When the time approaches midnight!

People in the entire misty world are waiting, some even kneel on the ground and mutter to themselves, praying to God!

And some are complacent, such as General Shakun. Most of these people have their own power. Some are big bosses of the underworld, and some are patriarchs of large families with many subordinates!

Anyway, these people have obtained enough resources by their own means.

They are also waiting for the ranking announcement at midnight!

Everyone... thinks it's themselves!

Those with more resources think that the first place must be themselves.

And those with fewer resources, who are average or even unsatisfactory, think that they will be eliminated.

In the entire misty world, there is only one exception.

That person is Ye Qianfan. After taking a fragrant bath, he lay directly on the soft bed and fell asleep, and there was a soft little cat in his arms.

After the transformation of the primary evolution pill, Daji has grown into a little Lolita about 1.5 meters tall.

And all parts of the body are no different from ordinary people.

In addition to a pair of cute little ears and a furry little tail behind!

Perhaps it was too comfortable to sleep in the owner's arms.

Little Daji slept extremely soundly, even showing her cute little canine teeth, occasionally grinding her teeth, rubbing against her owner from time to time, and curling up in her owner's arms, sleeping even more deeply.

She had no idea that the earth-shaking event was about to happen in the outside world!


The clock struck midnight.

That's right, it was the strange sound of a bell from the depths of the fog.

It was as if in the depths of the fog, in a huge bell tower, a giant holding a bell hammer rang the first bell!

Everyone in the foggy world.

At this moment!

All of their hearts tightened, as if the bell sounded hitting their chests.

But Ye Qianfan was just in his sleep, frowning in dissatisfaction, just feeling that someone had disturbed his sleep, which made him very dissatisfied!

He turned over, covered his ears with a pillow, and continued to sleep!


【World Chat Channel】

"It's midnight!"

"Look, the pinned announcement has been updated!"

"Oh my god! Please don’t be the 101st, I must be ranked within the top 100!!"

"Please bless me, Buddha, Guanyin, Bodhisattva, Laozi, Jade Emperor, God, Jesus, Mother Mary and Allah!"

"The guy above, won’t you die after reading this for so long?"

"General Shakun, number one in the world!"

"My Yamaguchi-gumi is number one in the world!!"

"My Zhatian Gang is number one in the universe, all others get lost!!!"

""Everyone, look! The prize has been announced!"

Someone shouted.

The screen that was originally scrolling like an airport announcement suddenly stopped!

Everyone stared at the content on the top announcement, afraid of missing anything.……

【Hello everyone, have you been looking forward to it for a long time?】

【Now we will announce the rankings of players in each digital zone, starting from the 100th place. If your name still doesn't appear after the first place is announced,……】

The top announcement paused for a moment.

This two-second pause made everyone silently swallow their saliva.

Then they all focused on the content of the top announcement, and their concentration was comparable to the moment when college grades came out!

【Then congratulations!】

【You will have two choices!】

【The first option is to escape from the sea of suffering forever. (Directly kill them, and their consciousness will disappear. No consciousness means no pain, which means they will escape from the sea of suffering.)】

【The second option is that you will have the opportunity to join the lords of each district, but your independent consciousness will be blocked and you will become a tool under the lords!】

【Of course, you don't have to make a decision right now. I am kind enough to give you some time to think about it! The time limit is ten minutes. If you can't make a choice, I will help you choose!】

【Rankings will be announced now!

Countless names flashed through the announcement.

Each area will only announce the rankings of its own area, and other areas will not interfere with each other!

The moment the ranking corresponding to the individual appears, a golden name will appear so that the individual can quickly identify it.

Most players breathed a sigh of relief when they saw their names appear.

Anyway, whether it is the 1st or the 100th, at least they are qualified to survive.

If they are not a big shot, they will naturally not have any idea of competing for the first place.

And when the ranking is refreshed to close to the top ten... many players have begun to despair, because they know very well that it is absolutely impossible for them to be in the top ten with their own strength.

Until now, I haven't seen my name appear, which means...

I am very likely to have been eliminated!

"I don't want to die!"

"Why is this happening? It's impossible. How can I be ranked after 100? I work so hard!"

"Why, why don't you give me a chance to live?!"

"The top ten haven’t been announced yet, so don’t worry!"

"Don't comfort me, I know it's impossible……"

"If anyone can return to the real world, please call 138xxxxxxxxx to tell my mother that I am an unfilial son who couldn't go back to accompany her! I would like to thank him here, good people will be rewarded!"

"Can someone please help me pass a message! My home address is 504, No. 25, Nanjie Road. Please tell my family for me! Thank you!"


Desperate messages have begun to appear in the regional channels.

But more people are staring at the top ten rankings, especially those big guys with a little bit of strength!

【A7, No. 1: Ye Qianfan!】

"Ye Qianfan?"

"Who is this big guy? Come out and say something!"

"I think I know who the big guy is. He’s the black-hearted businessman who sells water, compasses, and medicine!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I remember, his name is Ye Qianfan!"

"No wonder I was wondering why the big guy had so many treasures to sell, it turns out it’s because he is number one in the region!"

"Maybe he is cheating. Why the hell is he so awesome when we are all human?"

"Upstairs, you are sour!"

""Lemons on the lemon tree, you and me under the lemon tree, lemons always surround me~"

When the first place was announced, the entire regional channel exploded, and everyone started discussing Ye Qianfan.

But at this moment, the top announcement was refreshed again.

【The lucky ones outside the top 100, it's time to make your decision! Countdown 09:59】

【Before you make a decision, we will continue to announce the top three rankings in each alphabetical area!】

【Players ranked outside the top 100 in the region will have one last choice.】

【First choice, obliterate!】

【The second option is to become a subject of the lord! 】

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