Dozens of wild bulls used brutal charging at the same time!

A team of nearly three hundred people was instantly dispersed by a group of bulls!

Adding the trampling and the attack of the bull's horns... the direct death toll was as high as one hundred and twenty-three!

Most of the remaining one hundred or so were injured.

In the harsh environment of the misty world, the injuries of those injured soldiers quickly worsened, and they soon died!

In this battle, Sha Kun lost 256 soldiers, but only killed six wild bulls.

A total of 5 earth-type beast cores, 6 wind-type beast cores, and 1 water-type beast core were harvested.

Despite this.

General Sha Kun also believed that he was the strongest on the surface of the earth to be able to harvest so many beast cores!

He even complacently believed that the first person in the entire misty world... who was qualified to build a villa.

It must be him!

But at this time... the name and content flashed on the top announcement.

It deeply hurt Sha Kun's fragile heart!

He couldn't figure out how someone could collect 20 beast cores with specific requirements, and at the same time...���Collecting so many advanced materials!

This is unscientific!


It is very likely that this person is lucky.

He just happened to have all the conditions for upgrading the villa. He definitely doesn't have as many other materials as I do. After all, I have an entire army serving me.

Others can't have such conditions!

Another possibility flashed through Sha Kun's mind. He believed that Ye Qianfan was definitely not as good as him in other abilities.

But the system seemed to see through his heart and directly jumped out the next announcement.

It was still a comparison of the strength of both sides!

【Shakun Warehouse Materials: High-grade Wood 65, High-grade Stone 126, Bronze 360, Silver 40, Spirit Stone 75……】

【Ye Qianfan's warehouse materials: high-grade wood 115, high-grade stone 570, bronze 1470, silver 186, spirit stone 219……】

The announcement didn't even bother to list the low-grade materials.

But just from the high-grade materials listed in the announcement, it was basically clear at a glance which ones were strong and which ones were weak!

Ye Qianfan's strength was so painful to Sha Kun!

He pulled up the few hairs on his head and shouted hoarsely:"How is this possible! How did he cut down so many high-grade woods!"

"Every team of ten people can only obtain one piece of high-quality wood after a day of logging!"

"And high-grade wood is so difficult to cut!"

"And those high-quality stones, each one is on the cliff, each one is mined with human lives, how could he possibly……"

"And those bronze and silver treasure chests, how could he open so many treasure chests by himself!!"

"I see!"

"He must be a warlord or a chieftain like me!"

Sha Kun tried hard to find a suitable reason and excuse for his failure.

His deputy general was standing aside at this time and said silently:"General, according to the analysis of the spies in District 7 bought by the Intelligence Department, there seems to be only one player named Ye Qianfan!"


Sha Kun suddenly felt as if thousands of arrows were piercing his heart!

He snatched the report from the deputy general in disbelief, flipped through it quickly and said:"This is impossible! How could he be alone? He must have an army behind him, or at least a group supporting him!"

"According to the intelligence collected by the Intelligence Department, this player named Ye Qianfan has sold flint, burn medicine, compass, and fresh rat meat."The adjutant explained:"According to the Intelligence Department's analysis, he should have opened a bronze treasure chest on the first day and harvested 20 pieces of flint, and he sold 19 pieces and kept one for himself."

""The bronze treasure chest may not contain 20 yuan, but 30 yuan or 50 yuan?" General Shakun retorted.

But the adjutant just lowered his head and continued to explain:"General, calm down! According to the intelligence department, this player also sold 49 burn medicines in total, and kept one for himself."

"If according to the general, we can get more than 50 burn medicines at this time……"

"Assuming that he has 11 people under his command, the burn medicine is not used up in one bottle at a time, so there shouldn't be exactly 49 bottles left!"

"Moreover, he sold most of the meat he had. If his subordinates had teams or warlords, it would be unreasonable!"

General Shakun frowned and asked,"Why is it unreasonable?"

"General, if you were in this world of famine and got a lot of meat, what would you do?"The deputy general did not answer immediately, but asked General Shakun a question.

"Naturally, some of the money would be given as a reward to those who have made contributions, and the rest would be saved as food or rewards in the future.……"

When Sha Kun said this, he was stunned for a moment.

He then reacted and said,"You mean, if this guy is full, his whole family will not be hungry. So there is no need to store food. In addition, he has no subordinates, so he can just sell it directly and exchange it for other materials!"

"Yes, General!"

Sha Kun fell into deep thought.

Was his strategic development direction wrong?

He should not have chosen to grow in a cowardly way, but should have been more aggressive and relied on war and aggression against other players to strengthen himself?

【Reminder: Players ranked after 100th in the region, please make your choice as soon as possible! Countdown 01:58】

【Regional Channels】

"I don't want to die! Mom!"

"Instead of being wiped out directly, it is better to choose to become a citizen. At least there is still a chance to survive!"

"The boss of our region is number one in the world rankings! Do you think he has a chance to lead us to the end and defeat the big boss behind the game to save our birth day?"

"���I remember reading a book before, which mentioned that everyone could not get out after entering the game. Then the male protagonist cleared the game by himself, killed the AI behind the scenes, and returned to the real world with all the players!"

"This is possible! Hopefully tomorrow!"

"My sister is ranked 56th. For her survival, I volunteered to become a vassal! I hope everyone can also consider the relatives and friends who are still alive in this area. If the lord does not have vassal, it will be difficult to win over the lords of other areas! For District 7!"

"For the sake of District 7, we humans will never be slaves!"

"For District 7, I volunteer to become a citizen!!"

"Shit! You guys are so passionate that I want to give up my top 100 ranking and volunteer to become a citizen!"

"The guy upstairs, you're such a Versailles bastard! If you have the guts, come and exchange with me!"

"No ability, no ability!"


However, Ye Qianfan, the protagonist of the hotly discussed topic, was still sleeping soundly at this time.

Because he had no idea what was happening outside!

In addition to his magic book, the prompts that flashed from time to time……

【Citizens +1】

【Citizens +1】


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