Chapter 423 The Shooting Tower Step in the Tower!

Wu Feng was very satisfied with the power of the Ridi Tower. He first let Hou Yi try his skills. He saw that Houyi split his body and arrow and shot with one arrow, and he killed a large group of five -order monsters!

It was the power of penetration and advancement of the Japanese tower, which made the shooting tower have the power to easily slaughter all low -level monsters.

The arrow of the Houyi avatars was promoted to level 2, and his lethality immediately increased again. The 12 initial witch shooters on the shooting of the sun tower also started shooting.

They can also gain the power of penetrating shooting and advancement, have strong mass injury ability, and a large number of monsters have fallen under their attack.

The attacks of these great witch shooters are concentrated on the division of Houyi, and his level can also increase rapidly, and a round of attacks rose to level 3.

At the same time, 15 legendary witch god shooters and 3 epic witch god shooters were also produced in the shooting tower.

So many witch god shooters, coupled with the fighting power of Houyi, make the group injury of the Rido Tower less than many defensive towers.

Of course, the most powerful shooting tower is its single killing ability. I saw that the 110th round of the BOSS was just brushed out, and the Houyi avatar and the 30 great witch shooters gathered together. This BOSS has not responded. It was attacked in this round!

This is a fifth -order epic BOSS. It is already a very strong big BOSS, but it is still being killed without resistance. This outbreak is terrifying!

Even if it is a black hole in the black hole tower, it is impossible to directly drop the epic BOSS in seconds.

With this epic BOSS in seconds, the Epic Great Witch Sagittarius statue was added to the Rido Tower. The number of epic -level statues has reached 16!

The outbreak of its fire naturally became even more exaggerated.

“Uh, I haven’t concentrated the bow and arrow equipment on my hand! This outbreak is also a bit ruthless!” Wu Feng looked at it.

You know, this is when the Houyi avatar and the great witch shooters have not been equipped with any bow and arrow equipment!

If Wu Feng let Houyi divides his body with a shooting sun, it is his peak state. This is just a naked day tower. The power is not even 1/3!

“I am obedient, if I have a god suit, this will not be burst!” Wu Feng immediately picked up the epic arrows above the three Houzhu Tower!

It is the same as the effect of the Houyi Polying Equipment on the Houyi Tower.

But there is another effect of shooting daytime tower!

This is the ability to generate disposable consumables according to equipment. If you shoot the daytime arrow, you will disappear once, but its power will be extremely powerful.

Wu Feng immediately gave Houyi avatar and another great witch shooter. In addition, there were 5 epic bows and arrows, which were also given five great witch shooters.

The other big witch shooters are all equipped with legendary bow and arrow equipment. This is to fill the output of the shooting tower!

“Well, there are 2 mythical arrows and 5 epic -level shooting day arrows a day. At that time, it will cooperate with the power of God.

Wu Feng looked at the shot tower that stood into the clouds, and he couldn’t help but excited. The grand occasion when the shooting of the sun tower burst out, and he even wanted to see it!

As the firepower of the shooting tower is full, its lethality has soared again. Each round of BOSS appears, which is instantaneous by them.

Coupled with the continuous harvesting a large number of monsters, the level of Houyi avatars has increased rapidly. Considering that the higher the level, the higher the lethality, the higher the lethality.

Wu Feng asked the black hole tower to temporarily collect the black hole. The black hole tower closed the black hole and opened it. It was not a re -settled black hole, because the position of the black hole would not change.

This can also be regarded as the experience value provided by the enemy to the Houyi avatars, so that he can upgrade quickly during this time!

When Wu Feng was killed in the 120th round, Houyi’s avatar had risen to level 25. After breaking through level 10, he realized new skills.

This Houyi avatar can really become as strong as mythical heroes. The potential of its growth also makes Wu Feng’s eyes open!

[Ding … Infinite trial (Hell Difficulty) is subject to Ziyue Shining (the status of the remnant moon), the level of all monsters increases 6 levels, the refresh efficiency increases by 200%, the probability of BOSS refresh is increased by 200%. Monster state (increased by 30%of the probability of mutation). .


In the 120th round, the purple moon in the sky changed from the crescent moon to the remnant moon, and Wu Feng saw that the strength and level of the monster have improved again.

The BOSS that appears in the 120th round is still instantaneous in the sun tower. In fact, Vigus can also control this level of BOSS.

However, Wu Feng took into account that the number of epic BOSS of shooting and killing could increase the number of big witch god shooters, and Wu Feng chose to complete the shooting from the Rido Tower.

This is regardless of all costs to allow the shooting tower to increase power, and ensure that it can deal with the void Dragon!

After killing the 120th round of the BOSS, a new epic -level witch god shooter appeared on the shooting tower. Wu Feng could only equip him with a legendary bow and arrow to increase his strength as much as possible.

So Wu Feng mainly relied on the sun tower to output, and the speed was not much slower than the last time. When he killed the 140th round, the bloody moon in the sky turned into a remnant moon!

[Ding … Infinite trial (Hell Difficulty) is illuminated by the bloody moon (the state of the remnant moon). The level of all monsters increases 6 levels, the refresh efficiency is increased by 200%, the probability of BOSS refresh is increased by 200%. Crazy state (increased by 50%and decreased by 50%). .


In the 140th round, there was a blood -colored remnant. Wu Feng faintly felt that this time it seemed a little different. The 140th round of BOSS was already the sixth -order epic BOSS. It was shot and killed.

This also exceeds the control range of Vigus, and it is just right to kill the sun tower!

After the BOSS was killed, Houyi had risen to level 35, and his combat effectiveness soared with the breakthrough to the second order.

Coupled with the killing level of the shooting tower, the killing six stars have also reached the six stars. After the full increase in the full attribute of the Rido Tower, Wu Feng felt that the power of the Rido Tower has changed dramatically with the initial state.

The lethality when it collects fire should be more than 4 times that of the initial state!

This is a compound improvement brought by equipment, Houyi avatars, and killing stars. Wu Feng estimated it, which also almost met his request.

So after killing the 149th round, Wu Feng was not in a hurry to clear this round immediately, but let [Little Red Carp] help him order a wave of equipment first.

“[Little Red Carp], do you help me strengthen my upper hand once and wait for the big boss, I still need to use this artifact!”

Wu Feng stretched out his right hand and signaled [Little Red Carp] to strengthen the hand of God. In order to ensure the killing of the Void Dragon, Wu Feng asked [Little Red Carp] to operate like this.

He wants to use the reinforced hands to add insurance to himself. Wu Feng also wants to see how the strengthening effect of [Little Red Carp] on the artifact.

The artifact belongs to the category of items. If the enhancement effect of the artifact is very good, there are so many artifacts at Wu Feng at the hand, and you can try to strengthen the [Little Red Carp].

In this way, the extraordinary power he needs is really much! This makes Wu Feng’s desire to expand outward!

[Little Red Carp] also respected Wu Feng’s request, and immediately launched an extraordinary point of the hand of his upper Cang Cang. At 20 o’clock, he was put in, and Wu Feng’s hand gradually changed.

At this time, the legendary BOSS of the 149th round was already shot by the shooting of the Japanese tower, and Wu Feng officially entered the 150th round!

[Ding … Bailian Pump (special permissions) successful, triggering a talent for the soul, the missile tower you obtained by you will get the quality of the trap tower, the quality of the starlight tower (purple) quality increases level 2, you get Dongfeng Express Express, you get Dongfeng Express Express Tata Summon Card*2. Tian Luo Di Net Tower Summon Card, Planet Tower Summon Card (legendary quality). .


[Ding … Qianlian pumping (special permissions) is successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, the quality of the sniper tower of the sniper tower you obtained is increased by level 3, and you get the Houya Tower summoning card (epic quality). .

In the 110th round of the 150th round of the defense tower extraction, Wu Feng also completed together. This wave of Wu Feng selectively selected the Houjia Tower, which can improve the outbreak of the shooting tower again!

At the same time, Wu Feng’s upper hand was also fully strengthened by [Little Red Carp]. I saw that there were only five fingers inlaid with the hand inlaid with a hole, and there was another inlaid hole in the center of the hand!

In this way, Shang Cang’s hand can inlaid at most 6 gems, and Wu Feng feels that it is unswerving. It is the golden light of the upper hand of Shang Cang.

Regarding the literary works of unlimited gloves, Wu Feng, Zhu Biyu, and Lao Xun have seen it when they were young. The classic collection of 6 gemstones and a finger -ranging venue made Wu Feng remember.

He did not expect that his hand of upper Cos also had the potential of COS unlimited gloves. If he had 6 mythical gems and inlaid it, the appearance was really like infinite gloves!

“I now get an epic gem and a mythical gem, and it is far away from six gems! But this time the power of Cangzhi’s hand has indeed enhanced a lot.”

The hand of extinction: The hand of the upper Cang can directly suppress and kill the goal within the legend level. It instantly kills the target and increases its drop rate by 600%. The ability to use this ability requires the level and quality of the target. The more magic crystals, the no cooling time for killing the orange boss. The cooling time of the legendary BOSS is related to the enemy level.

The extinction hand can be launched on the epic BOSS. Its power is 1/10 of the power of the gods. If the epic -level BOSS can be killed, the extinction hand will cool down.

Hand of God: It can release the hand of the gods and suppress the enemy, which can cause huge damage (the damage value is related to the total level of the user’s own territory). He can use the hands of the gods 4 times a day (on the same day to use the hand of the heavenly god at most of the same target on the same day).

Wu Feng found that the hand of Shang Cang was strengthened, and the biggest increase was still the hand of the extinction and the hands of the gods!

The extinction hand can not only kill various legendary BOSS, but also can directly launch the epic BOSS, but it may not be able to drop the epic BOSS in seconds, but it becomes a weakened version of the hands of the gods.

The hands of the gods are mainly used to use the same target repeatedly, which makes the gods of God more useful when dealing with strong enemies. If you can’t shoot at a time, then you will come again!

“3 of the hands of heavenly gods, now the void god dragon will die!”

Wu Feng wore up his hand to look at the virtual space. At this time, new changes have occurred in the infinite trials. It was originally the sky that shines in the crescent moon.

[Ding … Infinite trial (Hell Difficulty) is illuminated by the Black Moon (the status of the remnant moon). The level of all monsters increases 6 levels, the refresh efficiency increases by 200%, the probability of BOSS refresh is increased by 200%. Fallen state (increased by 20%, and 20%has a chance to evolve into higher -level BOSS). .


“Sure enough, as I expected, this wave came out in March in the 150th round! As long as the Black Moon disabled moon appears, the Void Dragon will definitely appear!”

After Wu Feng saw the bloody moon in the 140th round, he had such a strong premonition, so he would find a way to strengthen the hand in the 149th round.

Now his speculation is not wrong. With the appearance of the black moon, the deafening dragon roar, Wu Feng, swaying.

In any case, this seventh -order mythical boss is really difficult to deal with! It is really high!

I saw that in March, a huge purple dragon fell from the sky. When it appeared, it launched a fierce attack on Wu Feng’s virtual territory.

The endless void storms are all integrated on the stale barrier. Fortunately, Wu Feng puts down the Great Wall of 100 kilometers this time.

Its desperate barrier strength was very high, and the attack of the void storm blocked all the attacks. Wu Feng proudly stood on the desperate Great Wall, and he hooked his fingers towards the Void Dragon.

“You crawle, I have seen you several times. This time, I can finally kill you! Come over and send it to death!”

After Wu Feng beckoned, the Void Dragon rushed to him angrily. This mythical boss shouted: “The humble ant, you dare to provoke the great dragon!”

“I want you to be buried with your dilapidated territory! Give me me to death!”

The void Dragon spit out the dragon, which was enough to kill the dragon’s interest of epic BOSS, which was blocked by the desperate barrier. This mythical defense building gave Wu Feng the courage to challenge Void Shenlong.

Otherwise, the two mythical defensive tower alone, I am afraid that before the void dragon is killed, it will be destroyed by this mythical BOSS.

The desperate barrier can temporarily hold the Void Dragon, Wu Feng decisively let the shooting of the sun tower fire: “Give me this guy, collect the fire!”

Wu Feng showed the full output of the sun tower, and the 40 -level Houyi avatars, with the increasing number of great witch god shooters together.

A round of black arrows, when the void Shenlong did not respond, hit it!

The Void Dragon made a scream of screams. The arrow of the Houyi avatars directly penetrated its body. The attack of the other big witch god shooters also shot into the void Shenlong’s body along this wound.

This wave of fire directly caused the Void Dragon to be severely damaged, and its life value fell sharply, which suffered a heavy hit that has never been.

The Void Dragon disappeared immediately. When it appeared again, it was at high altitude. It looked at the Ridt Power some: “Why is this defensive tower so scary! I must destroy this defense tower! ”

The Void Dragon is also very smart. After discovering that the shooting tower has a huge threat to him, it is not in a hurry to carry the attack. The void dragon with a strong void transmission ability is the black hole tower.

Because the huge suction of the Black Hole Tower will make it difficult for the Void Dragon to release the void transmission, Wu Feng has tried it before.

It is for this reason that Wu Feng was not in a hurry to launch a black hole. When he was going to launch a black hole, it was a fatal blow to the other party!

After the Void Dragon became careful, Wu Feng continued to provoke: “Didn’t you want to destroy my territory just now? How can you be afraid of being killed by me, just be a turtle?”

“Void God Dragon, it turned out to be a big turtle hiding in the turtle shell, you simply called the void turtle!”

Although I knew that Wu Feng was ridiculed, the void Dragon was unbearable to endure this ridicule, and it was completely angry!

“I dare to call the great void dragon like this, you have died! You must die this time to solve the hate of my heart!”

Void Dragon belongs to mythical levels. It can be said that myths must not be humiliated!

Now the lord dares to humiliate him so much. The Void Dragon must find the field. It changed a way of fighting, and it directly rushed towards the barrier!

After spitting out a dragon, the Void Dragon disappeared directly to the place. It was transmitted by the very spiritual void, which directly avoided the round of shooting of the sun tower.

After all, the attack of the sun tower is still trajectory. The void of the void of the Dragon of the Dragon is completely the magic skills that escape and avoid attack.

With this ability, it can use the guerrilla warfare method to run for a while, and the enemy can no longer take it!

Seeing the void Shenlong wanted to use Lai Pi to play, Wu Feng was not polite to him. When the Void Dragon launched the void transmission for the second time, he slammed his palm.

I saw a huge green hand in the sky. When the palm fell down, a powerful void seal was formed.

The huge palm patted it hard, slapped it on the void Shenlong, and pressed it on the ground!

In the tower of the sun, Houyi immediately launched the ability to shoot the sun bow, and a wave of shot fires. He and other big witch shooters attack instantly across the space and shoot into the void Dragon’s body!

This round of fire combined with the hands of the heavenly god gave the Void Dragon a fierce blow. The scream of this mythical BOSS was simply sad and crying, as if being burst into chrysanthemums.

The fact is that the Dragon Dragon was severely damaged, and its body added a terrible wound. This round of fire killed about 10%of the blood volume!

This is a blow of the power of the day. It is the killing trick of the shooting tower second only to the god of the gods. one move.

With this round of fire output, the Shooting Tower was crazy about the fire in the hands of the god of the god of the god of the gods, and Wu Feng’s Liangyi Big Array and the Jiutian Leichi suppressed together, making the Void Dragon Miserable. Call.

When Void Dragon thought that the hand of the gods disappeared, it could get rid of the sea of bitterness, Wu Feng smashed the Fan Tianyin and the Jiutian God Firem.

The Jiutian Shenhuo hood was burned through the void, so that the Void Dragon could not escape. Fan Tianyin smashed it down, and it was like a monkey that was suppressed by Wuzhishan.

After the second round of the fire, the Void Dragon broke out of the most powerful power, and was pushed back by Fan Tianyin.

Wu Feng immediately launched the hand of the second heavenly god!

In the faint eyes of the Void Dragon, the hands of the god of God fiercely, and the void Shenlong suppressed it again! The shooting of the sun tower opened the shooting day, and the third round of fire came!

After some crazy shooting, the injury of the Void Dragon was getting heavier. After calculating, I felt that the time was almost the same, Wu Feng launched the black hole of the black hole tower!

As the black hole comes, the void dragon, which has just been out of the hands of the gods, is really afraid: “There are still black holes! How can this be!”

Every time Wu Feng’s unlimited trials, Wu Feng started again. What happened that the Void Dragon experienced before, this void Shenlong would not experience it again.

His black hole, the void Dragon has not faced it. Now naturally, when the black hole is launched, the Void Dragon is in the central area of the suction. He is unable to break free.

Besides, in order to ensure that he was sucked by the black hole, Wu Feng directly launched the third hand of heaven!

This is another 200 million magic crystal, and the huge blue palm pressed on the void Shenlong, and patted it on the edge of the black hole! The black hole instantly smashed the wings of the Void Dragon, causing the Void Dragon to suffer unprecedented hitting.

At this moment, the shooting of the sun tower launched a shock of God, and used the shooting day!

Houyi, height, raised the sun bow, the black shooting sun in his hand was pulled to the largest, and then shot one arrow! This arrow is the most powerful arrow in the sun. In order to ensure the killing, the other big witch shooters also used their own shooting arrows.

In this round of fire, all the heads of the Void Dragon were shot, and their bodies and souls were crushed together!

This seventh -order mythical BOSS was shot on the spot!

Wu Feng’s eyes quickly closed the black hole, which avoided the body of the Void Dragon by the black hole.

Compared with the power of black holes, Wu Feng also wanted to obtain the body of the Void Dragon. After all, this is the corpse of the mythical BOSS worthy of Liancheng.

Even the value cannot even describe the city. This should be called priceless treasure!

The first time Wu Feng used the huge palm of the hand of Shang Cang to grab the body of the void Shenlong in front of himself. His hand of the upper Cang immediately absorbed the magical power of the Void Dragon’s body!

This divine power is incorporated into Wu Feng’s body, and it has 15 points of power!

[Ding … successfully kill the Void Dragon (Seventh -order Mythical BOSS), complete the achievements of the gods, and obtain 150,000 points of hunting and killing points. .

[Ding … Successfully kill the Void Dragon (Seventh -order Mythical BOSS), successfully challenge the mythical BOSS, and you get an additional 150,000 challenge points. .

[Ding … Successfully kill the Void Dragon (Seventh -order Mythical BOSS) and absorb the divine power. You add an additional one guard (hero) quota and 1,000 guards (arms) places. .

Wu Feng did not use the statue of the Lord, but his divine power he got gave a huge feedback from the statue of the leader. The divine power in the statue of the Alliance Lord had reached 80 points.

After absorbing the magical power of the void Dragon, Wu Feng’s divine power reached 95 points, only 5 points of divine power, Wu Feng can make the leader of the alliance break through the medium divine level!

At that time, the statue of the Lord of the League, Wu Feng can even confront it directly with the mythical BOSS!

“The achievement of the god of God, although this is not the real god, but it is also a very high -end achievement. The body of this mythical BOSS, I don’t know what kind of sperm blood can be extracted …”

Wu Feng couldn’t wait to try the extraction effect of evolving the blood pool, but now the infinite trial has not ended, and Wu Feng has not rushed to operate like this.

This time he killed the Void Dragon, and officially cleared the 150th round, opening the subsequent level.

Since the mythical BOSS has appeared in the 150th round, Wu Feng faces epic BOSS in the subsequent levels.

This level of BOSS has added a Houyi avatars to deal with it, at most it is the three rounds of fire.

Wu Feng handed another shot to the second point, and the fire ability of the shooting tower can greatly improve.

The second avatar can be upgraded, but this avatar can only be spent in the shooting sun tower, and cannot act freely like the first part.

Wu Feng is equivalent to two Houyi avatars. The second Houyi avatar is increasing with the killing monsters, and the level has also rapidly improved.

Relying on the Houjia Tower and the Black Hole Tower, he easily killed the 160th round all the way. In this round of enemies, the enemy could not stop the power of the two mythical defensive towers.

In the infinite trial, the mythical defensive tower under normal circumstances, that is, the 150th round of the difficulty of killing hell, unless there is a particularly high technology bonus.

However, Wu Feng has two mythical defense towers, as well as mythical defense buildings such as the Great Wall, which can kill the 160th round without breaking 100 stars.

After the 160th round of customs clearance, Wu Feng took a deep breath. This time he finally broke through his limits and reached a new height.

From this step, every step is a new breakthrough!

So Wu Feng can rest assured that he will continue to impact the new height. He can continue to bump through the two mythical defensive tower plus the Great Wall of despair.

Under Wu Feng’s full sweep, he rushed all the way to the 180th round! This allowed him to get a new defense tower!

[Ding … Bailian Pump (special permissions) is successful, triggering the talent of entering the soul, the quality of the Tianleita Summoning Card (Orange) you get is increased by 2, and you get the Nine -Sky Leita Summon Card (Epic Quality). .


[Ding … Bailian Pump (Special Power) is successful, triggering a talent for the soul, the quality of the missile tower summoning card (purple) you get is increased by 2, and you get the Dongfeng Express Tata Summon Card (legendary quality). .


[Ding … Bailian Pump (special permissions) is successful, triggering a talent for the soul, the quality of the missile tower of the missile tower is increased by 2, and you get the Longyin Tower Summon Card (Epic Quality). .

The 170th round of BOSS is the seventh -order epic BOSS. Its level is almost close to the eighth level. Wu Feng relies on his fourth god of heaven and cooperate with the attack of the sun tower to kill him.

After the 170th round of customs clearance, it was really no pressure to kill the 180th round. Just in the 180th round, Wu Feng looked up at the sky, and he could see that the purple remnant moon also changed.

The remnant moon is about half a month, and the 180th round of purple moon directly becomes full moon, and the round purple hangs, which makes people swaying and panicked.

This is the extra effect brought by Ziyueyuan Moon. Wu Feng is also the first time in the state of the moon!

“This scene should be a possible scene in the future. In any case, take a screenshot first!” Wu Feng took a screenshot of the two remnants and a round moon image.

He felt that if this picture was released, I do n’t know how many lords would be new.

The most horrible scene that appears today is that one of the two small March comes out. It is just purple remnant moon plus blood moon crescent moon and black moon crescent moon.

The lords have not experienced the situation that they have appeared together, let alone the current moon!

It is only Wu Feng. When I saw this scene, I still had a screenshot of mood.

However, Wu Feng did not post such a stimulating screenshot to the group, but sent the screenshots of the three remnants of the moon: “The main night viewing of the alliance, the one to count the finger. Will appear!”

Wu Feng has seen three scenes of the remnant moon long ago. After finding that there is a state of circular moon, he hopes the three disabled moon scenes, and it will appear sooner or later.

Anyway, he didn’t say time, then this prophecy would definitely come true. This must -hit prediction can be completely COS prophets!

Seeing this prophecy of other alliances, seeing the scenes of the three remnants of the moon are shocked!

Unexpectedly, his boss was out of prediction again!

Zhu Biyu couldn’t help but speak: “Brother Feng, your prediction of last time is accurate. Many people treat you as a prophet! When did you predict when the March will appear?”

Wu Feng naturally didn’t know the specific time, but he smiled: “This kind of opportunity should not be leaked easily, you will naturally know at that time. Everyone understands it.”

“I can only tell you that the remnant moon is not the limit, and even the circle will appear in the future!”

Wu Feng just put this picture and put it out, but Zhu Biyu thought a lot. He simply stored this picture and wanted to see when Fengge’s prediction would be realized.

At this time, Wu Feng also saw the effect of Ziyue Yuanyue’s thorough molding!

[Ding … Infinite trial (Hell Difficulty) is subject to Ziyue Shining (Yuanyue Status). The level of all monsters increases by 15, the refresh efficiency is increased by 400%, the probability of BOSS refresh is increased by 400%. Purple monsters (increased by 50%). .


Purple Moon Round Moon can greatly enhance the attributes and strengths of the monsters. The most important thing is that the chance of monsters has increased greatly, soaring directly from 30%to 50%!

With such a high chance, more than half of the monster will mutate.

Coupled with the influence of the other two remnants, this version of March came out, even Wu Feng took a breath!

The enemy of the 180th round has reached the level 350 of the seventh -order peak! Going up, that is the enemy of the eighth level.

This wave of BOSS has evolved under the Black Moon, evolved from an epic level to mythical level. This is a mythical degenerate angel. The combat effectiveness is more exaggerated than the void dragon.

More importantly, this degenerate angel directly mutated the third pair of wings under the influence of Ziyue Moon!

The mythical degeneration angel of six wings is like the legendary messenger. As soon as it appears, it has issued countless dark rain.

The black rain fell on the desperate barrier, which caused the barrier to fluctuate crazy, almost destroyed directly.

After the mutation, the mythical BOSS allows Wu Feng, who can only give it up. If there is still a shot and a shot of the sun, Wu Feng can still try it.

There are no these means now, and he cannot do this fell corrupt angel BOSS with a stronger attribute.

“Killing the Void Dragon, it has met the conditions. Forget it, you can give up! Let’s take a look at how many scores can be obtained in this settlement!”

Wu Feng knew the result and decisively chose to give up, but before leaving, he let the shooting of the sun tower collect fire together and killed a void magic dragon BOSS.

The 180th round is a total of three epic BOSS. It should be a randomly see which BOSS will evolve into a mythical level in the Black Moon, and there may be more than two mythical BOSS born.

Wu Feng can only brush an epic BOSS before the desperate barrier is exploded, and you can get more scores. After grabbing the body of the void dragon with the hand, Wu Feng completely left the infinite trial. Refine!

“This time I killed mythical boss, and the number of epic BOSS that was killed also reached 10, and its score was definitely very high!”

Wu Feng is waiting for the settlement results. This time, the number of clearances of the customs clearance is higher, and the boss is more boss. He must break through the sky!

In fact, Wu Feng also received a higher score by relying on the incredible record.

[Ding … Lord’s nine -day travel successful customs clearance unlimited trial No. 179 (difficulty in hell). According to the number of customs clearance rounds and records, a total of 88,40000 review points can be obtained, which can be used to enhance the trial star. .

[Ding … Lord’s nine days traveling in hell encountering purple moon full moon, the trial score is additional+100%, and an additional 88,40000 review score can be obtained, which can be used to enhance the trial star. .

[Ding … Lord’s nine days traveling in hell difficulty encountered the bloody moon, the trial score is additional+50%, and the additional 4420000 review score can be obtained, which can be used to enhance the trial star. .

[Ding … Lord’s nine days traveling in hell difficulty encountered the black moon remnants, the trial score was additional+50%, and an additional 4420000 review score can be obtained, which can be used to enhance the trial star. .

[Ding … Lord Jiutian Traveling in hell difficulty to kill a mythical BOSS (Void Dragon), the trial score is additional+50%, and you get an additional 4420000 review score, which can be used to improve the trial star. .

This time Wu Feng not only obtained a higher basic score, but he also encountered the Ziyue Yuanyue, and he directly received an additional 100%of the score.

At the same time, with the record of killing mythical BOSS, Wu Feng also received another additional score. At this time, Wu Feng has the total number of scores far more than previously imagined.

Wu Feng’s trial scores exceeded the previous three times more than three times at one time, and he received a score of 30.94 million in this round.

So many trial points are enough to break through the trial 100 stars and make his trial star rush from 84 stars to 116 stars!

In the case of 80 stars, Wu Feng actually increased the level of 30 stars in one breath and got 32 points of skill points. This is really outrageous!

“With so many skills, my trap tower technology can point out another branch. In terms of arrow tower technology, it can also be comprehensively enhanced!”

Wu Feng got the 32 -point skill point. He still had 2 skill points before, so he could fill the trap all -round, and then make another third -order technology of the trap tower full!

Trap omnisparable: V -level, which can increase the full attribute of all trap defense towers and set up a trap 5 times a day, which requires 8 points of technology points to the VI level and the level of traps is set to VI.

Number of traps: C -level, which can increase the full attribute of all trap defense towers and can make the number of traps set+100%. Ascending to VI requires 8 points of technology and the level of trap setting to VI.

The number of traps is a third -order technology at the same level as the trap all -round level. At the level 1, it takes 4 points of skill points. At the level 5, it takes 20 points of skill points. In addition, the trap is 8 points. Wu Feng’s 28 -point skill point!

However, the trap omn around and the number of traps also allows Wu Feng’s black hole tower to set up two black holes at the same time, and the power is more than doubled!

The number of black holes has been increased to 8 times in one fell swoop. This is that each black hole can be reorganized 8 times. Then Wu Feng uses the black hole tower to destroy 16 areas every day.

The technology of the trap tower has reached a very high level. For Wu Feng’s current needs, it is completely enough.

With 8 o’clock skill points left, Wu Feng invested in the arrow tower to specialize. After all, Wu Feng’s second mythical defense tower is the arrow tower, which is completely worth investing!

Arrow Tower Divine Power: Class II can increase the 100%fully attribute and 200%damage of all arrow tower defense tower. It takes 4 points of technology to advance to III and the level of the arrow tower omnipotent reaches III.

The level 2 of the arrow tower can increase the 100%fully attribute and 200%damage of the arrow tower. The power of the sun tower can be a step to the same step.

After Wu Feng left the infinite trial, it was difficult for him to hold the excitement. At this time, [Little Red Carp] was still in Wu Feng’s territory. Fight for bait.

[Little Red Carp] It seems very popular with the koi. When she was by the side of the koi pool, almost all the koi in the koi pond gathered.

Among them, even Longhua Koi turned around [Little Red Carp]. They couldn’t wait to connect with [Little Red Carp] and bind her.

Wu Feng has never seen this scene. As the owner of the Koi Pond, the koi people will gather together when he feeds bait.

But some koi knew that he couldn’t grab good things, and would not surround him deliberately. That is to say, Wu Feng could attract most of the koi.

[Little Red Carp] is to attract all the koi by relying on ‘own charm’, which is also outrageous.

Wu Feng can only say that Emperor Emperor and Koi are really perfect. The breath of [Little Red Carp] should be very attractive to the koi people. They are the most sensitive existence of lucky attributes.

[Little Red Carp] The lucky attributes are definitely extremely reversed!

Seeing Wu Feng out of the infinite trial, [Little Red Carp] immediately turned back: “Brother League, you come out!”

Wu Feng nodded, he touched the little head of [Little Red Carp]: “[Little Red Carp], thanks to your ability to evolve, I can get the mythical defense tower I want. big!”

[Xiaohong Carp] Smile: “I just did what I should do, I can help my brother, I am happy!”

Wu Feng laughed and said: “When I will extract a wave of sperm blood for the big boss, I will give you some high -quality sperm blood as a reward, and will not let you contribute in vain.”

After speaking, Wu Feng went to the evolution blood pool: “Now with the body of the void Shenlong, then I can extract excellent quality of fine blood and evolutionary sacred blood!”

“Will I extract myth -level sperm blood from it?”

From this chapter, it can almost restore the fixed early morning update time.

(This chapter is finished)

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