Chapter 424 Extraction!

Wu Feng came to the evolutionary blood pool again. This time, he had more big BOSS bodies than before, various epic BOSS, and mythical BOSS, and the benefits of evolving holy blood must be extremely amazing.

And Wu Feng has to extract the sacred blood this time, but also evolved the evolution blood pool!

He has checked the evolutionary conditions of the evolutionary blood pool with mysterious sheepskin, and he has now fully met the evolutionary conditions.

Hidden information (evolution blood pool) 1: After devouring a mythical hero or BOSS and more than 20 epic heroes or bosses, it can evolve into epic buildings and consumes 5,000 units epic resources.

Hidden information (evolution blood pool) 2: After the evolution of the body of the mythical BOSS or the hero of the hero, the number of evolutionary sacred blood provided by the evolution blood pool will be more. Epic evolution of holy blood.

Originally, the blood pool was evolved into an epic building. Wu Feng could let [Little Red Carp] help. Her talent, although she could not directly evolve the building.

However, she can evolve the construction evolution card in Wu Feng’s hands and enter the legendary level of building evolutionary card into epic levels.

But now Wu Feng has the body of the Void Dragon, which can fully meet the conditions of independent evolution.

Evolved independently, it is obviously more effective, and Wu Feng has to use this more way to earn.

Wu Feng first extracted a wave of epic BOSS corpses.

[Ding … Evolution Blood Pool devoured the body of an epic BOSS (Void Demon Dragon), according to its class (seventh order 320 level), the blood output of evolution of blood pool increased by 320 drops/day, evolved the sacred blood, evolved the sacred blood, and the sacred blood. The output increases by 16 drops per day. You get 1600 drops of inlet blood (orange quality), 80 drops of inlet sanctuary (legendary quality), and 20 drops of input sacred blood (epic quality). .

[Ding … Evolution Blood Pool devoured an epic BOSS (Void Demon Dragon) body, according to its quality (epic) and race (void alien, dragon), you get 20 drops of empty sacred blood (epic quality), 20 20, 20 Dilong Saint Blood (Epic Quality). .


Wu Feng had many epic BOSS bodies at hand. Among them, there were 3 corpses of the void magic dragon. After extraction, Wu Feng obtained a group of Dragon Holy Blood.

For part of the output, Wu Feng gave it to [Little Red Carp]: “[Little Red Carp], your sky ancient dragon can absorb the dragon saint blood, this is the dragon sanctuary for you.”

“It is enough to help your sky in the sky to improve blood awakening and become stronger. In the future, you can fully strengthen the ancient sky. The power of evolution next time will have the opportunity to help you evolve mythical dragon heroes.”

Wu Feng made a suggestion to [Little Red Carp]. [Little Red Carp] was also the lord of the second mythical hero.

As long as the Supreme League occupies another country, she can once again gain the power of evolution.

Wu Feng will see the situation to help her. The potential of [Little Red Carp] is one of the best among many lords. She can be regarded as a double -day leader.

After all, her luck is not worse than the epic talent of others.

[Little Red Carp] Nodded hard: “Brother League, I will work hard! The expansion speed of our Supreme Alliance is fast!”

When Wu Feng focused on completing the achievements of the gods in unlimited trials, other members of the other alliances have continued to expand. In the 052 country, several regions were monopolized by the Supreme Alliance.

[Xiaohong Carp] I also think that what the elder brother of the League is said may be achieved within a few days. She is now more and more admired by the leader of the League.

After Wu Feng extracted a group of epic -level lord BOSS, he finally took out the Void Dragon and threw his huge body into the evolution blood pool.

Seeing the corpse of this mythical BOSS, the white bone essence practiced next to the evolution blood pool, her saliva stayed: “The lord’s adult actually got such a precious corpse!”

“Waiting for my bones to be swallowed by me, then I can take a step further in a hundred feet!”

White bone essence feels that if it is absorbed the bone of the void god dragon, the white bone essence contained in it is a great supplement for her! Absolute take -off rhythm.

At this moment, the Void Dragon sank into the evolution blood pool, and countless golden sacred blood flew out!

[Ding … Evolution Blood Pool devoured the body of a mythical BOSS (Void Dragon), according to its class (level seventh level 350), the yield of evolutionary blood (legendary) of the evolution of the blood pool was increased by 160 drops/day, The output of the evolution of the Holy Blood (Epic) is increased by 8 drops per day. .

[Ding … Evolution Blood Pool devoured the body of a mythical BOSS (Void God Dragon), according to its class (seventh order 350), you get 1600 drops of evolution blood (legendary quality), 160 drops of evolutionary sacred blood (epic (epic epic (epic (epic (epic (epic (epic (epic (epic (epic (epic (epic (epic (epic (epic (epic) Quality), 20 drops into the blood (mythical quality). .

[Ding … Evolution Blood Pool devoured the body of a mythical BOSS (Void God Dragon), according to its quality (myth) and race (void alien, dragon) The blood of Shenlong (mythical quality). .


The quality of the essence in the void Shenlong is too high, and the lowest level extracted is also the legendary evolutionary sacred blood, and even the three -color evolutionary blood flew out!

This high -end quality evolutionary blood is very precious for mythical heroes!

Kris watched the evolutionary blood in his eyes: “This is the blood that can only be obtained in the body of the blood of the gods. One drop is enough to make the legendary hero evolve to an epic!”

“Even if we can absorb a drop of cultivation in the first half of the year!”

Vigus also nodded: “Lord, even our mythical hero, absorbing 1 drop into the blood, it takes a long time to digest.”

“If you often absorb evolution of God’s blood, it will inevitably wake up the ability.”

Wu Feng reached out, and many holy blood and blood fell into his hands. Evolging the blood of God was a common treasure of heaven, and any hero could take it.

The void blood and the blood of the dragon are only suitable for heroes with corresponding blood capacity. Wu Feng was very generous to give Vegs and Kelis a drop of magic blood.

Kris still took out her tall cup, and only one drop into the blood, which filled it almost, and Kris took a sip elegantly, making her face red.

The evolution of God’s blood can be against the effect of her previous 10 drops into the sanctuary. This is part of the effect of evolving god blood.

As Wei Gus said, one drop into the blood is enough to make mythical heroes digest a lot of time.

After Vigus got 1 drop of evolutionary blood, she took a sip. The efficiency she absorbed was much higher than Kelis. After all, the little guy in her belly needed this kind of nutrition very much.

After seeing the absorption of evolutionary blood, the attributes of Kris and Weicus rose rapidly. Wu Feng nodded. This evolved the blood of God.

Wu Feng was preparing to take 10 drops of evolutionary blood to the many mythical heroes that were allocated to him.

This congenital artifact can be used to store all kinds of liquids, and it can also increase the number.

10 drops of evolutionary blood exist, and you can add 2 drops of inlet blood every day. After 10 drops of drops every day, the number of evolutionary blood will be increasing.

“Lord, are you calling me?” Ophara also came to the evolution blood pool. She is now glowing. After being poured, her body has become more popular.

Wu Feng naturally knows how embarrassing the body under the loose clothes that Ophara usually wore peacefully.

“This drop of evolution, you can absorb it …” Wu Feng looked closely at Ophara, and found that she was similar to Vigus when he evolved.

She contains a new life in her body. After seeing evolutionary blood, she is full of desire.

After Wu Feng gave a drop of evolutionary blood, Opora licked her lips. She did not refuse and directly absorbed the evolution of the blood.

A small mouth evolved the blood into the belly, and the divine power of Opora actually increased. She looked at Wu Feng very happily: “Lord, my divine power has increased!”

“This evolving the blood of the gods contains a part of the void god dragon! I may be able to impact the weakness of the weak!”

Aurola had only a weak divine power. Her current divine power is 8 o’clock, which is transformed by the power of some faith.

Today, plus 1 point of magic power from 1 drop of evolutionary blood, then as long as you absorb 1 drop of intoxication, Ophara can reach 10 points of power, break through the level of divine power.

“Oolla, how much time do you need to absorb this drop of evolutionary blood?” Wu Feng looked at Ophara.

The goddess of disaster who is not a girl has touched her belly: “It should only take only one day. This evolution of God’s blood is greatly beneficial to me …”

Watching the goddess of the disaster, she absorbed most of the evolutionary blood. Like Veuts, she was very easy to absorb and digest and evolve the blood, which should be related to the little guys in their bodies.

Since it can absorb 1 drop into the blood in a day, Oura Rura will definitely break through tomorrow. Considering that Wu Feng’s own statue of the leader of the League must also break through, then it is necessary to slaughter a mythical BOSS tomorrow.

“If you use all my means and two mythical defense towers, it is not too difficult to kill mythical bosses.”

“One mythical boss a day, that’s really the rhythm of the sky!”

Wu Feng looked at the evolution blood pool. Whether he could gain evolutionary blood was to see the battle of mythical BOSS, as well as the effect of evolving blood pools.

Today’s evolution blood pool has met the evolutionary conditions as the Void Dragon has been completely digested. After Wu Feng provided sufficient epic resources, the evolutionary blood pool was successfully evolved into an epic building!

Evolution blood pool: Special buildings (epic quality), covering an area: 900 units, which can extract various types of essence and blood to improve the attributes of targets or obtain the blood pulse capacity of the corresponding race.

At present, it is a level 7 evolutionary blood pool, and an additional 210%of the blood and spermatic blood output will be increased by 210%, and 8,000 drops of epic and above the quality of the quality of the epic can be upgraded to level 8.

Attachment capabilities: blood crystals, evolution blood, refinement of essence, integration evolution, blood pool baptism, universal essence of blood.

Blood of evolution: The basic output of evolution blood pool is 1,000 drops of evolution blood (orange quality), 100 drops of evolutionary blood (legendary quality), and 10 drops of evolutionary blood (epic quality) per day Blood or evolution of holy blood can enhance your own attributes.

Every digestion of the body of BOSS above the legendary level can increase the daily output of evolution blood. Each consumption of the bodies of the legendary BOSS above the fifth order can increase the daily output of evolutionary sacred blood (legendary).

At present, an additional increase in the evolution blood pool: 34,860 drops of blood per day, 2420 drops of sanctified blood (legendary) a day, 8 drops of sacred blood (epic).

Integration and evolution: The same type of fine blood of the same type can be used for integration and evolution with evolution blood pools. It can evolve into higher quality sperm blood, and can evolve up to epic blood -level essence.

Blood baptism: Heroes or soldiers can enter the blood pool for baptism. In the process, heroes can endure extreme pain. The more the blood of the evolution or the more sanctified blood, the higher the chance of evolution after taking essence.

Each hero can only baptize each level of blood pools, and can invest in matching blood blood to enable the hero to increase blood and evolve their own blood.

Universal essence: Evolution blood pool can produce a certain amount of legendary essence and epic blood blood daily, and the sperm blood produced must be extracted from the extract. At present, the basic output can produce 160 drops of yting blood and 16 drops of epic essence blood daily.

Extract the corpse of the epic -level BOSS above the seventh order, which can increase the yield of legendary essence and blood, extract the corpse of the mythical level BOSS above the seventh order, and increase the yield of epic essence.

After the evolutionary blood pool has become an epic building, all outputs have been improved, and at the same time, it also has an extra universal blood -blooded function.

In other words, the evolution blood pool itself can produce the sperm blood of the formulation. Today’s basic output is 160 drops of rumored sperm blood and 16 drops of epic blood sperm per day.

It is considered the level bonus of the evolution blood pool, that is, it can formulate 34 drops of blood blood every day. Wu Feng can obtain 34 drops of dragon blood every day.

Dragon heroes, this is blessed!

Just thinking, Oura, who had absorbed 1 drop of evolutionary blood, danced in white hair. She reached out to the direction of the national degree 052: “Lord, this drop of evolutionary blood, so that I can launch a god -level natural disaster, and then Let me destroy the lord of this area! ”

Ophara said, poured out the energy that almost exploded in the body, and the No. 081 area of No. 052 immediately poured blood mold!

The lords in this area suddenly saw endless thunder in the sky, which was the god -level natural disaster destruction of the heavenly robbery.

The lord in this area, looking at the dense dark clouds in the sky, suddenly had an ominous premonition.

“Is this posture going to the Great Flood? The lords in the 091 areas are not like this! It’s so fast that it is my turn to the area 081?”

“I am ah! [Jiutian Travel] How long is this stop! How can I start again! What should we do?”

“What to do? Of course it is running! I heard that the 096 area has been scanned by the people of the Supreme League. Void! ”

“That’s right, it’s just a sign of a natural disaster. If we don’t run, we can’t run away!”

Many lords in the 081 area are now the birds of shocking bow. Many of them have arranged investigation methods in the 091 and 092 areas.

Therefore, many of them see how the lords in the 091 areas have not seen each other. They also saw how the lords in the 092 region repeated the same mistake.

They were fortunate at the time [Jiutian Travel] After getting the 091 area, they did not choose them as the next goal.

In this case, they have a period of buffer time. During this time, many smart lords have acquired the territory relocation card at a high price.

Now I have seen the precursor of natural disasters in the 081 area, and they have run away! This is a real smart person.

Under the wall of the gentleman, he knew that he was dangerous and did not run. Isn’t this looking for death!

After the emergence of the destruction, the lords in the 081 area immediately ran about half of the way, and at this time, the endless thunder was split!

“I wipe it! Why is it different from the legendary flood in the legendary world! Why didn’t it rain, but it was a thunderous rain!”

“Who told me that it was a big flood? I built the walls of the city for more than ten meters, and I wanted to prevent the floods, but how can this be a thunder who specifically kills my hero!”

“Where is Fang Daoyou crossed the robbery here? Is it special or the Jiutian Thunder robbery? This is a killing person!”

“Hahaha! [Blue Star’s first deep affection] This scumbag, just after me, was hit by the sky! God finally opened his eyes!”

Many lords in the No. 081 region thought they had experienced the same floods like the 091 areas. As a result, they hit their heads to kill heroes and lords.

Like the sky thunder in the sky, like a guidance system, it specifically kills the heroes of the leaders. The lord himself was hit by various sky!

After Tianlei died of the hero and lord, Tian Lei also slammed the lord’s heart for a while. Many lords originally wanted to see the situation and escape.

But they were first chopped by Tian Lei, and before they had time to operate, they saw the lord’s heart destroyed under the thunder! This is even greater than the threat of the great flood.

For a while, the No. 081 area was all the lords who were killed everywhere. The system prompts of Wu Feng’s family robbing house were brushed like a screen!

Wu Feng looked at it, which is much stronger than the lethality of the Da Dan flood!

“It seems that every time Oolla can be sublimated, it can lead to the god -level natural disaster. It is true! Every time she absorbs 1 point of magical power, she can lead to a god -level natural disaster!

Wu Feng watched Opora almost destroy a region as soon as he destroyed the heaven, and it was almost 2 hours in use.

Wu Feng immediately took the opportunity to send troops to occupy this area!

[Ding … the Supreme League completes the monopoly of the 081 region 081 of Tianyu 052, to activate the monopoly program, please ensure that no other lord survives for more than 20 hours in the region within three days. Can be a monopoly who gets a monopoly bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the country 081, the country list of Tiangu 052 No. 012, and the regional list disappears, the Lord’s nine -day tour will get 5,000 points of reputation and 1 legend every day. .


Monopoly monopolized the 081 region, and the Supreme League added to the site of a region. [Little Red Carp] can also obtain a little extraordinary power.

At the same time, after Opora completed a world of extinction, she increased 1 point of magical power. After absorbing the power of the divine power, she upgraded the power of divineness again.

When Airura and Wu Feng exchanged in -depth exchanges, the god -level natural disasters were launched. It was launched by overdrafts. The divine power obtained after the death was to make up for the power of their overdrafts.

But this time she absorbed the divine power, which directly caused her to lead the god -level natural disaster, and there were new natural disasters appearing on the 082 area next door!

Ophera can launch a chain reaction at all!

As long as she continues to die, she can constantly lead to the god -level natural disaster! This sweeping efficiency in various regions is higher than other god -level heroes.

As countless fire stars appeared in the 082 area, the area No. 082, which was originally watching the play, was completely lively, and their territory was quickly drowned by the fire meteor.

The lethality of countless fire meteors is even fiercer than the previous hundreds of millions of fire meteors. This kind of fire and rain, but the natural disasters launched after the level of the divine power of Ophara, the power of power naturally goes to the next level!

At this time, Aurora has been promoted to the existence of divine power such as weakness. The lethality of her god -level natural disasters can easily sweep the 082 area!

It took only an hour and a half this time, and O howla was destroyed all the lords in the area No. 082!

Wu Feng has successfully occupied all the 082 areas. Such a moving finger can get a region’s way, so that Wu Feng is cool to the sky!

[Ding … the Supreme League completes the monopoly of the 082 region of Tianyu 052 No. 052 to activate the monopoly program, please make sure no other lords survive for more than 20 hours in the region. Can be a monopoly who gets a monopoly bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the region 082 of Tianyu 052 No. 052, and the regional list disappears, the Lord’s nine -day travel will get 5,000 points of reputation and 1 legend every day. .


“Ophara, I didn’t expect you to have so many tricks besides the flood of the world. The goddess of disaster is really amazing!” Wu Feng admired.

When Ophara thought of the condition that she launched the flood of the world, she was reddish, and the lord is always so unruly …

Wu Feng looked decisively to [Little Red Carp]: “In this case, [Little Red Carp] You can help me strengthen Ophara. At 20 o’clock, you will invest in Ophara first.”

[Little Red Carp] Nodded: “Brother League, I am wanting to ask you, how do I still have 45 points of power at hand!”

“In this case, let me help Sister Oura first strengthen it!”

The little girl immediately used the extraordinary point of Opora, and the power of the 20 o’clock gathered together, so that Ophara, who had just been promoted to the level of divine power, was fully strengthened again.

Opora successfully destroyed the No. 082 region, and she gained another magical power. Under the chain response, she could launch a god -level natural disaster!

Her white hair fluttered, and she launched a stronger natural disaster in the area 083! Its name is Destroyer!

This time, it appeared over the 083 area. It was destruction rays from different spaces, like a gorgeous rainbow that was like Aurora through the sky.

This kind of rays are almost dense and more dense than the rays in the cosmic ray tower. There are many rays. The biggest feature is that you can ignore various defenses. Spike.

Some rays do not even cause any wounds, but they can disappear all the vitality of heroes and arms.

The lord’s residence, who protects the lord’s heart, was penetrated by rays at once, causing a lot of damage to the lord’s heart.

The lords of the 083 area were suddenly hit by a fatal blow!

In the entire 083 area, the first round of attacks fell 1/3 of the lords. Numerous lords were uproar. They just saw the beautiful aurora, and people were gone. This was a bit ruthless!

“I wipe it! This is another new god -level natural disaster? [Jiu Tian Travel] Where does this come from so many natural disasters!”

“The country of 052 is too miserable! Is this let us enjoy the trick of death? It is okay to region 091 to the area No. 094, but it is just hit by the Da Shi floods and meteor fires. It is also a thunderbolt, a meteor fire and rain, and this horrible destruction of the world.

The lords in these 083 areas do not know that Ophera has been strengthened again now. In addition to being able to randomly trigger a stronger natural disaster, she also has another new ability. trace!

Ophara can launch 3 god -level natural disasters every day!

This gives Ourala more opportunities to chain reactions. If a god -level natural disaster failed to destroy the world, then another round of natural disasters!

There are also a group of powerful lords in this area. They are ready to meet the powerful natural disasters.

A group of alien lords are gathered together to plan this matter. His legs are like branches, and the tree person lords that can be directly planted into the soil [Balanced sect] opens: “[Nine Days Traveling] really come to do things again! As for, there are already adults who let us fight against [Nine Days Traveling], slowing down his expansion. ”

“They even gave out the legendary level avoidance card and high -level relocation cards, and everyone had to hold it! We stayed in the area No. 082, as long as the natural disaster of [Nine Days Traveling], and then consumed his strength, The longer the dragging time, the better the reward given by the big man! ”

Another tentacle lord [Hand of Paradise] Hey smiled: “Isn’t it a reward given by people of the Three Eyes? It is still so mysterious. Just the main base. ”

There are other race hunters who gather together, and the [Galaxy Hunting Team] of the Blue Blood clan is also a strange smile: “We use the sub -base to consume the troops of [nine days travel]. Just go to various countries and even the heavenly domain to chase us. ”

“[Nine Days Traveling] is also ruthless. His god -level natural disaster can actually destroy the lord of a region directly. We must first support the god -level natural disaster!”

[Hand of Paradise]: “The god -level natural disaster is nothing, we have a war card, we can support it …”

So in the 083 area, a large group of unique lords used orange or legendary quality shelters, and to carry out the light of the world.

After destroying the light of the world, a large number of ordinary lords had dropped in seconds, and the powerful lord who had a reward of the reward in total was carried by the elimination barrier.

In their territory, various defensive towers are densely densely forced to force Wu Feng to launch the army to attack and slowly consume Wu Feng’s troops.

When Wu Feng saw this scene, he was preparing to take a shot, but Opora suddenly said: “Lord Lord, since the 7 lords want to challenge me, then I let them know how terrible the wrath of the gods!”

As a member of the Goddess Alliance, Ophara looked up at the sky at this time, her body flew up, and then launched the destroyed heaven that had been used before!

It’s just that this time her destruction of heaven is only aimed at the lords such as [Hand of Paradise] and [Balanced Section], and I saw that horrible Leiyun appeared over the main bases of these lords!

Ophara concentrates the god -level natural disasters to deal with seven people. The Thunder Cloud formed over their territory is several times thick before, and the thunder that constantly split down is drowned their territory instantly!

The main bases of these seven people also have various defensive measures and barriers to war, but their bases are still destroyed by the Thunder.

The main base of the [Balanced Section], at the 098 Nationality of Tiangu No. 012, is far from the national degree of No. 052. Even if the city of Rainbow is transmitted, a large number of Rainbow God Stone must be transmitted.

[Balanced denomination] It is also prepared to send the running road at any time, that is, to avoid [Jiutian Travel] to come to the door.

It was just that he didn’t expect that [Nine Days Traveling] did not send troops to come to the door, but a natural disaster dropped directly from the sky!

The power to destroy the robbery is several times stronger than the outbreak of the 081 area. In addition, the Thunder is more concentrated.

There are many heroes and arms who have been killed together with [Balanced denominations]. Before he responded, none of his liver survived in his territory!

[Balanced denomination] Hurry to resurrect himself and heroes with awakening crystals, but when he is still operating, the lord’s heart that he protects is destroyed by the thunder.

[Balanced denomination] It was destroyed by Opula far hundreds of thousands of miles away!

The end of the tree -human lord is also the end of other lords who dare to provoke Ophara. The territory of [Hand of Paradise] is far from 013. He also responded very sensitively and immediately moved his territory.

But the destroyed heaven was still like a shadow, followed by his new territory, destroying the territory of [Hand of Heaven] directly.

Even the main base of the [Galaxy Hunting Team], which was located in the Tiandu No. 033, was locked and destroyed by the destroyed heaven.

At this point, the lord of the No. 083 region was completely destroyed. The main base of their seven people was destroyed, and Wu Feng could occupy their sub -bases.

Although Aurora did not have a natural disaster, she destroyed the 083 area, but her ability to chase the enemy across the air also made Wu Feng look at it!

After evolving into a mythical hero, Opora is really powerful!

[Ding … the Supreme League completes the monopoly of the 083 region 083 in Tianyu 052 to activate the monopoly program, please make sure no other lords survive for more than 20 hours in the region. Can be a monopoly who gets a monopoly bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the country 083, the country list of No. 052 No. 052, and the list of the region disappears, the Lord’s nine -day travel will get 5000 point of view and 1 legendary degree of prestige every day. .


After spending a chance to show miracles, O howra also gained the power brought by the world, and she could use this again to launch a god -level natural disaster.

Under this chain reaction, as long as she can destroy the world, she can continue to launch natural disasters, then her god -level natural disaster can continuously urge. In a day, Ophara may be able to capture 20 areas!

Even if Karis comes, she does not have this efficiency. This is mainly O howla’s ability. All of them are large -scale killing. You can destroy the lord of a region in one way. Only when she was tired, she could sweep a region for a long time.

“Ophara, you will continue to clean up all the regions of the 052 country! Other members of the alliance are also promoting, you can get a lot of divine power through destroying the world!”

After Wu Feng looked at the situation of Outra’s launching the world, he felt that even if someone stiffly topped a round of natural disasters, the second round of natural disasters would definitely not be over.

After being strengthened by [Little Red Carp], Opora’s ability can launch a god -level natural disaster crazy like nuclear fission.

She suddenly became a hero of Wu Feng, helping the strongest and fiercest expansion!

Wu Feng feels that her ability is no solution, not the lords at this stage can fight.

Opora also smiled slightly: “Lord, I will destroy the world, but if there are indigenous beliefs in various areas, I will shelter them and prevent them from being affected by natural disasters.”

“Lord, can our territory take them?”

Opora refers to the primitive indigenous people who are not heroes and arms of the lords. There are also many people in the shelters and settlements they have established.

When a natural disaster was launched before, as long as someone believed in the goddess of disaster, Opora would let the destroyed natural disasters avoid these settlements and shelters.

Now that her believers have expanded rapidly in indigenous people, more and more people have believed in the goddess of disaster.

If Wu Feng is open to the territory, these aboriginal people will join his territory. Since it is the believers in Ophara, it will naturally be no problem.

“Yes, I can also let people preach in the name of disaster in indigenous peoples. In areas that have not been affected by natural disasters, your beliefs can start spreading.”

“Waiting for the real god -level natural disasters, and to destroy the lords, they will naturally strengthen their faith.”

Wu Feng gave a better proposal. Ophara was pleasantly surprised. The lord’s adults supported her to spread their faith. This is good news.

Therefore, with the support of Wu Feng’s full support, Oolla began to spread her faith quickly. At the same time, her god -level natural disaster also broke out quickly in the country No. 052.

There are also new areas, shrouded in natural disasters, and the names of the goddess of disaster began to spread quickly!

Wu Feng looked at the [Little Red Carp], and the little girl couldn’t help staring at Wu Feng: “Brother League, I still have 26 points of power at hand, you are useless yet!”

[Little Red Carp] It is really honest. She has always felt that the power of these 26 points is the elder brother of the alliance. She does not use it on the leader of the leader of the alliance, and she will feel uneasy and always feel owed. Click something.

Wu Feng touched his chin. Under the circumstances that the other members of the Ophara and the Supreme Alliance are now rapidly expanding, Wu Feng feels that this extraordinary power can be given priority to strengthen mythical items or heroes.

Whether it is strengthening the artifact or strengthening the heroes for a round, the strength improvement is extremely obvious.

However, there are also several legendary items that can be strengthened, so Wu Feng made a decision: “Then help me help me first strengthen mysterious sheepskin rolls …”

Wu Feng said that he took out the mysterious sheepskin roll. This legendary item was very helpful to Wu Feng. It was just over time. The mysterious sheepskin rolls of the lord’s information have gradually been unable to keep up.

The information of [Alibaba and the Forty Thief] is blocked by special props. The legendary mysterious sheepskin rolls cannot be detected at all.

Today, the talent of [Little Red Carp] can be used to strengthen equipment. This mysterious sheepskin roll can also be strengthened as special props. If it is evolved to an epic …

Thinking of this, Wu Feng motioned for [Little Red Carp] to try. After the little girl took over the mysterious sheepskin roll, she used extraordinary power.

With the Jin Guang in the [Little Red Carp] gradually rising, Wu Feng saw a comprehensive change in the mysterious sheepskin roll.

The a bit rude sheepskin rolls became a lot of heavy at once, and the grade became higher at once.

After the mysterious sheepskin rolled into an epic level, after Wu Feng got the mysterious sheepskin roll, he remembered a vicissitudes of mysterious sound.

“Great Lord, thank you for helping me complete the transformation, so that I can finally get rid of the damn program and have intelligence.”

“Lord, you are the greatest and most generous existence I have ever seen, you can direct your servant at will! You can call me mysterious spirit …”

Wu Feng heard the humble attitude of this vicissitudes, and he was dark in his heart.

When I used to ask the mysterious sheepskin rolls of various souls, I still need to call any great mysterious spirit, which is just the same as I want to eat.

Obviously I am the uncle who pays!

Now that the mysterious spirit has evolved from the legend to an epic, it has its own will and intelligence, and has the ability to get rid of the program.

So Wu Feng asked, “Let’s call you a little god. From now on, what are the questions, you can ask you directly?”

The mysterious spiritual tone is humble: “Great lord, you can instruct me, as long as you reward your servants some magic crystals or souls.”

This is how business is! It seems that the mysterious spirit knows that customers are God’s truth, knowing to reduce their posture and let Wu Fengle use it.

Otherwise, Wu Feng will not be able to use it as a last resort.

Why did I pay for it, and I still want to think of the great mystery?

Now the mysterious spirit shouts the great lord, this is the righteous solution!

While Wu Feng said darkly, he said: “Then you can check me, [Alibaba and the Forty Pirates] Where is this guy!”

The mysterious spirit immediately responded; “Great Lord, Little God started to find …”

“But before that, you need to provide 10 million magic crystals as the energy consumption when I run.”

The mysterious spirit focuses on a humble tone. Wu Feng, the ‘God’, gave Qiancai a happyness, so he decisively gave 10 million magic crystals.

The mysterious sheepskin rolls burst out of the bright golden light, which should be running out.

It’s just that even if the CPU of the mysterious sheepskin gold is burned, they can’t find the information of [Alibaba and the Forty Pirates].

The answer of the mysterious spirit gave Wu Feng some information: “The great lord, I found all the heavenly domains on the 796th floor, and I couldn’t find the whereabouts of [Alibaba and the Forty Pirates].”

“His territory may be in the small world or different spaces connected to the 796th floor. If we reach the 796th floor, we will find him better.”

“Or you can help me strengthen it again, I can find more information!”

After Wu Feng felt that this mysterious sheepskin rolled into the evolution, not only did his ability stronger and his attitude became better, but he could also change from a mechanical answer to a reasonable suggestion. This is a great progress!

In order to find [Alibaba and the Forty Thief], Wu Feng looked at [Little Red Carp]: “This sheepskin rolls have become epic props, that can be strengthened, you will strengthen me to +1 … ”

(This chapter is finished)

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