Chapter 425 I am a prophet!

Wu Feng surrendered the mysterious sheepskin roll again. [Little Red Carp] nodded well. After receiving the sheepskin roll, she strengthened it again.

Mysterious sheepskin rolls have changed from ordinary epic -level props to +1 form, and energy in all aspects has been strengthened again.

Looking at the mysterious sheepskin rolls, it also added a ability called prediction.

Mysterious sheepskin scroll: Epic quality (strengthen +1). After the lord equipment, you can have the ability to see more detailed basic information. Staring for related items for a long time, there is a chance to see hidden information.

With basic questions, soul questions, mysterious power, and prophecy.

Mysterious power: The mysterious spirit has been awakened. It can communicate directly with the mysterious spirit. By feeding the soul, the mysterious spirit can be strengthened to strengthen the hidden information.

Power of prophecy: Take the mysterious sheepskin roll to mobilize the prophecy (speaking requires the power of the soul). If the prophecy is successful (the prediction event is realized), the power of the mysterious sheepskin roll will be obtained. Only one prophecy can be recorded at the same time.

Remarks: Mysterious sheepskin rolls will let you know that knowledge is also valuable! The prophet is omnipotent.

Wu Feng still asked priority: “The mysterious spirit, now strengthens you, how do you find [Alibaba and Forty Thieves]?”

The mysterious spirit immediately made a voice: “Great lord, you are too generous! If I am on the 796th floor, then you can find a small world or heterogeneous space within a certain range of layers. [Alibaba and Forty Pirates]. ”

Hearing the answer of the mysterious spirit, Wu Feng was also bright, this method is good!

Since [Alibaba and the Forty Pirates] In the small world or different spaces, as long as you find such a space, as long as you find this kind of space, you can always find [Alibaba and Forty Pirates].

Thinking of this, Wu Feng was even more eager to enter the 796th floor, but he was still stable. When Zhu Biyu or Sister Su Mu Xue first passed back to the preparation news, let’s talk about it.

In this way, Wu Feng’s eyes were concentrated on the other abilities of the mysterious sheepskin roll. He looked at the new prophecy power, and he was curious in his heart.

“Little God, how do this prophecy be launched? What is called the prophecy?” Wu Feng couldn’t help asking.

The mysterious spirit immediately responded respectfully: “The great lord’s adult, the power of prophecy, is something that will happen one hour later.”

“Due to the rules restrictions and the power of predictions, we must predict very wide events. For example, you will eat an apple after an hour. The prophecy is meaningless!”

“Normal predictions are the results of the war between lords in a certain area or a country. As long as you predict success, you can get the corresponding reward, the more accurate the prediction, the greater the benefits!”

The words of the mysterious spirit make Wu Feng more interested. Isn’t he just let him be the rhythm of the prediction?

In this way, the power of this prophecy is a prediction, and it can be called prediction! As long as Wu Feng predicts what is in his control, he can get rewards!

So Wu Feng asked: “How can this prophecy be launched?”

The mysterious spirit introduced in detail: “Great lords, you just need to pick up the sheepskin rolls and say, I am a prophet, I prediction &, you can tell the content of your prediction, and the mysterious sheepskin roll will be recorded. “,”

“Mysterious sheepskin rolls can only be recorded at most at the same time. When the time you predicted, the content is in line with the prediction results, then you can get rewards.”

“If you predict an event involving a whole area, you need to consume 1 legendary soul.”

“If you predict the national -level incident, it will consume 1 epic soul.”

“1 mythical soul can predict the major events that affect the entire Tianyu. As long as the scope of the prophecy is wider, the more rewards you get when the prophecy is realized!”

Hearing the sales of mysterious sheepskin rolls, Wu Feng looked at Ophara. At this time, Aurora had launched a god -level natural disaster for the 071 region.

Wu Feng immediately asked the goddess of disaster to destroy the world: “Ophara, how long can your natural disaster be destroyed in the area No. 071?”

Aurra glanced at the situation in the area No. 071, and for the time being, there was no powerful lord who could fight against her natural disasters, so she asserted: “Lord Lord, with the strength of these lords in the 071 region, only one and a half hours, the god -level natural disaster is enough to be enough All overly destroy them. ”

Wu Feng’s eyes were bright, then the natural disaster was completely in the control of Ophara. She was able to control the time of destroying the world!

So Wu Feng picked up the mysterious sheepskin scroll: “I am a prophet, I predict that the lord of the No. 071 region 071 of Tianyu 052 will be destroyed all after one and a half hours!”

When launching a prediction, Wu Feng consumed a legendary soul, which is the soul of a legendary BOSS.

Earlier, Wu Feng often went to the Goblin altar to sacrifice, and he collected a large number of souls. Now Wu Feng himself has the power, and rarely goes to the Goblin altar.

However, a large number of souls he had preserved before are now in handy, at least he can give him sacrifice, and he can directly launch the prophecy.

With Wu Feng’s predictions, the mysterious sheepskin roll was recorded in text.

There is also a countdown, which only needs to meet the requirements within a certain error range. This prophecy is successful.

For one and a half hours of prediction time, the error is within 3 minutes, and within 3 minutes or delay within 3 minutes in advance, it is considered accurate.

Wu Feng’s prediction is indeed involving a major event in the entire region. All lords in a region are destroyed.

But in Wu Feng’s view, it is O howra to lift his hand!

So after he mastered the powerful power, this was to turn his hands over the cloud!

With Wu Feng’s prediction, he focused on the situation in the area No. 071. This time, the god -level natural disaster launched by Ophara was a medium -intensive meteor shower.

As she expected, the meteor rain continued to fall, and the lords in the No. 071 area were constantly being destroyed. After about an hour 20 minutes, there were only one little lord with no relocated card [ Lick your leg].

He should have been killed by the meteor fire and rain, but he found that the meteor fire and rain were smashing around his territory, but he did not hit his territory.

This made [lick your legs] aggressive: “Am I the son of the candidate? Even natural disasters around my territory? Now the other lords are almost completely destroyed! When the natural disaster is over, wouldn’t I be 071? Monoplabyist in the area! ”

[Lick your legs] I did not expect that there were such good things in front of myself. The god -level natural disaster came, and [lick your legs] are ready to lie down and let it go. Essence

For a while, I watched countless novels, anime, and TV [lick your legs], and felt that I was the legendary protagonist.

This is the good luck, a big opportunity to be in front of it!

But [lick your leg] I don’t know, he is just the lucky man who deliberately stayed in, because if he killed him, it was 1 hour and 24 minutes.

The lord said that this ID is the lord of [lick your leg], and it should be killed at 1 hour 30 minutes on time.

“It’s almost time!” When I saw the time 27 minutes, Wu Feng nodded and motioned for Obora.

So when [Licking your legs] was ready to take off, he had been wipe around his territory and fell off the meteor fire, and suddenly he suddenly fired on his territory.

Countless meteor fire and rain first destroyed the territorial defense of [Licking your legs], and then destroyed his lord’s hut!

I was holding the heroine and the dream of [licking your legs]. Before I figured out the situation, I was devoured by the meteor fire and rain.

When he was destroyed, time was exactly 1 hour and 30 minutes!

Wu Feng immediately felt the majestic power feedback from the mysterious sheepskin roll. This power was not the simple soul power, and the mysterious power involved the power of fate!

[Ding … Successful predictions No. 012 Tianyu 052 Nationality No. 071, the death incident, according to the accuracy rate (99.9%) and the level of prophecy (regional event), you get the gift of destiny, your full attribute permanently permanent attributes permanent Increase 1000 points! .

The voice of the mysterious spirit also sounds in Wu Feng’s ear: “The great lord, you are too powerful, so precisely predicted the death incident in the 071 area!”

“You are really the best prophet! Your greatness makes me feel embarrassed!”

The mysterious spirit really can make a fart. It naturally understands that Wu Feng is a prediction, and it is actually completely controlling the disk.

When will this area 071 be destroyed, it is completely in his control!

Of course, replaced by other lords to go, even if they predicted so, they can’t do the extermination at such accurate time.

When they face the enemy’s avoidance barrier and special props, they may be delayed at all.

Wu Feng has no such worry. Without the legendary level of avoidance, it is impossible to block the god -level natural disasters of Ophara!

The power of this prophecy is really fun. Wu Feng can continue to use the prediction of the gift of Bai Xun!

“After I can control the fate of a country, the benefits can be greater!” Wu Feng thought about it, when can you win the country No. 052, Wu Feng really couldn’t take it, he did not rash 052 rashly 052 The country is predicted.

He looked at Oolla: “My goddess, you’re a great just now!”

When Aerora heard Wu Feng’s words, she was a bit soft, because when they united to launch the Great Flood and hundreds of millions of fire meteors, the lords also praised her so much.

Now that I heard the lord calling her in the big court, she always felt hot.

“Ophara, you can get the next place to start the world!” Wu Feng whispered, and he had already won the 071 area.

[Ding … the Supreme League completes the monopoly of the 071 country No. 071, the 071st country in Tianyu 071 to activate the monopoly program. Please ensure that no other lord survives for more than 20 hours in the region within three days. Can be a monopoly who gets a monopoly bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the area 071 of Tianyu 052 No. 052, the regional list disappears, the alliance owner will be fixed to get 5,000 point of view and 1 legendary degree of legendary nine days. .


[Little Red Carp] I also said on the side: “Brother League, I just extracted the extraordinary power of the 071 region just now. Now we still have 25 points left.”

Wu Feng beckoned: “Then strengthen the mysterious sheepskin roll again …”

He also wants to test what the mysterious sheepskin roll will bring about what changes will bring.

She strengthened mysterious sheepskin rolls to +2!

Mysterious sheepskin volume: Epic quality (strengthen +2). After the lord’s equipment, you can have the ability to see more detailed basic information. Staring for related items for a long time, there is a chance to see hidden information.

Power of prophecy: Take the mysterious sheepskin roll to mobilize the prophecy (speaking requires the power of the soul). If the prophecy is successful (the prediction event is realized), the power of the mysterious sheepskin roll will be obtained. Only 2 prophecies can be recorded at the same time.

Sure enough, as Wu Feng expected, the power of the prophecy has once again increased, and two prophecies can be recorded! After Wu Feng picked up the mysterious sheepskin rolling, the mysterious psychology rushed like a tide.

“Great Lord, you are so great and generous …”

If Wu Feng didn’t care about it, there was a natural disaster for the 072 region over there. Wu Feng directly launched the prediction: “I am a prophet, I predict the Lord of the No. 072 region 072, No. 052, No. 052 will be in one one. It was destroyed after half an hour! ”

A red legendary soul was sacrificed and turned into a prediction text on the mysterious sheepskin roll. Wu Feng saw that there is another area on the mysterious sheepskin roll, and another prophecy can be left.

He looked at the [Zhu Family Six] and others who were dealing with the 099th area.

“Lao Liu, when can you scan the enemy in the 099 area?”

Region 099 is a area where [Zhu Family Lao Liu] and [King of Four Seas] have just begun to sweep. They have figured out the lords of this area. There is no difficulty to deal with it for the time being. It should be easier to sweep.

So [Zhu Family Lao Six] and [King of Four Seas] said, “Boss, under our combination, we can clear all the lords in this area for about 6 hours.”

“Still you are the most fierce. You can rely on a mythical hero to quickly destroy the world. Our mythical heroes must be pushed one by one!”

[Zhu Family Lao Liu] and [King of Four Seas] have heard that the boss has added a strong mythical hero.

This hero, known as the goddess of disaster, is inherently suitable for big scenes. When she is head -out, she may not be too strong. When killing other lords, her god -level natural disaster is really too fierce!

[Zhu Family Lao Liu] and [King of the Four Seas] added up, plus the mythical heroes of several other allies, they could not work with Opharabi.

Wu Feng nodded, [Zhu Family Lao Liu] and [King of Four Seas] and others were actually relatively fast, but they could not be compared with Ophara.

He also changed the direction of prophecy according to [Zhu Family Lao Liu] and [King of Four Seas].

“I am a prophet, I predict that the lord of the No. 089 region of Tianyu 052 No. 052 will be destroyed after 4 hours!”

Wu Feng used the city of Rainbow this time to allow this huge air fortress to deal with the lords of the 089 area.

Other allies need 6 hours to clean up a region, but only 4 hours of Rainbow City can only take 4 hours. This is still without mushroom eggs.

If mushroom eggs are used, the battle can be resolved in an hour.

However, because the number of mushroom eggs is limited after all, Wu Feng allows the Rainbow City to sweep the enemy with conventional weapons. Its efficiency can predict a few more times than [Zhu Family Lao Liu] and [King of Four Seas].

Wu Feng is preparing to use the power of the prophecy as his own way. His attributes are also effective. At least the attributes are high, and the constitution is strong to avoid being broken by Kris.

The mysterious sheepskin volume records two prophecies. Wu Feng only uses to settle his settlement. The city of Ophara and Rainbow will naturally control the time of destroying the world.

Wu Feng looked at [Little Red Carp], and there was 23 points of power on her side. Wu Feng was going to use it together.

“[Little Red Carp], you can strengthen my hero!” Wu Feng summoned Fengyun. He did not need to detect the mysterious sheepskin rolls, and he knew that as long as one person in the wind and cloud was used, he was extraordinary, and Another person can definitely gain an increase.

The use of extraordinary points on Fengyun is equivalent to the effect of 20 points of power to play 40 points of power. Wu Feng naturally gives priority to strengthening them.

So [Little Red Carp] According to Wu Feng’s request, he used the extraordinary point of use of Bu Jingyun, but the two had a breakthrough together!

Their all -attributes have gained a increase, and they have mastered stronger martial arts, and the combat effectiveness has greatly improved!

After the two of them became strong, Fengyun immediately entered the ninety -nine copies of the natural disaster again. At this time, the 8th level was also attacked by the emperor’s team.

After Fengyun entered the battlefield, the two of them jointly worked together and killed the city’s defense in the 8th. [Little Red Carp] had an immediate effect on the strengthening of them!

However, if you want to win the 8th level, I am afraid that it will take a while, Wu Feng will signaled [Little Red Carp] to evolve the props of his sin.

The heart of sin is a legendary authentic item, which belongs to items, and can be strengthened by the talent of [Little Red Carp]. In this way, the power of 1 point is equivalent to an authentic propels.

Wu Feng also has another epic -level analogy -level advancement card at hand. The combination of the two, the heart of the abyss can also evolve into epic props!

Heart of Sin (Level 20): Epic Turned Turburies, which can be activated after being put into the heart of the lord. 300%, the heart of sin can get 50 large plots (purple quality) at randomly for every 1 hour.

Proper level: Level 20, can increase the level of all monsters at the level of all monsters within the range of additional increases, start 42 hours of evil heart, which can increase the level of the heart of sin. Mostly evolved to oversized nests).

After each opening of sin, it must last 60 minutes to close, and reaching level 30 will start the advanced task of sin.

With the power of sin, evil, natural disasters, evils, evils, sin evolution.

Sin evolution: The heart of sin can be selectively evolved every hour, which can evolve the orange BOSS into a legendary BOSS. At the same time BOSS can evolve the legendary BOSS into an epic BOSS, and the drop rate of the BOSS is additional+600%.

This ability can be used after opening the sin.

Remarks: The real warrior dares to face the sinful heart that is beating. The item is devoured by the monster and will evolve.

After evolution, the sinfulness, its ability to evolve, can evolve the legendary BOSS into an epic BOSS. It provides a big boss a day, which is also a good income.

The heart of sin is an important part of the Qiqiao and exquisite heart. Now it has evolved into an epic level. As long as it is completed with several other components, it will get the mythical level of Qiqiao exquisite heart.

Among the seven components today, Wu Feng has gained the heart of sin, greed, killing heart, degeneration, and abyss.

Just wait for the reckless heart and dark heart, then he can make up for the exquisite heart.

And even when he was drawn, the legendary reckless heart and dark heart were able to evolve it into an epic, just like the abyss heart.

The heart of the abyss (level 20): Epic authentic props can be activated after being put into the heart of the lord. Increased by 300%. The heart of the abyss will give the lord with an existing territory of 3%every day.

The props level 20 levels can increase the output of territorial resources (mineral veins, plots) by an additional 200%. The number of abyss places purified by the territory meet the standards, and the heart of the abyss will be upgraded to enhance the output of the plot. To level 21, you need to purify the abyss of 500 million units.

Attachment of the abyss and abyss control capabilities.

Abyss control: The heart of the abyss is the source of the power of the abyss creatures. The heart of the abyss can be used to control the abyss creatures, so that it is fully controlled by the heart of the abyss. Each occupies 1 region, you can provide a place where you control the abyss creature (limited to non -non -None Lord, controlling the upper limit is related to the level of the abyss). The number of abyss creatures is currently controlled: 130.

Remarks: When you stare at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you!

After the abyss’s heart has evolved into an epic prop, Wu Feng saw this stuff and had the ability to control abyss creatures. In addition to Vigus, Wu Feng had a new means to deal with the enemy.

In this case, Wu Feng may try to explore the situation on the other side of the door of the abyss.

Wu Feng looked at [Little Red Carp]: “With 2 points left, let’s keep it first. Wait for the power of 20 o’clock to strengthen the myth hero or equipment.”

“Let’s go to your territory to see the situation of the abyss …”

Wu Feng’s matters handled about the same, he can finally look at the door of the abyss, the most important thing is to look at the situation on the other side.

In the 799th floor, there is actually an abyss demon king. Isn’t that the natural disaster on the 799th layer walking horizontally!


At this time, the door of the abyss was surrounded by the Great Wall of Despair. The enemies killed from the inside needed to face the massive defense tower set by Wu Feng.

The 100 -kilometer desperate Great Wall also comes with 10 meteorite turrets and a set of chaos element tower. With so many high -level defense towers, plus Wu Feng’s own various defense towers, the devil killed in the abyss door, almost almost almost the door of the abyss. They were killed.

Weigs and Bai Qi were arranged by Wu Feng to the Great Wall of Despair and prepared to deal with the accident at any time. Now the Black Hole Tower can also radiate directly to this area. Wu Feng feels that his defense line is almost golden soup.

When Wu Feng came to the Great Wall of Despair, there was just a demon army killed. After they came from the door of the abyss, they were immediately affected by various types of fires. Under countless artillery fire, even the fourth -order demon heroes were killed.

In this kind of terrain where tens of thousands of enemies come at the same time, as long as the defense is set enough, it can block the door of the abyss without allowing the enemy to have any chance to kill.

At this time, Wu Feng suddenly looked at the direction of the door of the abyss: “The Abyss Demon King began to play other tricks.”

[Xiaohong Carp] Looking at Wu Feng in doubt, I don’t know why he said this, Wu Feng launched a magical whistle tower, and a magical eye shines near the situation near the door of the abyss.

I saw that under the eyelids of the magical eyes, many black shadows came from the door of the abyss. It was a group of shadow devils that could be invisible.

The strongest ability of this demon is the hidden, and it is a natural assassin. Now after the hidden coming out, they immediately ran away!

The shadow demon that can fly and fly, this is the best scout. The abyss demon king only needs this group of shadow demon to escape from the range of the Great Wall.

However, Wu Feng has long been prepared, and the magical eye locks this area. All the devils from the door of the abyss are all seen by the magical eyes.

When many shadow devil escaped, countless arrows locked their position accurately and shot them one by one!

In this case, even the shadow devil is not so easy to escape.

In this area, Wu Feng set up many legendary sniper towers and a Houya Tower. The shadow demon can only be shot in front of these defensive towers.

However, the means of the Abyss Demon King continued to launch one after another. He immediately sent more shadow demon, and even the shadow demon hero!

After seeing a legendary shadow demon hero who passed over, he immediately entered the stealth state.

The fourth -order shadow demon hero, after entering the hidden, almost integrated with darkness, the magical eyes can only show some shadow figures, which are not very real.

The magical eyes, after all, are just legendary defense towers and legendary stealth heroes, which can offset its effect to a certain extent.

This allows it to avoid the lock of the magical eyes and do something.

Wu Feng did not give this guy any chance. He immediately picked up the mysterious sheepskin scroll: “Little God, lock me up the position of this guy, Houyi Tower, shoot me to kill this guy!”

After spending 100,000 magic crystals, Wu Feng immediately locked the legendary shadow assassin’s position. It appeared in Wu Feng’s field of vision. This guy has come to the edge of the desperate barrier. Essence

Originally, he really escaped the magical eye lock, but Wu Feng used the mysterious sheepskin rolls. This epic prop, natural blood schemes.

The legendary hero was immediately locked by the Houya Tower. Houyi’s projection was useless to shoot the day. It was only useless to shoot the arrow and aimed at the shooting. After the arrow was shot, the black arrow shot through it!

Although the attack of Houyi’s projection, although it failed to kill this legendary shadow assassin, it also hit it, which made the shadow assassin very nervous.

His stealth ability was actually discovered by the enemy so quickly, and the enemy’s anti -hidden ability is really very powerful.

In this case, the shadow assassin can only find a way to break through, but when he wonders how to cross his desperate barrier, the subsequent big witch statue will attack him together.

After a round of fire, the shadow assassin was shot unexpectedly. After he died, he dropped a bunch of good things directly. Wu Feng took a closer look. This guy also brought a lot of props!

What defensive tower summoning card, the demon nest entry card, and the city wall summoning card. This pile of things is to quickly establish a sub -base prop on the 799th floor.

The devil hero only needs to find some places where the wormhole or the devil’s nest is concentrated. With these props, a demon fortress can be quickly established.

If there are enough demon heroes to escape, and a large number of devil fortresses have been established, they will be able to launch the line of defense in front of Wu Fengbu in front of the abyss.

Under the inside and outside pinch, this line of defense may be destroyed, which is also an attempt and means to break through the line of defense.

Wu Feng knew that what he had to do next was to prevent this operation of the Abyss Demon King. As he was thinking, he saw several shadow devils over the door of the abyss.

As soon as they came in, they used stealth capabilities. These shadow devils were all legendary heroes. After they were invisible, they used the teleportation card in their hands to transmit themselves and a group of shadow demon soldiers.

This group of shadow devils suddenly disappeared into the country of 077 like the fish returned to the sea. It seems that the abyss demon king knows that it is difficult to escape by the hidden of the shadow demon, so he uses more props.

Wu Feng did not let them go easily. He reached out a trick, and the mysterious sheepskin roll appeared in his hands: “Little God, check it out, where did the shadow demon hero just go!”

The mysterious spirit immediately started to launch its own ability: “Great Lord, I just found out the whereabouts of this group of shadow demon. Their foothold today is in the 088 region 088, 096, 056, and 012. Region. ”

A total of 4 shadow devil heroes have escaped in four ways. They have entered 4 regions in the state of stealth.

According to the plan of the Abyss Demon King, even if the enemy is set up in the 066 area, it is impossible to set the anti -hidden method to the entire 077 national.

And if it really sets up the entire 077 country, then he can also let the shadow demons send out 077 nationality.

Anyway, as long as he is constantly trying, he can always send his heroes into the 799th floor, and constantly establish more territories, thereby counterattacking the 066 region and recapture the door of the abyss!

It was just Wu Feng’s means, but it was already searching for the heavens to find the enemy. Even if the four shadow assassins fled to other regions, he immediately locked their whereabouts.

This time, in order to ensure a hit, Wu Feng launched the shooting tower!

His shooting tower is located at the country No. 062 and is about tens of thousands of kilometers away from the 077th national. This is nothing for the Houyi avatar.

Wu Feng directly asked Houyi to do his hands, and Houyi, who held mythical weapons, was bent and arrowed. After a arrow shot out, he took a bow to look at the next goal.

“Let me fly!”

Houyi is extremely confident. As the first point, he is now 45. The level of the defense tower is not limited by Wu Feng’s level.

In other words, Houyi avatars can exceed Wu Feng’s current level 49, and he can even quickly rise to third -level and fourth -tier!

In this case, the first part has a mythical weapon, and its lethality is really beyond imagination.

At this time, a shadow assassin in the 096th region of No. 077 is preparing to build a devil fortress, and he has many props given by adults in his hands.

As long as the fortress is established on the basis of the devil’s nest point, he can immediately obtain a large number of ‘barracks’ with props to evolve with props to evolve. At that time, a burst of soldiers can quickly organize a demon army!

Master Demon said that as long as the number of demon troops running out, there are enough, and adopt a multi -blooming method to open the base in this layer.

At that time, the Demon Demon Army attacked together, and then cooperated with the Demon Legion to kill positively from the door of the abyss.

“Huh! Lords on the 799th floor, now only the second order is less than the third order, how can they fight against the Demon King! They will definitely be swept!”

“Master Demon has some opponents on the 798th floor, but on the 799th floor, no one can resist our offensive! At that time, adults can even be promoted to the demon god all the way, and win the entire 799th floor!”

When this shadow assassin ‘dreaming “, a black arrow dropped from the sky and nailed it directly!

This time is no doubt spike!

The epic Houya Tower, because the weapons used are only legendary bows and arrows, and the shadow assassin is a fourth -order hero, they failed to kill them in one arrow.

The Houyi avatars that can shoot the sun tower injury. In the case of an artifact, let alone a fourth -order legendary hero. Even if the epic hero who changes the crispy skin is also the same spike!

After killing a shadow assassin, it immediately dropped the props. Wu Feng also sent the hero to end. At all, Wu Feng’s heroes were not used. All shot.

Wu Feng’s hero passed over, that is, picking up all kinds of props that the enemy dropped, which is also a good income.

With this spike, the subsequent Houyi avatars also killed all the way all the way. The four shadow assassins were shot and killed on the spot without the opportunity to establish a demon fortress.

The shooting tower really shows the top lethality of the mythical defense tower. The shooting tower and mysterious sheepskin rolls can really block the demon who run out of the abyss.

Even if they escaped from the region of No. 066, they would be useless, and they would be shot and killed on the spot by the shot.

However, Wu Feng also discovered that if he kept using mysterious sheepskin rolls, then he really didn’t need to do anything, so he couldn’t go here.

In order to change this situation, Wu Feng immediately changed the way. When he saw the [Little Red Carp] standing next to him: “I was ready to wait for 20 o’clock to strengthen the hero. Use the extraordinary power in your hand. ”

[Xiaohong Carp] Blinking: “Brother League, you will try your best to cooperate with you,”

[Little Red Carp] I also know that Wu Feng is now going to deal with the demons who run out of the abyss. These devils are the best.

If they ran to other areas and even the country, and established the devil fortress and formed the Demon Army, it was really troublesome.

After all, these demon heroes have a lot of props given by the devil at hand, and their development speed will be very fast.

Now you only need to kill the demon heroes, and in the future, you need to face the continuous demons.

Wu Feng took out a tower defense evolution card: “Your ability, although it is impossible to directly evolve the defense tower, but can evolve this tower defense evolution card to an epic level. I can use it for the legendary defense tower. Make it evolved into an epic level. ”

“Although this operation, although it will consume an advanced card, it is also another way to evolve the defense tower.”

Wu Feng takes out the legendary tower defense evolution card, which can evolve the orange defense tower to the legendary defensive tower. There are still a lot of such props at hand at Wu Feng.

Originally, this proper could only evolve the legendary defense tower, but as long as the [Little Red Carp] strengthened it into an epic prop, then the legendary defense tower could be evolved to an epic level.

The defensive tower that has been put down can also evolve in this way. The talent of [Little Red Carp] still has room for development.

[Little Red Carp] Immediately took the tower defense evolution card. She reached out and wiped it to evolve the tower defense evolution card into an epic level: “Brother League, the evolution is well evolved.”

Wu Feng waved his hand: “No hurry, you will strengthen it again, let me see the effect after the evolution card is strengthened.”

[Xiaohong Carp] She was stunned, but she still operated according to what Wu Feng said, so the epic tower in her hand became a defense evolution card to strengthen +1.

After watching its effect, [Little Red Carp] said, “Brother League, the reinforced tower defense evolution card, after the evolutionary defense tower, it can also increase it to the same enhancement +1 state.”

Wu Feng’s expression: “I guess right. Now you have strengthened the evolutionary card, which is actually equivalent to strengthening the defense tower. I can use any legendary defense tower to make it epic into epic. Level strengthened +1. ”

“But to make its effect be offset, then it needs at least strengthen +2!”

So Wu Feng was ready to allow [Little Red Carp] to strengthen the evolution card to +2, but now [Little Red Carp] is not available!

And in the calculation of Wu Feng, there is already a result of Ophara. Her god -level natural disaster has killed all the lords in the 072 region and completed the destination!

Recommend a friend’s book, “Killing and Portrait World”.

The heavens, fast -paced, decisive killing, beauty and fear, Hong Kong terror.

Friends who like this can go and see, the style is stable as an old dog.

(This chapter is finished)

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