The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 32: The male protagonist was dumped

Chapter 32 The male protagonist is dumped

Qi Wulang's handsome face was lightly pink on his cheeks, and his eyes were blinking. He was not as serious and cold as usual, but had a touch of tenderness unconsciously.

Mrs. Qi saw this and felt jealous in her heart. For a moment, she felt that life was boring.

 Muttered silently: Humph! Is this your "city"? It’s simply unreliable! You're talking to me so clearly, and you don't even care about your own future!

There are fools in the Qi family, all of them are "big lovebirds", and no one is reliable! !

Qi Wulang saw his mother's mouth moving, but couldn't hear what she was saying. He didn't say anything for a while to let Zhang Cai in. "Let them come in!" He ordered out first.

Mrs. Qi's heart became even more angry. She was such a considerate person in the entire Qi family, yet she was about to be snatched away by others before she even counted on him? !

 A pair of well-dressed servants who looked like a couple came in in a hurry, and when they saw...Wu Ling was there too! Their expressions became even worse. They looked at each other, lowered their heads, and kowtowed, "Madam, Fifth Master, the slaves are back!"

Mrs. Qi looked at them with a gloomy face, very disgusted with what they were about to say. After a while, he said coldly: "Get up!"

Zhang Cai and his wife stood up, looked at each other again, lowered their heads and said nothing.

 At this point, Mrs. Qi was surprised, "What's wrong?!"

He looked like a dead person!

Zhang Cai and his wife looked at Qi Wulang, their faces turned red and they hesitated to speak.

Qi Wulang, despite his beautiful appearance and young age, is talented and intelligent. He felt something was wrong and his expression became solemn.

But Mrs. Qi said irritably: "What's wrong?! Tell me quickly!"

Zhang Cai's wife gritted her teeth and said, "Madam, the two slaves have gone to the Qin family. Guess what? The Qin family has already engaged Miss Qin!"

"What did you say..." Mrs. Qi frowned. She didn't hear or understand...

 The woman said even more bitterly: "The Qin family has already engaged Miss Qin!"

Qi Wulang blinked his beautiful eyes and looked at his mother, Zhang Cai and his wife... He didn't understand either.

"You mean Qin Lianyue is engaged?" Mrs. Qi asked subconsciously.

Zhang Cai answered: "Yes. Madam, Fifth Master, it's Miss Qin Lianyue who is getting engaged. It's all settled! The Qin family put on lanterns and festoons! The one we've made is...Jiang Chuan, the second eldest son of Jiang's family, Duke Jingguo in the capital."

Jiang Chuan?

 I recognize it!

Qi Wulang was confused and stunned for a while, then murmured: "How is this possible? Are you really talking about cousin Lian Yue? Not other girls from the Qin family?"

Zhang Cai's wife looked at him in embarrassment, "Fifth Master, I have seen Mrs. Qin. She told me personally, clearly..."

"Du Liu'er! You bitch!" Mrs. Qi slapped the edge of her chair, causing her bracelet to hit hard, but she didn't care and started scolding her.

Qi Wulang looked at his mother blankly. His little face, which was originally as white as jade, turned even paler...

"Ha! She's not a toy when it comes to beating children! Later, when I gave birth to children, I thought I had changed! But it's true that a dog can't change from eating shit! As for Qin Lianyue, that yellow-haired girl, if it weren't for Du Liu'er's so many years For the sake of taking care of you, how could I agree to marry her?"

Qi Wulang remained silent and pursed his lips.

Mrs. Qi scolded her for a while, but still didn't believe it, so she asked again: "How could this happen? I haven't stopped communicating with her over the years, including the idea of ​​coming back to get engaged this time. It was all her was discussed between the two of us. Okay, why such a big change?"

Zhang Cai said: "Madam, I asked about it and said that it was the Second Young Master Jiang who came to the Qin Family Mansion to study for a month. He only went back after the New Year. He must have... met Miss Qin, right? ! There was no news after I returned, but a few days ago, someone from the Jiang family suddenly came to propose marriage, and the Qin family agreed immediately! "

"Then..." All this was too dreamy, and Mrs. Qi still couldn't believe it. Could it be that Du Liu's parents-in-law took a fancy to the lintel of Duke Jingguo's mansion and forced Du Liu'er to do so?

“Then…what did Du Liuer tell you?”

Zhang Cai said: "Mrs. Qin was very polite and asked about your return for a long time. Then she mentioned Miss Qin's marriage with a smile on her face. She didn't mention the previous verbal agreement between our two families. !”

Zhang Cai's wife then said: "Madam, this is no small matter. I don't know what your plan is, so I came back without saying much..."

 Mrs. Qi is really dizzy...

She had parents-in-law and a granddaughter, but she left them all alone. She left the capital for more than half a year, and even caused a big battle to repair a house and a grave...The main purpose was to arrange an engagement between Wu Lang and Qin Lianyue without telling the Qi family.

Even though the Qin family and Qin Lianyue were together, she felt they were not worthy of her precious son. But... Du Liu'er loves Wu Lang very much. During these years of studying in the Qin Family Mansion, she has treated Wu Lang even more thoughtfully than her own son!

 So, I really didn’t think about denying this marriage. Unexpectedly, Du Liuer, a bitch, was shocked. What should I do? ! Thinking that Mrs. Qi's tricks were already aimed at Wu Lang's marriage, Mrs. Qi broke out in a sweat... Could it be that Wu Lang would also fall into her hands?

Qi Wulang sat in silence for a while and asked softly: "...Have you seen Miss Qin?"

"I haven't seen you... I told you, Guangyuan Xing has new materials, she, she went to choose a dowry!" Zhang Cai's wife replied.

 In fact, Zhang Cai’s wife found out that Miss Qin was at home, but she did not see them. The phrase "Miss Qin went to choose a dowry" was made up by herself.

Since Qi Wulang was seven years old, he came to the Qin Family Mansion to study with Miss Qin’s great-grandfather, and he also lived in the Qin family. Zhang Cai and his wife were sent by Mrs. Qi to serve Wu Lang.

 Zhang Cai’s wife has met this Miss Qin before!

 She looks beautiful and charming, but she is also frail. Especially a pair of eyes, so pure and flawless that people feel heartbroken when they see them. She seems to have no idea, and always needs others to help her, take care of her, and make decisions for her.

 But privately, he is very calculating.

 Mrs. Qin and her daughter wanted Wu Lang to be her son-in-law, so they kept him in a cage when they were young. Other girls can't rely on Wu Leng's side.

 Hehe, Qin Lianyue is good at beating children...

Even she couldn’t tell how she did it, Wu Lang was detained! I believe that my future wife will be her...

As for Qin Lianyue, she would lose her temper at every turn, and would burst into tears if she didn't want to cry... Oh, what a naughty person!

 Although Wulang has a smart mind, what has a young boy seen? Every time at this time, I was so stupid that I didn't know what to do... I just followed her silently.

Madam is sympathetic to the fact that the fifth master left home when he was young and lived under someone else's roof. I was afraid that he would be wronged, so I was very generous with money!

 However, most of the money went to this girl Qin.

 Jewelry, materials, gadgets, a fine piano, and even antique vases were all bought... How old was Goro at that time! ? I just know that I will save money and give flowers to Miss Qin!

 Zhang Cai’s wife saw it in her eyes and felt pain in her heart. He tried to persuade her many times, but in the end, Qin Lianyue found out and somehow instigated her. Not only did the Fifth Master not listen, he even got angry with himself in the end!

 So, this time Qin Lianyue changed her mind and married another person. Although Zhang Cai and his wife were angry on their faces, they were actually happy in their hearts!

Our Wulang is so outstanding, even anyone who touches her is better than her!

Qi Wulang was still in a daze. When he was seven years old, he met Qin Lianyue, a pure childhood sweetheart. Even though he finished his studies and returned to the capital two years ago, the exchange of letters and various gifts between the two people never stopped.

This time, my mother came back under pressure, just to get engaged to her!

 But why is it like this now?

 It’s really hard for him to accept!

Young man couldn't help it anymore and stood up suddenly, "I'll ask her!"

As soon as Mrs. Qi heard the news, she was angry, hateful and anxious. She wanted to rush to Qin's house immediately, grab Du Liu'er's collar and curse: Who was chasing after him so shamelessly in the first place? !

Seeing that my son was so impulsive, he quickly said: "Don't go! Stop..."

Qi Wulang refused to listen and walked out.

Mrs. Qi quickly shouted: "Stop him quickly..."

Ke Qi Wulang has done well in studies since he was a child, and his martial arts skills have not fallen behind. Who can stop him?

Seeing the nimble figure twice, he was about to leave the hospital, "Fifth brother! Where are you going! Take Yuanyuan with you..." A five or six-year-old girl wearing a green gauze cloak was entering the courtyard and saw him. , with quick eyes and quick hands, he suddenly grabbed the skirt of his clothes...

Qi Wulang could get rid of his mother's men, but he couldn't get rid of his little cousin.

 Finally Mrs. Qi caught up...

Yes, the male protagonist originally had someone in his heart, and he was dumped.

But this woman will still come out to cause trouble...

I have been reading online articles for seven years and have read countless articles. When I write, I try hard to tell stories that I don’t know the follow-up to after just reading the beginning.

I just have a lot of spirit, but I don’t have enough writing power.

I already have an outline of this article, but my enthusiasm has died down for some reason... If any friends like it, I will try my best to finish it.

Thank you friends for your company.



 (End of this chapter)

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