Talented Genius

Chapter 2341: Use me as a gunman

When Aguda was shot to death by Kong Feihan and others, Ye Tianlong was sitting on the balcony of the hospital to rest after washing.

In front of him, there is also a small table, on the table there is a small basket with a dozen clean carrots stacked in it.

After staying with Ye Qiuqi for a whole night, he read the hospital magazine while gnawing carrots, enjoying a rare leisure.

Occasionally, he looked back at Ye Qiuqi who was sleeping in the hospital bed.

The bullet has been taken out, and the suture has been performed. Ye Qiuqi is not life-threatening, but it will take the afternoon to wake up at the earliest.

Ye Tianlong wanted her to see herself when she opened her eyes, so she stayed in the ward as her guardian angel.


When Ye Tianlong was about to finish reading the magazine, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and then Chen Honghu rushed in murderously.

She glanced around the ward fiercely, and when she saw Ye Qiuqi who was seriously injured, she softened, and then fiercely locked Ye Tianlong on the balcony.

She waved the two police officers out, then closed the door and strode to the balcony.

"Officer Chen, good morning."

Ye Tianlong ate the last half of the carrot and stood up to greet Chen Honghu with a smile on his face: "Is the action going well last night?"

"I wanted to inquire about the news, but my sister was undergoing surgery and the phone was out of power, so I didn't know anything about it outside."

Ye Tianlong's face was sincere: "Have Kong Huaxiang pleaded guilty?"

Chen Honghu snorted coldly. After scanning the medical magazine on the desktop, she reached out and picked up Ye Tianlong's mobile phone and pressed it twice. It was indeed dead.

"Ye Tianlong, you are really a talent. Before I said anything, you closed all the gaps in yourself."

Chen Honghu stared sharply at Ye Tianlong: "Yes, if you are not a talent, how can you use me as a gunman?"

She was so angry that she was not only used as a gunman by Kong Huaxiang, but also calculated by Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong smiled and sat down, and took a carrot and said, "Officer Chen, I kept my sister all night, and my mind was a little dull."

"I really don't know what you mean."

The other animal said harmlessly: "If there is any offense, please tell Police Officer Chen."

"Ye Tianlong, is it interesting to pretend to be deaf?"

Chen Honghu, who had already figured out everything, clenched his fists, his voice was cold:

"You gave me Jiang Yangdao things, not to help me find the Kong family to give a breath, but to use me to bring Kong Huaxiang out of the Kong family."

"You set a dead end for Kong Huaxiang."

"The facts are as you might expect. Kong Huaxiang was afraid of the video I had at hand. Not only did I allow me to search for Long Po, he also compromised to follow me to the police station to assist in the investigation."

"As soon as he entered the police station with his front foot, you would draw your salary on the back foot, and publish the video and the death list, putting the Kong family on the cusp."

Chen Honghu sneered: "Ye Tianlong, your abacus is really good."

Ye Tianlong looked innocent: "Officer Chen, you have wronged me, how can I publish the video."

"I really have the capabilities announced by the whole network. I accused the Kong family when Qiuqi was injured. Why should I give you a bargaining chip to threaten the Kong family?"

He added the last sentence: "I tried to upload Kong's black materials before, but the results were all deleted by the Kong's lackey."

"You didn't upload the death list in the first time. It's not that you didn't have the ability to publish it on the whole network, but that you have to wait for the best time to make trouble."

Chen Honghu joked: "The release is early, and Kong Huaxiang feels dangerous, so he hides from home and does not go to the police station. You can't continue the scene."

"You pinch the opportunity to stab him out, either to allow the police to detain him for a longer period of time, or to prevent the Kong family from making the most appropriate rebuttal without the leader."

"After using the police to restrain Kong Huaxiang, you joined forces with the Ma family to kill the Cui Guoren and Hei Jingang, giving the Kong family another smuggling blow."

"When the Kong family played all their hole cards in the face of public opinion, you smashed the assassin of Long Po, which completely ruined Kong Huaxiang."

"You spent so much trouble suppressing Kong Huaxiang, the purpose is to take off his official clothes, so that his identity is no longer prominent and sensitive."

Chen Honghu poked into Ye Tianlong's calculations: "By the way, you let me take Kong Huaxiang to the police station. There is another most important purpose..."

Ye Tianlong smiled, did not speak, but listened very seriously.

"That is to let you know Kong Huaxiang's whereabouts and calmly deploy a sniper to strike him."

Chen Honghu stared sharply at Ye Tianlong: "The facts are as you might expect. When Kong Huaxiang's motorcade left the guard box, a sniper shot him to the head."

"Even this sniper, you have a civet cat for the prince."

"After killing Kong Huaxiang, the real sniper deliberately exposed his position and lured us to kill the Cuiguo veteran..."

She had already figured out a lot of things on her way here: "In this way, there will be a murderer who killed Kong Huaxiang."

"Killing the murderer not only reduces the pressure on the police to stop further investigations, but also directs the attention of all parties to the forces behind the veterans of Cuiguo."

"I have found out. His name is Aguta. The person Cui Guosong guessed was dragged from a secret stronghold, right?"

Chen Honghu exhaled: "You really make me sigh. A civet cat for the prince not only retreats, but also let Kong Jiasong guess kill each other."

Ye Tianlong picked up a lingering carrot, snapped it off and chewed, waiting for Chen Honghu to continue to vent.

"Ye Tianlong, you are really vicious."

Chen Honghu punched on the table with a touch of self-deprecating at the corner of his mouth: "Step by step, use me as a gun."

"I think your sister and brother are deeply affectionate, thinking you are still upright. Who knows that you are as mean as Kong Huaxiang, no, you are a hundred times shameless than him."

She was very angry: "You made me your accomplice."

"Don't deny it. Long Po is the best proof. She fell into your hands. She gave a confession to show that everything was planned by you."

"You are very powerful, you pry open Long Po's mouth overnight, you can't use it for forty-eight hours."

Chen Honghu stared at Ye Tianlong and shouted: "Ye Tianlong, if you are a man, you can recognize this matter a bit more easily."

"Officer Chen, don't be angry, come, eat a carrot to calm your anger."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "You want me to admit that this is right?"

"Okay, I admit it, I am behind the scenes. You can arrest me with an arrest warrant at any time."

He smiled very calmly: "Officer Chen is a person who upholds the law and discipline, and I am also a person who respects the law. If you commit a crime, I am willing to violate the law."

The angry Chen Honghu was taken aback for a moment, thinking that Ye Tianlong would kill him to death, but did not expect to admit it directly.

It's just that she was stuck in her mouth when she wanted to say something, with a trace of unconcealable frustration on her face.

Chen Honghu was able to figure out the truth of the matter 80% of the time, but he did not have the slightest evidence to nail Ye Tianlong...

"Ye Tianlong, I will find evidence to arrest you!"

Chen Honghu left angrily.

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