Taoist world

Chapter 707 Lord Vulcan

Jiang Yun and Huo Niao naturally heard the sudden shout.

Firebird's eyes turned, revealing a hint of impatience, but he ignored them.

Jiang Yun, who was carefully devouring the flames, was slightly stunned.

He didn't expect that someone else would show up at this time, and if his prediction was correct, it should be a monk.

After all, although the fireball rain has ended, the high temperature still permeating the air is definitely not something that mortals can bear.

However, Jiang Yun was a little confused by what the other party was shouting.

Lord Vulcan!

Could it be referring to this firebird that is busy devouring flames?

Jiang Yun originally didn't want to pay attention to these shouts, but now his clothes were burned to ashes by the flames. He was standing here completely naked, and his image was really unsightly.

Therefore, in desperation, Jiang Yun could only give up swallowing the flames for the time being, and sank into the ground again, only quietly paying attention to the movements on the ground with his spiritual consciousness.

A moment later, more than a dozen humans appeared about a few hundred feet away from this area, and Jiang Yun's eyes couldn't help but light up when he saw them.

As expected, all of these people were monks, and the weakest ones were all in the Taoist realm.

The leader, a skinny man, even reached the realm of Earth Protector.

At this moment, these dozen monks were standing hundreds of feet away. They clearly did not dare to move forward, but they still kept calling: "Lord Vulcan, Lord Vulcan!"

Under their calls, the firebird finally stopped devouring it, turned around, and walked towards the group of monks with its head held high.

At this moment, the firebird, with its head held high and its chest held high, exuded a noble temperament as it walked leisurely. It was completely different from its previous image of entangled with lizards and devouring flames!

Naturally, Jiang Yun was also certain that this fire bird was the Lord Vulcan mentioned by the monks.

But he also became more and more confused. Although the Fire Bird was not afraid of flames, its strength was equivalent to the early stage of the Dao Spirit Realm. How could a group of human monks who were far more powerful than it be called Lord Vulcan?

Finally, the Fire Bird came to a stop in front of the monks, holding its head high and looking at the sky with its eyes.

That style is like that of an arrogant master, and it is quite suitable for the title of "Lord Vulcan".

Among the group of monks, the man who was protecting the earth immediately bowed and took a step forward, raised his hands, and held three black things the size of dragon eyes in his hands.

Jiang Yun recognized it at a glance. Those things were beast elixirs.

In the realm of mountains and seas, after a ferocious beast reaches the seventh level, it is possible to condense the beast elixir in its body. The higher the level of the ferocious beast, the higher the grade of the beast elixir will naturally be.

For human monks, beast elixir is a necessary material for refining some elixirs, but for beasts, beast elixir is something to enhance their strength.

Seeing the beast elixir in the man's hand, although the fire bird still tried its best to keep its head held high, its eyes looking at the sky could not help but glance towards the beast elixir.

Even Jiang Yun could clearly see the slight trembling of its throat, clearly indicating that it was swallowing saliva.

"This fire bird not only likes to eat flames, but also likes to eat beast elixirs!"

"These monks are clearly here to give the Fire Bird the beast elixir. It must not be given away in vain. They must be asking for something!"

Jiang Yun secretly changed his mind and continued reading calmly.

The skinny man carefully placed the beast pill on the ground, then lowered his head and took a step back.

Firebird obviously couldn't control his appetite at last. He suddenly opened his mouth and sucked hard, swallowing all three beast pills into his mouth.

With a satisfied look on his face, Firebird used his mouth to comb his body, and saw a finger-long flame falling out.

After the flame left the firebird's body, it suddenly turned into a piece of red feathers, fluttering into the hand of the skinny man.

Holding this feather, the faces of the man and the people behind him suddenly showed a look of treasure, and they respectfully said to the fire bird: "Thank you, Lord Vulcan!"

Then, everyone maintained a respectful attitude and backed away with their feathers. Only after they had retreated several thousand feet away did they speed up one by one.

Jiang Yun, who saw all this, naturally understood that the purpose of these monks' appearance was to exchange the beast elixir for a feather of the firebird.

However, he still couldn't figure out what the use of this feather was!

Under too many doubts, Jiang Yun hurriedly took out a piece of clothing from the storage artifact and put it on, and then simply chased the group of people under the earth.

Although that group of people were also monks and their strength was not low, they obviously did not dare to use spiritual energy at will, so their speed was not too fast.

In an instant, Jiang Yun had caught up with them and was about to emerge from the ground, but suddenly heard the sound of their conversation.

"This adventure is finally worth it. I will say that wherever there is a rain of fireballs, Lord Vulcan will definitely appear too!"

"Now, with this feather from Master Vulcan, one of us can enter the reincarnation hole!"

"Let Lao Shi go this time. The poisonous gas in Lao Shi's body is already saturated. If it doesn't get rid of a little bit, I'm afraid his cultivation will be completely ruined."

Listening to the conversation between these monks, Jiang Yun gradually got answers to his doubts.

The firebird's feather allows these people to enter a place called the Reincarnation Cave.

The function of the reincarnation hole is to help them get rid of the poisonous gas in their bodies!

After understanding this, Jiang Yun suddenly stopped and gave up tracking them, but turned around and rushed towards the place where the fire bird was.

Through the small amount of flames that had been swallowed up just now, Jiang Yun was certain that his idea of ​​using the power of divorce to conceive the Taoist Spirit of Fire was entirely possible to come true.

However, the premise is that you must be able to regularly devour these flames, thereby slowly increasing your resistance.

Regarding this fireball rain, although it was not difficult for Jiang Yun to guess that it would not only appear once, but would appear again every once in a while.

But he couldn't predict the specific place and time it would appear.

But the conversation between those monks made Jiang Yun realize that the firebird should know.

In other words, as long as you follow the Firebird, you can encounter the fireball rain again, or even multiple times!


When Jiang Yun returned to that area, most of the flames on the earth had been extinguished, leaving only a few scattered flames still burning.

The firebird didn't leave either, still jumping around and swallowing the flames.

Jiang Yun was not polite, and also found a place where the flames continued to engulf, but his consciousness was firmly locked on the Fire Bird.

As Jiang Yun appeared again, the firebird's eyes immediately showed vigilance, and then continued to seize the time to devour the unquenched flames.

In this way, one person and one bird, no one paid attention to the other, each was busy devouring the flames, until all the flames were completely extinguished, and Jiang Yun finally let out a long breath.

Although the flames he devoured were not many, the process of devouring the flames gave him a feeling that life was worse than death.

Even the level of danger was far greater than when he devoured Li Huo in the Holy Land of the Snow Clan.

And he also realized that the real reason why he was able to swallow these flames was because of the wisp of Li Fire that had long existed in his body.

And his life fire is much more powerful than other monks.

Next, Jiang Yun looked at the firebird, a smile appeared on his face, and he politely said with cupped fists: "Lord Vulcan, can we make a deal?"

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