Taoist world

Chapter 1569 This is not a favor

Mrs. Li's words not only made Li Da, who was supporting her, stunned, but also Jiang Yun couldn't help but be stunned.

To ordinary people, a monk like himself can indeed be called an immortal.

In this nameless wilderness, although the level of cultivation is not high, there are still monks there, so it doesn't matter if the other party knows about the immortals.

However, not even Li Da could recognize that he was a monk, but Jiang Yun was surprised that this ordinary old lady could reveal her identity in one word.

Jiang Yun asked with a noncommittal smile: "Why do you think I am an immortal?"

Mrs. Li said solemnly: "Because I saw an immortal once when I was a child, and you gave me a feeling very similar to that immortal!"

Mrs. Li's answer made Jiang Yun suddenly realize that he had met other monks when he was young.

Although she did not embark on the path of spiritual practice because of this, I am afraid this is also the reason why she was able to say those words that contained profound meanings.

Jiang Yun neither admitted his identity nor continued to ask how the "immortal" felt. Instead, he changed the subject and asked, "How do you feel now?"

"Thank you, I'm fine!"

Mrs. Li could naturally tell that Jiang Yun did not want to talk about immortals, so she wisely did not continue.

With Li Da's help, Mrs. Li walked out of the bed and bowed respectfully to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun gently waved his sleeves, held up the mother and son, and then looked at Li Da Dao: "Li Da, please go out first. I have something to say to your mother."

Li Da's expression was still a little dazed, and he obviously couldn't believe that the doctor in front of him, who was almost robbed by him, could actually be an immortal.

Although he didn't understand why Jiang Yun wanted him to leave, he didn't dare to disobey, nodded hurriedly, and walked out.

After Li Da left, Jiang Yun looked at the old lady who knew her identity but showed no fear or panic, and felt more and more admiration for her.

Therefore, Jiang Yun also said straight to the point: "Old lady, you mother and son have been very kind to me, so I can do something for you to repay your kindness."

"You can put forward any wishes you have, such as ensuring that your mother and child will live a worry-free life, allowing you to regain your youth, etc.!"

If it were in other places, Jiang Yun might not have dared to boast about such a thing, but in this nameless wilderness, with his cultivation at the peak of the Heavenly Blessing Realm, and his strength far beyond the realm, he is indeed omnipotent.

Jiang Yun's words made Mrs. Li stunned. She obviously didn't understand why Jiang Yun was obviously the one who saved her, but now she said that her mother and son were very grateful to him.

It wasn't until Jiang Yun repeated it again that she believed Jiang Yun was not joking.

After thinking seriously for a long time, she shook her head and said: "Although I don't know what kind of kindness we, mother and son, have to you, but you saved me, which is enough to repay any kindness."

"If we make any more demands from you, it will mean that we owe you a favor, and we cannot repay this favor, so I have no wishes anymore."

Jiang Yun smiled and shook his head: "That's not what you said."

"Although I saved you, it was just a small effort and cannot be regarded as repaying a favor. However, the kindness you mother and son have shown me is as great as the sky."

"returning a Favour many times more!"

"If you don't mention your wish, it will mean that I have received your kindness from the spring, but I only repay it with drops of water!"

However, Old Mrs. Li also shook her head and said: "I don't understand what dripping water and gushing spring are. I only know that although it may be just a little effort for you to save me, for us mother and son, it is a real rescue." He saved my life and even saved my son’s life!”

"No matter what kind of kindness we, mother and son, have to you, your life-saving grace is more than enough to repay it!"

"Immortal, we have different identities, so we have different views on things, but no matter what, I really have no other wishes!"

Mrs. Li's words made Jiang Yun stunned again.

Because the old lady’s words once again brought him unexpected inspiration!

It turns out that not only everything in the world has pros and cons, but even things also have pros and cons.

Some things may seem like a trivial matter to you, but to others, they may be a big deal.

After standing there in shock for a long time, Jiang Yun finally showed a smile again on his face and said: "Well, in that case, I won't force you. Old lady, take care of yourself. I'm leaving!"

After bowing deeply to Mrs. Li, Jiang Yun immediately turned around and walked out of the house without hesitation.

Seeing Li Da standing outside the house, Jiang Yun reached out and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Li Da, I hope you will always remember the kindness in your heart and take good care of your mother in the future!"

"Besides, find a place quickly and take a good bath!"

As Jiang Yun finished speaking, his figure had disappeared without a trace, leaving only Li Da who stood there blankly, not understanding what Jiang Yun's last words meant.

At this time, Mrs. Li also walked out of the room and stood beside Li Da, but suddenly she covered her nose and said, "Why does it smell so bad?"

Turning his head to look, Li Da's body was filled with black things that looked like sludge. It was also the stench emitted by these things.

Li Daye came back to his senses and said with confusion: "What is this? I didn't have it on me just now!"

Mrs. Li waved her hand and said: "Never mind it, go get some water and wash it off!"


Li Da was in such a hurry to fetch water and take a bath that he didn't even notice that with his step, he suddenly covered a distance of several meters.

Mrs. Li silently withdrew her gaze and still stood there, looking at the sky, clasping her hands together and saying, "After all, you still make us owe you another favor."

However, as soon as Mrs. Li finished speaking, Jiang Yun's voice immediately rang in her ears: "This is not a favor! This is just a little gift from me to my disciple!"

Although Jiang Yun admitted that what Mrs. Li said was right, his character made it impossible for him to just turn around and leave. Therefore, he decided to accept Li Da as his disciple!

Jiang Yun's seemingly random slap before leaving not only sent a burst of spiritual energy into Li Da's body, but also shook out all the impurities in his body.

Just like cleaning his marrow and cutting off his bones, it will make Li Da's body stronger and stronger, and it can also be regarded as laying the foundation for him to embark on the path of spiritual practice.

The reason why Jiang Yun did not teach Li Da any cultivation techniques or take him away was so that he could stay with his mother and fulfill his filial piety.

A hundred years after his mother's death, if Jiang Yun is still alive and if Li Dani still maintains his kindness, then Jiang Yun will come to this world and take away his disciple!

Hearing Jiang Yun's voice, Mrs. Li was stunned for a moment, but then her face showed excitement, and she bowed deeply to the sky again.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a sense of warmth. She hurriedly raised her head and found that the surrounding thick snow that had covered the earth for countless years had all rolled back at this moment. Get up and swarm towards the sky.

It's snowing, but the snow doesn't fall from the sky to the ground, but flies from the ground to the sky...

Jiang Yun, who was already standing on a mountain in the sky, looked down at the earth below where the soil was gradually exposed and the warmth gradually returned. He said with a smile: "Although the snow is indeed beautiful, everything in the world actually has its own beauty." place."

"Now, it's time to begin to understand my nature!"

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