Chapter 452 Casting Star!

When the Swordsman surnamed Sword God had previously produced rune stones, the chance of legendary runes was the highest among many mythical heroes.

Now for the first time, he used Shenyu to manufacture, and successfully left a pattern of extremely mystery with swords and produced an epic runestone.

It can be said that his swordsmanship against the sky is enough to make him add tiger when making runes!

Looking at the epic runes he made again, it is really a mess!

Rune Stone (Swords): Epic Rune Stone, putting in the rune language bar can increase the attack power of 40,000 points and 120%of the sword gas attributes. Each level of 1 can increase the attack power of 1200 points. Essence

The inlaid equipment inlaid can increase the full attribute of 40,000 points and 50%of the equipment attack power bonus. The equipment is equipped with sword gas skills level +5 level, with epic skills: two -sleeved green snake.

“In the sword rune stone, the ability of two -sleeved green snakes is attached! Isn’t it possible for the soldiers who will not have the two -sleeved green snake, all of which master this sword art.”

“But the swordsman trained by the predecessor Li, this kind of runestone can make their two -sleeved green snake power.”

“This runestone is good for the epic Shushan Jianxian!”

Wu Feng thinks that this sword rune stone is very suitable for many sword repair in Wan Jianzong. If they have a sword -free rune stone, the swordsman can get the increase in the sword god surnamed Li.

However, Wu Feng wore himself when he practiced swordsmanship when he practiced swordsmanship when he practiced swordsmanship.

With the activation of Shenyu’s manufacturing method, other epic -level god -level divisions can also exert all the strength. After many attempts, there are other god -patterned masters to create epic rune stones!

The first epic runes they produced are divine rune stones. This epic rune stone that has appeared has been imitated is relatively easy to imitate.

On the contrary, the sword -meaning rune stone is required to make a strong sword meaning. Then this rune stone is unable to imitate the masters of the gods.

“If you create a number of epic magic runes, is it possible to use the fusion rune technology to integrate it into a mythical rune stone?”

Wu Feng was very excited when he thought of this possibility. He made the masters of the gods work hard to make a little more magic rune stone.

Whether you can fuse the mythical runestone, this is a thought!

However, the difficulty of making epic rune stones is still quite large. Even after the master of the gods, after using the god jade manufacturing method, the chance of production is only less than 2%.

Coupled with the better quality of God’s jade, it costs more energy when it is recorded. I am afraid that a god -patterned master can only make an epic runestone for 1 hour!

If you want to make up 10 magic rune stones, it is very difficult!

Wu Feng was also patient. He tried to upgrade other rune technologies and made rune stones by himself. During this time, he also improved many attributes by making rune stones.

And in the process of continuously using swordsmanship into Bai Yu, he exercised his own kendo cultivation, and his growth was still very obvious.

Now he has also tried the method of trying the magical jade manufacturing. The white god jade formed by legendary resources is really excellent. Wu Feng’s difficulty in leaving the pattern with swords is greatly improved.

But for the first time, he successfully produced the legendary rune stone -sword qi!

The one -time attributes have been added at one time, and the improvement of Kendo cultivation makes Wu Feng very comfortable. This feeling of becoming stronger through his own efforts is also good!

So Wu Feng continued to launch the magic jade manufacturing method, using the blessing of the material, and began to continuously make orange and even legendary rune stones.

In order to increase his sword meaning, Wu Feng has filled a few bites of dragon blood wine. While temporarily promoting Kendo cultivation to refine the sword, he can also increase his chances of creating a legendary runestone.

Now his strength can be improved rapidly, and it is a way to become stronger.

Out of Shenyu’s manufacturing method, others benefited from this. I saw that the teacher was excited: “Boss, I said that I am really a genius in genius. I created a legendary runestone this time! The god tattoo master! ”

Lao Xun was very proud of holding a legendary rune stone. This rune stone was drawn on a silent cart, which is called a charging energy rune stone.

The ability is to refresh the skills immediately after the skill cools. This rune is equivalent to the skills within the legendary level! Let you have no sage time!

I have to say that although the rune stone pattern drawn by the old man is unsightly, the effect is still good.

[Steel straight man is black and thick] I can’t help but speak: “Old, you, you can use it for me, I can order more defense tower every day!”

[Qianshan Muxue] found that this charged runestone seems to refresh her quota for copying legendary props, but it is the pattern of this rune, [Qianshan Muxue] cannot be received.

Others couldn’t help but admire: “Lao Nao, I didn’t expect it! You’re pretty great! Even this rune can be made!”

Seeing that everyone wants this runestone, Lao Jie feels that he is the most talented of rune stones among all the members of the Supreme Alliance. This is called a peerless genius!

Of course, this cannot be compared with [Little Red Carp], the girl’s luck that can’t be treated as an ordinary person at all!

But Zhu Biyu never let go of the opportunity to crack down on the old prince: “Old, you can pull it down! You used Shenyu manufacturing to create a legendary runestone, but the boss made the legendary level earlier than you made a legendary level than you. Rune Stone. ”

“You look at the [Little Red Carp] again, people have even produced a stack of legendary rune stones!”

A girl who was standing beside Wu Feng heard Zhu Biyu mentioning herself. She smiled and launching the magic manufacturing method to start making runes.

[Little Red Carp] During this time, 13 legendary rune stones were produced. This, as a pure lord, is extremely against the sky!

Girls who are very lucky are called Koi Girls. The good luck is amazing. It is amazing that everyone likes to go to [Little Red Carp] and think that this can improve their lucky attributes.

This is the same as the auspiciousness like Lele. Everyone will subconsciously want to be good luck!

After the opening of Shenyu Manufacturing Technology, [Little Red Carp] naturally also opened the method of sacrifice manufacturing, and specifically focused on creating a wave of runes.

I saw the Gorny Jiao girl summoned a white god jade casually. She drew a small brain ax. As a result, although the words of the brain ax were crooked, the [Little Red Carp] shone again in her hands. She made it again. A legendary rune!

“Brother League, all the hegemony rune stones allocate you. Its ability to attach can greatly enhance the hero’s attack power, and also bring its own domineering …”

[Little Red Carp] Looking up at Wu Feng, she raised the legendary rune stones in her hand. All the rune stones she made will be handed over to Wu Feng, and he will allocate Runestone.

[Steel straight man black and thick], [Zhu Family Lao Liu], etc., all surrounded them. They looked at [Little Red Carp] and Wu Feng, and they were very eye -catching.

When Lao Jie saw the guys who were still around him just now, he went to others all at once. He felt that he was “abandoned”. Several of you, just now I still call people a little sweetness, let me help you make a legendary rune stone. ”

“As a result, I became Mrs. Niu, and you really are the Neptune and the scumbag!”

[The King of Four Seas] Speechless, he thought that the old man was talking about him, but he did not expect to say that there were a few of them.

[Steel straight man black and thick] Coughing: “I just think that the red carp girl has worked hard, and wants to help her rub her shoulders, hold her legs …”

And [I don’t call Mrs. Niu] at a glance: “When did you become Mrs. Niu?”

When everyone was in trouble, [Little Red Carp] took out another white god jade and drawn a pattern at hand. As the golden light flickered, the rune stone in her hand actually burst into a completely different light!

This is an epic runestone! In the case of lack of technical and strength, [Little Red Carp] leaned on, and actually made an epic runestone! This is really against the sky!

Rune Stone (Charging Energy): Epic Rune Stone, putting in the rune language bar can increase the full attribute of 20,000 points and 30%of the skill cooling speed. Each level of 1,000 points can be increased by 1,000 points, with epic skills: refresh the energy.

The inlaid equipment inlaid holes can increase the full attribute of 20,000 points and 30%of the skill cooling speed. The equipment is attached to the skill level+5 levels, with epic skills: refresh the energy.

[Little Red Carp] The pattern drawn is an ordinary charging pattern. As a result, it is obtained.

[Little Red Carp] This rune stone directly made Wu Feng overjoyed. This rune stone, it can be used to refresh skills.

“[Little Red Carp], how about this rune stone, how about me?” Wu Feng looked at [Little Red Carp]. In any case, this thing was made by Xiaohong Carp.

“Of course, the leader of the League, this material is all made by you to support us. I have gained attribute growth. Runestone is naturally yours. You can give it to anyone …”

[Little Red Carp] The two small dimples laughed very cute. Wu Feng felt that she was the most beautiful girl in the world.

Wu Feng gave [Qianshan Muxue]: “Mu Xue, you can refresh your skills again, copy a number of new designated artisans calling cards …”

[Qianshan Muxue] can be equipped with this rune to refresh the copy skill, which can let her copy a batch of designated craftsmen to call the card.

It was just that Wu Feng found that after the epic -level charging rune stone was equipped, [Qianshan Twilight Snow] could no longer be equipped with similar rune stones.

Like the legendary charging energy runestone, it cannot coexist with the same epic rune stone. Then you can only see if you can make new energy rune stones in the future, and then set it into the equipment.

A stack of legendary rune stones, plus a epic rune stone, [Little Red Carp] suddenly became the lucky goddess in the minds of many allies!

Wu Feng was also shocked by the luck of [Xiaohong Lithium]. Opening the god jade manufacturing method, he directly created an epic runestone?

Isn’t it that [Little Red Carp] can use the legendary rune stones as regular operations! As long as you are lucky, there is no problem to make an epic rune!

To upgrade the epic rune stone required by the God’s jade manufacturing method, [Little Red Carp] can contribute to the power, coupled with the great master and mythical heroes, it is also good to get the epic runestone.

[Little Red Carp] This super Emperor is too fierce! It’s just a refreshing three views!

Wu Feng asked [Qianshan Muxue] to copy the designated craftsman’s summoning card, and once again summoned a large number of god -patterns.

Legend has it that the god -oriented division above the level will open the magic jade manufacturing method to create a little more high -level rune stone as possible.

With their efforts, Shenyu’s manufacturing method quickly rose to level 2.

God jade manufacturing method: Level 2, can spend an additional 1 million magic crystal and 10 units of legendary resources when creating runes, which can increase the chance of manufacturing high -level rune stones.

The chance of making purple quality increases by 40%, the chance of orange quality increases by 20%, the legendary probability increases by 5%, and there is a minimum chance to create an epic -level runestone.

Upgrade conditions: Successfully manufacture 100 epic runes and invest 40 billion magic crystals and 20,000 units mythical resources, which can upgrade the science and technology of Shenyu Manufacturing to level 2.

The 2nd level of God’s jade manufacturing method has increased significantly to the success rate of various rune stones. If a few levels are upgraded, the chance of making purple rune stones can be close to 100%. ] The probability of making legendary and epic runes has increased significantly.

This is the benefit of enjoying the upgrade of Shenyu manufacturing.

As Wu Feng continued to make high -quality runes, he successfully raised the decomposition essence to level 5, and the rune inlaid this primary technology was activated.

The Essence of Decomposition (Basic Technology): Level 5, you can decompose the essence of the minimum orange quality rune essence (higher quality rune stones to decompose the legendary rune essence above the legendary level). The decomposition essence technology can increase the rune essence acquisition rate by 50%.

The decomposition of 50,000 runes and invested 10 billion magic crystals and the mythical level resources of 10,000 units can be upgraded to level 6.

The essence of the decomposition reaches level 5, mainly because the number of essences obtained when decomposing runes has increased. If you decompose an ordinary runestone, you can obtain a rune essence of 1.5 units.

If the number of rune stones is increased, the increase in the increase is still considerable.

At the same time, the rune inlaid this technology can only be activated only after the extinction of the essence of 5. The effect of primary technology is quite good.

Rune inlaid (primary technology): Level 1, can spend magic crystals and resources in equipment and defensive towers to play rune inlaid holes (the higher the quality, the more magic crystals and resources are consumed), inlaid in the rune inlaid hole inlaid hole inlaid holes After the runestone can obtain the corresponding attribute increase (the rune stone effect is increased by 10%), it can currently add a rune inlaid hole to the equipment or defense tower.

Upgrade conditions: After transforming 2,000 pieces of orange or above quality equipment or defensive tower and inlaid orange quality runes, invested 20 billion magic crystals and 20,000 units mythical resources, which can upgrade rune inlaid technology.

Rune inlaid technology should actually be called punching technology, that is, the inlaid holes that can be used for equipment and defensive towers, and then loaded the rune stones.

There are two cases. One is the inlaid holes that are originally equipped with equipment and defensive tower. This type can also be inlaid directly in rune stones, but there is no rune inlaid inlaid.

The second is the mosaic holes that are added by the equipment and defense tower. On this, it cannot be inlaid with other gems and other reinforced treasures. After inlaid runestone, its effect will be greatly enhanced.

Level 1 rune inlaid can only play a rune stone attribute that is inlaid and increases by 10%. In the future, this technology level will increase, which can increase more attributes and increase the number of inlaid holes.

Wu Feng checked it with a mysterious sheepskin, and found that after this rune was inlaid to level 6, he could play 2 rune inlaid holes!

If a variety of artifacts are inlaid with a pile of mythical runes, then their power can not dare to think about it!

Wu Feng looked at his many defensive tower, and he touched his chin: “If the epic defense tower is inlaid with epic rune stones, it is also the rhythm of takeoff!”

Thinking of this, Wu Feng looked at several epic defense towers in his own. Like the Death Halo Tower, there is a very suitable rune stone, which is called the death rune stone.

Rune Stone (Death): Epic Rune Stone, putting in the rune language bar can increase the total attributes (or 100,000 spell attack power) and 10%of the risk of death trigger. Each level 1 can increase the full attribute of 1,000 points (or 5000 spell attack power), with epic skills: death ripple.

Inlaid equipment (defensive tower) inlaid holes can increase the probability of 20,000 points (or 100,000 spell attack power) and 10%of the incidental trigger probability. Equipment (defensive tower) comes with skill level +5, with epic skills: Death ripple.

This epic rune stone was produced by the masters of the gods, and no one was in line with this runestone.

But now after activating the rune inlaid, there is a death halo tower that can be used to use the runestone!

Death rune stones can increase the probability of triggering. For the Death Make Tower, it is simply a perfect fit. The combination of the two will definitely explode.

In the eternal night, Wu Feng does not need such a fierce firepower. However, [Blue Star First Handsome Guer] needs, there is [Blue Star First Handsome Guer] among members of the rune civilization.

He can also use the power of Runestone. After Wu Feng shared the rune stone to him, he immediately operated. The first step was to put a holes for the Death Make Tower.

This requires a lot of magic crystals and resources. Wu Feng looked at it. The sub -myth -level defense tower was inlaid, and 500 million magic crystals plus 100 units of mythical resources.

The price is still very high. If it is inlaid with a mythical defensive tower, it will definitely cost higher.

After a mosaic hole was put in the death halo tower, [the first handsome guy of Blue Star] was inlaid with this runes.

With the increase of rune stones, the chance of death of the death of the death of death has increased greatly. [The first handsome guy of the blue star] can even add a low -level death rune stone to the death of the death system!

With the level of the master of the god pattern and the great master of the gods, they usually make some orange and legendary rune stones. After the death rune stones have patterns, they can draw cats according to tigers and make low -quality death rune stones.

Like the legendary rune stone, it increases the chance of death by 6%, while the orange death rune stone can increase the chance of death by 3%.

After being equipped with orange and legendary runes of death tower, they also have a great chance of death. Hundreds of death rays towers with the death halo tower, even the sub -mythical BOSS cannot carry a round of fire!

[The first handsome guy of Blue Star] In this way, he used the death halo tower in his territory to combine the extremely powerful death tower.

“You can enter the infinite trial!” Wu Feng had a huge interest in this rune inlaid. He immediately asked [Blue Star’s First Handsomey Guer] to enter the infinite trial.

[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy chose hell difficulty trial, and the magic level and attributes were improved (the level increased by 20, the full attribute was 100%improved, and the random opportunity encountered celestial phenomenon bonus), trial evaluation and lottery quality Increased, the reward was increased by 400%. .

[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy’s infinite trial invitation letter (epic quality), which has the effect of initial tower defense and tower defense upgrade. You can choose 5 initial tower defense, please choose. .

[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy’s infinite trial invitation letter (epic quality), the difficulty is the difficulty of hell, you can obtain the effect of defense building, you can choose a defensive building, please choose. .


In the second time I entered the unlimited trial, [Blue Star First Handsome Guy] used an epic invitation letter to enter hell difficulty. He slapped a row of death rays and dead light towers in his light car.

This time, he was going to clear the level by the Death Halight Tower. The first 50 rounds were naturally no pressure for [Blue Star’s First Handsomey Guer].

After 50 rounds, the area of the virtual territory can finally accommodate the death halo tower. After taking this sub -mythical defensive tower, the death aura can easily kill mass monsters.

I saw a lot of monsters swarming. As a result, after they stepped into the range of death, the blood volume dropped rapidly. Many unlucky eggs were triggered and killed before they came in.

A monster fell on the road of charge. They fell down and were killed by death.

The increase of 10%of the death rune stones is the chance of death. In addition, the probability of death probability that the death aura tower is a high. After the enemy’s blood is less than 20%, the chance of death is more than half!

Every second they stayed in the halo of death had to be judged once, and those who could get 5 seconds were super lucky.

In this case, although the killing effect of the Death Make Tower is not as deadly as the black hole tower, it was a good enemy, and it suddenly fell to the ground to die in a few steps. This impact was also very scary.

When dealing with BOSS, the massive death tower and Dead Light Tower set by [Blue Star First Handsome Guy] are undoubtedly a big killer.

A deadly halo tower combined with a large amount of death ray tower and dead light tower, a round of fire, epic BOSS is still second, and the efficiency of the second BOSS is even exaggerated than the black hole tower.

After all, the Black Hole Tower dealt with an epic BOSS, and the other party still had a struggle time before was finally swallowed by the black hole.

The death rays of the Death Radio Tower and the Dead Light Tower, as long as it triggers to die, it is full of blood, and a round of shooting is a BOSS, which is shocked by Wu Feng!

After calculating, Wu Feng found that the runestone of death not only increased the chance of death to the death halo tower, but because the death halo tower would affect the surrounding defense tower.

Although its effect was discounted, it only increased half of the death effect, but this was enough to allow other death tower to enjoy the blessing of epic runes.

This is one of the reasons why these defensive towers are soaring!

[Blue Star First Handsome Guy] Just brushed it to the 100th round with the death tower group, and the whole process was cleared! This efficiency has the taste of a mythical defensive tower.

“This is an epic runestone! If it is a mythical rune stone, wouldn’t it have to go against the sky! I am obedient, I want to make mythical rune stones as soon as possible!”

Wu Feng couldn’t help patting his palm. He stared at the [Blue Star’s First Handsome Gund] and rushed to the 150th round by relying on the death tower.

As a result, the BOSS of this round is only a sub -mythical BOSS. If before, the [Blue Star First Handsome guy] may also need to use the Red Lotus Fire Tower, but now these six -order sub -mythical BOSS, in the face of the death tower group, is also a one It’s just a wave of fire!

Death ray tower and dead light tower are also inlaid with death rune stones. The chance of death can reach about 10%-20%under the bonus of death halo.

Hundreds of death rays attacks, calculated, if you want to die if you want to activate, you have to reach the point of [Little Red Carp]!

The sub -mythical boss in front of you naturally has no such luck.

Under the set fire of hundreds of deaths of various colors, the sub -myth boss is full of blood! If this scene is recorded, it will be very shocking!

“Too awesome! Death halo allows the death tower to kill the sub -mythical BOSS. Below this myth is a joke!”

Although there is no mythical defensive tower, reliable to the death tower, [Blue Star First Handsome guy] can also ignore the BOSS below the mythical level. He easily kills to the 200th round!

[Ding … Bailian Pump (special permissions) is successful, triggering one of the talents of the soul, you get the Summon Card of the Light Tower and Shadow Tower Summon Card (Orange Quality). .


[Ding … Bailian Pump (Special permissions) successful, triggering a talent for the soul, you get the death ray tower summoning card*2, the element tower summoning card*2, the death shock tower summoning card*3. 2. Wan Jian Qi Tower Summoning Card*2, Cosmic Radio Tower Summoning Card*2 (Legendary Quality). .


[Ding … Qianlian pump (special permissions) is successful, triggering a soul talent, you get the Jiutian Leichi Tower summoning card (epic quality). .


[Ding … Bailian Pump (special permissions) is successful, triggering a talent in the soul, you get the call of the Houya Tower, the Longyin Tower Summon Card, and the death of the death of the death tower (epic quality). .


[Ding … Qianlian pumping (special permissions) successful, triggering a soul talent, you get the summoning card (mythical quality) of Zhou Tianxing Tower. .

When extracting the defensive tower, [Blue Star First Handsome Guy], the Death Defense Tower is taken targeted. They can cooperate with the death halo tower. The larger the number, the more horrible the lethality of the entire death tower group.

Death impact tower and death ritual tower are scope -like killing spells without having to attack the same monomer as death rays.

When the trigger is to die, there will be a chance to kill collective spikes. It can also be combined with the same target of death rays to set fire, and the lethality is stronger!

But entering the 200th round, just like the last time, it is the meteor fire rain (epic)+cosmic ray (epic)+solar sky fire (epic)+void shock (sub -myth)+extermination of Aurora (sub -myth) +Rotten blood rain (sub -myth)+the terrible natural disaster combination of chaotic mines (mythical level)!

Coupled with a golden -winged Big Pengbird over the virtual territory, this is the combination of god -level natural disasters+mythical BOSS.

Seeing the golden -winged Pengbird, Wu Feng smiled: “Oh, in reality, I used the beast to summon the card to surrender the golden -winged Big Pengbird. I didn’t expect that in the virtual territory, I would destroy it.”

Wu Feng has absolute self -confidence. In the face of the mythical BOSS is just the Golden Wing Big Pengbird, he is enough to suppress it easily!

After all, although the Golden Wing Bird is very fierce, it is just a mythical BOSS. He has no Nirvana ability of an undead bird, and Wu Feng can easily kill him!

I saw [Blue Star’s First Handsome guy] and took out the natural disaster Orb without hesitation, and then launched this artifact to control many natural disasters!

A mythical natural disaster and the power of three sub -mythical natural disasters bombarded together, which suppressed the Golden Wing Big Pengbird in one fell swoop.

Without other external forces, relying on the power of the god -level natural disaster can make the golden -winged Big Pengbird continuously hit hard. In addition, [Blue Star First Handsome Man] also obtained a weekly star tower.

Under the scouring and suppression of the Xinghe, the Golden Wing Big Peng Bird quickly fell into the god -level natural disaster!

[Ding … successfully kill the Golden Wing Bird (Seventh -order Mythical BOSS), complete the achievements of the gods, and obtain 150,000 points of hunting points. .

[Ding … successfully kill the Golden Wing Dapeng Bird (Seventh -order Mythical BOSS), successfully challenge the mythical BOSS, and you get an additional 150,000 challenge points. .

[Ding … successfully kill the Golden Wing Dapeng Bird (Seventh -order Mythical BOSS) and absorb the divine power. You add an additional 1 god guard (hero) quota and 1,000 guards (soldiers) places. .

[Blue Star First Handsome guy] I directly shared the corpse of the Golden Wing Bird with Wu Feng. From this corpse, Wu Feng once again extracted 15 points of magic power, and there was an increase in rewards.

Wu Feng even put the body of the Golden Wing Dapeng Bird in front of the leader of the League, used the morale of inspiring the territory, and let the leader see the strength of the lord.

This operation has greatly increased the sense of belonging of the leaders. They are more loyal to the territory, and the power of faith provided has increased a lot.

It’s just what the Golden Wing Bird, which is far away from Tiangu No. 011, seems to feel: “How do I feel the atmosphere of the same family appearing? But how is the breath of the same family so weak …”

The Golden Wing Big Peng Bird is very puzzled. It naturally does not know. Wu Feng slashed a golden -winged Big Pengbird. There are not many types of mythical boss. This chance is extremely low.

On Wu Feng, he did not stimulate the Golden Wing Dapeng Bird. Who knew that after seeing this kind of corpse, would he think Wu Feng was going to murder him?

Due to the items in the copy, Wu Feng brought the corpse of the Golden Wing Dapeng Bird into the eternal night, and then called Sol over.

When the casting dragon king temporarily returned to the leader, when he saw the huge golden -winged Big Peng bird, he doubted: “Lord, is there a mythical BOSS attacking territory just now?”

“This boss is killed by you so soon!?”

The Dragon Dragon King thought that the boss was done by Wu Feng.

Wu Feng didn’t explain much. He looked at the Dragon Dragon King: “Sol, can you extract the stars in the golden wing Big Pengbird’s body?”

The cast star dragon king proudly said: “Everyone living under the sun and the moon’s stars will condense the stars in their bodies. As long as the death time does not exceed 3 days and the energy in the body has not completely dissipated, I can extract stars. ”

“You look at it, I can extract the star core from its body! This is the core material that can be used to cast the stars!”

To put it, the King of Star Dragon launched his own ability. The golden -winged Big Peng Bird’s body was shining, countless energy gathered, and then a shiny star core was formed!

This star nucleus is extremely huge. It is almost about 1/10 of the body of the Golden Wing Bird Bird. It exudes a stars. If it is placed on the sky, it really looks like a little star.

“Lord, with this star nucleus, plus the stars extracted during this time, I can cast a brand new star!”

Solk holds the star core, it means obvious, now he can try to cast stars!

Wu Feng waved his hand: “Don’t be in a hurry, don’t you say that the more stars, the larger the stars you cast? There are still a lot of corpses here!”

He said that he took out several corpses, all of which were epic or above, and there were six -order sub -mythical boss.

The cast star dragon king widened his eyes. Among these corpses, there were both the BOSS that was killed in the infinite trial, as well as the BOSS that was slaughtered by Wu Feng.

So Sol took another wave and got the stars contained in it!

These corpses were only extracted from the energy essence of the body. The flesh and bones of the corpse were still there. Wu Feng took it out and threw it into the evolution blood pool to extract the emitteric sacred blood!

In this way, the BOSS corpse was used in multiple rounds, as if it was squeezed on the assembly line. Its soul, energy, flesh and bones were all used well by Wu Feng.

“By the way, I can make you a star! Unhappy?” Wu Feng said, and looked at the Star Dragon King: “Sol, should these stars, right?”

The cast star dragon nodded slowly: “Lord, it’s enough, there is a star dust of 1,500 units. You only need to give me a three -color star sand of 15,000 units, and I can cast my first star!”

On the type of civilized fire, Wu Feng’s mythical resources of 100,000 units have been smashed, let alone the three -color star sand of 15,000 units in this area.

“I heard you say that the more mythical resources, the stronger the stars? I allocated it to the three -color star sand of 75,000 units, full of the specifications of this star!”

“Anyway, you have the opportunity in the future, and you can continue to refine the stars to make it stronger!”

Wu Feng’s atmospheric three -color star sand was allocated to the cast star dragon king, which shocked the cast star dragon king.

My lord is a bit so arrogant. How can this mythical resource be given casually like white board resources here! Intersection

I used to want to refine a star, and it is often necessary to work hard to find mythical resources alone, which makes the number of stars that the Star Dragon King used to cast a limited number of stars.

But now as long as he can make up the star nucleus and stars, it can refine the starry show, which is very simple to operate.

Without resources, the casting dragon king can cast the stars with peace of mind. I saw that he held the star nucleus, and then put the star core and the stars into it. A small star appeared on the head of the star dragon king.

This is just its core. The next thing to cast Star Dragon King is to invest in a large number of three -color star sand to form the shell of the stars!

As a mythical resource, Sancai Xingsha is extremely strong. As the shell of the stars, it can completely resist any attack and make it indestructible.

At the same time, Sancai Xingsha can also make the stars absorb the aura of heaven and earth. After entering the starry sky, this star can absorb endless starlight to increase the star dragon king.

Wu Feng watched this star cast by the casting dragon king. This magical process surprised Wu Feng!

“Sol, your trick is really amazing, it is the most spectacular spectacle! Come on, set this star to the sky!”

Wu Feng stared at the artificial stars, and he wanted to see what it would look like after flying on the starry sky.

Sol was also shining, and he laughed: “Lord, you just see me! My first star takes off, and there will be a second and third one immediately! Even the eternal night will be me. The stars are illuminated! ”

Speaking, Sol grabbed the stars and sent it directly into the starry sky. As the stars flew up, the casting dragon king saw the scene below through the stars.

Sol uses stars as the eyes to investigate the situation in large -scale. This ability is one of the role of artificial stars.

At the same time, after the stars flew into the sky, Sol can still use this to draw the power of the stars so as to keep it into his body.

These benefits have benefited a great benefit of the Dragon Dragon King. This star in the sky is equivalent to letting the cast star dragon king have an automatic cultivation plug -in. Its cultivation efficiency is almost the same as that of the Asian -level hero.

If there are many stars, then Sol can enjoy several times the cultivation effect. Casting the Star Dragon King is to cast enough stars!

“Lord, I saw that there were some light in the eternal night, that was either a natural disaster fortress or other camps with civilized fire.”

“I can follow the picture to find these camps, then I’m gone!”

The Dragon Dragon King looked at Wu Feng. After talking to him, he immediately flew up, pushed the black hole again, and killed the locking point that he was locked.

This is to destroy the corresponding natural disaster fortress with a black hole or look at other camps.

After using the corpse of the Golden Wing Big Pengbird, Wu Feng felt that if he can still get the body of the mythical BOSS next time, you can also allow Sol to enjoy the treatment of cast stars.

Now this corpse can be brought out!

He threw the corpse of the golden -winged Big Pengbird into the evolution blood pool, and a group of gods were extracted from it.

[Ding … Evolution Blood Pond devour the corpse of a mythical BOSS (Golden Wing Big Peng Bird), according to its class (seventh order 340), the production of the evolutionary blood (legendary level) of the blood pool is increased by 240 drops /Sky, the yield of evolutionary blood (epic) increases by 12 drops/day. .

[Ding … Evolution Blood Pool devoured a corpse of a mythical BOSS (Golden Wing Big Peng Bird). According to its class (seventh order 340), you get 2400 drops of evolution blood (legendary quality), 240 drops of evolutionary saints Blood (epic quality), 30 drops of inlet blood (mythical quality). .

[Ding … The body of the evolution blood pool devours a mythical BOSS (Golden Wing Big Pengbird), according to its quality (myth) and race (ancient god beast), you get 60 drops of ancient god blood (mythical quality). .


Wu Feng killed the mythical BOSS, and also collected a mythical soul of a unit. In addition, the Asian -level BOSS killed by [Blue Star First Handsome Guy] also obtained a sub -mythical soul.

For a few more units of the sub -mythical soul, Wu Feng can evolve his own skills, or help [Qianshan Muxue] and other people evolve skills.

Whether it is copying skills or refreshing skills, if it is evolved, it is very useful. Wu Feng still looks very open.

Compared with the skills of fighting the house, these skills are more functional!

There is also the time acceleration skills of [Little Red Lithium], and the replacement skills of [Red Dust · Yu Yan] can be evolved.

Anyway, after they evolve, they can also cooperate with Wu Feng for operation. No matter what kind of skills have evolved to the sub -mythical level, qualitative changes can occur.

If several of them have evolved to the sub -mythical level, it is even more fierce. The effect of combining is even more unimaginable.

On the other side, the [Blue Star First Handsome Guy], after the 200th round of customs clearance, was killed in the 220th round in one fell swoop. Like last time, [Blue Star First Handsome Gund], this round needs to face the god -level natural disaster. Tianjie+Eighth -order mythical boss!

Originally, the [Blue Star’s First Handsome guy] could be given up like yesterday, but after watching this round, there is a sub -mythical boss in this round, Wu Feng immediately changed his mind.

Since there are sub -mythical bosses, how to kill it!

So [Blue Star’s First Handsome Gund] used the Great Wall of the Great Wall to focus on the attack of the mythical BOSS, and then consumed the natural disaster of the god -level disaster, which was used to collect fire subtly BOSS.

In the case of the death halo tower, [Blue Star’s first handsome guy] used the god -level natural disaster and the effect of death, and killed two sub -mythical BOSS in one fell swoop!

In this case, Wu Feng once again obtained the sub -mythical soul of 2 units, and evolved the epic skills to the sub -mythical level, and only the Asian mythical soul of 4 units.

“Yes! Enough! Gattered the sub -mythical soul, that was a big earning wave!” Wu Feng nodded, and [Blue Star’s first handsome guy] left the copy.

The two Asian mythical bosses that are slaughtered can provide a lot of trial scores. In addition, Wu Feng used the death of the death halo tower to quickly connect the previous level. This wave of scores is still a lot high.

[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy successfully cleared the unlimited test of the 219th round (Hell difficulty). According to the number of customs clearance rounds and records, a total of 16.5 million scores can be obtained, which can be used to improve the trial star. .

[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy encountered meteor fire rain (epic natural disaster), cosmic rays (epic natural disasters) and sun fire (epic natural disaster) in hell difficulty, each epic natural disaster, trial scoring score Additional+20%, an additional 9.9 million points, can be used to improve the trial star. .

[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy encountered void shocks (sub -mythical natural disasters), extermination of the Aurora (sub -mythical natural disaster), and rotten blood rain (sub -mythical natural disaster) in hell. Natural disasters, additional+40%of the trial scores, an additional 19.8 million scores, can be used to improve the trial star. .

[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy encountered chaos and mines (mythical natural disasters) in hell, destroying the heavenly robbery (mythical natural disaster), each mythical natural disaster, the trial score is additional+100% Obtain 33 million points, which can be used to improve trial stars. .

[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy killed a mythical BOSS (Golden Wing Big Pengbird) in the difficulty of hell. class. .

Because the basic scoring has increased a lot, although the number of customs clearance wheels has not changed much, the trial score he finally obtained has reached nearly 88 million, which is more than 10 million trial scores than the previous round. Two stars.

It was only after his trial star broke through 200 stars, and his upgrade difficulty skyrocketed. Wu Feng’s trial scores just rose from 212 to 225 stars, adding 13 points of skill points.

Considering the powerful lethality of the Death Make Tower, Wu Feng still adds the special skills of the Death Defense Tower. He is looking forward to having a mythical defense tower

Death impact: Class V can increase the 100%full attribute and 100%damage range of all death tower defense tower, and increase the chance of death of 2%of the defense tower of the death system. It takes 4 scientific points to advance to VI. The level reaches VI.

Death vortex: Class I can increase the full attribute of all death tower defense tower, and increase the chance of death of 1%of the defense tower of the death system. The lower the enemy’s health, the higher the chance of triggering death. The level of technology points at 4 points and the impact of death reaches level II.

Wu Feng was full of the second -tier technology of the death impact. By the way, he also ordered a level 1 death vortex. After this third -order skill came out, the lethality of the defense tower of the death system rose again. The probability of death of the tower has a qualitative leap.

After all, with the addition of the quantity, even if the chance of death is increased by 1%, the lethality of the enemy will double.

Wu Feng even had the opportunity to divide the death tower cluster into two waves to attack, and may even kill two big bosses at the same time!

In this case, [Blue Star First Handsome Guy] completed today’s unlimited trials. During the time when he cleared the infinite trial, Wu Feng finally raised many basic technology to level 5 in the eternal night.

Essence of Essence: Level 5, can activate civilized fire types with rune essence, use various spells and increase its 300%damage. The rune essence of 100,000 units and invested 10 billion magic crystals and the mythical level of 10,000 units can be upgraded to level 6.

After the Essence of the Essence of Essence, it can improve the killing of 300%of the related prohibition, and it can also consume a large amount of rune essence to launch an episode ban.

This level of forbidden spells will be extremely powerful. Fifth -order epic BOSS can also kill!

Epic Ban Mantra can even cause considerable killing to the sixth -order epic BOSS. After all, epic banned curse can also get 300%damage bonus.

In the case of sufficient number of epic ban on epic ban, sub -mythical enemies can also be killed.

If Wu Feng had previously launched the legendary ban on spell rain, then it can now become an epic -level ban on spell rain!

This essence for banning can continue to be upgraded. Anyway, Wu Feng has regarded this as a way to enhance its own output.

In addition to upgrading the basic technology, Wu Feng also unlocked many basic technology. The primary technology corresponding to the essence banned curse was called the fire of the rune.

Rune Fire (junior technology): Level 1, can burn Rune Stone out of powerful flames and make it more powerful, but it will completely consume this rune stone, burning rune stones, and 10 times the power of power, lasting time It is related to the quality of Rune Stone.

Upgrade conditions: Rune stones with 1,000 orange quality and above are burned and invested 20 billion magic crystals and 20,000 units mythical resources, which can upgrade Rune Fire Technology.

The fire of runes is also a large consumption of runes. This is a direct burning rune to make it have a higher level of rune effect.

If the doomsday mage burns the natural disaster rune, it can even launch an epic natural disaster!

After this ability is activated, it can be used to explode, and it is extremely easy to use when desperately.

Civilized fire can be risen to level 2!

Wu Feng immediately began to upgrade the civilized fire species. He invested 100 billion magic crystals and 100,000 units mythical resources, and almost drowned civilized fire.

So many magic crystals and resources are turned into fuels of civilized fire, making the civilized fire burn more hot in one fell swoop!

The flame inherited by this civilized civilization suddenly illuminated the range of hundreds of kilometers. In this absolute darkness, it became the only light!

“This is a bit of a sun -like posture. The site with a hundred kilometers of essence, such a large area, can be comparable to half of the area.”

“My defense tower can be placed in this area!” Wu Feng looked at the more hot rune fire species, and his eyes were all urged!

[Ding … Civilized fire (rune civilization) upgraded to level 2, obtained the rune civilization to the baby database reward, randomly selected 1 mythical rune and 3 epic runes. .

“Lord, after the upgrade of our rune fire, it attracted strong enemies! They all killed here!”

Wu Fengzheng appreciated the changes brought about by the civilized fire species to level 2, and as a result, Vigus, who was responsible for the enemy who came to commit the enemy, suddenly reminded him.

In fact, the latest news also feedback the latest news. They found that as the light erupted by the civilized fire was increasingly urged, the mass disaster alien people were killed!

Among them, there are also high -level BOSS. One of the natural disasters of the disasters has been intercepted by the Star Dragon King. The submissions of the team who led the team was suppressed by the Black Hole of the Star Dragon!

However, other natural disaster arms have killed near the villages occupied by Wu Feng, and they all came for the kind of civilized fire.

“2级的文明火种,一定要将其覆灭,决不能使其升级至3级,每一个3级的文明火种,对于我们来说都是巨大的威胁!若是3级的文明火种足够多,那 You can summon Dawn Dawn! ”

The army of natural disasters has a common goal. They killed the civilized fire all the way.

Before Wu Feng had time to view the situation of civilized fire, there was a sub -myth -level BOSS. It was the death of the Zerg.

A pair of sickle in his hand has been cultivated as a dark death sickle, and has a strong ability to die. This BOSS cannot be dealt with with the Death Make Tower.

Because he is the powerful BOSS of the death system, it can be immune to the effect of death, unless it is a mythical death system defense tower.

In this case, Wu Feng flew up by himself: “The sub -mythical boss? You run in front of me, that is to die!

Wu Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense. He stretched out his hands and launched the hands of the gods. He saw two blue palms close from the heavens and the ground, and directly sealed the death of the god of death.

As the hands of the two dead gods closed, the death god mantis was frightened, and he had nowhere to escape! With the two slaps close, the death god mantis was dying, and then was killed by the Qingyu.

The sub -mythical mantis, in front of the gods of heaven, is like ants!

Today’s hand is inlaid with the third mythical gemstone. This gem named by destroying the god stone is very considerable.

Destroyed God Stone: Mythical gem, enhances its full attributes by 150%. Each upgrade can increase the full attribute of 3,000 points, which can increase all damage by 300%.

With the ability to destroy storms and destruction.

Destroy storm: It can bless the next attack to increase its power by 400%(can take effect on the skills within the god level). While the power is improved, it will be shrouded in the destruction of the attack target, which will be equivalent to the Asian mythical natural disaster. Delays.

The power of destruction: Enemies who die in one shot or destroy the storm will increase the power of destruction and increase the lethality of destruction of the destruction.

Three mythical gem bonus hands with both hands, Wu Feng, can slap the Dead God Mantis with a slap to deal with other Asian God -level BOSS. The hands of God this day have such a terrible lethality.

After killing the god of death, Wu Feng took the body of the sub -mythical BOSS and took it away. The boss of this special attribute could extract the blood of death.

Seeing Wu Feng so easily suppressed a sub -mythical BOSS, all called the three -headed black dragon of his own three -headed black dragon to prepare to kill the BOSS [the king of the four seas] were stunned.

“Boss, you don’t need your own hero now, you can kill a sub -mythical BOSS yourself? You can make those fighting leaders who claim to be a great power!”

[The King of Four Seas] It was really shocked by Wu Feng’s slap just now. The boss actually said to do it! Intersection

You know, currently those powerful fighting lords, I am afraid that there are very few epic -level BOSS!

Wu Feng shook his head: “Don’t underestimate the heroes in the world. I can slap the mantis of the dead god. Relying on the power of artifacts, my own fighting power is not exaggerated.”

“If the fighter lord has the same artifact configuration as me, he can also do so easily to kill the sub -myth BOSS!”

Wu Feng is neither arrogant, nor is there no one in his eyes. On the 799th floor, there are all kinds of evils. Who knows whether there is a combat lord with an artifact set like him.

Fighting lords are different from Gou Daoliu and hero flow. Their resources have invested to enhance their strength.

If there are combat artifacts, they will play a stronger combat power, like [Ten Million Light] If a fighting hero, when he uses the sword of the upper Cang, the lethality may be much stronger than before. possible.

After killing the death of the death, the subsequent subsequent sub -myth BOSS came, and they all led the team to destroy the civilized fire.

Because there is not too much time left today, the use of Wu Feng’s hands of God’s hands has not been consumed, and he is not polite.

The advent Asian mythical BOSS, he started the hands of heavenly gods. After the enemy was hit hard, other mythical heroes can naturally be easily killed.

Relying on this operation, Wu Feng cut 4 sub -mythical BOSS in front of the civilized fire, and did not use the second black hole in the black hole tower.

As for the other natural disaster lords, it can be handed over to the second black hole. Under the horror suction of the black hole, this natural disaster lord is not enough.

Even the fifth -tier natural disaster lord, facing the sudden launch of the black holes, must be swallowed in it and turned into a black hole.

Wu Feng swept this way, with many mythical heroes, destroying the strong enemy of this wave of criminals in one fell swoop, but Wu Feng’s expression was solemn: “Rune civilization’s civilized fire has risen to level 2, but it has not yet taken Come on dawn. ”

“It seems that it is necessary to raise the type of civilized fire to level 3, and at level 2 attracts the Asian mythical BOSS. When it rises to level 3, the outbreak of light will spread to a larger range. Come to mythical BOSS! ”

“The most important thing is that the number of this mythical BOSS is not yet known. If there are several eighth -level mythical bosses at the same time, it is more difficult to confront!”

Thinking of this, Wu Feng’s heart was urgent, and he needed to be fully prepared to cope with all possible enemies.

Nowadays, the large range of civilized fires has become a level 7 of the area. Wu Feng sets a 500 -kilometer desperate Great Wall under the periphery, allowing him to surround this ‘clean’ area.

Then he put in many epic and legendary defense towers. In such a large area, black holes can only guard the core area.

In the peripheral area, these defensive towers need to be guarded. Wu Feng only left the combination of defense tower to prepare for infinite trials. Other powerful defense towers are placed here.

The defense around the civilized fire has been fully strengthened, and he can carefully plan the upgrade of the civilized fire.

Today’s level 2 civilized fire types are not comparable to the previous level 1 civilized fire!

One chapter today, 15000 words.

(This chapter is finished)

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