Taoist world

Chapter 1571 The Power of Assimilation

In this million-mile gap that was completely imprisoned by the Yin clan, four figures rushed towards the same location from three directions at extremely fast speeds.

A few hours later, the four figures finally gathered in one place.

Naturally, they were the three Meng Qiao who came from the realm of death, plus Yin Hong, the leader of the Yin tribe.

Although Yinhong, as the leader of the Yin clan and a hidden sharp blade in the hands of Tao Zun, is not only well-informed, but also bold and cruel, but today's experience of walking through the cracks in the confinement of his clan has made him It's like becoming a fledgling monk.

Along the way, he was always on tenterhooks and cautious.

Although Meng Qiao was taking care of him, he almost died several times.

Because this area has been completely filled with ghost energy, and three years have passed, making this place almost equivalent to becoming a world of death!

Inside, in addition to the endless ghost energy, various souls can also be seen!

Each of these souls has a blank look on his face, his eyes are lifeless, and they are constantly shuttling back and forth in this ghostly aura, and they appear silently, appearing in any location from time to time, making them difficult to detect.

Meng Qiao was obviously not surprised by such a wandering soul, but Yinhong had never had such an experience.

Therefore, when he turned his head for the first time, he suddenly saw an expressionless pale face next to his own, almost touching his own face, which made him almost scream out in fright. Voice.

Even though he saw more of them later, he never wanted to have such an experience again or see any souls again.

However, although Yinhong has never been to the world of death and does not know what the world of death is like, he can at least imagine that the real world of death will definitely not be like this seam.

In the world of death, there is also a strict hierarchical system. There is a world master like Sen Luo, as well as the presence of large and small forces like Tao Temple. How can it be possible to allow the souls of living beings to wander freely after death?

Meng Qiao also explained his doubts to him.

These souls are naturally the souls of almost all living creatures in the worlds contained within this million-mile gap.

Because their death was not natural death, but swallowed by ghost energy, they could not go to the realm of death, reincarnation, or heaven after death, and could only drift unconsciously in this area.

Moreover, this wandering is not forever.

Once the ghost energy in this area completely dissipates and the place is filled with life again, then they will also dissipate together, and there will be no possibility of reincarnation at all.

After Yinhong listened to Meng Qiao's explanation, even though he was cruel, his heart trembled.

These souls may have been very vicious and evil people during their lives, but most of them were just ordinary mortals, and they had not done any bad things that made people angry.

But now it has to end up disappearing forever, which is really pitiful when you think about it.

However, he naturally would not really pity these souls.

Because even if they want to blame, they can only blame Jiang Yun.

Who told Jiang Yun to interfere with the reincarnation of heaven, and attracted Meng Qiao, three powerful men from the realm of death, only to have them die brutally.

If there is a theory of karma and retribution in this world, then Jiang Yun is the cause of the death of these creatures, and even their souls are gone.

Jiang Yun must bear full responsibility for the death of these creatures, and all sins should be borne by Jiang Yun!

At this time, looking at the empty surroundings except for the thick ghost aura, Yin Hong couldn't help but frown slightly and said: "Fellow Daoist Meng, is the world where Jiang Yun is hiding here? But there is no abnormality in the space here?"

Yinhong was proficient in the laws of space. In his opinion, no matter who wanted to hide a world, they could only hide in space. But here, he didn't feel anything strange about the space at all.

Meng Qiao said coldly: "I have already said that the power that envelopes that world comes from another world."

"It has nothing to do with the space laws you know, so there will naturally be no abnormalities in the space here."

"I've been taught a lesson, I've been taught a lesson!" Yinhong quickly smiled and said to Meng Qiao, cupping his hands and fists: "Then I don't know, what kind of power is this?"

Meng Qiao ignored him and nodded to his other two companions.

The two men raised their hands and executed a seal together, then suddenly slapped heavily around them.

The appearance of the two seals immediately caused the large amount of ghost energy filled here to surge crazily as if it had turned into water.

In this surge, the endless ghost energy rolled and slowly moved to both sides.

As these ghostly auras moved away, the darkness that should have been empty revealed a faint light and continued to expand.

Naturally, this is the light that the world emits!

Yinhong's eyes were already widened.

Although he believed that Meng Qiao was not lying to him, he still couldn't believe it when he saw it with his own eyes. The world was really hidden under his nose, but he was not aware of it at all.

"This, what kind of power is this?"

Perhaps because he finally found this world, Meng Qiao was in a good mood, so he had a rare chat with Yin Hong and said, "If you were asked to hide a drop of water, how would you hide it?"

Yinhong frowned and said: "Put the water into the bottle, and then put the bottle into the deep space."

Hearing Yinhong's answer, Meng Qiao sneered and shook his head: "There is still a possibility of being found. The safest way is to hide this drop of water in a river!"

Yin Hong was stunned for a moment, but then he suddenly realized: "Yes, a river is composed of countless drops of water, so if you hide this drop of water in the river, it will naturally be impossible to find it."

"Could it be that this person possesses such a power?"

Meng Qiao nodded and said, "Yes, this kind of power is like a chameleon. It can make any object change with the changes in the surrounding environment."

"Now this power has turned the entire world into ghost energy, hiding in the ghost energy."

"And the reason why you couldn't find it before was because he assimilated the world with darkness, so even if the world is right under your nose, you can't see it!"

"I don't know the name of this power, but it can be called the power of assimilation!"

With Meng Qiao's explanation, Yinhong finally understood completely.

And this also made him truly shocked by the power from another world.

Because Yinhong himself often has to hide his figure, and the way he hides it is just to hide in a deeper space.

But if compared with this power of assimilation, it is really insignificant and has no comparability at all.

Oneself is hiding, and the power of assimilation is to assimilate oneself with all other things and the environment. It is not an illusion, but it is better than an illusion.

If you can get this power of assimilation...

At this time, Meng Qiao spoke again: "Okay, now that this world has appeared, we are going in."

"Yinhong, just wait for us here!"

Looking at the half of the world that had been revealed, Yin Hong said with a serious face: "I came to capture Jiang Yun on the orders of Lord Dao Zun, so naturally I will join you!"

"Actually, it's not Jiang Yun that Dao Zun wants you to capture!" Meng Qiao smiled slightly and said, "However, if we capture Jiang Yun, then that person can naturally be handed over to you. You can follow us in!"


Although Yinhong didn't understand Meng Qiao's words, he was only thinking about the power of assimilation in his heart, so he followed Meng Qiao and the others into this world without any hesitation!

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