great reputation spelled out by the Mandalorians!"

However, at this time the hermit had finished searching the wine cellar, he came out and patted the dust on his hands and said, "If it was in the past, maybe I would agree with your point of view, Satine. But now, I want to say that you two There is nothing wrong with people... Bread and dignity are indeed things that a civilized race should pursue and possess at the same time, and countless generations should strive for it."

He raised his hand to caress the cold old man's mask on his face, and said lightly: "After I put on this mask, I can jump out of the original circle and see farther. The Jedi Knights committed a crime on the planet Mandalorian." Mistakes, huge mistakes, and more than once. The conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Mandalorians is by no means caused by one side alone, but what we want to explore is how to find the most perfect path in such a conflict, And that's why I wear this mask."

"What did you find?" Satine Kriz didn't want to continue entangled with this matter, she asked coldly.

The hermit spread out his hand, holding a piece of blood-stained cloth in his hand, "This thing is stuffed in the mouth of a wine bottle, if you don't pay attention, you will take this thing as the waiter picked it up after stealing a drink Cork."

He unfolded the piece of cloth, and it turned out to be a sleeve, and half a mark could still be seen on it, with the word 'ANN' printed in the common language of the Galactic language.

Satine frowned, "ANN...ZANN...is Zane Company. Didn't you say before that Vitaly-Olov mentioned this in the last news that he sent to his brother, an arms dealer? Is it a company? Indeed, Zane is indeed engaged in the business of recycling and refurbishing old spaceship parts within the scope of the planet Mandalorian."

"With just this thing, we still haven't broken through," Jango Fett said.

"More than that." The hermit said, searching in the gaps in his sleeves, and he found a small piece of wood. He picked it up and smelled it, "Diesel bark. This thing is the top spice, It is even said that it is out of the category of spices, because it has no side effects. At present, it is only produced on the planet Haruncar, and generally the only people who can afford this thing are the dignitaries in the inner circle of the Republic."

Satine's face turned serious, "It is impossible for the dignitaries in the core circle of the Republic to come to Mandalorian in person, and even if they do come, it is impossible for them to hide in such an underground spice shop in an ordinary bar and smoke such expensive spices. .”

"The material of this cloth is from the mechanics at the spaceport. This cloth is very strong and wear-resistant, and it is not heavy, but it is also very thick and uncomfortable to wear. On the planet Mandalorian, those maintenance workers It's what the ship's workers wear," Jango Fett said.

"Why are you so sure it's a space port? There are also many factories here?" the hermit asked.

"There are special protective clothing in the factory, and I don't like this heavy and cheap fabric." Jango Fett replied.

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