Taoist world

Chapter 1570 Not recognized

Although Jiang Yun has not completely settled his relationship with Li Da's mother and son, he has already planted the seeds and can only wait until a few years later to reap the fruits.

Therefore, Jiang Yun found a deserted mountain top, sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, and entered the illusion he created.

At this moment, looking at the world, mountains, rivers, grass and trees that he had transformed into, Jiang Yun's face showed a look of enlightenment.

"When I look at this world, I only feel that its character is vast and boundless, heavy and steady. But looking at it from another angle, this world is also like a prison, restricting the freedom of everything within it!"

"When I see the grass swaying in the wind, I just think it has a weak character. But in fact, the fact that every blade of grass can break out from under this solid earth is enough to show that they also have a strong character!"

"Although I don't know what Tao is, in my opinion, the character of Tao is just like the character of human beings."

"And human personality is far more complex than all things. A person may even have several different personalities. I'm not talking about others, just myself!"

Having said this, Jiang Yun's eyes moved away from the scenery of the world and fell in front of him.

Under the continuous surge of spiritual energy there, a smiling Jiang Yun slowly emerged from the air.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun one after another began to appear in this illusion, under Jiang Yun's understanding.

Just like the hundreds of thousands of creatures in Moyun City, Jiang Yun began to create a different image for each of his personalities.

Gradually, six different images appeared in front of Jiang Yun.

Some are smiling, some are murderous; some are sad, and some are indifferent...

With the emergence of six selves representing different personalities, Jiang Yun also stopped continuing to transform.

"Actually, my personality may not be limited to these six types, but as Mrs. Li said, everything in this world has pros and cons!"

"Life and death, truth and falsehood, yin and yang..."

"Then the character is the same!

In the sound of Jiang Yun's words, the six Jiang Yuns suddenly began to move towards each other, and they merged into each other perfectly.

At the same time, in this illusion, all the people created by Jiang Yun began to move together, each one moving towards their own different personalities.

In an instant, countless figures criss-crossed and merged with each other, looking dazzled.

And after all the figures were still, the original millions of figures in the illusion had been greatly reduced.

Only two images were left of everyone, including Jiang Yun.

Six Jiang Yuns turned into two!

One has a kind smile on his face, but the other has a cold murderous look on his face!

Looking at these two selves, Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Although there are many kinds of personalities, whether it is mine or other people's personalities, they can actually be boiled down to two types - good and evil!"

Before this, because people have too many personalities, Jiang Yun had been struggling with what kind of personality he should give his Taoist spirit.

However, the words of Mrs. Li and her son gave him a hint.

No matter how many types of personality there are, in the final analysis, it lies in the attitude in your heart.

When you have good thoughts in your heart, all your character is good; when you have evil thoughts in your heart, all your character is evil!

Under this inspiration, Jiang Yun finally found his own nature, which is to merge all his personalities into two kinds of good and evil!

"And good and evil are the characters I gave to my Tao spirit, that is, my Tao nature!"

As Jiang Yun finished speaking, his own Taoist spirit appeared above his head!

However, next, there was no change, and this made Jiang Yun stunned!

Although Jiang Yun did not have anyone to guide him in his cultivation, he already knew about the process of entering the Taoist Realm through searching the souls of other Taoist Realm monks.

The realm of Taoism is the most mysterious realm among the first nine realms of practice.

Because it is the beginning of the realm of inquiry, and stepping into this realm means that you have the qualifications to ask.

Therefore, if you want to enter this realm, in addition to reaching a certain level in cultivation, you also need to gain an understanding of the nature of Tao, just like the enlightenment of Tao!

Once you realize it, you don't need to do anything at all. A large amount of spiritual energy and Dao patterns will naturally appear between heaven and earth and pour into the Dao spirit.

This process is to give the Tao spirit a character, and at the same time it represents the Dao’s recognition of you, thus helping you enter the realm of Tao nature!

But now, Jiang Yun has clearly realized that his nature is good and evil, but the world has not responded at all.

And this also means that his understanding failed.

In other words, the nature of good and evil that he clearly understands is not recognized by this great road!

Jiang Yun was really stunned at this time. He didn't know if others had ever clearly understood the nature of good and evil, but he probably did.

After all, even ordinary people like Mrs. Li can know that there are pros and cons to things, let alone some extremely talented monks.

However, Jiang Yun has no way of knowing whether those monks who have also realized the nature of good and evil like him will encounter the same situation as himself and are not recognized by the Tao at all.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Yun murmured: "What's going on? Could it be because the seal behind me is causing trouble?"

There are also three seals, one horizontal, two vertical, on Jiang Yun's back.

"But, the purpose of this seal is to prevent me from realizing the Tao. Is there no reason why I can't even comprehend the nature of the Tao?"

"Is it possible that there can only be one kind of Tao nature, not two?"

"If there really can only be one kind, then should I choose a good character or an evil character?"

"Or will I continue to combine the two personalities of good and evil into one?"

"But after the two personalities of good and evil are merged, I don't know what kind of personality will emerge. How can I merge them?"

"Is my understanding wrong?"

At this moment, Jiang Yun fell into deep confusion again.

Originally he thought he was done, but reality gave him a slap in the face, making him really not know how to understand his own nature and how to continue his spiritual path.

In this way, Jiang Yun sat on the top of this deserted mountain and began to think about his own morality and his own insights again.

Time passed slowly as Jiang Yun thought about the nature of Tao again.

In the blink of an eye, another half year has passed.

And under the mountain where Jiang Yun was sitting cross-legged, a vague figure suddenly appeared slowly.

The figure looked at Jiang Yun who looked like a statue on the top of the mountain, sighed and said: "Originally, I thought that I could help you buy at least a hundred years, but I didn't expect that you would interfere with the reincarnation of heaven, leading to the The ghost clan."

"I didn't expect that in order to find you and me, the ghost clan would go so far as to completely imprison this million-mile seam, allowing ghost energy to flow in and turn this area into a dead realm."

"Now, I can only try my best to help you buy as much time as possible..."

As he muttered to himself, the blurry figures disappeared.

In the gap between the boundaries, Meng Qiao suddenly stood up, and her move made Yin Hong, who had been sitting next to him, suddenly look happy and say: "Found it?"

Meng Qiao's eyes flashed coldly as he said, "Found it!"

"This person is really powerful. He can actually hide the whole world in his ghost energy."

"However, now that the ghost energy has completely filled this area, it has finally been exposed."

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