Chapter 451

In the eyes of the dragon king, the black hole summoned by the black hole tower is the most perfect toy. It fell in the black hole that year, but it was actually sleeping in the black hole.

Now that it is summoned by the lord, it has become the master of black holes. It can control the black hole and even push it everywhere.

Wu Feng thought about it, the black hole tower can summon two black holes, but there are only several opportunities for these two black holes a day. At other times, this is a fixed decoration.

And if the black hole is used by the Dragon Dragon King, the black hole is the real big killer, and it can run around! It can completely destroy countless enemies.

At that time, I will leave the copy, and the starry dragon can use the black hole to help him open up the country. The God -level natural disaster of Ophara can be nothing!

So Wu Fengguo agreed: “Yes, you can drive one of the black holes, and the other black hole is used by the black hole tower.”

Hearing Wu Feng’s words, the excited roar of the Dragon Dragon King, it reached out, and the black hole fell into it. In front of the huge cast star dragon king, the black hole was even greater by his body.

As soon as the double claws of the Star Dragon King, this black hole began to shrink, and then turned to 1/4 of the size. Although its volume became smaller, the suction power was doubled.

If it is used to deal with the enemy, I am afraid that epic enemies will be sucked into it in minutes and then swallow.

After mastering the black holes, the strength of the Dragon Dragon King rose sharply. He did not hesitate to push the black hole and smashed into the enemy farther!

I saw a huge black hole began to move slowly. Any natural disaster alien in that direction was absorbed into the black hole from a distance, and then turned into a nutrient with black holes.

The level and attributes of the cast star dragon rose rapidly, but the black hole moved forward for 1,000 meters, and the cast star dragon king rose to level 7, and his body became larger.

The performance of the casting dragon king made Wu Feng open his mouth. This is too fierce. The shot is to launch the black hole. Now the black hole is really his ‘toy’, and it is also the most powerful weapon. Natural disasters are alien!

Seeing this, Wu Feng made a decision: “Sol, you kill the black hole, I will let Rylier cover you with the Angel Legion!”

Hearing the lord’s instructions, the Dragon Dragon King looked at the darkness outside. He was not only afraid, but also a little excited.

Sol nodded: “Lord, then I started to slaughter! These abominable natural disaster aliens actually wanted to get the last essence of the rune land! All die!”

Sol also moved. On the star tower and the planetary tower, Wu Feng flew out of the star projection of Starchen appeared next to Sol.

He was the summoning Xingchen projection formed the Xinghe to protect himself. The attacks of many natural disaster aliens below could not threaten him.

Moreover, the black hole can also absorb a variety of tangible and intangible attacks. Physical attacks and energy attacks cannot escape the black hole. Only a few attacks can fall on the cast star dragon king.

In the case of Xinghe’s body, Solka is invincible!

Wu Feng thought that if he summoned the mythical Zhou Tianxing Tower, then Sol would not take off! Zhou Tian Xingchen Tower is a mythical star defense tower, and it is also within the scope of Sol!

From this point of view, Sol will have the final form at that time, to borrow the powerful heroes of the two mythical defensive tower two mythical defensive towers of Black Hole Tower and Zhou Tianxing Tower. This is indeed a strong one!

Today’s cast star dragon king just borrowed the power of black holes to give him a far more lethality than his level. After seeing the casting star dragon king pushed the black hole for 5 kilometers, a Zerg lord led the team just to rush over over. Essence

The fifth -order Zerg lord just rushed over to destroy the camp in front of him, and saw a black hole in the sky coming.

Seeing this big guy, the Zerg lord is numb!

“What did I see! This black hole was coming!? Black holes could still move like this?”

When the Zerg lord was stunned, he found that a powerful suction power came, and he sucked it directly into the black hole.

The Zerg lord and the Zerg Legion of His Majesty were almost swallowed by black holes. There are still many powerful legendary BOSS and even epic BOSS. At the edge of the black hole, they are scattered into countless flesh and stars.

As soon as Sol was very excited, the star dust fell into his mouth, and some stars also lingered beside Sol, becoming a part of his body’s galaxy.

When Wu Feng saw this scene, he asked the casting star: “Sol, what materials do you need to cast stars, can you use this kind of star dust?”

Sol nodded: “Lord, even if the smallest star is cast, it also needs 1,000 units of star dust and massive mythical resources and epic resources.”

“These legendary BOSS can only extract the star dust of 1 unit, epic BOSS, and can only drop the star dust of 10 units.”

“If you want to cast Xingchen, such a little stars are not enough, not to mention a lot of mythical resources!”

Hearing this, Wu Feng smiled slightly: “Mythical resource? You don’t have to worry, as long as you make up the stars, you can open the cast star, mythical resource, I will definitely match you!”

The Dragon Dragon King did not expect his lord to be so confident. He then noticed that a large amount of resources in civilized fire were put in, and then used to make runestone and upgrade rune technology.

Seeing Wu Feng throwing the mythical resources piled into a hill into a civilized fire, he upgraded the rune manufacturing technology, he understood why the lord was so confident.

This mythical resource is used in the hands of the lord, which is completely used as ordinary items!

Sol is also more confident in the casting stars. It has to collect more stars and feel it. It feels that a large number of enemies in front of them are gathered. The cast star dragon king immediately pushed the black hole and continued to rush in that direction!

The huge body of the dragon king was like the stars in the starry sky, which also illuminated the eternal night, allowing countless natural disaster aliens to notice him.

Therefore, the natural disaster alien BOSS that killed the Star Dragon King was extremely many, and even a group of abyss devil rushed towards the Dragon Dragon King.

They bypassed the black hole in front of the casting dragon king. They wanted to sneak attack from the side and behind. The body of the star dragon king was thousands of meters long.

But when the abyss demon dragons approached, they discovered that there was a large group of angels beside it. It was the Angel Legion led by Rylier to protect the Star Dragon King.

This is mainly because when casting the star dragon king launched a black hole, he couldn’t take care of his side and rear, and Ri Lier could deal with the enemy who came.

As these abyss demon dragons approached, Rylier opened his wings directly, and the four wings flew together.

Rui Lier cooperated with many angels to stop a group of abyss demon dragons. At this time, Kris suddenly shot, and she was also responsible for solving strong enemies with the Dingxinglong King.

She punched it into an abyss magic dragon fiercely and burst it on the spot!

Today, Kris, there is a blessing of a higher night guard organization. Her combat effectiveness naturally has a qualitative leap!

Night guards: Legendary hero organization, currently 16 members, can increase the chance of summoning the hero of the night guard 68%.

Mythical level (4 people): One Boxing Superman · Saitama, Justice Superman Kris, Dark Goddess · Yuzhu, Casting Star Dragon King Orellian Sol.

Epic (6 people): Night Ranger · Georot, Ghost Swordsman · Garma, God Blood Assassin Kurd, Bounty Hunter Sarah, Rune Sword · Galen, ominous Blade, Katrina.

Legendary (6 people): Shadow scouting Timo, Steel Ambassador Bobby, Dark Summoner Annie, Curse Mumini, Dark Mage Vigga, and Big Head Inventor Heimeminge.

According to the quality of members, the 34 -layer tissue force is activated (the quality of the myth is increased by 4 layers, the epic quality is improved by 2 floors, and the legendary quality is improved by 1 layer).

Organization provides attribute bonuses: All attributes are increased by 680%.

Organization provides a bonding bonus: All the members of the night guard can obtain despair and combustion ability. The despair burning time increases by 200%and the attribute increase increases by 200%.

More than 20 floors of the nightmare organization’s power has improved Kris’s combat power. She is a three -fist on the abyss magic dragon.

The detonation of the abyss Demon Dragon continued to fly out of the stars, and it was directly absorbed by the casting dragon king. The number of stars he stored began to increase.

This team just entered the territory of the natural disaster, and it passed directly at a natural disaster fortress!

After spending about 20 minutes, the Dragon Dragon King appeared over the Zerg of the Zerg. The Zerg fortress, who was disguising the civilized fire species, did not expect that they were fishing and fishing!

Seeing that the huge black hole was pushed, the Zerg lord was crazy: “What is the situation? How can there be a black hole coming! Even if there is a black hole tower, it is impossible to push the black hole directly like this!”

“Hurry up! Go to attack the dragon who pushed the black hole, it must be that he was controlling this black hole and killed him to keep our fortress!”

The Zerg lords are crazy. They know that if the black hole comes, their fortress will be destroyed in minutes.

So they did not care about others, sent all their own flight forces, and rushed towards the Dragon Dragon King together.

Faced with densely dense in the sky, like Wuyun -like Zerg, the casting dragon king smiled coldly: “You are sending to death! Just turn you into my nutrients!”

“Black Hole, burst into me!”

The cast star dragon king fiercely launched the suction of the black hole. I saw the endless suction power suddenly erupted. The countless Zergs who came to the crime wanted to bypass the black hole, but the absorbing power was absorbed into the scope of the black hole by the sudden outbreak.

In this case, their crazy struggle has no effect. The suction of the black holes far exceeds their power. Even some epic -level highly toxic dragon BOSS is also swallowed by the black hole.

The use of black holes using the Dragon Dragon, almost a wave of outbreaks made the Zerg’s flight army all overwhelmed. This is higher than that of Rylier’s opening of the wings of the angel.

At this moment, the Zerg was hit hard. In the Zerg, more troops could not send more troops to surround the cast star dragon king. He also decisively pushed the black hole and appeared over the Zerg.

With the power of the black hole, the various defenses of the Zerg Fortress were instantly destroyed by the black hole. The enemy and defense facilities of the fortress were devoured by the black hole!

[Ding … successfully destroy the heart of the mother’s nest, break through the natural disaster fortress (small) in the eternal night, complete the achievement of the exorcist, get 20,000 points of hunting points, the number of night guard recruits +1, the quota of the summoning arms +1000 places Essence .

[Ding … successfully break through the natural disaster fortress (small), complete the achievement of bright messenger achievements in the eternal night, and you get an additional 30,000 challenge points. .

[Ding … successfully breaking the natural disaster fortress (small), hitting the natural disaster alien in the eternal night, you get an additional 30,000 league experience value. .


A small fortress was destroyed in minutes, and Ri Lier found that the efficiency of the Casting Star Dragon King broke the city at least one grade higher than her!

After destroying this Zerg fortress, Wu Feng found that he had added a number of night guard recruitment places. In this way, Wu Feng could recruit other night guards in Eternal Night!

He looked at the boss who was on the side: “You will be interested in joining my territory and following me to fight with me?”

Facing Wu Feng’s invitation, the boss Wang hesitated, and then he said: “I am willing to join your territory, but I need to protect the type of civilized fire and save it to the next era …”

Wu Feng smiled slightly: “The two are not conflicting. My goal today is also the kind of civilized fire type that preserves rune civilization. Our goals are exactly the same.”

“As long as you join my territory, I will definitely try my best to preserve civilized fire.”

The boss Wang no longer hesitated, he nodded: “Then I am willing to join your Majesty and fight together with your own!”

The additional recruitment quota of the Zord Fortress has once again added a Asian mythical nightrier in the night guard organization of Wu Feng.

His level is as high as sixth -level, which is a very important combat effectiveness. After all, after the level is high, the boss Wang’s combat power is higher than that of ordinary third -order mythical heroes.

It is just that he does not need him to shoot for the time being, and Wang Boss did not participate in the war.

However, after the boss Wang joined, he found that the boss Wang did not completely join Wu Feng’s territory. He needed to complete the mission in the eternal night before he could bring the boss of Wang out of this time and space.

So far, Wu Feng hasn’t yet touched the clue of the eternal night. It happened that the boss Wang was here, and Wu Feng looked at him: “Pharaoh, what conditions do you need to come?”

The boss Wang groaned for a while, and then said, “I have heard a rumor that the level and quantity of civilized fire in the eternal night reached the standard, and I will summon dawn together.”

“Now in the eternal night, countless civilized fire species are guarded by night guards and the power of many civilizations. Our rune civilization fire species is just one of them.”

“After the end of the eternal night, all civilized fire types need to be re -ignited and upgraded, and I don’t know how many civilized fire types are preserved today …”

After listening to Boss Wang’s words, Wu Feng found that the focus of the last task was still on the type of civilization.

This actually requires the level and quantity of civilized fires to reach the standard in order to summon dawn dawn. Then Wu Feng needs to try to save the rune civilization fire, and find a way to improve its level.

“Even I better look for more civilized fires. If I protect several civilized fires and improve their levels at the same time, the chance of completing the task should be higher!”

Thinking of this, Wu Feng signaled that the casting star and others could continue to find a natural disaster fortress and destroy it. By the way, you can find other civilized fire species!

Wu Feng also found that this is another way to reduce pressure. Now he let the black hole tower covering around the territory with the second black hole, which can ensure that the territory is solidly golden soup.

The team where the Star Dragon King is located can also sweep the natural disaster fortress outside, which greatly reduces the pressure of his side, so Wu Feng thinks about enhancing the strength of the cast star dragon king.

The casting star is the main force of destroying the natural disaster fortress. Only by enhancing his strength can we better sweep the surrounding natural disaster fortress and prevent them from easily concentrating their strengths.

While killing the Star Dragon King to another natural disaster fortress, Wu Feng used mythical exclusive equipment calling cards. This was used for the cast star dragon king.

As Wu Feng consumes a precious mythical prop, there is a robe that is woven from the stars in Wu Feng’s hands. The starlight on it shines, obviously the equipment that can enhance the power of the stars.

After the name of this piece of equipment, after sending this congenital artifact to the cast star dragon king, the cast star dragon king put on a layer of gauze.

His combat power immediately obtained a qualitative leap. The Xinghe, who guarded himself, all had the ability to kill the enemy directly and destroy the enemy.

The Dragon Dragon King also brought a black hole to another natural disaster fortress. This is a devil fortress with a large number of demon lords and bosses.

As soon as the Dragon Dragon King fell temporarily, countless devils flew out of the demon fortress. They also took the initiative to initiate charge and want to kill the casting dragon king.

These devils are more cunning than the Zerg. They killed from other directions to the Dragon Dragon King. They divided into many troops and wanted to bypass the black holes.

But after having the starlight god clothes, the casting dragon king is much easier to destroy this group of demons, and I saw a galaxy around the demons.

Countless stars hit, forcing the demon to bypass these stars, but this also caused them to fall into the absorption range of the black hole, and was immediately swallowed by the black hole.

In addition to some of the demons that are fast and running out of the Xinghe range, the other devils are swallowed up by black holes!

And this devil fortress is still a bit different. Among them, there is a sub -mythical black devil. He opened the wings of the devil, drawn endless power from the darkness, and then rushed to the Dragon Dragon King.

In the face of this big BOSS, the cast star dragon king is very happy: “Very good, the sub -mythical enemy can provide the star dust of 50 units, and it can also provide the core of the stars of 1 unit. More, equivalent to mythical materials! ”

“Out of you, I can really make starting stars, so let me die!”

Facing the six -order black -day demon, he has risen to level 35 now, but he is no longer at all. The black hole is in hand, and the Asian mythical BOSS can be killed!

So the Dragon Dragon King used the tricks he had never used before, and the stars blasted!

There was a star projection in the Xinghe River suddenly come and exploded, which caught the black sky demon. When the bombing body was unstable, the black hole came then, covering the Black Sky Demon.

But the black sky demon was not easy. He struggled at all, and he walked out of the black hole step by step. The cast star dragon king could only continuously increase the suction of the black hole, which is equivalent to the angle with the Black Sky Demon.

In this case, Kris made a decisive shot: “Give me you! Eat me with a god of heaven!”

Kris’s heavy punch fiercely fell. Her magic fist was extremely sharp and burst out, enough to hit the Black Sky Demon. This sub -mythical BOSS was immediately created by a punch and then swallowed up by the black hole!

As the black sky demon was crushed by the black hole, the casting dragon king took a deep breath, and he opened his mouth and sucked into the core of the stars and stars he had extracted.

The wave of casting the dragon king was extremely large, and Wu Feng was too late to stay under the hole.

At this time, the body of the Black Sky Demon is completely swallowed by the casting dragon king, all of which have become his nutrients. Wu Feng, who had a little pain, saw the attributes of the casting dragon king soaring, it was no less than absorbing the evolutionary blood blood blood. He was a bit better.

The enemies swallowed by the black hole will eventually feedback to the cast star dragon king, which is equivalent to the disguisedness of the cast star king to squeeze this boss.

Wu Feng can calm down the Dragon Dragon King to deal with the BOSS of natural disasters, and extract less corpses, so he should be fed to the King of Dragon Dragon.

After the Black Sky Demon BOSS was destroyed, this devil fortress could no longer stop the casting dragon king. He immediately launched a black hole and burst the devil fortress!

[Ding … successfully destroy the devil’s heart, break the natural disaster fortress (small) in the eternal night, complete the achievements of the exorcist, obtain 20,000 points of hunting points, recruit a number of nightmen +1, and the number of summoning arms +1,000. .

[Ding … successfully break through the natural disaster fortress (small), complete the achievement of bright messenger achievements in the eternal night, and you get an additional 30,000 challenge points. .

[Ding … successfully breaking the natural disaster fortress (small), hitting the natural disaster alien in the eternal night, you get an additional 30,000 league experience value. .


For only two hours, the cast star dragon king destroyed two small fortress. This efficiency and destruction of rotten rhythm made Wu Feng extremely satisfied.

As long as you continue, the Dragon King Dragon King destroys more natural disaster fortress at all. Boss Wang did not expect that the lord in front of him can not only help keep the civilized fire, but also kill the fortress of the natural disaster!

This scene is afraid that natural disasters are absolutely impossible to imagine!

“Lord, you are so powerful, with your existence, it is our luck! Since your hero has the strength to kill, can you help us find the night guard scattered?”

“My peers of the night guards will look for civilized fires and find ways to protect these fires. However, natural disaster aliens are looking for fire species everywhere. Many camps have been destroyed.”

“If you meet other night guards in the wild, I hope you can bring them back …”

The news of the boss Wang made Wu Feng’s eyes bright, and there were night guards in the wild? That’s good news! Now that he destroyed a demon fortress, he received another recruitment of night guards.

Wu Feng invited Zhang Xunzi to join the night guard. He could use this to increase the number of members of the night guard. In the future, destroying other natural disaster fortress can also increase the recruitment of the night guard. Can let them join them again!

Now that the two new members have joined the night guard organization, the combat effectiveness of the casting dragon king and Kris has improved again. The efficiency of the casting dragon king over destroying the natural disaster is really greatly improved.

The Dragon Dragon King was ordered by Wu Feng, and while looking for the night guards in the wild, he wiped out many natural disaster fortress. In the entire eternal night, the starlight left by the cast star dragon king. It’s a little bright.

In this case, Wu Feng concentratedly produced runes, and many of his god -oriented divisions continued to produce various rune stones to him.

After the Master of the Doomsday and the natural disaster, Wu Feng turned to let the gods make the magic tattooing rune stones suitable for the Angel Corps.

Earlier, after repeated repeatedly, Rylier made a rune stone called Guangming.

Rune Stone (Light): Legendary Rune Stone, putting in the rune language bar can increase the full attribute of 8,000 points and 50%optical skills. Each level of 1 can increase the full attribute of 300 points.

The inlaid equipment inlaid holes can be increased by 8,000 points and 100%equipment spell damage bonus. The optical skills level with the equipment attached to the equipment is additional+2 levels.

The light runes are also legendary rune stones. Its light attributes and angels are a perfect match. Wu Feng asked the gods to make a lot of light runes and equip the angels with such rune stones.

Therefore, each angel can easily purify the natural disaster’s alien with light, and their combat effectiveness has a significant improvement as the doomsday mage!

The number of angel arms is very amazing. In addition, Wu Feng can increase the number of summoning arms in the eternal night by destroying the natural disaster fortress.

Wu Feng summoned angel soldiers as the main force. Tens of thousands of angel soldiers, the need for rune stones was very amazing.

Although Wu Feng has a large number of masters and masters, he also needs a lot of time to provide angel soldiers with light and runes.

In this case, Wu Feng is a dual -line operation. While paying attention to the expansion operation in Tianyu No. 012, he stares at the situation of the magic lobe to make rune stones.

8 hours after he entered the eternal night, around 10 o’clock on March 24, three moon appeared in the sky!

[Ding … Ding Endless Alarm 799th Flooring is shined with Ziyue (Crescent Moon State). The level of all monsters is increased by 3, the refresh efficiency is 100%, the BOSS refresh probability increases by 100%. Extreme state (increased by 20%of the probability of mutation). .


[Ding … Ding Endless Abs is the 799th layer of blood and moonlight (crescent state). The level of all monsters increases by 3, and the refresh efficiency increases by 100%. Status (increasing attack power by 30%and decreased defensive power). .


[Ding … Ding Endless Alarm 799th Floor by the Black Moon (the status of the remnant moon), the level of all monsters increases 6 levels, the refresh efficiency increases by 200%, the BOSS refresh probability increases by 200%. (The full attribute increased by 20%, and the 20%chance of evolving into a higher -level BOSS). .


This time is the New Moon of Ziyue and Bloody Moon, and the disabled moon of Hei Yue. The scene of the March of this month also allows Wu Feng to face the charge initiated on the 799th floor in the face of the abyss demon king.

It was just that Wu Feng was ready to have been prepared in the case of Yiyi Mo. He set up several rainbow cities and many mythical defense towers at the gate of the abyss.

There are two Zhou Tianxing Tower guards, and the 798th abyss demon army is suppressed by the Great Formation. The power of the two Zhou Tianxing Tower is not inferior to the black hole tower.

The abyss demon can not break through Wu Feng’s defense, and can only be reduced to the object of sending resources and supplies.

When Wu Feng sees it, he can also suppress the percentage, and he can rest assured: “When the March disappears, I can bring two Zhou Tianxing Tower into an unlimited trial.”

“This eternal night copy, I am afraid that it will not be brushed in a day. At that time, the infinite trial will be brushed, and the Zhou Tianxing Tower will be brought into the eternal night copy.”

Wu Feng started working together, and the brushed hunting points and resources were very amazing. Over time, his jade manufacturing skills were upgraded quickly.

The jade manufacturing method rises from level 1 to level 2, and 100,000 runes need to be made. With his current manufacturing efficiency, it will rise to level 2 for more than an hour.

Level 2 is 3rd, and 200,000 rune stones need to be made. This is 3 hours. The subsequent level 3 is 3rd, 4 and level 4 and 5, which takes longer.

After Wu Feng and others entered the eternal night of almost 20 hours, the level of jade manufacturing was finally promoted to level 5 by Wu Fengyi!

From level 2 to level 5, the jade manufacturing method consumed Wu Feng’s more than 150 billion magic crystals and a large amount of orange resources. This is really burned out!

The average lord, how can there be so much money to burn, even the big guy on the 796th floor of the 796th floor, dare not burn money like this!

And Wu Feng is different. As long as he has a large amount of resource crystal, about 10,000 resource crystals are enough for him to extract almost 10 billion magic crystals.

Today, [Blue Star First Handsome Guy] is still crazy acquisition of resource crystal in the 796th floor. After reaching cooperation with several business alliances, the [Blue Star First Handsome guy] acquiring resource crystal efficiency is very scary.

These business alliances can help [Blue Star First Handsome] to acquire various resource crystals from other places. It is more efficient to buy resource crystals from them. Although the price will be slightly more expensive, it is better for Wu Feng. s Choice.

Among them, the [Blue Star First Handsome guy] has also been contacted with the staff of the 796th layer. The most important channel for acquisition is the side of the Treasure!

Wu Feng, as the object of investment in [rich world], is also a VVIP customer. In addition, his capital contribution is huge.

Therefore, these 20 hours, [Blue Star First Handsome Guy] acquired 2 million resource crystals, and the efficiency of obtaining resource crystals in the future will be very high.

On the other hand, after the civilization fire raised the jade manufacturing method to level 5, its effect was enough to surprise Wu Feng.

Jade manufacturing method: Level 5, spend 300,000 magic crystals and 30 units of perfect resources, can randomly manufacture a rune within the perfect quality (orange), manufacture 500,000 runes and invest 10 billion magic crystals and 10,000 units mythology Grade resources can upgrade the jade manufacturing technology to level 6.

The probability of jade manufacturing is 20%, the chance of green is 30%, the chance of blue is 30%, the chance of purple is 6%, the chance of orange is 3%, and the legendary probability is 1%.

Each rune producer can obtain different attributes to improve each of the runes. The white runes increase the full attribute by 1 point, the green runes increase the full attribute by 2 points, the blue runes are increased by 5 points, the purple runes, the purple runes, Increase the full attribute of 10 points, the orange runes increase the full attribute by 50 points, the legendary runes increase the full attribute of 200 points, and the epic rune increases the full attribute of 1,000 points.

Level 5 jade manufacturing technologies can have a clear 1%chance to create a legendary rune, that is, [Little Red Carp] This kind of luck is made to make runes, and the chance of obtaining the legendary rune is higher. It’s right.

As long as there are enough magic crystals and resources, it can be regarded as the legendary legendary runestone.

Today, Wu Feng’s Doomsday Master Legion and Angel Army are already equipped with two legendary rune stones, and their combat effectiveness has a qualitative leap!

“After Rune Technology reaches level 5, it will help unlock junior technology. Level. ”

When Wu Feng saw Rune Technology of Level 5, he also felt the power of this technology. At that time, the chance of producing legendary runes will be greatly improved. At the same time, the next level of technology of jade manufacturing method will also be You can invest in magic crystals and resources to activate!

Primary Technology: God Jade Manufacturing Method (Non -activated, the level of jade manufacturing method reaches level 5 to activate, activation requires 10 billion magic crystals, 10,000 units mythical level resources)

10 billion magic crystals and 10,000 units mythical resources. Wu Feng invested enough magic crystal and resources in the civilized fire.

Shenyu’s manufacturing method is only one of the four major primary technologies, but its effect is already very powerful. For Wu Feng, it is very useful!

God jade manufacturing method: Level 1, spend an additional 1 million magic crystal and legendary resources of 10 units when creating runes, which can increase the chance of manufacturing high -level rune stones.

The chance of making purple quality increases by 20%, the chance of orange quality increases by 10%, the legendary probability increases by 3%, and there is a very small chance to create epic runestone.

Upgrade conditions: Successfully manufacture 50 epic runes and invested 20 billion magic crystals and 10,000 units mythical resources, which can upgrade the science and technology of Shenyu manufacturing to level 2.

The primary technology of Shenyu manufacturing method is a technology that specializes in manufacturing high -level rune stones, which is equivalent to spending more money to improve the chance of obtaining advanced rune stones.

This method of making requires a lot of magic crystals and legendary resources. Wu Feng calculates that if the method of manufacturing method of Shenyu manufacturing during the jade manufacturing method is added, the cost is more than 10 times that of ordinary rune production. This is mainly the value of legendary resources.

“Although it is a bit expensive, this can get epic -level rune stones. I have not obtained other epic rune stones except the three rune stones I have taken before.”

“Whether it is the magic rune stone or the rapid rune stone, it is very powerful, if the energy is produced …”

Wu Feng was excited, and he decided to let the high -level divine divisions tried to launch the god jade manufacturing method during production, which mainly went to the production of higher -level runes.

Only by opening the magical jade manufacturing method can there be a very small chance to create an epic runestone. Otherwise, regardless of mythical heroes or epic gods, it has never made an epic -level rune!

“Zhang Ling, you and your guys can open the use of Shenyu manufacturing, let me see if the material of this god jade is different …”

Wu Feng immediately let the gods and teachers be created. They can activate the magic jade manufacturing method when making runes to improve the output.

Zhang Ling tried in front of Wu Feng. After seeing that he invested 1 million magic crystals and legendary resources of 10 units, he got a white jade.

This white jade is not a whiteboard item. The legendary resources consumed by Wu Feng are all on this white jade. The quality of this white jade is very high. If it is decomposed, you can get the legendary rune essence!

And Zhang Ling’s holding Bai Yu was very nervous: “Such a precious material, if you don’t have the good heat when drawing, it is really a waste of heaven!”

Zhang Ling is very nervous, but his technical level is here. After seriously operating, he successfully made the legendary runestone with the jade of this material!

Rune Stone (Resurrection): Legendary Rune Stone, putting in the rune language bar can increase the full attribute of 8,000 points and 50%of the treatment of spell. Each level 1 can increase the full attribute of 300 points, with the legendary skills: resurrection.

The inlaid equipment inlaid holes can increase the full attribute of 8,000 points and 100%equipment spell damage bonus. The therapeutic skill level with the equipment attached is additional+2 levels, with legendary skills: resurrection.

The resurrection rune stone is another rune stone equipped with the angels of the angels. The resurrection of its attached can increase the number of resurrection.

The angels resurrected each other. Often, as long as the whole army is overwhelmed, even if there are casualties during the battle, they can pull each other!

This is much stronger than other spells! Faced with such an angel force in Lai Pippi, you have to have a headache for how many natural disasters.

Zhang Ling continued to use Shenyu manufacturing in a row. This is much higher than the previous chance!

Wu Feng nodded secretly: “Shenyu’s manufacturing method is really powerful, investing more magic crystals and resources, there are still gains!”

“The number of legendary rune stones can come up when the masters of the god pattern are made! Give me open!”

After Wu Feng activated the God’s jade manufacturing method, the probability of the gods of the gods to make legendary rune stones changed from 28th to Sanqi Kai. It can even reach the probability of four or six open experiences like Zhang Ling.

The Grand Grand Masters of God, the probability of making legendary rune stones has changed from five or five. This is greatly improved to equip the angels and soldiers with two legendary rune stones.

Its penetration rate has reached 20 %! There are more than 8,000 angel soldiers, all equipped with light runes and resurrected rune stones!

However, the legendary runestone is just the way. Wu Feng is most concerned about the production of epic runestone.

Under his gaze, the sword god surnamed Sword God also launched the magic jade manufacturing method with interest, and directly got a white jade from it.

The surnamed Sword God stared at the white jade, and he smiled: “The material of this white jade is very good, and he can barely accommodate my sword.”

“Lord, you look good, learn well, my two -sleeved green snake can also be engraved on this jade!”

Speaking, the sword god surnamed Li pointed out like a sword and sketched it on it. The sword of the sword god of the surname of Li was flourishing, leaving a very clear pattern on the white jade!

This time is still a sharp sword that is stunned, but the sword meaning contained in it is a qualitative leap!

With the last strand of swords of the sword god, the sword of the sword of the sword is engraved in the white jade, a brand new rune stone has taken shape, Wu Feng’s eyes widened: “It is really an epic rune stone! Lao Li!”

(This chapter is finished)

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