Chapter 30: Keep an eye on her

Hong Xing'er was quite happy after looking at the things given by the third wife in the room.

 Finally received a reward, but it was unexpected. After counting for a long time, I carefully put it away after seeing enough.

 Thinking of the eldest lady again...

With a glimmer of hope, I went out again. It was already dark, and I wandered around the eldest wife's courtyard. It was a coincidence that "just in time" Nanny Xu came out of the courtyard and saw her.

Hong Xing'er hurriedly stepped forward and saluted, "Mother Xu!" with a flattering look on her face.

"Oh, it's Hong Xing'er..." Nanny Xu said in a long voice and looked up and down. I saw Hongxing wearing a pink dress, with the stitches at the waist specially tightened, making her waist look slim and her figure slim.

 The narrow cuffs, with a bow, reveal the thin wrists wearing silver bracelets.

That bracelet was a gift from my wife when I came back last time.

 The palm-sized little face is powdered and smeared with lipstick, but it is neither thin nor thick and is suitable. The hair next to the ears was rolled up with something, and it looked very pretty against the little face.

I couldn't help but snort in my heart, if Miss Huan has such a girl next to her, she should be dealt with early in the morning! "I also said that if I spared some time, I would ask you to question me!"

“Mommy, if you have anything to ask, Hongxing will answer truthfully.” Hongxing was nervous and excited.

There was a stone bench on the side of the road. Nanny Xu sat down and said, "Then tell me, what's wrong with your girl?"

This tone, this expression...he is obviously unhappy!

“Mommy, our girl, what’s wrong with her?!” Hongxing stood honestly and asked carefully.

"Ha! What's wrong? You don't know how you got out of this house that day?!" Mother Xu said sharply.

Hongxing was so frightened that her hands sweated, "Girl, she seems... to have changed. She is not the same as before."

 “Speak carefully!” Nanny Xu raised her legs.

Hongxing recalled carefully: "Speaking of it, it seems to have started on her fifteenth birthday. That day... there was no birthday party at home. She cried all day! She even fell..."

 “Then what?!” Aunt Xu interrupted impatiently.

"Then, it suddenly changed. It was quite amazing... Oh, in the past, our girl was very soft-tempered and had no temper. She worked all day long and didn't pay much attention to things in the house. Food and water were cold. I won’t say anything when it’s hot. I can’t do it now. I can’t do this or that! Even when I enter the house, I have to say something, especially that Hongdou..."

 What trivial things...

"Okay! Stop talking nonsense!" Nanny Xu said impatiently: "Is there anything special?" "

"Special... Oh, she used to be very kind to her sisters. She was always thinking about making this and that for them. But a few days ago, the third girl wanted to eat the sweet-scented osmanthus cake she made, but she refused to make it! "Dare you refuse the third girl?" Hongxing was shocked.

 “What the **** is all this?!”

"Mommy..." Hongxing said a few things, but Aunt Xu was not satisfied. She was a little discouraged, "Now when the girl has something to do, she sends me out, and she only talks to the Hongdouer next to her!"

“ that good-looking girl?”

Hongxing is very dissatisfied...she looks very good-looking too!

“…It’s her! But in the past two days, the girl has always called her Zhuzhu, and I don’t know what’s going on. She may be sick, and her skin has turned dark and yellow recently!”

Aunt Xu looked at Hongxing speechlessly: "Those of you around us should not only serve the girl, but also see if the girl is behaving upright. Do anything or speak out of line! If you notice the signs, you can't stop them. , We need to tell the old lady or the old lady quickly! If a girl's family has a bad reputation, is it her fault alone? "

“Be the first one and I’ll punish those of you who serve you!” Aunt Xu pointed at Hongxing and scolded her!

 “Yes.” Hongxing was scared.

"How does my wife treat you on weekdays? Don't you have any idea in your mind? But this time, because of the eldest girl, the master even had a few words with the wife! The second girl even cried once. The wife has too much time to take care of herself, so how can she still do it? Remember to reward you girls? Tell me, aren't you making a mistake?"

Hongxing held the handkerchief, disappointed and scared.

"We have been married for so long, when has the master ever treated his wife like this? I asked you, and the result is good! I don't know anything about it! Did my wife's good intentions in the past go to waste?!" Aunt Xu scolded Hongxing.

“Mommy, I...” Hongxing wanted to explain.

"Shut up! Originally, the wife wanted to take the eldest girl to the capital, but now that the master is angry, who dares to mention it?! Where is the capital? You, a slave, can go to the emperor's feet in this life. How many generations of ancestors have saved it? Blessing!"

These words made Hongxing even more anxious. Who wouldn’t want to go to the capital?

“Mom, what do you think I should do?”

"Are you asking me? To tell you the truth, we won't take the older girl with us this time." She stood up, looked around, and then whispered to Hongxing: "The old lady will leave in half a year...according to me Guess, I probably won’t take her with me.”

"But if the whole family is going, how can we do it without the girl?" Hongxing opened her eyes wide and left the girl alone? "Why can't it be done?! How old is she? Isn't she married?"

"But the girl hasn't gotten engaged yet..." Hongxing wanted to argue, but then stopped. Yes, it is not impossible to marry her quickly and then the whole family leaves!

 “Oh my God! What can we do?”

"What should I do, you ask me? I want to go to the capital with my wife to enjoy my life, who cares what you do? You, go and go by yourself!" After that, he turned around and left.

 “Mommy, Mommy!” Hongxing shouted from behind.

 Mother Xu did not look back, while Hongxing was stunned.

 …Yes, everyone has gone to enjoy the blessings, who cares what I should do? She murmured to herself, but she didn't see that a chubby figure flashed behind a fence nearby and walked away very lightly.


 In the evening, Mrs. Wu, after a busy day, went back to the house to wash up and change clothes. Sitting on the stool, shoulders slumped, very tired.

 Mother Wu massaged her, "Are you exhausted today?"

“It’s good once you get used to it. It’s just that you have to be careful when the old man comes back.”

“I heard that Miss Li is very clever. When she comes in, you can teach her and she will be able to help you share some of the burden.”

 “Yes, it’s Dejiao. After all, I’ve arrived in the capital...I still don’t know what to do!”

“Madam, I think the third wife is quite capable!”

"Yes, Smiling Tiger, hum, he's very capable!" Wu thought that Guan's appearance today was much more difficult to deal with than Yuan's. Fortunately I'm not around...

 “Today she specially found an older girl, I don’t know what that means!?”

  "Hey... I don't know if I can get away with what happened to the old man a few days ago!" If the old man knew about it, he would definitely not let it go. "After a few days, you tell the people in Zhuangzi to deal with that **** severely!" Wu's teeth itch with hatred whenever she thinks about it.

"Yes. Madam, I heard from Qiu Shui that the three girls are not happy today."

 “Huh, what’s wrong with her?” Wu didn’t take it seriously and closed her eyes.

  “I said I had a few words with the older girl.”

“With Wen Yu?! Why?” Wu opened her eyes strangely and then closed them again.

“In the past, the eldest girl always made sweet-scented osmanthus cakes for the third girl. This time, the third girl wanted to give Miss Zhao two boxes and asked the eldest girl to make them, but the eldest girl refused.”

“Hey, do you still need to talk to Wen Yu about this? Let the kitchen cook one.”

 “Oh, madam, don’t tell me, what the older girl makes is better than what’s made at home or what’s bought from outside!”

“That’s nothing special! Eh? Why did Jiao’er send Miss Zhao as a gift?!”

"Hey, I heard that... Miss Zhao's brother is still the head of the case here! I have met him twice. He is really a handsome young man and a handsome scholar. He said that he can be a scholar this time!" Grandma smiled and said: The two servants can say whatever they want.

 "Ah?! Haha! This girl..." Wu laughed. "How old is she... Oh, she is a big girl too!"

 “Isn’t that right?! After finishing my business, you have to pay attention.”

"We...are going to the capital. I heard that the Zhao family is planning to find a reason in Guangdong. We can't move out of town! No matter how nice the person is, I don't want Jiao'er to be so far away from me. Let Qiu Shui watch over you. , don’t let her get too close to the Zhao family!”

"Yes, Qiu Shui understands." Qiu Shui is grandma's youngest daughter, "These days are passing by so fast. You are about to become a mother-in-law and a mother-in-law..."

 “Haha. I just hope that if we get married this time, we won’t delay Feng’er’s exam.”

Mammy started combing Wu's hair again.

Suddenly, Mrs. Wu opened her eyes and stood up, "You should keep an eye on Wen Yu. It's beneath my status to argue with a girl who is so unlucky. But she shouldn't offend Jiao'er with her low eyebrows." happy!"


 (End of this chapter)

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