Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2302: Xuanwu Xuanzhi curing

Almost at the same time, a loud explosion, the water unicorn burst into the dark curtain of death, the black sword fell on the reef, then the water unicorn instantly vanished and disappeared.

"Well, I will leave you. You see that the prisoners are helping. Are you helping me?"

"It's not impossible to help you, but it is very expensive for me. If you promise to help me with the Xu Mo couple, I will help you."

"Still forget it, I will come by myself."


In the sigh of disappointment, a sword of sword was flying out of the storage ring of Qinshuang, staggered in the air, forming a large Zhoujian sword array.

The sword is formed like a huge grinding disc hovering over the head of the piano pair!

"go with!"

Qinqin raised his hand and the large Zhoutian sword array in the air moved toward the reef, and the shape of the piano pair followed.

When the body shape of the piano double entered the reef range, a water unicorn appeared in front of her without warning, but Qinqin had the first experience, and the position of the water unicorn appeared and the distance to himself. There is a speculation. So when the water unicorn appeared, the big Zhoujian sword array just happened to be above it, and the slamming sound fell, and the water unicorn was shrouded in the big Zhoutian sword array.

Step on the air!

The double body of the piano disappeared in place!


Behind the sound of the big Zhoutian sword smashed, the piano doubled behind, one foot had already set foot on the lotus platform, and the body shape turned, and the feet fell on the lotus platform, facing the water unicorn.

At the beginning of the Qinshuang double in the Tianzicheng ratio, the ability to win the championship, the big Zhoutian sword array only insisted on such a short time to smash.


The water unicorn roared, but its roar was still reverberating in space, and the figure quickly became blurred, becoming transparent and disappearing.

Qin double looked at Xu Kaiyun three people and found that three people had closed their eyes and sat on the lotus platform. Qin double immediately sat down on the knees, but she knew the secrets of these lotus stands and could **** the power of Xuan in other lotus platforms.


At the moment she sat down, a strong water attribute, Xuan Zhili, emerged from the lotus platform and poured into her body. But the speed of this influx is not satisfied, because there are still three people fighting for her, this is not in the mountain area, only she is alone.

Knowing the sea, Xuanwu Yuanshen immediately began to take the initiative to absorb it!


Her active absorption, the original absorption of the power of Xuanzhi is like a big river, this time it is like Wang Yang.

Her Xuanwu Yuanshen was originally the four major gods. The most powerful transformation of Xuanzhi has already turned into a liquid state of 70%. Once it is actively absorbed, it is like a black hole. More than her in the mountain range, no gods can absorb, only the speed of transferring Xuan Zhi into the Tao is three times faster.

In just one day, an unmanned lotus platform was taken away by the piano to remove all the water properties of Xuan Zhili, and the lotus platform disappeared without a trace. The next day, the second unmanned lotus stand disappeared. On the third day, the third unmanned lotus platform disappeared.

That is to say, on this day, Qin Xuan’s Xuanwu Yuanshen has completely completed liquefaction and began to transform towards solidification.


Xu Kaiyun, Xu Luoxue and An Shicong almost simultaneously sounded in the body, the piano ears moved, and did not open their eyes. With the experience of her birth, she was naturally heard. Three people were born. Mystery, this is indeed a big opportunity for the three of them, and one step into the stage of mystery. In the nine-day Xuanxian period, you can try to understand the law. This is entering a new world, a new world, leaving other arrogance behind, and it is likely to get farther and farther.

However, Qin double does not know the method of birth of the mystery, what kind of grade is the mystery?

It must be better than taking medicinal herbs, but I don’t know if I can compare myself with the mystery of the birth of Heaven.

I did not expect that this lotus platform not only can provide pure mysterious power, but also help to create a mystery. I thought about it, there is nothing strange about Qin double. This rich mysterious force originally contained traces of avenues. It is not surprising that in the process of absorption, it is possible to give birth to mystery.

"After these three people gave birth to the mystery, the speed of absorbing the power of Xuan should be accelerated, and the power of Xuan Zhi is even more!"

Although Qin double knows what is going to happen, she has no choice but to try her best to motivate Xuanwu Yuanshen and absorb the power of mystery.

On the fourth day, the fourth unmanned lotus platform disappeared. Qin double calculated the time, and determined that the three people still absorbed the energy of their own lotus platform, and did not start to **** the energy of other lotus platforms.

The fifth lotus platform disappeared in less than a day, and the Qinshen knew that this was the reason why the three people started to **** the fifth lotus platform. There is no longer a lotus stand, and the piano is not in a hurry. According to her speculation, she is unable to **** someone's lotus power. Moreover, she also tried to suppress the absorption of Xuanwu Yuanshen, slowed down the speed, and did not want them to know that they absorbed too fast, so as to infer their own strength.

Another day later, Xu Kaiyun, Xu Luoxue and An Shicong almost opened their eyes at the same time, and the lotus platform under them had disappeared. At the moment when their lotus table disappeared, the piano double sensed and immediately gave up the suppression of the Xuanwu Yuanshen. The mysterious power in the lotus platform rushed into the body of the Qinshuang, and was absorbed by the Xuanwu Yuanshen. After about a dozen. At the time of the interest, the lotus platform under the double seat of the piano disappeared, and the piano opened his eyes and stood up.

The faces of the three people of Xu Luoxue showed excitement. Then, when they turned their faces, they saw the surrounding scenery begin to be illusory, gradually disappearing, presenting the scene in front of their eyes, and restoring the original wilderness.

Xu Xiaoxue looked at the piano and his eyes moved. The lips didn’t open. An Shicong is asking for a big look:

"Qin double, how are you so slow?"

Qin double looked at him, An Shicong's face was sincere and his eyes were clear. Xu Luoxue looked over his eyes, but Xu Kaiyun was a glimpse of his eyes and swept through An Shicong.

There is a bitter bitterness in the corners of the piano. "My water roots are made up of the day after tomorrow. Naturally, these innate roots absorb quickly."

What Xu Xuanxue and An Shicong knew before, An Shicong also showed a hint of comfort in his eyes:

"Then we will move on, your fire root should be innate, maybe there is fire power in front of it."

The piano nodded twice, and four people swam toward the front. Behind them, a group of people flew in, but the number was much smaller than before entering the trial area.

"How long has it been, haven't touched the next trial area?" An Shicong frowned slightly and asked.

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