Talented Genius

Chapter 2339: One shot (four more)

When Kong Huaxiang sat in the police interrogation room, the video of Jiang Yangdao's confession and the death list were also posted online.

Jiangyangdao’s videos and death lists were posted on various public forums, and Kong Huaxiang’s telephone recordings with Jiangyangdao began to be exposed.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Videos, phone recordings, and death lists not only stirred up the family members of the deceased, but also exploded the entire Taicheng City.

"What? The Kong family buys murder?"

"Oh my God, I know the word black gold, but I didn't expect it to be so dark."

"Kong Huaxiang asked Jiang Yangdao to assassinate 18 opponents, all of them were big guys with good looks, car accidents, seductions, smashing objects at height..."

"I said why they died so unexpectedly. It turned out that they were all intentional."

"What happened to Mingyue Group? Waves of scandals came out..."

The people in Taicheng have just finished seeing the scandal of the Dongmen family, and their mood has not been buffered from the naked loan. As a result, they encountered even more popular murderers.

This made Taicheng, a population of 30 million people, boil again, and they were all beaten up. Want to see how ridiculous the powerful and powerful in the past are?

The Kong family discovered that the videos and recordings were uploaded, and immediately used resources to block them.

But this is not simple gossip news, but a serious criminal case, so it is difficult for them to remove all the video resources.

Moreover, the people who can be on the death list of Kong Huaxiang are by no means unused, unknown people, all of whom have a place in politics or business.

They died in the hands of Jiang Yangdao. There was no substantive evidence in the past, and it was difficult for their families to act. Now that they have this list, their families naturally rise up.

Nearly a thousand relatives and friends of the deceased gathered at the door of the police station overnight, demanding that the police severely punish the murderer and at the same time appealed to Mingyue Group for justice.

Many family members also held a press conference, filled with outrage to accuse the Kong family of other crimes, and slowly deprived the Kong family of their glamorous coat.

The Confucian reputation plummeted, and Mingyue Group was also implicated again.

The people not only demanded that Kong Huaxiang be severely punished, but they also called for Mingyue's five elders to step down. The Dongmen and Kong family had successive accidents, indicating that Mingyue Group was too corrupt.

The Confucian family and the Mingyue Group stepped up to ‘refute the rumors’ and told them that this was a planting and framing, and Jiang Yangdao was threatened to speak nonsense.

Telephone recording is also synthesized, the purpose is to disrupt the order of Taicheng.

In short, everything that people see on the Internet is fake, and Kong Huaxiang has no personal relationships with Jiang Yangdao...

To this end, Mingyue Group also arrested more than ten people and told the media that these man-made rumors were causing the problem, so that the public should not believe the online rumors.

Under the full operation of the Mingyue Group and the Confucian family, especially under the influence of the confessions of more than a dozen so-called ‘rumour-makers’, the turmoil gradually subsided.

At this moment, another heavy news spread throughout Taicheng.

"The military received clues yesterday evening and laid out an arms stronghold overnight..."

Emperor Ma Qing accidentally smashed an munitions stronghold, not only killed dozens of Cui Guo gangsters, but also seized more than one hundred guns.

The most shocking thing is that this stronghold is owned by the Kong family, and the stubborn Heijing Kong and others were killed on the spot.

And Hei Jingang is Kong Huaxiang's cronies.

As soon as the news came out, the Confucian family turmoil that was about to subside was set off again, and the gangsters, smuggled arms, and black diamonds of the Cui nation once again impacted people's psychology.

The death list can also be said to have man-made rumors, or it can be said to be an accident. The smuggled arms that were stolen by people are difficult to dispute...

And dealing with Ma Qing emperor involves buying murder again.

The Kong family stood up and announced that Hei Jingang had been driven out by the Kong family a long time ago, and what he did has nothing to do with the Kong family...

The announcement of the Kong family has just passed, and the media broadcast night news again, showing the scene of the arrest and interrogation.

In front of the camera, several Cuiguo men admitted that they were invited by the Confucian family to come to Taicheng to deal with Emperor Ma Qing. These days, the Confucian family also sheltered them.

The arms were also brought in with the help of the Kong family...

The frustrated confession of the Cuiguo man not only made the people angry with the Kong family's repeated sophistry, but also completely disintegrated their trust in the Kong family.

Not only did they not believe that Hei Jingang had nothing to do with the Confucian family, but they also overthrew the death list as ‘rumours’.

Despite the pressure, Kong Feihan stood up and made the last effort, naming the Cuiguo veteran by Ma Jiaqu into a move.

The purpose is that the Ma family wants to trample on the Confucian family, which is the dirty water of political opponents.

However, Kong Feihan was filled with righteous indignation but hit his face again ten minutes later.

The video of Long Po's confession was broadcast. She not only admitted that she had robbed the prisoner and dealt with the Ye family, but also admitted that she had assisted Voldemort in assassinating Ma Qingdi.

Then, she confessed ten crimes that Kong Huaxiang had committed, and several money laundering accounts of the Kong family...

The Kong family is completely on the cusp.

Jiang Yangdao was threatened by others, Hei Jingang had nothing to do with the Kong family, and the Cui Guo man was beaten into a move. Is that the same for Long Po?

No one believes the Kong family anymore.

All the Confucian arguments have lost their meaning. One incident may be an accident. With four heavy news in a row, the Confucian family could not get away.

Before the sky lighted up, the Kong family had gone, and instructions continued to come.

Set up a special team to investigate the death list to see if Kong Huaxiang ordered the killing of Jiang Yangdao.

Set up a second team to investigate the relationship between the Black King Kong and the Cui Guo gangsters, and check whether Kong Huaxiang has put in the arms.

Set up three teams to check the money laundering account provided by Long Po and Voldemort's attack...

When the three task forces entered the police station, the highest official in Taicheng also announced the removal of Kong Huaxiang from all positions and restricted him from leaving the country in the near future.

Wait until the investigation is clear before disposing of it according to law.

Kong Huaxiang lost everything overnight, and the Kong family was also pointed out by thousands of husbands. He, who was still in high spirits last night, had his hair gray overnight.

As dawn approached, he vomited a mouthful of blood and fainted.

After a doctor's examination, it was confirmed that he was in poor health and needed to go back to recuperate, so Kong Huaxiang finally put on a coat and walked out of the cold interrogation room slowly.

"Kong Lao go slowly!"

Chen Honghu did not stop him this time, and personally sent Kong Huaxiang out of the room. She knew that she did not need to interrogate herself, and there was no need to interrogate.

The information exploded on the Internet is far more detailed than what she has at hand, and it will not make much sense if she continues to interrogate.

At the same time, she showed a slight dissatisfaction with Ye Tianlong, and she found herself being used as a gun by Ye Tianlong.

"Don't worry, I won't come back again."

Hearing Chen Honghu's words, Kong Huaxiang glanced back at her, with a cold light in his eyes:

"But I will always remember Officer Chen."

Chen Honghu's eyelids twitched: "Thank you Kong Lao."

"Join me to play? It's interesting."

Kong Huaxiang sneered: "It ruined me overnight and also caused me to lose power. It is not easy for you and the master behind you."

"It's just that I want to tell you, and by the way, tell the master behind you, Mingyue Five Elders will advance and retreat together."

"If I fall, if the moon doesn't fall, I will stand up sooner or later, and you will also suffer a greater storm."

Kong Huaxiang's eyes are filled with endless resentment: "Wait, wait until I get over my breath, one of them counts as one, I'm all set down."

The Kong family is regarded as an old-brand mercenary agency. Kong Huaxiang used to be an official and had to sneak a lot of things. Now he has lost everything...

He doesn't mind being crazy.

He was going back to rest for two days, and then gathered gunmen to kill Ma Qingdi, Chen Honghu and Ye Tianlong's family.

Otherwise he could not let out such a bad breath.

Chen Honghu's eyelids twitched when he felt the other's killing intent, but he was not afraid, and his voice came out coldly:

"Old Kong, I don't know what you are talking about. I don't have a master behind me, it's just my duty."

She issued a warning: "I also advise you, it is best not to do anything excessive, or the law will definitely sanction you."

"Don't forget, you are no longer Mingyue Fifth Elder, you are just an ordinary person, there is no hole card to challenge the police."

Chen Honghu reminded Kong Huaxiang.

Kong Huaxiang didn't speak, but snorted coldly, and walked to the door with the lawyer and his staff.

When they came to the outside of the building, dozens of black cars were waiting. Next to the cars, there were many elites from the Kong family, all in black, looking very majestic.

Seeing Kong Huaxiang coming out, more than a hundred people shouted together:

"Old Kong."

This is the person that Kong Feihan called over. The purpose is to show the Confucian style and make Kong Huaxiang and the rest of his nephews morale.

Hearing such a loud shout, Kong Huaxiang felt comforted and nodded slightly to everyone:

"thanks everyone."

More than a hundred people straightened their bodies.

Kong Feihan tilted his hand slightly: "Father, get in the car, mother and others are waiting for you at home."

Kong Huaxiang nodded, then got into a bulletproof car.


The car quickly started, slowly drove away from the police building, and then came to the checkpoint of the police box.


Just as the Kong driver clocked in and was about to leave, a dull gunshot suddenly sounded in the sky.

In the next second, a high-energy armor-piercing projectile hit it fiercely and directly penetrated the windshield blocking Kong Huaxiang.

The toughened glass made a crisp sound.

This change caused everyone to be stunned, and it seemed that they had encountered this situation for the first time.

Not far away, Chen Honghu's face changed drastically, and he roared: "Get down, be careful!"

Before Kong Huaxiang and the others fell to the ground, another bullet whizzed out.


A bullet holed into Kong Huaxiang's forehead, blood sputtering mercilessly!

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