The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1348 The Conspiracy of Darth Tenebrous

1348. The Conspiracy of Darth Tenebrous

Darth Malthael looked at the corpse of Darth Tenebrous in front of him, his eyes were dark. He walked to the bhakta tank and looked at Darth Tenebrous shaking slightly with the air bubbles inside. Si, said slowly: "Since you have shot yourself, you should be prepared to be discovered by me, right? Master...don't you want this body? In the end, I still count on this point. Missed your determination..."

He found Darth Tenebrous's body at that time, just to be a backup. Part of it was making sure he had the means to cover Darth Plagueis' death without having to show up in person. On the other hand, for his knowledge of the dark side...

He has only been under the banner of Darth Plagueis for three years. Although he thinks that he is talented and learns quickly, the way of the Force is so vast that three years cannot really allow him to step into it. The darkest depths.

But his greatest enemy, Darth Sidious, has been practicing on the dark side for more than 30 years! No matter how confident he is, he must admit that Darth Sidious's talent is no less than his, or even stronger!

Therefore, he needs further guidance, and Darth Tenebrous is the best choice.

But at that time, in fact, Darth Malthael and Darth Tenebrous are already in a semi-blind state, and it is impossible for him to pass the pretense as he used to learn from Darth Plagueis. The grandson came to seek the other party's slack. Of course, in front of Darth Plagueis at that time, he was really the grandson no matter in terms of strength, influence or financial resources.

However, it is different from Darth Tenebrous. He must put himself and Tenebrous on the same or even higher level to play the game. In this case, in exchange for this knowledgeable Sith Lord Lord's teaching.

The game between the Sith Lords is full of conspiracy and betrayal.

Darth Malthael used his power of death to throw his own chips - as long as he can teach him the way of darkness, then he can completely resurrect Darth Tenebrous.

Darth Tenebrous naturally knew about Darth Plagueis's research on the way of immortality, and he must also know that ordinary resurrection and body exchange cannot integrate the talent of the Force. If you want to truly To inherit the talent of the Force and be resurrected in a new body, one must complete the Essence Transfer Technique.

And Darth Malthael also traded with the other party in this way-he must be taught to let him have a deeper understanding of the dark way, and then he can complete the essence transfer technique, and then he has a chance to be resurrected. At the same time, during this process, the corpse of Darth Tenebrous also became a 'hostage' that could be used to coerce him.

Even the ghost of Darth Tenebrous itself, because of the power of death, could not escape Darth Malthael's clutches!

The plan was flawless, and Darth Tenebrous agreed to Darth Malthael's request to exchange what he had learned all his life for the chance of his resurrection. He didn't hold anything back, what he taught Darth Malthael was true knowledge, and it was precisely because of this teaching that Darth Malthael continued to grow in the next ten years , no dislocation of power occurred.

But Darth Malthael really didn't expect that Darth Tenebrous would give up his body so decisively!

You must know that this is not an ordinary body, but a body with the power of the dark side that ranks at least in the top five in the entire galaxy, and at the same time has a brain computing power comparable to a supercomputer!

And not only that, if he gave up his body and force talent at this moment, it would mean that the dark knowledge he taught Darth Malthael before was completely useless. Because I can't get my body back anyway, it's better not to teach.

But now, Darth Malthael looked back at the result and realized that Darth Tenebrous used the same method he used to deceive Darth Plagueis.

99% of the truth hides 1% of the false!

Back then, Darth Masail gave 99% of himself to Darth Plagueis wholeheartedly, and only kept 1% ​​of his hole cards, that is, what Darth Plagueis would do in three years. Died by Darth Sidious.

And now, Darth Tenebrous too!

He gave 99% of his knowledge and commitment to Darth Malthael, but only kept 1% ​​of his hole cards... Darth Malthael does not know what this hole card is at present. But he knew that for this trump card, Darth Tenebrous would rather give up his incomparably powerful body in exchange for a chance to let birds fly in the sky.

Darth Masail naturally wouldn't naively think that he had the ability to control Darth Tenebrous, but he did believe that the bargaining chip in his hand could at least restrain the opponent for a little longer, so he believed in Darth Tenebrous. - Tenebrous' plan to give him a makeshift body to go out and find further opportunities to deal with Darth Sidious.

At that time, both the Fourth Civilization and Darth Malthael really needed more reinforcements.

But this one and only chance was seized by Darth Tenebrous and has since disappeared, and now, suddenly, he secretly shot Darth Sidious, the Galactic Republic, and Darth Massai Er, the Fourth Civilization, and even Earl Dooku and the Federation of Independent Galaxies have all been included in their chessboard!

A game of chess completely hidden in the darkness begins!

In fact, if it weren't for the existence of the protoss, then Darth Malthael would not be able to determine who made the shot now! After all, no one would have imagined that the protoss has such a strong control over psionic energy and original force, and can directly extract and control that force.

Normally, it is impossible for this plan to be exposed.

Because at that time, Darth Malthael himself did not think in other directions at all, and he still thought that the one who made the secret move might be Darth Maul, who should have woken up according to the plot!

The understanding of the plot, at this moment, invisibly gave him a preconceived weakness!

So when Shadili and Zekalas quarreled, he exploded his original force at will, which made Darth Tenebrous aware that part of his power was actually controlled, so he immediately Let your power dissipate.

However, at this moment, Darth Malthael knew the existence of the rough body, and also knew that Darth Tenebrous was behind the scenes, and Darth Tenebrous also knew that he knew up.

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