Chapter 1347 Mysterious Power

1347. Mysterious Power

After seeing the communication from Zekaras, Tang Xiao's mood instantly fell to the bottom, because he knew that Gabriel Tosh was seriously injured in the Kona galaxy before, and it was the protoss who rescued him.

Normally, it is impossible for ordinary people to hurt Gabriel Tosh, unless it is a Jedi knight. And Tosh's injury was related to the Galactic Republic's raid on the planet Semirs, which gave the raid a layer of conspiracy.

Even now, the Republic Fleet in the Semirs galaxy is still stubbornly resisting, and they are madly attacking the shipyard of the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier hidden between the planet and the interstellar base. The battle is very tragic.

This tragedy is not only the fleet of the Galactic Republic, but also the Semiers, and the Trench fleet defending nearby!

Because in the face of the frantic counterattack of the Republic Fleet, all tactics became futile, and there was only face-to-face confrontation. Even the experimental catastrophe-class battlecruiser equipped with a particle light spear began to advance, closing the distance to a position of 5 light minutes for long-range fire support.

Planet Semiles was completely turned into a meat grinder battle.

And Gabriel Tosh, as the person who first obtained this information, must have hidden the most critical information in him!

At present, it is only known that someone with the force of the dark side hurt him, but it is not clear who exactly. There are too many possibilities, Darth Sidious, Earl Dooku, or the Sisterhood of the Night, all of them have strong men who use the dark side force.

Moreover, they all have reasons to do so—don’t think that it’s okay if Tang Xiao and Earl Dooku are on the same side now, he knows very well that Earl Dooku is no less afraid of him than Darth Sidi. Erce.

So Tang Xiao asked Zekaras to investigate this matter. He believed that in this galaxy, no race or anyone could compare with Protoss in this regard.

Now, there are results.

"I have captured the force that attacked Gabriel Tosh, but this needs your further confirmation, Your Excellency Governor," Zekalas said.

"Wait for me, I'll be right over." Tang Xiao said immediately.

"This race that uses robots to communicate is the protoss you told me before?!" Shadili asked, "I am very interested to see this race that is said to be very powerful! Let's see what they are so good at." place!"

"Then come with me. You better not be angry with conflicts. After all, we all have a common goal now." Tang Xiao said.

"Of course not!" Shadili agreed.


The shuttle lands slowly on the secretive Delray II satellite.

This temple, which was once built by Lucian Del Rey to continue the inheritance of the Jedi covenant, has changed greatly now. The original buildings have all been remodeled. Except for the hidden buildings left outside, when you walk into this building complex that is almost a small town, you can see everything golden.

After entering the interstellar era, gold is no longer a valuable item. Even in the jurisdiction of the fourth civilization, there are more than ten asteroids of pure gold, let alone those mineral planets with large gold mines. up.

Therefore, in addition to being used as various raw materials, gold is also widely used for decoration, and the Protoss is a race that is keen on using gold for decoration.

Together, the protoss and the geth have built this place into a highly automated settlement and experimental center, which has everything you need. Factories, residences, laboratories, meditation rooms, spaceports, shipyards… you name it.

The protoss now also gave this place a name-Rono, which means the city of guidance.

Stepping off the shuttle, they headed for the deepest psionic lab, guided by a geth. When passing the training ground, Tang Xiao turned his head and saw a group of teenagers inside who were being taught by the priestess. Sensing his arrival, the priestess looked towards him and made a salute gesture.

Tang Xiao nodded in greeting. Here is the future of the Fourth Civilization—the Twilight Covenant, an organization of Force-sensitive people that belonged to the Fourth Civilization itself, cultivated since childhood!

But he noticed that among the group of boys and girls, there was actually an Injoli? ! This Injoli was bigger than anyone he had seen before, and the scales on his body were black and shiny, making him look extremely hideous.

Tang Xiao had an impression of this Injorian, named Karina, who is currently the only one of the Injorians who is sensitive to the force. She was very active in the Eriadu planetary battle and made a lot of military exploits.

So, even she came to Twilight Covenant for training?

Tang Xiao continued walking without stopping, but saw a man with a scar on his face, a burly figure, but wearing a suit to make himself look as gentle as possible, also standing outside the training ground, playing games on the universal tool on his wrist .

Although he was playing the game, he was very keen. He immediately turned off the game and came over to salute Tang Xiao, "Your Excellency."

"Shen Yuanhao? Your duty should be to be the supervisor on the Injori planet, coordinating the affairs of the Injori people, not hiding here and playing games." Tang Xiao said coldly.

Shen Yuanhao hurriedly said: "It's Karina's recent force showing signs of getting out of control, that's why I sent her here for adjustment."

"Out of control? You put a person whose force is going out of control with these children?" Tang Xiao frowned.

"This is what the priestess meant. She said that Karina needs the most basic force training in order to better control her force. Therefore, it is just right to learn from these children. The priestess also said that with her, Karina's force will not go out of control." Shen Yuanhao replied.

Tang Xiao nodded, waved his hand to signal him to back down, then went forward, took the elevator to the spiritual laboratory on the 10th floor underground.

Zekaras was already waiting at the door with Gabriel Tosh.

"Your Excellency, I have extracted the power of darkness that invaded Gabriel Tosh's mind, and I am waiting for your processing." Zekaras' voice sounded directly in Tang Xiao's mind, "For the way of the original force, we Still exploring, in this regard, you are the real authority."

Tang Xiao nodded, glanced at Tosh, and said, "I'll deal with your matter later, and now I'll take a look at the power you have extracted."

"This power is very evil and very weird," Tosh said.

"You are the protoss?! The empire that once dominated the river system?!" Shadili asked in a rough voice beside him.

"I am a glorious protoss, the eldest son of God, and the successor of Kara. But we have never claimed power, nor are we an empire." Zekaras replied flatly, and there was a hint of displeasure in his thoughts.

"Telepathy! Very strange! It seems that you are indeed qualified to be one of us!" Shadili said.

This time, Zekaras did not broadcast his telepathy, but directly conveyed an unknown word to Shadili.

Shadili snorted coldly, "Hmph! Don't be ignorant of flattery! If we are not rebuilding our homeland now, and the dark fleet is here, all your pride will become cosmic dust!"

Zekaras didn't know what to say again, Shadili paused, and said: "Hypocritical! You remind me of that disgusting Holy Spirit messenger! I want to know how we treated those Holy Spirit messengers during that war What?! We pollute their hearts! Distort their wills! Let them become the dirtiest, most disgusting sluts! Hahahaha!"

After a pause again, Shadili said: "You want me to go?! Impossible! I want to watch here! Look at your fancy tricks!"

"No matter what you are arguing about, stop it!" Tang Xiao said coldly, the force of the dark side burst out instantly, pushing the two away. His current control over the force of the dark side has been meticulous, and this shock even directly bypassed Tosh without any impact on his fragile nerves.

However, at this moment, his face suddenly changed, and he suddenly looked into the laboratory!

The force of the dark side actually sensed it at this moment!

Zekaras also felt something strange. He didn't care about arguing with Shadili, and immediately turned back to the laboratory. His voice quickly appeared in Tang Xiao's mind, "Your Excellency, the dark power we extracted, Disappeared."

Tang Xiao walked in, and saw a light blue ball of light floating in the middle of a golden device, and the ball of light was empty, with nothing in it.

"We extracted the dark power that invaded Tosh's mind, and restrained it with psionic energy, but just now, this power disappeared. It should have sensed your power," Zekalas said.

Tang Xiao's face turned gloomy at the moment, "That's right, and I also sensed his power... Rough Primarch!"

"We know that the form of the Force that exists in living organisms is called a mycoplasma, and what is a rough protoplasm? It sounds like the opposite of a midiplasm." Zekalas asked.

"I'll give you a copy of the manuscript about the rough body later. That person once taught me everything he had learned, including the rough body." Tang Xiao said coldly.

"You know this man?" Zekaras asked.

"That's right. In this galaxy, besides me, he is the only one who can know and use the rough body. Moreover, he is the only one who can use the power of the rough body so superbly!" Tang Xiao's face turned pale. gloomy.

"What do we need to do next?" Zekalas asked again.

"I will return to Dawn Star immediately. This matter is very troublesome." After Tang Xiao finished speaking, he walked towards the door, and he patted Gabriel Tosh on the shoulder and said, "You, follow me. I can treat your injuries for you, just do it on the spaceship."

While Shadili followed Tang Xiao's footsteps, he turned his head and said to Zekalas: "Ah, the incompetent telepath! We will meet again! I am looking forward to seeing how strong you are!?"

After boarding the shuttle, Tang Xiao asked Tosh to sit cross-legged and entered into a state of meditation, while he put his hand on Tosh's forehead, and the force of life began to work gradually. He found that the rough body left by Tosh The injury was very serious. If it wasn't for him, I'm afraid Tosh would only be a useless person in the future.

Tosh's nerves are almost everywhere damaged by the crude protoplasma. Although if he uses medical equipment to check, his brain nerves are all normal, but if he uses anything related to the force, His injuries would explode instantly, and even if he didn't die, he would still be a vegetable.

However, his greatest luck is that the most powerful and outstanding force healer in this galaxy is none other than the extremely dark Sith Lord—Darth Malthael!

The force of life is constantly running, repairing the damage in Tosh's brain nerves bit by bit with a degree of precision that even the most advanced medical equipment cannot do.

Soon, when the gas giant planet Endor appeared outside the porthole, Gabriel Tosh woke up again. He looked at Darth Malthael and said, "I owe you a life, Governor .”

Darth Malthael was noncommittal, but said: "You still need to receive several treatments. Although this person's force is very weak, it is extremely weird. Even if it is me, you have to be careful. Recently, you have been Follow me."

He turned to Shadili again and said, "What did you tell Zekaras?"

"A stupid race that still clings to the glory of the past and refuses to let go! They are as pedantic as the messengers of the Holy Spirit, and have the same obsession with cleanliness! This is the race that disgusts us the most!" Shadili said.

It seems that the Vasari and the protoss are naturally at odds... But it is true that in "Original Sin of a Solar Empire", the messenger of the holy spirit is indeed somewhat similar to the protoss in some respects, especially in the power of the mind on, and on racial cleanliness.

"In this case, it is better for you to have less contact with the protoss in the future." Darth Malthael finished speaking, and ignored them.

A moment later, the shuttle landed on the Glory mothership, Gabriel Tosh went to the hospital for an examination, and Shadili also bid farewell to Darth Malthael, and returned to the planet Cal to start the reconstruction and reproduction of his own race Work.

Darth Malthael returned to his office, and then went from the secret elevator to his most secret secret room.

In a corner of the secret room, there is a bhakta tank impressively placed, and the automatic device is constantly replacing the most expensive and top-grade bhakta liquid to soak one of the short corpses.

One, the body of the Biss...

Darth Tenebrous!

The master of Darth Plagueis and the grandparent of Darth Malthael.

And he is also the first Sith Lord to discover and use the crude body!

That's right, Gabriel Tosh was almost crippled by the power of his rudimentary body!

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Darth Malthael's face sank like water, and he murmured ferociously, "Do you want to play games with me? Darth Tenebrous!"

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