[For players ranked outside the top 100 in the region, you will have one last choice】

【First choice, obliterate!】

【The second option is to become a subject of the lord! 】

The regional channel exploded again instantly!

"Oh, devil! What is the essential difference between having consciousness suppressed and being directly wiped out?"

"If a person has no consciousness and is just a shell, then it is better to be dead."

"The above comment is not true. A good death is not as good as a miserable life. Maybe one day you can regain consciousness!"

"What if I can't recover? Or if my inner consciousness exists, I can only feel it, but my body is out of my control. That would be more painful than death! It's like being paralyzed!"

"You are paralyzed and you can't move! If you are conscious but your body is out of control, just treat it as a 4D movie!"

"The person above, you must be among the top 100, otherwise you would not be able to say such a thing!"

"I'm really sorry, I'm number 101!"


District A1.

General Shakun's name appeared in the first place in District 1 without any surprise.

Everyone in District 1 congratulated Shakun, but Shakun did not react at all. After all, being the first in his own army was meaningless!

What he wanted was to be the first in District A!

Of course... he believed that he would eventually become the first in the region.

After all, no one can have an entire army like him, serving him!

The top announcement was still refreshing slowly.

The next part was about the merger of regions. Originally, each region had a thousand people. After four days of elimination, there were only more than a hundred people left in each region.

Even Shakun's army was no exception!

Even though he had tried his best to control casualties, in addition to some normal casualties, there were too many rebels who had been killed one by one by the people he had placed in the team!

Therefore, on the eve of the liquidation, he only had more than two hundred people left under his command!

As expected by the Intelligence Department, the announcement began to announce the content of the regional merger.……

【Due to the sharp drop in the number of players, the zones will be merged later!】

【Each digital community will no longer have a separate map, but will be directly merged into Zone 1. For example, Zone A1-10 will be directly merged into Zone A1 map, B1-10 will be merged into Zone B1 map, and so on!】

【Each alphabetical region will hold a digital elimination tournament. The top three in each alphabetical region will survive, and all members of other regions will be wiped out or become subjects!】

【For example: In area A, communities 1-10, communities 1-3 rank in the top three, so communities 4-10 are all eliminated!】

【Next, the top three in Region A will be announced! 】

The regional rankings... are here!

General Shakun's eyes lit up, staring at the bulletin board!

The third from the bottom, without General Shakun's name, only the first and second place are left!

"General Shakun wins first place in bravery!"

"General Shakun is always invincible!!"

"General Shakun is invincible!!!"

Only the first and second place have not been announced, but Shakun's subordinates have begun to flatter Shakun crazily!

It seems that they have already determined that Shakun is the absolute number one!

And General Shakun's face gradually showed a wicked smile. Being the world's number one is enough to make him feel a little proud. After all, he can let people all over the world see his name. It may be a good thing to realize that he, Shakun, is the real king of this world!


【The second place in Region A is from Region 1……】



Shakun's smile froze on his face instantly!

He never thought that he would be the second?

How could he be the second?

This is not right, this is impossible, is there something wrong with the world rankings?

In this world... how could there be someone stronger than him?

【One section is better than six sections! 】

However, the strange thing was that

Sha Kun actually saw this line of words on the top system.

Could it be that the system saw through his thoughts?

Was this a systematic mockery?

Sha Kun rubbed his eyes quickly, but found that he seemed to be dazzled just now, because the top content was not about one section being better than six sections, but……

【The No. 1 in the A District ranking is Ye Qianfan from District 7!

District 7?

Ye Qianfan?

Who is that? How did he become No. 1?

This is impossible!

This is unscientific!!!

"The system is unfair! Why am I not number one, but Ye Qianfan from District 7 is number one? I protest!"

General Sha Kun gave an order.

Almost all his men objected at the same time.

The world chat channel was instantly occupied by Sha Kun's men. It refreshed too quickly, and others couldn't even get a word in!

"Protest! The system is cheating!"


"No one demands the release of details and the release of warehouse materials more than General Shakun!"

"General Sha Kun has an army, so what does Ye Qianfan have?"

"The ranking is unfair, we need to re-rank!!"

If the world channel had not limited the number of comments, Shakun's people would have been able to post comments for a whole day.

However, the top announcement was refreshed again at this time.

【I heard someone questioned my ranking?】

【In that case, I will announce some of the content, please stay tuned!】

【Shakun: House Level 3 (Stone House)】

【Ye Qianfan: House Level 4 (Villa)]


Sha Kun's eyes widened immediately.

How could this be possible? It's only been four days. How could anyone upgrade a house to the level of a villa!

He remembered that most of the materials required for a villa were high-grade materials.

For example, high-grade stone and high-grade wood.

But even if his army found these two things, they couldn't easily obtain them, especially high-grade wood. In addition to obtaining them by opening treasure chests, he needed a lot of manpower and time to obtain them!

Later, weapons were upgraded, but they were limited to upgrading materials and could not be popularized on a large scale.

Moreover, the difficulty of upgrading villas is not only about materials...

The most difficult thing is actually various beast cores!

It took General Sha Kun about two days to figure out that the source of beast cores is to kill monsters from other worlds.

At that time, his scouts happened to find a group of wild bulls.

Sha Kun immediately waved his hand and organized two hundred soldiers to encircle and suppress them!

Who would have thought that the group of wild bulls would actually charge wildly!

After dozens of bulls charged at two hundred soldiers, more than half of them were directly injured or killed, and the death toll was as high as more than 30 people.

But Shakun did not give up. He was determined to fight for the beast core!

After receiving the battle report from the front, he immediately sent reinforcements!

Relying on the number of people, the army finally surrounded the group of wild bulls and was about to hunt them.

The wild bulls used a new skill... savage trampling!

Shakun remembered that dozens of wild bulls trampled at the same time, and the sky and the earth suddenly changed color and shook!

His army couldn't even stand steadily at that time, and this skill also had an automatic stun effect!

The army instantly lost its combat effectiveness!

The wild bulls took the opportunity to break through!

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