Taoist world

Chapter 708: A foodie

In the realm of mountains and seas, monsters can speak human words once they reach the cave-heaven realm.

In this prison, although Jiang Yun didn't know whether the monsters could speak, they should at least be sane and able to communicate.

However, the firebird still ignored Jiang Yun. After looking up to the sky and burping, the flames burning on its body turned into red feathers, making it look like an ordinary bird at this moment.

Just when the firebird spread its wings and was obviously about to turn around and leave, Jiang Yun calmly opened his palms, with three beast pills in his palms!


When Liu Tianren and other demon tribes left Shiwan Mang Mountain, Fang Mang handed over almost all of his collection in Mang Mountain to Jiang Yun.

Although Jiang Yun had used up a lot of his eight years of no return, he still had some left.

Especially the beast pills have almost never been used, and there are at least hundreds of thousands of them.

Seeing the beast pill in Jiang Yun's hand, the firebird's newly opened wings suddenly stopped in the air.

Although its belly was bulging, its eyes still showed greed.

"This is a foodie!"

Jiang Yun gave an accurate evaluation of the Firebird in his heart. At the same time, he raised his hand and saw a beast pill flying towards the Firebird.

After hesitating and struggling, the Firebird finally opened its mouth and swallowed the beast pill in one gulp.

As the beast elixir entered his stomach, Firebird's eyes suddenly showed excitement and disbelief.

Because it has never tasted such delicious beast elixir.

The beast pills I had eaten before were completely incomparable to the beast pills in front of me!

How did it know that these beast pills came from the beasts in the Shiwanmang Mountains of the Mountain and Sea Realm.

The living environment there is much better than that in the Dao Prison, which naturally makes the beast elixir condensed by the beasts even more delicious.

"We humans have a saying that the hands that take people are short, and the mouth that eats people is short. Lord Vulcan, now that you have eaten my beast elixir, can we talk about the deal?"

While speaking, the number of beast elixirs in Jiang Yun's hand was also increasing.

Three, four, five...

When the number of beast pills in Jiang Yun's hand increased to nine, Firebird finally gasped and spoke: "Three beast pills, for one feather!"

Obviously, Firebird believed that Jiang Yun had the same purpose as the previous monks and needed his feathers.

However, Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in your feathers. I hope to be by Lord Vulcan's side."

Firebird's eyes suddenly showed a vigilant look: "What are you going to do?"

It had never heard of Jiang Yun's request.

The reason why he is respected by human monks is nothing more than coveting the feathers on his body.

Apart from that, there are no other benefits to following him.

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said: "As you saw just now, I can also swallow those flames, thereby helping me increase my cultivation."

"It's a pity that I can't know the specific time and place when the fireball rain will come, so I want to stay with you to make it easier for me to practice!"

"In exchange, I will provide you with a certain amount of beast elixir every day!"

After listening to Jiang Yun's words, Firebird's eyes kept moving, obviously thinking about it.

Although it is not willing to associate with humans, it did see Jiang Yun's behavior of devouring flames just now, and knew that what Jiang Yun said must be the truth.

In addition, it could not resist the temptation of the beast pill, so after careful consideration, it said: "I need at least six beast pills every day!"

"make a deal!"

Jiang Yun raised his wrist and generously threw the nine beast pills in his hand towards the fire bird and said: "This is today's beast pill. If you have more, it will be considered as a meeting gift!"

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that the firebird would open his mouth like a lion, but he didn't expect that the firebird was not greedy.

Six beast pills a day, and the number of beast pills in his body is enough for it to last for forty or fifty years, so he naturally agreed happily.

After swallowing all nine beast elixirs in one gulp, the firebird let out a long burp again, and then continued: "The next fireball rain will be ejected from the seventh sun in one month. The specific location is as follows. Let me go!"

After saying that, Firebird's figure immediately rose into the air, and Jiang Yun also jumped into the air and followed behind Firebird.

Jiang Yun wanted to chat more with Firebird, but Firebird obviously didn't want to talk to him. In desperation, Jiang Yun could only remain silent. After flying for three days, he landed in a desert.

"right here!"

After saying these words, the firebird walked aside, dug out a hole in the sand with its paws, crawled into it, and took a nap.

Jiang Yun didn't bother it, just found a place to sit down, closed his eyes and began to meditate.

A month passed quickly, and as expected, as Firebird said, Jiang Yun ushered in the second fireball rain in this desert.

Just like last time, Jiang Yun first escaped the densest fireball rain under the yellow sand, and then when the fireball rain was about to end, he got out of the ground to devour the flames.

After one person and one bird swallowed up all the surrounding flames, the firebird took Jiang Yun to the next place.

Just like that, time passed, and one year passed in the blink of an eye!

At the beginning, Firebird was still wary of Jiang Yun, but after a long time, Firebird discovered that Jiang Yun did need flames to practice, and the flames he needed were not much.

The most important thing is that Jiang Yun is very trustworthy and never loses six beast pills a day.

Over time, Firebird relaxed his vigilance. Although he still didn't talk much, the relationship between the two became much more harmonious.

In order to avoid using spiritual energy frequently, Jiang Yun would increase the poisonous energy in his body and increase the number of beast pills he took per day to nine, in exchange for a fire bird carrying him on his flight.

Naturally, Jiang Yun already knew the rules of fireball rain.

It's very simple, it's once a month, but he has no way of estimating where it appears each time and which sun erupts.

But Firebird always knew it in advance, so much so that Jiang Yun couldn't help but wonder if Firebird was born from Lihuo.

After experiencing the rain of fireballs for twelve times in a row, Jiang Yun's ability to withstand the Lihuo in hell has improved further, and the amount of Lihuo he swallowed is also increasing.

However, it is still too far away from him being able to be completely unafraid of the rain of fireballs like the firebird.

It is even more out of reach to use the power of Lihuo to give birth to the Taoist Spirit of Fire.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun is not in a hurry. After cultivating to the Taoist realm, the improvement of each small realm will take a long time, which may be tens or even hundreds of years.

Through getting along with the fire bird, Jiang Yun also gained a more detailed understanding of the seventh level of hell.

Although the environment here is extremely harsh, there are still many mortals and monks living there, there are even small cities, and various forces of varying sizes, just like the outside world.

There was only the so-called Reincarnation Cave. No matter how Jiang Yun begged Firebird, even if he used the beast elixir as a temptation, Firebird still refused to talk about it, let alone take Jiang Yun there, which made Jiang Yun quite helpless.

On this day, in the sky, the firebird that had transformed into an ordinary form spread its wings and flew, and on its back sat Jiang Yun, rushing towards the place where the next fireball rain was about to fall.

However, when he was about to reach his destination, the Firebird stopped suddenly, and even said with a look of disgust in his eyes: "What a bad luck, this trip is going to be in vain?"

Jiang Yun asked in confusion: "Why, has the place where the fireball rain dropped changed?"

Firebird shook his head and said: "No, there is a reincarnation hole within the range of the fireball rain this time!"

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