Taoist world

Chapter 1557 Immerse yourself in it

Ever since Jiang Yun decided to get to know a person well and then see if he could fully transform his character, he made Zheng Desuan his goal.

Therefore, Jiang Yun has been observing Zheng De carefully and carefully during these three months.

This kind of observation is not just about seeing with the naked eye, but completely covering Zheng De with spiritual consciousness, paying attention to Zheng De's every word, every move, and every move.

Even how many times Zheng De breathed a day, how many words he said, and whether his heartbeat slowed down or accelerated when he spoke were all under Jiang Yun's observation.

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that it wouldn't take long for him to understand an ordinary person by observing him in this way.

However, what he didn't expect was that every time he thought he knew Zheng De well enough and transformed Zheng De's image, he would always find that there was something unknown to him about Zheng De's character. one side.

In addition, he has never been able to completely integrate all the characters into one image, so he simply divided each character separately, and condensed each character into an independent Zheng De.

Until today, when Jiang Yun looked at the seventh Zheng De who had taken shape in front of him, Jiang Yun had truly completed his understanding of Zheng De.

Jiang Yun couldn't believe it if he hadn't personally transformed these images one by one.

Zheng De, this ordinary hotel manager who smiles all day long, actually has seven completely different personalities!

After staring at the seven Zheng De for a long time, Jiang Yun still didn't know how to fully integrate these seven personalities, but he had a hunch that if he could do it, he should be able to find himself. of Taoism.

"Although I don't know how other people understand Taoism, at least for now, it seems that my method is feasible!"

So, in the following days, Jiang Yun began to shift the objects of his observation to other people.

This kind of observation is naturally unimaginable for ordinary people or monks, but for Jiang Yun, especially for his powerful spiritual consciousness, it is not difficult.

As long as his consciousness is locked on a person, even if that person leaves Moyun City, as long as he is in this nameless wilderness, his every move will still be under Jiang Yun's attention.

At the beginning, Jiang Yun observed every patient who came to see a doctor.

Gradually, Jiang Yun began to expand the scope to include everyone on the street where Renxintang was located.

Naturally, time gradually passed under Jiang Yun's observation, and Jiang Yun was really used to this kind of life.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Yun's Renxintang has been operating in Moyun City for three full years.

That night, as usual, he closed the door, sat on the second floor of the drug store, and closed his eyes.

If at this moment, a monk with powerful spiritual consciousness, or a monk with special eyes like Lu Yourong and others, came to Moyun City, he would definitely be shocked.

Because, above the pitch-black Moyun City, there are hundreds of thousands of threads of consciousness as thin as hair, extending from every household and building in the city, until they finally converge in one place!

This place is Renxintang!

Observing others one by one is too slow for Jiang Yun, so in the past three years, Jiang Yun's consciousness has enveloped all the creatures in Moyun City, carefully observing their lives, observing with their lives.

This kind of observation allowed Jiang Yun to know the happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy of everyone in the city, as well as everyone's sorrow and fear.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jiang Yun understands them even better than they themselves.

With this kind of understanding, Jiang Yun would sometimes involuntarily regard himself as them.

When they are happy, be happy with them; when they are miserable, be sad with them.

Jiang Yun's original intention in making such observations was to find his own Taoism, but even he didn't expect that he would gain something unexpected.

That is to have a deeper understanding of the seven emotions and six desires in the human world.

With this understanding, Jiang Yun not only understood the Tao of Six Desires in "The Way of the World" one after another, but also had a deeper understanding of the Tao of Seven Emotions that he had previously understood.

Although he did not use these techniques, he believed that once they were used, they would be much more powerful than before.

Originally, Jiang Yun's observations of people were limited to the daytime, but later he discovered that many people looked the same during the day, but once they fell asleep, they often showed more different looks, that is, more Different personalities.

This also made Jiang Yun realize that many people will always only reveal one or two or three types of personalities in front of outsiders, while all other personalities will be firmly hidden.

Even they themselves don't know this kind of hiding, because this kind of hiding has become their habit and is deeply ingrained.

It's like they always wear a mask in front of others. After a while, they themselves forget the existence of this mask.

And only after falling into a dream, when their consciousness no longer deliberately controls themselves, will other hidden personalities be revealed.

It is precisely because of this discovery that Jiang Yun's observations of people are no longer just during the day, but also include them at night.

Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, Jiang Yun closed his eyes slightly and entered his own fantasy.

Upon entering, this illusion is densely packed with countless figures standing there!

These figures are the hundreds of thousands of creatures in Moyun City!

Just like the seven Zheng De that Jiang Yun originally transformed into, each creature has several different images, as few as five or six, and as many as twelve or three!

Therefore, the number of figures here actually reaches nearly one million!

Looking at the lifelike faces in front of him, Jiang Yun was able to accurately call out each of their names, describe each of their personalities, and tell each of their worries and worries.

This feeling is very wonderful, as if I have integrated into their lives, become them, and experienced a different kind of life again.

Although only three years have passed in real time, for Jiang Yun, including his time in the illusion, it has actually been nearly ten years.

Now Jiang Yun no longer insists on being able to quickly realize his own Taoism. Instead, he regards this kind of observation as a habit and a kind of practice that must be done every day, and he is deeply immersed in it.

"Shopkeeper Liu of Chengdong Tailor Shop has fully demonstrated his character, so he can be moved aside."

While talking, Jiang Yun waved his sleeves and sent the nine shopkeepers aside.

"This is Mrs. Song from the west of the city. She...has left today!"

With a sigh, Jiang Yun put Mrs. Song aside alone.

The millions of figures were divided into three categories by Jiang Yun, one has been observed, one is dead, and one is still observing.

Under Jiang Yun's constant differentiation, a cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he raised his head and looked up at the sky.

Jiang Yun's gaze went directly through the illusion, through the roof of the medicine shop, and saw two Taoist monks in the sky who had just entered this world from outside the world!

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