Taoist world

Chapter 1558 A Jade Pendant

In the nameless wilderness, although the man in Jiang Yun's soul restricted Jiang Yun's departure in a special way, it obviously did not restrict the entry of outsiders.

However, in the past three years, Jiang Yun did not find any monks entering the Nameless Desolate Realm from outside the realm.

Although there are monks in this nameless wilderness and Moyun City, the ones with the highest cultivation level among them are only in the Blessed Realm.

And Jiang Yun had never provoked them, so no one knew that Jiang Yun, an ordinary medicine shop owner, could actually be an extremely powerful monk.

Therefore, Jiang Yun's eyes couldn't help but shine when he saw the two outsider monks who suddenly appeared.

Even though he has become accustomed to this kind of life now, it does not mean that he can really completely forget the world of mountains and seas and forget everyone he cares about.

It's a pity that the Wuminghuang Realm's cultivation strength is low and he has no contact with other worlds at all, so he has no way to know what is happening outside.

But now the appearance of these two monks made Jiang Yun's heart move. He could learn about the current situation outside the world from them.

What's more important is that these two people are both in the realm of Taoism. Maybe I can bring some inspiration to myself through their process of entering the realm of Taoism.

However, Jiang Yun did not act immediately, but watched the two people calmly.

He wanted to see why these two monks who suddenly broke into this world came.

Two monks, an old man and a middle-aged man, stood in the air. The old man said to the middle-aged man: "Old rules, you are on the left and I am on the right!"


After the two of them finished speaking, they each released their own spiritual consciousness and spread it to the left and right.

Seeing this, Jiang Yun knew that they were searching for souls!

It is even very possible that the purpose of their soul search is to find themselves.

Originally, Jiang Yun was planning to wait until their soul search was over before dealing with them, but when the old man's consciousness came to the top of Moyun City and entered the mind of one of them, Jiang Yun's face suddenly turned cold!

In the world of cultivation, there is an unwritten rule that monks are not allowed to attack mortals!

Especially soul searching!

Although soul searching will inevitably have some impact on the soul, as long as the spiritual consciousness is properly controlled, this impact can be almost ignored.

But if the impact is too great, it will be a disaster for the person whose soul is being searched.

From now on, he may become a stupid person, or he may lose his soul!

Generally speaking, monks will try to control their strength when searching for the souls of mortals, so as not to put the lives of mortals in danger.

However, the old man's spiritual consciousness was extremely arrogant and showed no restraint at all.

Not to mention mortals, even monks with lower cultivation levels than him cannot bear his spiritual consciousness at all.

If the old man was searching for other people's souls, Jiang Yun might not mind his own business, but since what he is searching for is the souls of hundreds of thousands of creatures in Moyun City, and he is using such a brutal method, Jiang Yun naturally won't Will let him succeed.

In three years, Jiang Yun had already regarded himself as a member of Moyun City.

Especially the observation of all the people living in the city, although it cannot be said that Jiang Yun treats them as family, he absolutely does not allow outsiders to bully them.

Therefore, silently, the threads of spiritual consciousness connected to the hundreds of thousands of creatures in Moyun City were suddenly disconnected, and Jiang Yun's figure condensed in the air, appearing in front of the two monks.

Although Jiang Yun has not fought with anyone for three years, nor has he deliberately practiced, the accumulation of these three years has made his strength increase.

Especially with the strong spiritual consciousness, it is only half a step away from the Xiao Clan's Hua Ding.

When his consciousness appeared in front of the two monks, before they could react, they only felt a loud noise in their minds, and they lost consciousness in an instant.

After a while, Jiang Yun not only withdrew his spiritual consciousness, but also brought the two monks in front of him.

Looking at the two unconscious monks, Jiang Yun's eyes showed a look of contemplation.

Through searching the two souls, Jiang Yun finally had some understanding of the situation in the outside world in the past three years.

As expected, these two people came to find themselves.

The search for himself has almost covered the entire Tao Domain, and the participating monks also include humans and monsters.

Whether it is the wilderness world or the Taoist world, or even a world without any living beings, it has become the goal that everyone is looking for.

Naturally, no one has been able to find himself so far!

To be honest, Jiang Yun was a little surprised by such news.

He could imagine that Dao Zun was looking for him, but he didn't expect that Dao Zun would go to such great lengths to go to war and use almost all his strength to find him.

Apart from the accident, Jiang Yun didn't have much reaction. What really shocked him was another news, that is, the Shanhai Realm had disappeared!

Generally speaking, the disappearance of a world either means that the world's life has come to an end and completely died, or it has been directly destroyed by a powerful force.

But this is not the case in the Shanhai Realm.

According to the monks who went to the Mountain and Sea Realm, there was no war at all near the original Mountain and Sea Realm, or any trace of terrifying power was left behind.

It's as if the Shanhai Realm left the place on its own and went to other areas, but such a situation is also impossible to happen.

Even if the world has become a demon, as a demon, you may be able to leave the world, but you have never heard of the world being able to move on its own, let alone the world of mountains and seas is just a wilderness.

If that were the case, the entire Dao Domain would have been in chaos.

Although Jiang Yun also couldn't understand the disappearance of the Shanhai Realm, he at least knew that the Shanhai Realm was not destroyed by someone.

Because if the Shanhai Realm was really destroyed, then he believed that he would definitely feel something.

"Could the disappearance of the Mountain and Sea Realm be caused by Master, or by the Nirvana Nine Clans hiding it in some way?"

"If this is the case, it would be a good thing for the Shanhai Realm."

"But I'm afraid that the person who took action is Dao Zun. He hid the mountains and seas, and then used this to force me to show up!"

"Also, after the Mountain and Sea Realm disappeared, is it possible that the passage connecting the Destruction Realm was exposed?"

Jiang Yun naturally couldn't figure out the answers to these questions, and even if he figured it out, he wouldn't be able to leave this world for the time being, so he simply stopped thinking about it and quickly found a way to understand his own nature.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun reached out and took out a jade pendant with the word "cloud" written on it from the old man's arms.

Jiang Yun also already knew that this jade pendant was produced in large quantities by the Taoist Temple and distributed to various forces specifically for his own use.

The word "cloud" on the jade pendant is naturally aimed at the nine clans' Taoist seals on him.

However, this jade pendant obviously has no effect.

Because even though Jiang Yun was holding the jade pendant at this moment, the jade pendant didn't react at all.

However, looking at this jade pendant, Jiang Yun felt a familiar feeling in his heart, as if he had really owned such a jade pendant...

"Forget it, let's not worry about this. Let's see if we can find a way to understand the nature of Taoism from these two people."

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun's consciousness sank into the souls of the two people again, and began to search for their experiences when they first realized the nature of Taoism.

At this moment, in the Taoist Land, a smile suddenly appeared on Dao Zun's face and he said: "You are indeed not dead. I finally found your whereabouts!"

"Although you are hiding very secretly, and the world you are hiding in is also affected by the power of domain destruction, but since you touched the jade pendant, your position has been exposed."

"Yin clan, go and find Jiang Yun!"

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