Chapter 450 Rune Land, control the black hole!

Civilized fire (rune civilization): immortal items.

Current status: activation status, level 1 civilized fire (basic civilization and technology rose to level 5 and activated all primary technologies, and invested 100 billion magic crystals and 100,000 units mythical resources, which can be upgraded to level 2 civilized fire). Life Health: 1000 billion points/100 billion points, defense power: 20,000 points, attached damage reduction effect: 30%(can reduce all damage).

After being put into the lord’s heart, it can provide bonuses for the territory. The level of the building where the lord’s heart is located is increased by 3, the health and defense of the lord’s heart increases by 800%, and the land output increases by 500%.

Basic bonus: It can provide 8%full attribute growth for the people of civilized members, and the territories will have 2 runes. Currently there is a number of members of civilization: 0/40.

Basic ability: Runes have been unlocked.

Rune halo: Civilized halo can be formed around the civilized fire, causing a lot of damage to the enemy and suppressing the enemy of more than 20%of the enemy.

Rune Technology: Unlocked basic technology: 4 items (level 2 jade manufacturing method, level 1 decomposition essence, level 1 fusion runes, level 1 essence).

It can activate primary technology: Shenyu manufacturing method (not activated, jade manufacturing level reaches level 5 to activate, activation requires 10 billion magic crystals, 10,000 units mythical resources)

Rune evolution (without activation, the fusion rune level reaches level 5 to activate, activation requires 10 billion magic crystals, 10,000 units mythical resources)

The fire of runes (not activated, the level of essence for ban can be activated at level 5, activation requires 10 billion magic crystals, 10,000 units mythical resources)

Rune inlaid (not activated, the rune essence level reaches level 5 to activate, activation requires 10 billion magic crystals, 10,000 units mythical resources)

The upgraded civilized fire species gives all the two runes of the people, and the heroes can equip more rune stones.

And Wu Feng relied on upgraded civilized fire, and obtained two epic rune stones, which is the rhythm of take -off!

“Epic Rune Stone can be seen as an epic gemstone. Whether it is for heroes or I can use it myself.”

Wu Feng took out the rune stones from the rune civilization to the baby’s library.

Rune Stone (Divine Power): Epic Rune Stone, putting in the rune language bar can increase 50,000 strength attributes and 20%of the basic force attributes. Each level of 1 can increase the 2000 points of power attributes, with epic skills: divine power awakening.

The inlaid equipment inlaid can increase the strength of 50,000 points and 200%equipment for power attribute bonus. Each level of 1 can increase the 2000 points of strength attributes. It comes with epic skills: divine power awakening.


Rune Stone (God Speed): Epic Rune Stone, putting in the rune language bar can increase 50,000 agile attributes and 20%basic agility attributes. Each level of 1 can increase the 2000 agile attributes, with epic skills: Phantom Wushuang.

The inlaid equipment inlaid inlaid can be increased by 50,000 agile attributes and 200%equipment agile attribute bonus. At the level of 1 liter, it can increase the 2000 agile attributes. It comes with epic skills: Phantom Wushuang.


The two epic rune stones this time correspond to the two different basic attributes of the corresponding strength and agility, and their effects are indeed very powerful.

Like the magic rune stone, it is a perfect match for Pan Feng!

A epic runestone can soar his attributes and the growth of attributes brought about by upgrading can also greatly increase its growth potential. In addition to the awakening of divine power, Pan Feng’s explosive ability has increased again!

“This is too awesome. If it is a mythical divine rune stone, it will take off even more!”

Wu Feng looked at the magic runes and the runes of the gods, and he gave it Pan Feng and Kelis, respectively. Anyway, runestone can also be replaced at any time.

In the future, there will be better rune stones, and they can also replace them.

Wu Feng allocated the rune stones at hand, while using the essence to ban the natural disaster alien, his level was rushed to level 60 in one fell swoop!

[Ding … Lord level reaches level 60, which meets the main demands of third -order collar. According to the promotion time (14 days and 20 hours) and the territory score (365.32 million), it has mythical heroes, congenital artifacts and mythical defense towers. You can get the god -level evaluation. After completing the task, you can get the skills of the god -level lord. .

Wu Fengneng rose to level 60 so quickly, relying on the effect of the experience bonus card. In fact, [Blue Star First Handsome guy] also used the experience bonus card, coupled with the experience value he shared, Wu Feng upgraded to upgrade The speed is really the entire 799th floor!

In this way, he became the first 60th lord of the 799th level. At that time, he completed the task and was definitely the first third -order lord.

Generally, lords need at least 3 months to impact the third -order. Without 1 month, Wu Feng can do advanced tasks. This is the higher level, the more difficult to upgrade, the more difficult to upgrade.

After seeing a new reminder, Wu Feng laughed. The last time he was promoted to the second order, he got mythical evaluation. Now his mythical heroes and artifacts are more. Naturally, it is still mythical evaluation.

Moreover, now he has a mythical defense tower. Such a high territory score, coupled with the hidden bonus of mythical heroes, congenital artifacts and mythical defense towers, is not a mythical evaluation.

“Myth -level evaluation, as long as the god -level task is completed, you can get another mythical skill! Third -order mythical difficulty, I don’t know how!”

Wu Feng opened the taskbar and saw the content of the third -level god -level mission!

Certificate of Lord: God -level tasks, advanced third -order test tasks, and different tasks according to the difficulty of the task.

Task requirements: Kill 50 fourth -order natural disaster lords (equivalent to the fourth -order epic BOSS) and 5 fifth -order natural disaster lords (equivalent to the fifth -order Asian mythical BOSS) within three days.

Task rewards: The task is successful, the 100,000 -point challenge point reward will be obtained, and a god -level lord skill will be random. The task fails. It will obtain the corresponding level of rewards according to the number of kills within three days.

The task content of the lord’s certificate is to hunt the natural disaster lord within the specified time. At the same time, the epic or above BOSS at the same time can also be calculated.

God -level tasks need to kill more than 5 five -order native lords or fifth -order Asian mythical BOSS. For other lords, it is really difficult.

But how Wu Feng thought about killing more strong enemies within 3 days, enhanced the task evaluation, and killing the Asian mythical BOSS can be regarded as the task content.

Then kill some mythical boss, should you give more rewards?

After all, Wu Feng can be slaughtered at almost two mythical bosses every day! The reward given at that time should far exceed basic rewards.

At this time, Wu Feng and others have entered the eternal night for a few hours. As the natural disasters gathered more and more, Wu Feng should be easy to complete this task.

I saw a loud noise from outside the village, a demon lord ride on the sixth -order abyss dragon, and he came down to look down at the entire village, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth.

“In such a small village, there is actually a kind of civilized fire. This is simply the merits sent to me to see how I destroy this civilized fire!”

After the Demon Lord discovered that behind the villages with civilized fire, they immediately commanded their demon legions to launch an impact. I saw a large number of devils pouring from all directions, including the five -order devil.

This devil leader is a fifth -order devil leader. In the eternity night, there are many demon lords of this level!

“Lord, a big guy is here! If I read it wrong, this should be the destroyer Zedis, that is, this guy has destroyed many nearby camps!”

After seeing the surrounding demons, the boss Wang recognized one of the powerful legions called the Destruction Legion. This is the core legion of the destroyer Zedis.

The appearance of the destruction legion appeared on behalf of Zedis, and Wu Feng immediately paid attention to the huge shadow in the distance.

He was at all, but stared at the other party silently: “The mission of my lord’s certificate is to slaughter the fifth -order natural disaster lord. As a result, you will come to the door.”

“Isn’t this let me thank you well!”

Under Wu Feng’s gaze, Zedis drove the abyss demon dragon to let the destruction legion launched the charge. In this legion, all the knights were destroyed.

They are all troops above the fifth -order orange quality, each of which is fully armed, exuding amazing destruction.

At the time of charge, the troops stationed in the Great Wall of Despair immediately launched a variety of attacks. However, due to the level gap, it was difficult to cause real killing it.

Wu Feng found that the Destroyed Cavaliers rushed up with various episodes. They were indeed very strong. After the impulse was impacted on the desperate barrier, this caused the desperate barrier to tremble crazy. The upper limit is naturally not so high.

According to this potential, if the destruction legion continues to launch an charge, the unclear barrier may also be broken.

[The King of Four Seas] The anger is here: “There is no way for us to destroy the knight? Three heads of black dragons and burned them to fly ash!”

I was holding a piece of jade, racking my brains and thinking about what kind of pattern should be engraved with the three -headed black dragon heard this order. It threw the jade excitedly and immediately rose up!

The three -headed black dragon opened the wings and appeared on the top of the knight. Its three heads spit out the hot dragons and shrouded the knights together.

Under the flame of the dragon, the Destroyer Knight has been in seconds. Although the three -headed black dragon is only second, it can be used as a mythical hero. It is still very easy for this kind of arms.

However, the destroyer Zedis was still prepared. In his destruction legion, there was a long -range shooter ready to go. They saw that the three -headed black dragon flew out of the desperate barrier and immediately launched an attack.

With countless arrows on the three -headed black dragon, the mythical hero roared, and he was also created by this round of fire!

Destroyer Zedishaha laughed wildly: “Mythical hero? If it is a mythical hero above the fifth level, then I turn my head and leave!”

“But you are only second -level, and you don’t have the real combat power of a mythical hero at all. I will try to try to kill God today!”

[The King of Four Seas] I did not expect that my three -headed black dragon was hit hard by a round of fire. Zedis’s destruction legion was really a bit powerful.

The level of the destruction of the legion should be quite high. The characteristics of its legion and the attributes of the legion make the fifth -level demon soldiers’ combat power far exceeded that they are far away from scattered soldiers. They cannot be regarded as ordinary devils.

Wu Feng also has a dignified expression, which shows that in the eternal night, even mythical heroes cannot walk around casually, so he is going to try his combat power of his powerful arms.

“Doomsday masters, you should have played, and give me the area of this area!” Wu Feng made a noise, and the doctoral masters who were summoned by him all entered the beacon one by one.

Their attributes in the beacon are the pinnacle. When launching an attack, they can cause the greatest killing, and they have all obtained the legendary natural disaster rune stones.

Even Wu Feng also equipped them with legendary doomsday rune stones!

Rune Stone (Doomsday): Legendary Rune Stone, putting in the rune language bar can increase the full attribute of 8,000 points and 50%of the magic power. Each level of 1 can increase the full attribute of 300 points, with the legendary skills: the end of the day.

The inlaid equipment inlaid holes can be increased by 8,000 points and 100%equipment spell damage bonus. The spell skills level with the equipment attached to the level of additional +2 levels, with legendary skills: Doomsday comes.

Today, the level 1 civilized fire can add 2 rune columns to the heroes. Doomsday masters can also be equipped with natural disaster rune stones and doomsday rune stones.

These two rune stones can allow them to increase their ability to use the legendary natural disaster. If the two are combined, they can launch two natural disasters!

At this time, Wu Feng just let them launch the destroyer and the end of the day. I saw a group of hundreds of doctrines and the legendary natural disasters. Intersection

This multi -cross -ended fire and rain made the destruction legion have nowhere to escape. No matter where they fled, they would be destroyed by natural disasters.

At this time, Wu Feng also launched the legendary banned curse of civilized fire. The essence ban has risen to level 3 during this time!

Essence of Essence: Level 3, can activate civilized fire types with rune essence, use various spells and increase its 150%damage. The rune essence of 50,000 units is consumed and the 6000 -unit mythical resources are invested and the 6,000 units can be upgraded to level 4.

The 3 -level essence forbidden technology has increased by 150%of spell damage. Now a legendary class of banned spells can be derived from the lethality of the previous two mantra.

Looking at this situation, if the level is raised to level 5, I am afraid that it can also produce qualitative transformation and have a stronger and powerful effect. After all, after it is risen to level 5, it can also activate the primary technology of the fire of runes.

Level 3 essence forbidden can make the ban on the ban on the power of the ban. Wu Feng also began to smash into the essence of the Rune Essence regardless of consumption, so that the ban on the natural disaster of the doomsday mage.

The banned mantra of the essence is more powerful than the natural disaster of a single doomsday mage, but it has the interval between it. Even if Wu Feng continues to invest in the essence of the rune, he can only release a legendary ban on 5 seconds.

In this case, the power of the 100 doomsday disasters is still greater. In the case of natural disasters, the destruction legion was slaughtered.

The destroyer was still laughing, and in a blink of an eye, the mage and shooters in his destruction legion were mostly half of the second. He sat on the abyss dragon, and his expression instantly solidified.

“What about my destruction legion? I am a big destruction legion, it’s so gone!”

And the destroyer then saw another group of doomsses in the Great Wall of Desire. They instantly launched 100 doomsday natural disasters, and they also killed all the destruction knights after the charge!

After the two waves, the destruction legion was almost overwhelmed, and the destroyers were stunned fiercely.

Wu Feng also saw that the civilized fire was illuminated and was emptied all of a sudden. He immediately extended a desperate Great Wall and allowed this mythical defense building to surround the village.

This time he extended the Great Wall of 100 kilometers, which enhanced the intensity of the despair barrier crazy, and also formed a safe area, so that Wu Feng could place a lot of defense towers. After all The area is still very large.

Wu Feng can completely put down his defensive tower cluster here, and cooperate with a stronger desperation Great Wall, there is no problem.

Considering the current situation, Wu Feng summoned the Black Hole Tower and was located in this territory. With the Black Hole Tower, letting you get it, Wu Feng had a confidence to kill.

And other mythical defensive tower, Wu Feng is going to keep today’s unlimited trials. In this way, Wu Feng only uses one black hole tower with other epic defense tower to immediately start dealing with the criminals who criminals. Strong enemy.

I saw a huge black hole formed on the head of the demon lord’s head suddenly. This black hole that devoured everything immediately sucked the Demon Lord into it!

The destroyer was swallowed up by the black hole directly without resistance. Its powerful is not personal strength, but the destruction legion under his Majesty.

Now it is shrouded in the black hole again. He is naturally unable to resist. The fifth -order demon leader has been killed!

This shocked the boss who had been watching the war: “Black Hole? This is the legendary black hole tower!? This is too incredible! Lord actually has a mythical defense tower!”

The power of the Black Hole Tower really makes the boss of Wang look at it. This level of power is rare than mythical heroes. After all, the appearance of mythical defense towers directly is the peak combat power.

And mythical heroes need to be improved in level, and cultivated for a long time to reach the peak state. If the combat power between the two is the weaker in the early stage of the myth -level defense tower.

At least the mythical defensive tower cannot run around, and it must be weaker than mythical heroes in terms of flexibility.

Wu Feng launched the Black Hole Tower, and he also put down a dead halo tower, allowing the enemy who came to the crime, all of which entered the killing range of the death halo tower.

With the black hole tower, the two can extinct all ordinary devils. Even an epic BOSS such as the abyss demon dragon, which is sucked into the black hole, will be swallowed.

The two were added, and Wu Feng could already sit firmly in the Diaoyutai. In the process, many of his god -oriented divisions could make rune stones in one heart and constantly provide him with a lot of rune stones.

Wu Feng was not idle. He watched many abyss devils who had been killed to collapse and escaped, and then took out a stack of designated hero organization call cards.

Here are 3 epic summoning cards and 6 legendary summoning cards, and even a mythical summoning card. Wu Feng looks at Kris, the strongest combat power at the scene. In this case, it is naturally. Summoning the night guard is the most suitable.

After all, in this time and space copy, the night guards summoned by Wu Feng will not take up the number of heroes, and can also obtain a high attribute increase. He also wants to see what else does the night guards exist. Since they claim to be in the eternal night of night Guarding civilized fire, it must be the strong among the strong!

So Wu Feng immediately took out the epic designated hero organization summoning card and summoned a night guard. As the light dissipated, a blonde beauty wearing shorts appeared in front of Wu Feng.

She was holding two very old -diameter muskets in her hand, a bunch of bullets wrapped around her waist, and her small waist and long legs were extremely eye -catching.

“Bounty hunter Sarah has seen everyone! I am the night guard from the land of runes!” The beauty who claimed to be a bounty hunter swept through everyone, and her eyes finally fell on the civilized fire.

The boss Wang came over in shock: “Bounty hunter Sarah? Didn’t you fell permanently in the fourth”? Are you actually summoned again!? ”

Boss Wang seemed to have heard of Sarah’s name. He looked particularly shocked. Wu Feng also looked at Sarah, the hero of the fourth era? Isn’t it a hundred years ago?

No, the Epoch is not necessarily based on a century. She may be a hero who exists thousands of years ago.

Just thinking, Sarah took back the eyes of the civilized fire, and her eyes were low: “I returned from endless darkness again! After all, rune civilization is about to die. As a member of the rune, I can’t let it go Disappearing … ”

The information revealed by Sarah made Wu Feng stunned, the place of rune? Is this the reputation of rune civilization? Is this a very special hero?

As a member of the rune civilization, and the night guard, in the eternal night, Wu Feng suddenly summoned her out.

Thinking of this, in order to prove his thoughts, Wu Feng took out another epic -level designated hero organization summoning card and summoned an epic hero.

As a result, a very tall sword -holding hero appeared in front of Wu Feng and others. The giant sword in his hands was bigger than ordinary people: “I have seen everyone, I am the sword of runes, Galer!

The existence of the same land of runes, Galen and Sarah naturally have old consciousness. After looking at each other, they nodded each other. Everyone only saw the fellow villagers and tears.

Wu Feng also almost confirmed that the night guards summoned in the eternal night may be related to the rune land, which is also related to the civilized fire of the rune civilization.

This kind of character from the previous era is still very powerful, so Wu Feng used all the summoning cards of the designated hero organization at hand.

The last epic summoning card, summoned a red -haired beauty who claimed to be ominous. The sister -in -law who claimed to be Cartenna didn’t know how many sharp blades had, which made people feel very dangerous.

Wu Feng likes this temperament very much, and Caterina’s potential is also very huge, and she can be cultivated well.

The other six rumors of summoning cards summoned the shadow scout Timo, the steel ambassador Bobby, the dark summoner Annie, the cursed Mumini, the dark mage Vigga, and the inventor Heimidagdge.

The six legendary heroes this time have a prominent feature, that is, short, short and small, and they are less than Wu Feng’s chest.

Looking at a group of little guys who were summoned, Wu Feng was numb.

It feels like he summons a little guy, then he can make up seven dwarfs!

However, Wu Feng also looked at it. The reason why this group of heroes would be a legend is because they are still in a period of growth. If they grow up, they can be promoted to epic heroes.

In general, they are still very powerful. If they cultivate well, it is not a problem to become an epic hero.

Just thinking, the Dark Master ran to the Great Wall of Desperate with a smile. He reached out and threw out a string of dark balls, and immediately grabbed his head and killed a few abyss devils.

The little dark mage Vijia immediately rose to level 5. The experience value given by this over -level upgrade was too high. At the same time, Vijia also added several spell attacks through the absorption of the dark ball.

The hero of the dark system is really right. Yu Zhu said immediately: “Are you a contractor of the dark power? Do you want to be my dark god guard?”

The Dark Mage originally wanted to say how old you are? If the location is swapped, I will let you know what it means to be disabled …

Wait, Goddess!

The Dark Master immediately ran over and kneeling: “Master Goddess! I feel the dark atmosphere of the most origin from you! Please take me! I am willing to be the goddess as your dark god guard.”

The attitude of the Dark Master changed quickly, mainly because he never expected that a personal maid around the lord was actually the dark goddess!

Who can hold this!

The Dark Summoner Annie was holding a bear toy to play with her own dark fire. Now when she saw Yuzhu, she immediately came together.

“Sister Goddess, can you let me be your dark god guard? Can I call my little bear to protect you!”

Annie can not only use the dark fire to release the fire spell, but also summon the dark summon. The toy in her hand is her powerful summon.

Yuzhu did not refuse these dark heroes. Previously, Cardis and Geralt had made an example. She nodded and agreed to add two dark gods.

With His Majesty Yuzhu had 3 night guards as the dark god guards, they invited Yuzhu together: “Master Goddess, are you willing to join us at the nightmaker? Fight together with us and guard the type of civilization! Until eternal night ends! ”

Faced with the invitation of the dark god guards under her hands, Yu Zhu hesitated, and saw the eyes encouraged by the lord, she nodded and agreed: “I am willing to join the night guard organization.”

As soon as the words fell, Wu Feng saw that the new member of the Dark Goddess Yuzhu was added to the night guard organization. This is a special way to join.

This requires a deep bond with the night guards in order to be invited by members of the members. Yuzhu also has the ability to despair and combustion.

Seeing Wu Feng summoning so many heroes, his friends are envious. [The King of Four Seas]: “The boss is too powerful, and he just took out so many designated hero organization call cards, epic heroes You can summon a pile! ”

[Zhu Family Lao Six] Smile with a smile: “Your talent can not get epic heroes in batches, we are also envious …”

[Qianshan Muxue] is to see Galen, who is looking at a big sword into the enemy group. The potential is still much higher than that of ordinary heroes! ”

“Especially after they seem to have gained rune stones, there will be a higher blessing …”

The observation of [Qianshan Muxue] is still very careful. This group of night guard heroes from runes and another identity, that is, the guardian of the rune land.

They may have belonged to different forces, but now they all have a common goal, that is, to help guard runes!

In addition, they belong to the night guards, and the power of the two organizations has soared their strength.

In this way, the organization of the night guard has risen all the way, and Wu Feng finally took out the congenital mythical hero summoning card, ready to look at what the mythical heroes in the nightman would look like!

“Come out! Night guards!” Wu Feng launched a summoning card in front of the civilized fire. As a result, after he used it, the black hole in the black hole tower shocked.

Originally, the black holes that stabilized the abyss devil to commit the abyss demon began to become irregular. The shape became a square shape and a while becoming oval. This posture simply looked at Wu Feng.

Is this a special black hole? How do you feel that the black hole seems to be turned into a random kneading! Intersection Is there an abyss demon? This is too exaggerated!

Just thinking, Wu Feng saw a huge figure drilled out of the black hole. This is a very amazing three -color dragon. His two front paws, holding two groups of stars, huge eyes , Even shining like a star!

After drilling from the black hole, such a huge body is stubborn over the entire village. The power it emits makes many mythical heroes look at it with a dignified expression.

At this time, the boss Wang and the night guard heroes who had previously summoned the runes all grew up, and looked at the scene in shock: “Casting Star Dragon King!”

“Isn’t it swallowed by the black hole in the fourth era, is it completely fell!? Now it has been summoned?”

The appearance of the casting dragon king is too shocking. Even the black holes that can swallow everything have become its playets. When it comes, it makes countless heroes silent.

Because this dragon king is also the top existence among the night guards in the rune land. It creates stars and can also play with stars. This is a genuine mythical hero!

“Lord, you wake me up, and open the exit of the black hole for me? Is this the fifth era?” The star of the Dragon Dragon ignored the others, and his gaze fell on Wu Feng.

The eyes of this mythical hero are really as huge as the stars. The lords look very small in front of it.

Seeing such a huge shape of the dragon dragon, the other allies were all shocked. They were stunned like the heroes such as Galen, Carterina, and other heroes.

[Rich World] “This is the hero summoned by the boss? Even a mythical hero, this body is too exaggerated! Those eyes are bigger than my tall hero!”

The hero of [rich world] is a knight hero. If you count on mounts, there are also seven or eight meters high, but such a tall knight hero, but even the eyes of the star dragon king cannot be comparable.

The huge body of the Dragon Dragon King, coupled with a powerful momentum, made [rich world] can’t help holding his breath. He feels that the other person can breathe out, and he may blow himself out!

[Blue Demon Ji] Can’t help but speak: “Who said no! Is this really the shape and strength that mythical heroes can have? I feel like a ant!”

[The King of Four Seas] Watching the casting star dragon is also shocking: “My three -headed black dragon compares with this cast star dragon king, that is completely small!”

There was a roar from the three black dragons around [the King of Four Seas], and that seemed to be protesting to his lord.

But when facing the casting dragon king, it really felt the suppression of the superior, and it was also the dragon, but the blood and strength of the casting dragon king are indeed higher than it!

In the face of everyone who felt soft -legged, Wu Feng did not have any pressure. No matter what, this is also the hero he summoned.

Can the Star Dragon King be fiercer than the monkey brother?

As a lord, he should be the commander of all heroes, so he nodded: “Yes, I summoned you out, and more accurately, you were summoned to the seventh era. This is only in the time and space copy.”

“When we leave this time and space, you can see the starry sky of the seventh”. ”

Wu Feng’s words made the Dragon Dragon King silent. It finally looked at Wu Feng: “Lord, since you summoned me out, then I should obey your order. ! ”

O’Realian Sol is a very noble name, and Wu Feng also opened its attribute bar and appreciated that he was equally invincible.

Heroes Title: Casting Star Dragon King (unsolved star)

Hero Name: Orellian Sol (initial form)

Heroes level: Level 1.

Heroes: Casting Star (Mythical Talent): Orellian Sol can use mythical resources and special heaven and earth treasure cast stars. Each casting of a star, Orellian Sol’s attributes will usher in once At the same time, the stars he cast can fly into the starry sky to absorb the endless power of the stars, and can also attack the enemy as a weapon.

Control the black hole (mythical talent): Orellian Sol can control the black hole. When it finds and controls a black hole, you can use the black hole to devour all the enemies in front of him. Some of the enemies who are summoned and driven at any time, and some of the black holes will be fed back to Orean Sol.

Controlling the Xinghe (mythical talent): Orellian Sol can control the Xinghe of the sky. If there is a star defense tower in the territory, the star projection of this type of defensive tower will be transformed into the Xinghe of the Star Dragon King for adding it to add Successfully enhances its capabilities.

At the same time, the BOSS or hero killed by Orean Sol, the essence of its body will be transformed into a star dust. This material can be used for casting stars, can also be absorbed by the Star Dragon King, becoming its origin.

Immortal Dragon (Mythical Talent): Oreyan Sol, as a descendant of the immortal dragon, the higher the bloodline awakening, the higher the power obtained by the awakening, the casting more stars and even the stars, and the opportunity to make Orellian Soro Er’s bloodstream awakening increases. If the bloodline is awakened, Orellian Sol has a chance to become an immortal hero.

Hero skills: Xinghe Wandering (Eight Star Secrets), Star Dome (Nine Star Secrets), Star River Protector (Nine Star Secrets), Summon Star River (Nine Star Secrets), Star Fall (Nine Star Secrets), meteorite strike a blow (Nine Star Forbidden Mantra), Xingmang Ninghui (Ten Star Forbidden Mantra).

Train arms: meteorite dragon clan (training conditions: legendary quality above dragon soldiers).

Special identity: night guard, rune guardian guardian, fate member, and dragon alliance member.

The attributes of the Dragon Dragon King really saw Wu Feng, because he found that this mythical hero also has four mythical talents!

Even he still has the chance of evolution to immortal hero! In other words, the cast star dragon king is the same as the monkey brother. If it is cultivated in place, it is the immortal hero of the real price.

This is not allowed to cultivate it well and make it play for yourself! What Dragon God and Evolution of God, that’s absolutely enough!

Every day, the Monkey Brother gets the ancient blood and the evolutionary blood of Wu Feng’s confession every day!

Looking at the hero organization of the casting star, he is a member of the 4 organizations. Wu Feng has an additional places of destiny, and he pulled him into the protagonist of the destiny, so that his full attributes skyrocketed!

In addition, the star of the star of the Star Dragon is also a member of the Rune Land Guardian, and Wu Feng’s previously summoned Sarah, Galen, and Cartelina, etc., are also the guardians of Rune!

Rune Land Guardian: Legendary Hero Organization, currently 10 members, can increase the chance of summoning the runes of the land of 32%.

Myth level (1 person): cast Star Dragon King Oreyan Sol.

Epic (3 people): Bounty Hunter Sarah, Rune Sword · Galen, Okinery Blade, Cartelina.

Legendary (6 people): Shadow scouting Timo, Steel Ambassador Bobby, Dark Summoner Annie, Curse Mumini, Dark Mage Vigga, and Big Head Inventor Heimeminge.

According to the quality of members, the 16 -layer tissue force is activated (the quality of the myth is increased by 4 layers, the epic quality is improved by 2 floors, and the legendary quality is improved by 1 layer).

Organization provides attribute bonuses: All attributes are increased by 320%.

Organization provides a bond bonus: The attributes of the rune stones worn by all members of the runes are increased by 160%, which can add 1 rune language bar.

The guardian of the Rune Land is the night guards who have previously from the rune land. Their tissue fetters actually improve the attributes of wearing runes, and can also increase the rune speech bar!

At that time, make a little more runestone for them, that will explode!

If you have a chance in the copy, you must summon more rune guardians, otherwise you may not have the opportunity to summon them in the future.

As soon as I came up with this idea, the Dragon Dragon King looked at Wu Feng: “Lord, can this black hole be controlled? Can I take it to anywhere!”

(This chapter is finished)

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