Taoist world

Chapter 706: Snatching food

No wonder those mortals and the group of crows were running away desperately, and even those mortals looked at themselves as if they were dead!

No wonder the firebird was clearly defeated by the lizard, but it still entangled the lizard and prevented it from escaping.

Obviously, they all knew that this rain of fireballs was coming.

Looking at the countless fireballs falling in the sky at extremely fast speeds, Jiang Yun's instinctive reaction was naturally to prepare to escape.

But the moment he turned around, his figure suddenly stopped and once again cast his gaze on those fireballs, a dazzling light lit up in his eyes!

Because these fireballs reminded him of the Snow Clan, of the Snow Clan’s holy land, and of the Lihuo that existed in his body!

Lihuo is the flame leaving the sun.

In the past, he never knew under what circumstances the flames could leave the sun, but at this moment, he understood.

Aren't these fireballs ejected from the sun exactly Lihuo!

The first generation of ancestors of the Snow Clan were born under the burning of Lihuo.

But now that there is a ray of Lihuo in his body, can he use the Lihuo in front of him to take his control of the flame to a higher level?

Even, in this Lihuo, he gave birth to his own fire spirit!

The battle with Yue Qing, the reality of being in a prison, and the fact that his grandfather and others were trapped in an unknown place made Jiang Yun's thirst for power even stronger.

Let alone leaving the prison, even if you want to survive in this prison, you must have strong power as your solid backing.

Therefore, Jiang Yun must seize every opportunity that can make him strong quickly.

However, Jiang Yun also knew that in order to use these Lihuo to give birth to the Taoist Spirit of Fire, the prerequisite was to make sure that he could withstand the temperature of these Lihuos and whether there was any poisonous gas in them.

Both conditions must be met at the same time, one is indispensable!

Otherwise, let alone giving birth to a Taoist spirit, my body may be directly burned to ashes by these fireballs, or the body may be filled with poisonous gas.

After all, this is not Li Huo in the Holy Land of the Snow Clan.

The Lihuo of the Snow Clan has been burning for an unknown amount of time, and its temperature must have weakened greatly.

And these fireballs in front of me have just been ejected from the sun.

Moreover, this is the seventh level of Dao Prison!

The environment set up in the Dao Prison is to eliminate the possibility of monks practicing.

If you want to give birth to a Taoist spirit here, you must be extremely careful. If you are not careful, you may really perish here completely.

Even the lizard whose strength is comparable to the Dao Spirit Realm is so afraid of this fireball rain, so even if Jiang Yun is brave, he does not dare to stand here and wait for the fireball rain without knowing anything. Advent.

What's more, although these fireball rains have not yet fallen to the ground, the rapidly rising temperature around him has already made Jiang Yun feel the burning pain.

It is not difficult to see that the temperature of this Lihuo is much higher than the wisp of Lihuo he swallowed originally, and it is definitely not something he can bear.

In desperation, Jiang Yun could only decide to escape first!

Just looking around, although there are some small hills nearby, there is no place to hide.

Moreover, the area covered by the rain of fireballs is extremely vast, and the speed of falling is also extremely fast. Even if Jiang Yun explodes with all his cultivation, it is impossible to escape from this area before the rain of fireballs falls.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun saw the dry and cracked earth under his feet, and his body swayed and sank directly into the earth.

Just when Jiang Yun's body had just integrated into the earth, the rain of fireballs also fell on the earth.

"Boom boom boom!"

Listening to the sounds of explosions coming one after another from the earth, even though Jiang Yun was underground, he could clearly feel the violent tremors of the earth and the increasing temperature seeping into the earth through the cracks.

However, apart from the sound of the fireball exploding, Jiang Yun also heard the excited chirping of the firebird!

This made Jiang Yun feel frightened and had a wry smile on his face.

This prison is indeed full of dangers. Who would have thought that the sun could emit such a terrifying fireball rain.

Gradually, the number of explosions sounded less and less, and it was obvious that the rain of fireballs was about to end.

At this time, Jiang Yun, after a slight hesitation, suddenly rushed out of the ground and stood on the ground again.

At this moment, there are unburned fireballs everywhere around the land, and the temperature has reached extremely high. Even Jiang Yun's physical body had to activate his spiritual energy to resist the moment they appeared.

Above the sky, the color of the sun that ejected fireballs has gradually returned to normal, but there are still some fireballs ejected.

Not far away, the lizard's huge body had almost been burned to ashes, exuding a burning smell.

Not only was the firebird unharmed, but it was jumping around, constantly devouring the flames scattered across the earth that had not yet been extinguished.

It clearly feeds on these flames.

Every time it devours a flame, the aura emanating from its body will become faintly stronger.

At this moment, Jiang Yun became more and more certain that even if this firebird was not the same kind as Dao Demon Wuyang, its birth was probably inseparable from the seven suns in the sky and the fireball rain.

Although Huo Niao also saw Jiang Yun's appearance, he only glanced at him and looked away.

Jiang Yun tried to communicate with the firebird with his spiritual consciousness, but received no response. He did not continue to pay attention to the firebird, but walked towards the nearest fireball that was not extinguished.

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He hadn't felt such high temperature for a long time. Even with spiritual energy protecting his body, he could still feel the heat wave hitting his face.

And the reason why he appears now is to try to see how high the temperature of the Lihuo is.

When he came to the fireball, his teeth were clenched and his body was trembling.

His clothes had been burned to ashes, and there were bursts of burning pain on his skin, and there was still a burning smell at the end of his nose.

But after taking a deep breath, Jiang Yun finally raised his palm and put it into the flame.

With a "stab" sound, flames suddenly burst out from his palms, and even his nails turned into ashes. The terrifying temperature made Jiang Yun really want to withdraw immediately.

And this is just the flame of Lihuo that is about to go out!

Jiang Yun couldn't help but secretly rejoice that he didn't go directly to greet the rain of fireballs just now.

Otherwise, now he would be like that lizard, completely burned to ashes.

However, instead of taking out his palm, he took another step and his whole body was completely integrated into the flame.

At the same time, his consciousness was also released to the maximum, and he tried hard to feel whether there was poisonous gas in the flames.

After confirming that there was no poisonous gas in the flames, Jiang Yun suddenly opened his mouth and began to devour the flames.

Jiang Yun's idea was to let his body gradually adapt to the temperature, and then consume it with life fire until he could completely adapt to the temperature of Lihuo.

At that time, it will be the time to try to condense the Taoist Spirit of Fire.

Use the power of the boundary sea to breed the Taoist spirit of water, and use the power of Lihuo to breed the Taoist spirit of fire!

Jiang Yun's actions finally caught the attention of the firebird not far away, who tilted his head and looked at Jiang Yun.

Apparently he was curious that this human being was not afraid of fire.

Especially when it saw Jiang Yun start to devour the flames, its eyes were even more shocked.

After being shocked, it suddenly accelerated its speed of devouring the flames.

Obviously, it thought that Jiang Yun was competing for food with him!

At this moment, shouts suddenly came from afar: "Lord Vulcan, Lord Vulcan!"

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