Taoist world

Chapter 709 Loyal to protect the Lord

Firebird's words made Jiang Yun's heart suddenly move.

He was just curious about the Reincarnation Cave at the beginning, so he just mentioned it.

But as more than a year passed, although the poisonous gas here did not have a great impact on him, he could not withstand the accumulation of poisonous gas over time.

Now he can clearly feel that the poisonous gas entering his body has gradually begun to corrode his body and consume his spiritual energy.

Therefore, his interest in the Reincarnation Cave also changed from curiosity to a necessity to go.

If it can really remove the poisonous gas from your body, your life will be much easier in the future.

It's just that Firebird has always had a great dislike for the Reincarnation Cave, and it's hard to mention it when he asks Firebird for help.

But since there is a reincarnation cave right in front of me, I can just go and see it.

Jiang Yun rolled his eyes and said, "Although you don't want to go, I don't want to waste an opportunity. Let's just find a place nearby to wait for me. I'll go find you when it's done."


Firebird agreed very simply. He turned around and threw Jiang Yun out without ceremony, then turned around and flew away.

After landing on the ground, Jiang Yun immediately released his spiritual consciousness, and sure enough, he found a hill less than a hundred feet away about ten thousand feet away.

There is an inconspicuous cave on the mountain wall.

What surprised Jiang Yun was that there was a group of people rushing towards the Reincarnation Cave thousands of feet away in the other direction.

"That's too late!"

Looking at the group of people, Jiang Yun spoke softly.

As his words fell, the surrounding temperature suddenly rose crazily.

Above the sky, the color of a sun instantly turned fiery red, and a wave of fireball rain suddenly appeared!

After following the firebird for more than a year, Jiang Yun has been able to accurately calculate the exact time when the fireball rain appeared.

There were sixteen people in the group, divided into groups of four, protecting a certain formation and advancing rapidly.

The four people in the middle were carrying a rather delicate soft sedan chair.

The sedan curtain was lowered, covering the situation inside the sedan, but looking at their looks, Jiang Yun knew that their purpose of coming to this reincarnation cave was probably for the people in the sedan.

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The poisonous gas in the bodies of the people in the sedan chair is probably saturated and must be eliminated.

The poisonous gas in Taoist Prison will not directly kill people, but when the poisonous gas accumulates to a certain level, which is the so-called saturation, the monk will completely lose his cultivation and become a useless person.

Therefore, we must find ways to remove some of it before it becomes saturated.

As for the method of elimination, Jiang Yun guessed that there should be more than one.

Entering the Reincarnation Cave is just one of them.

Even entering the reincarnation cave does not necessarily require the feathers of the firebird. There must be other substitutes.

Otherwise, according to Firebird's foodie character, people would have taken all of his feathers away long ago.

At this moment, although this group of monks are not far from the Reincarnation Cave, their cultivation level is not high.

The strongest one is only in the Dao Spirit Realm, and the rest are only in the Cave Heaven Realm.

Over the past year or so, Jiang Yun has also seen a lot of creatures.

There are both mortals and monks, and among the monks, there are both humans and monsters.

Although Jiang Yun has not had direct contact or conversation with them, it is not difficult to deduce that those who can be sent to the seventh level of this prison are not low in strength.

The weakest ones are also in the Cave Heaven Realm, while the higher ones are in the Earth Protector Realm.

Of course, Jiang Yun believed that there might be masters in the God Blessing Realm and even the Dao Xing Realm.

Therefore, the cultivation level of the group of people in front of them is really not enough.

This makes it impossible for them to enter the reincarnation cave before the fireball rain falls, even if they start their cultivation and run with all their strength.

And there is only one consequence of not being able to get in - death!

Looking at the overwhelming rain of fireballs falling from the sky, Jiang Yun shook his head.

Even though he wanted to save him, he had too much time to protect himself, so he couldn't care about others.

Jiang Yun could only hope that they, like himself, had the power to escape from the earth, so that they might be able to escape this disaster.

Jiang Yun's figure instantly submerged into the earth, but his consciousness was looking at those people.

Regarding the rain of fireballs that had fallen, the expressions of this group of people suddenly changed.

The spiritual monk shouted loudly: "No matter what, we must send the young master into the reincarnation cave!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the cultivation power that he had never dared to use finally burst out.

At the same time as the strong breath rose into the sky, he actually took a step forward and sat directly on the soft sedan chair.

Then, he raised his hand again, and a square white shield appeared above his head, emitting a faint white light, protecting the soft sedan.

As for the other fifteen people, they also exploded their respective cultivation levels and accelerated their progress.

Unfortunately, at this time, the fireball rain had already fallen on the ground, making a loud noise.

Although the area of ​​​​the individual fireballs is not large, they are numerous and extremely dense, making it impossible to escape.

As a fireball fell, four of the monks in the group were immediately hit. They were burned to ashes before they even had time to scream.

As for the remaining people, although their faces were extremely ugly, no one panicked. They just gritted their teeth, quickened their pace, and continued to rush towards the Reincarnation Cave.

When they were only a hundred feet away from the Reincarnation Cave, all sixteen of them were dead, and only the Dao Spirit Realm monk was still alive.

The reason why he was able to survive was that, apart from having a higher level of cultivation than others, the biggest reason he relied on was the white shield above his head.

Jiang Yun saw with his own eyes several fireballs falling on the shield. Although the shield was constantly shaking, it failed to shatter the white light.

The distance of a hundred feet, with the Taoist Realm's cultivation, at any other time, he could arrive in an instant.

But now, for the Taoist monk, it is like an unbridgeable gap.

While gritting his teeth, he continued to release spiritual energy to maintain the light of the shield above his head, while also keeping the soft sedan moving, moving forward with great difficulty.


Finally, when the soft sedan was less than three feet away from the reincarnation hole, the shield suddenly collapsed with the heavy impact of a fireball.

The hot flames instantly enveloped the whole body of the Taoist monk, turning him into a burning man, and his body began to burn into ashes at an extremely fast speed.

But even so, he still ignored his own safety, roared suddenly, and slammed his head against the soft sedan.

This collision knocked the soft sedan forward more than two feet again, and was only less than a foot away from the entrance of the cave.

However, the body of the spiritual monk was completely burned to ashes, and he only had time to let out a roar full of unwillingness: "Young Master, I'm sorry for you!"

Jiang Yun, who saw all this clearly, couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In just a few moments, all sixteen people were burned to death, but the young master they tried their best to protect was still unable to enter the reincarnation cave.

While sighing, Jiang Yun's figure suddenly moved, and in an instant he came to the side of the soft sedan. He jumped out of the ground and reached out to gently pat the soft sedan.

And he himself, together with the soft sedan, finally entered the reincarnation cave.

Although Jiang Yun had not planned to intervene, the deaths of those sixteen people, especially the loyalty of the last Dao Ling monk, finally touched him, allowing him to save the people in the soft sedan at the critical moment.

Now that he was in the reincarnation cave, Jiang Yun immediately felt a sense of coolness coming towards him, and the heat in his body was immediately dissipated.

But Jiang Yun's expression suddenly became serious.

Because he could clearly feel that there was a powerful aura deep in the reincarnation cave.

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