Chapter 31 Future Mother-in-Law

 This day is the day when Wen’s family and grandson get married.

At the same time, at Zanquan Villa, more than a hundred miles away from here, Cui, the eldest son's daughter-in-law from Yuanhou Mansion in the capital city, returned from the capital.

The Villa is a large complex of buildings that was originally the ancestral home of the Qi family. The main branch of the Qi family is in the capital, and there are some clan members here. Over the years, many people have moved in, forming a bustling and lively town.

When she came back this time, she had to renovate the ancestral tombs in her ancestral home, and she also had to repair the tombs and hold a memorial ceremony for her mother-in-law... the first wife of Zhenyuan Hou Qihong.

Mrs. Qi's family has been a military officer for generations. Her father doted on her mother all her life, and she had no one else around her. The two brothers above have a very good family tradition. Therefore, she was once a simple and bright woman who didn't know what trouble was. She had the temperament to talk and laugh happily in front of the deceased Queen.

 It's a pity...she didn't meet her husband after marriage...

The Cui family and the Qi family are of the same family, and this marriage was a gift from the late empress.

 She married the son of the eldest son of Qi and gave birth to the grandson of the eldest son of Qi. My husband is decent-looking and capable. He doesn’t engage in prostitution or gambling.

 Looking at it, speaking of it, this marriage is honorable and honorable.

It's a pity that the life she has lived these past few years is... It's ridiculous to think about it. How can she end up with such a husband and such a mother-in-law?

Her mother-in-law... Oh, actually she is the step-mother-in-law, the step-wife of the Marquis of Zhenyuan, and her husband's step-mother: Mrs. Qi, Mrs. Tan.

 Speaking of this old lady, she is a "wonderful person", whose origin is unknown, and she is not even beautiful. But I can let Marquis Zhenyuan remarry as his official wife! And given decades of decency.

Not only that, she also won the trust of her husband Qi Youyi...she is not her biological mother, but is better than her biological mother!

What’s even more sinister is that even his biological eldest son Qi Xiao admires her more than himself!

 That dead man Qi Youyi...that's all.

 But every time she thought of Qi Xiao's alienation and pickiness, Mrs. Qi felt extremely painful and she cried countless times.

 And Mrs. Tan is very good at dealing with others, not only at home she is a kind old lady. In the circle of ladies in the capital, he is also a well-known good person. A good reputation can spread thousands of miles from the capital to here...

Hey! But she...just doesn't like herself!

 Actually, my mother's family was not weak, and the dowry was rich. She got pregnant as soon as she entered the house, and later gave birth to a son. A doesn't matter whether she likes her or not.

 It’s just that the Tan family is a smiling fox, with a thousand tricks and tricks, one trap at a time...

And her husband and eldest son tried their best to defend her. No matter what happened, they always blamed themselves.

Later, Mrs. Tan arranged a marriage for Qi Xiao, and the eldest son’s daughter-in-law came in. Hey, she clearly stood by Mr. Tan’s side!

Every time she thinks of this, Mrs. Qi feels so depressed that she is going crazy.

Especially since the queen passed away a few years ago, the emperor has no scruples about her.

  Then... her mother also passed away, and her father was heartbroken. She didn't want to cause any trouble to her father because of her bad things. As for the two elder brothers, they have wives and children and are busy with their careers, so they are too embarrassed to bother them all the time.

She has reached middle age, and in the entire Qi family, only the youngest son Qi Wulang is the only one who is close to her...

Mrs. Qi now has long lost the smile she had when she was young, and is just a middle-aged lady with elegant clothes, cold eyes, thin lips and ruthless lips, who is not easy to talk to.

At this moment, she was waiting for her son Wulang and was thinking about something.

Hand on his right arm, which rests on the edge of the chair, he wears a wide and thick mutton-fat jade bracelet, and his brown satin shoes step on the pedal. His posture and expression were critical and careless.

 “Mother!” Wulang came in.

ah! The beautiful son is here!

Mrs. Qi’s world brightened up, a smile appeared on her face from the bottom of her heart, and she almost stood up to greet her son!

 The Qi Wulang in front of him is tall, with a thin waist and broad shoulders, a raised **** and long legs.

 That skin is whiter than most women, but her hair and eyebrows are extremely dark. She has a pair of well-defined auspicious eyes, with the front corners slightly lower and the back corners slightly higher... She is simply stunning!

Light pink lips, a sharp nose, a beautiful chin and a beautiful Adam's apple...

Although we are together every day now, Mrs. Qi still can't help but look at her from top to bottom. She has no daughter, a rich estate, and very boring leisure time, so she only likes to dress up her son! He was once groomed so that it was hard to distinguish between male and female. He looked like a troublemaker from a noble family.

 Since he was a child, he has been studying abroad and is only around occasionally. Mrs. Qi’s enthusiasm is always nowhere to be used! After finally returning from her studies, she was able to show off. But this son didn’t agree! He also has a very good idea. He is mysterious all day long and doesn’t know what he is doing. He often disappears for three to five months without asking anyone.

 Otherwise, at the autumn hunting party, on the polo field, at the palace banquet, who would be the most beautiful young man in the capital instead of my son? There was no possibility of realizing this beautiful scene, and Mrs. Qi was so anxious that her heart was scratching her head.

Looking at her son, she felt a mixture of joy and resentment in her heart, but there was a smile on her brows and in the corners of her eyes.

 But at this moment, Qi Wulang was saying things she didn’t like to hear!

"Mother, my son really has a lot of things to do, and it's really important. So... you can let the fourth brother take on more of the family matters, right?"

 He mentioned this several times, but Mrs. Qi rejected her every time. At this moment, seeing that he was still chattering, his face darkened.

 She is not happy!

 When she came back this time, she brought two "sons" with her. The other one was Qi Jian, born to Aunt Liu at home.

 Isn’t your life in the Qi family enough? I have no interest in promoting a bastard!

“Humph, it’s enough for me to have a precious son like you, but I have no interest in looking up to others!” Mrs. Qi rolled her eyes.

 “Mother...just give Fourth Brother a chance.”

"Ha! Give him a chance..." Mrs. Qi sneered, "That aunt of his is just a wallflower! She is secretly flirting with that person from the Minxiu Courtyard! Do you think I don't know?! This time, I want to If he didn’t follow me shamelessly, and you had to persuade me, I wouldn’t have brought him back!”

"My aunt is my aunt, and my fourth brother is my fourth brother. They are not the same thing! My fourth brother has always told me that he wants you to make the decision in his marriage!"

“He dares to offend the old lady in the main courtyard!?” Mrs. Qi laughed.

 Qi Wulang felt a little sad for his mother. He had just married into the family, and he had done nothing wrong, but he didn’t have the decency to be a wife...

“Mom, after all, that’s my grandmother. What about my grandchildren?”

"Grandma? Ha! Everyone is going crazy! Grandma... your grandmother is lying on Beishan Mountain!" She pointed outside. "That is your third uncle's mother, the grandmother of Qi Sanqi's six or so! Is she related to you father and son for half a tael?! You are a shady person!" She was scolding the **** who called her husband.

"Mother!" Qi Wulang was also a little helpless, "My son knows that you have been wronged! But, after so many years, you are still not used to it? Once you see it through, that's it. You don't expect them to live a good life!"

"Easy to say..." Mrs. Qi glanced at her son with disgust, "At such a young age, what can you see through?! Don't you know what I brought you back for?"

Seeing that her son was silent, Mrs. Qi repeated tirelessly: "We have to deal with the clan, supervise the expenditure of large sums of money, and maintain relationships in all aspects! We have to hold this industry in our hands! It's so good to have so many things. Why should you give it to him when you need some experience?”

Qi Wu said patiently: "Mother, my son has more important things to do, and he really can't spare any time. Besides, the fourth brother's marriage is better to be decided here. If he takes the lead in doing things, It’s also good for marriage!”

"He, I have to take a look! Okay, okay, don't worry about it, I know it well!"

“Mother, this is what my son thinks... Even though you don’t value it, for the sake of reputation, you can’t have only one son by your side!”

"Ha! I fell into a well, but I can still hang my ears? My biological eldest son can't even point me to him! How can I count on him?!"

Mrs. Qi glanced at her son and picked up the tea cup pretentiously, "You, don't go out of your way to support him. If you turn around, I will give you a heart-warming treatment! You, the Qi family, don't make any distinctions. "Forty-six children!"

"Haha... Mother, don't you still believe in your son? In the future... just watch! Even if you support the fourth brother, if he does something evil, your son will still be able to deal with him!"

Mrs. Qi sighed, "Oh, you have so many things to do! Okay, okay, this is what you"

Before she could finish speaking, someone came to report, "Madam, Zhang Cai and his wife are back!"

 “Ah! So fast?” Qi Wulang’s voice was full of surprise.

Mrs. Qi turned to look at him, oh! Look at his bright eyes and shining face... He looks like a morning star coming out just after the sun goes down!

 A sour and astringent anger hit Mrs. Qi's forehead...

  This is Wen Yu’s future mother-in-law and husband.



 (End of this chapter)

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