Talented Genius

Chapter 2340: Rooftop battle


Kong Huaxiang's head was full of blood, his body seemed to be suddenly frozen by a nail, and the whole person showed a strange standing posture.

That incomparably savage and hideous face, at this time retained a dumbfounded look.

The hand he stretched out to open the door of the car was also stiff as if struck by lightning, and he no longer had the slightest aura.

This bullet not only interrupted Kong Huaxiang's vitality, but also interrupted Kong Feihan's reaction nerves, and they all stared blankly at the blood-stained car.

More than a hundred of Kong's elites were cold all over, they did not dare to go forward to find out, nor did they dare to make any movement, they were afraid that Kong Huaxiang was dead.

The police officers who came out also stayed there. No one thought that Kong Huaxiang would die at the door of the police, let alone that someone would dare to attack him.


Kong Huaxiang's corpse finally shook and hit the car window and fell down, causing the driver and the lawyer to scream hysterically:

"Old Kong!"

Kong Feihan also trembled, then kicked the car door and rushed out. Seeing Kong Huaxiang losing his vitality, Kong Feihan knelt down straight:


More than a hundred Confucian elites started to take action, swarming to the side of Kong Huaxiang's car, one by one in grief and indignation: "Old Kong."

"Don't move the scene!"

Chen Honghu waved the police gun and rushed over, shouting at Kong Feihan and the others, and then rushed out of the door very quickly and went straight to the opposite rooftop.

She clearly saw gunfire flashing there.

Although Chen Honghu was unhappy with Kong Huaxiang's style, he also wanted to bring him to justice. It can be seen that he was sniped and killed, and he still wanted to find the gunman.

Regardless of whether this is a contest between the two powers or the Mingyue Group killing people, Chen Honghu hopes to bring the criminals who provoked the police to justice.

A dozen police officers followed when they saw the situation, and they picked up the walkie-talkie and kept shouting: "Lao Kong is attacked, Lao Kong is attacked, there is a sniper!"

Kong Feihan also struggled to get up and shouted at the Kong family elite: "Follow me to kill the sniper!"

Nearly a hundred people drew their guns and rushed out of the barrier with Kong Feihan, with a clear goal to chase Chen Honghu not far away.

The rooftop is the rooftop of an old-fashioned apartment building. It has a total of seven floors and has a history of more than 30 years. The old owners hardly live in it and rent them all to nearby vendors.

A mixed bag.

But now the sky hasn't completely lit up, and the residents are almost all asleep, so the surrounding movement is still clear at a glance.

Chen Honghu, who rushed to the door of the apartment, looked around, and was about to check whether any suspicious persons had left, but saw a muzzle sticking out of the roof.


A gunshot sounded, and a bullet hit Chen Honghu.

Chen Honghu reacted very quickly, almost without gunfire, he rolled out to the side.

The bullet hit Chen Honghu's feet and exploded a small hole.

The smoke filled.

A shot was missed, followed by another pounce, and another bullet grazed Chen Honghu's ear, forcing her to roll into a corner to avoid.

"On top!"

Chen Honghu shot twice at the rooftop, which made the wall crackle and made the awakened residents curse.

However, these two shots were still effective. After the gunfire, the sniper did not shoot again, but disappeared into the darkness.

Chen Honghu held a police gun and aimed it at the rooftop, and then shouted to the police officers who had surrounded him: "Block the scene and let all the residents stay at home."

More than a dozen police officers quickly dispersed and distributed several entrances and exits downstairs. Then another group of police officers rushed into the building, guarding three people from the first floor to the seventh floor.

After monitoring the entire apartment, Chen Honghu led five or six police officers to the seventh floor, and they rushed to the entrance very quickly.

Kong Feihan also rushed up with nearly a hundred people, and countless guns pointed at the closed rooftop iron gate.

Seeing the raging sentiments among the members of the Kong family, Chen Honghu shouted: "Kong Shao, the police will deal with this matter, don't mess around!"

"Go away!"

The red-eyed Kong Feihan no longer put Chen Honghu in his eyes, and smashed her and several police officers in the way:

"Get in the way and kill you again."

If not for Chen Honghu to invite Kong Huaxiang out of the Kong Family Garden, how could the Kong Family suffer so many crimes? How can Kong Huaxiang get his head off?

He put Chen Honghu on the list of deaths in his heart, but the Confucian family was on the cusp of making it difficult to kill Chen Honghu, otherwise the woman would have been killed long ago.

"My father's account will be settled with you later."

Kong Feihan gave Chen Honghu a vicious look, then raised his gun and shouted:

"Brothers, kill, kill, kill me, kill the sniper and avenge my father."

Chen Honghu bit her lip without stopping, she understood Kong Feihan's mood.

Nearly a hundred Confucian gunmen were raging, squeezing the triggers together, smashing the iron gate, and then roaring into the vast rooftop.

Before the crowds rushing into the roof had time to disperse, the three oxygen cylinders exploded at the same time, and the debris and the air wave directly overturned more than 20 people.

The fallen Kong family elite either pierced the body with debris or hit the wall and the ground. Three people were killed, nineteen were injured, and their heads battered.

"Da da da--"

Then, there was a burst of submachine gun shooting from the front, dozens of bullets swept over.

Several Kong family gunmen couldn't dodge, and their bodies shook to the ground.

A scream and blood all over the floor.

In the misty smoke, there was a low wall facing the door, and a figure was half kneeling behind, with a submachine gun in his hand.


Chen Honghu yelled, "Be careful!"

"Boom boom!"

Seeing this scene, Kong Feihan and the others hurriedly stepped back, then pulled the trigger together and shot the bullet blindly outside.

The bullets poured out like rain, hitting the low wall in front of them, as well as that figure.

In the pungent white smoke, a screaming scream came from the rooftop: "Ah--"

Seeing that they hit the sniper, Kong Feihan's morale was greatly boosted, dozens of gunmen quickly alternated to cover and charge forward, and the bullets continued to stifle the opponent's vitality.

Chen Honghu also rushed in with police officers: "Keep alive!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she sighed again. The sniper in her field of vision had been beaten into a sieve, and even the low wall fell to the ground.

Chen Honghu glanced around and found that there were no other suspicious persons, he led the police forward cautiously.

"Go to die! Go to die!"

As Kong Feihan vented several headshots, the snipers completely lost their vitality. A dozen of Kong's gunmen stepped forward and swept away the sniper's guns.

They also touched the corpse neatly, confirmed that there was no explosives or the like, and nodded to let Kong Feihan and the others approach.

Kong Feihan pointed his muzzle directly at the corpse, as if to whip the corpse, but when the muzzle was half-pointed, his expression was dumbfounded, like a ghost:


Chen Honghu also rushed over and found that the sniper was a Cuiguo veteran...


A morning breeze blew over, blowing away the gunpowder smoke, and also blowing away the darkness.

Its daybreak.

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