Taoist world

Chapter 1,556 Transformed Character

At this moment, Jiang Yun was no longer in the medicine shop, but in a small village.

In addition to this kind old man, there were dozens of busy figures in front of him, and everyone looked at him with a smile.

Jiang Yun smiled slightly at the old man and said, "Grandpa, you have gained something!"

"That's good, then you can practice in peace and we won't disturb you!"

After finishing speaking, the old man put his hands behind his back and walked away.

Looking at the old man's back, Jiang Yun's eyes showed a hint of sadness.

Of course, this is just an illusion!

It was an illusion specially arranged for himself by Jiang Yun with the help of the Jiang clan's illusion skills.

What appears in the illusion is Jiangcun back then.

The reason why he arranged such a fantasy for himself was not only because he missed his life in the Mang Mountains, but also because Jiang Yun also wanted to buy more time for himself.

Although the man in the soul told Jiang Yun that he had ten to a hundred years to realize the nature of Taoism, it was naturally impossible for Jiang Yun to really give him that long time.

In fact, he felt that even ten years was too long. The sooner he could realize the nature of enlightenment, the sooner he could leave this world.

Therefore, he created an illusion for himself.

The Jiang clan's illusion has an extremely powerful feature, that is, the passage of time is different from the outside world.

Although Jiang Yun is still unable to slow down the passage of time in the illusion ten times like the Mirage Artifact Spirit, he can slow it down five times.

Five times the time, which means that he stayed in the illusion for five years and only one year passed in the outside world.

Anyway, he doesn't need to continue practicing, he just needs to understand the nature of Tao, which is the same everywhere, so the time given to him is equivalent to five times more!

Watching his grandfather disappear, and looking at the busy people in Jiang Village, Jiang Yun pondered for a moment, then suddenly raised his hand and moved it slowly in front of his eyes.

With the movement of his palm, the figures in front of him immediately disappeared without a trace, leaving him alone in the illusion.

Looking at the empty surroundings, Jiang Yun closed his eyes.

But in the air in front of him, another figure slowly emerged at an extremely slow speed.

And Jiang Yun also murmured: "Grandpa's character, to me and all the people in Jiangcun, is kind, stern, and decisive, but to the enemy, grandpa's character is cruel and ruthless... …”

In Jiang Yun's voice, it gradually became clear that the figure appearing in front of him was still his grandfather Jiang Wanli.

But compared to Jiang Wanli before, the grandfather who appeared this time still had a kind look on his face, but there was a little more coldness in his eyes.

After opening his eyes and looking at the grandfather in front of him for a long time, Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "No, this is not the image of grandfather in my mind."

Jiang Yun waved his hand, and the grandfather in front of him disappeared again, and then another Jiang Wanli began to appear.

"It's still wrong. Grandpa is very scary when he becomes strict."

As Jiang Yun kept shaking his head, he began to use illusions to transform his grandfather in the illusion again and again, trying to transform the image of his real grandfather in his mind.

Jiang Yun transformed his grandfather and everyone in Jiang Village, originally just for companionship, without considering any personality issues at all. He just copied the images of everyone in Jiang Village from his memory.

But after listening to Zheng De's words today, he suddenly had the idea that he could make everyone in the illusion have their own personality.

Through this kind of illusion, it may be helpful for you to understand the nature of Taoism.

Therefore, just now he wiped out all the people in Jiang Village, and now he started to transform again.

However, after several attempts, he discovered that no matter how well he knew his grandfather, the image he created of him was always lacking.

Because grandpa has many kinds of personalities, he will show different personalities when facing different people and things.

And it is too difficult to bring so many characters together.

When Jiang Yun thought about it, the reason why he couldn't do it was because his strength and cultivation were not good enough. But he didn't know that if his move, or in other words, this whimsical idea, would make Dao Zun or Gu Bu Lao If a strong person finds out, he will definitely be shocked.

Because, strictly speaking, this kind of behavior is equivalent to creating life, just like the soul created by the Medicine God he met in the Nine Colors World!

The grandfather and the people of Jiang Village who were transformed by Jiang Yun before were illusory existences and unreal. All actions and words changed according to Jiang Yun's wishes.

But if he can really fully transform his grandfather's character according to his ideas, then this grandfather, although still an illusion, will seem to have a soul!

Until it was already dawn in the outside world, Jiang Yun still could not transform into an image of his grandfather that satisfied him, which forced him to stop temporarily and fell into deep thought.

"Is it because Grandpa and the others have too many secrets from me? The people I see are not the real ones."

"In fact, I don't know them at all, so I can't conjure up their true images."

"Then if I truly understand a person, can I conjure up his true image?"

Thinking of this, a figure appeared in front of Jiang Yun again, a middle-aged man in his forties, with slightly bald hair and a slightly stout figure. He was wearing an apron and his face was shiny. He was none other than - Zheng De !

Early the next morning, when he saw a sign with the four characters "Sit in the hall for consultation" placed at the entrance of Renxintang, Zheng De smiled and nodded and said: "Brother Jiang, he is not a bad person. He’s a bit stupid, I hope his business will gradually improve!”

Zheng De never expected that Jiang Yun's business would not only improve, but also boom!

Because Jiang Yun's medical skills are so advanced, a single dose of medicine can basically take effect for minor ailments such as headaches and fever, while some serious illnesses can be cured in three to five days.

In addition, Jiang Yun's charges were also extremely cheap, which immediately made Renxintang and his reputation huge, and attracted an endless stream of people who came to see the doctor, almost breaking the threshold.

Jiang Yun was always open to anyone who came for consultation, but no matter how busy he was, he would always go to Zheng De's place to eat three meals a day.

Naturally, the relationship with Zheng De is getting better and better, and he is becoming more and more familiar with Zheng De.

In the blink of an eye, more than three months passed. That night, Jiang Yun closed the door of the shop and entered the illusion again.

At this moment, there were six more figures in the illusion, and surprisingly they were all Zheng De!

However, although each Zheng De has the same appearance and figure, the expressions and demeanor on his face are different.

The first Zheng De has a smile on his face and a kind expression. This is when he is facing the guests;

The second Zheng De had wide eyes and an angry look on his face. This was when Jiang Yun accidentally saw him scolding his wife;

The second Zheng De had a sad face. This was late at night when no one was around, and he was lamenting why he had no children;

Looking at the six Zheng De, Jiang Yun murmured: "I originally thought that with my strength, I would be able to easily create the image of Brother Zheng, but I did not expect that an ordinary hotel manager, There are so many different personalities!”

After finishing his words, Jiang Yun waved his hand again, and in front of him, the seventh Zheng De began to slowly emerge.

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