Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2301: New method

The unicorn paw is still slamming down like a broken starry sky, countless stars flying, starlight, like the destruction of the universe.

The double star of the piano double is broken!

The doubles of the piano double flashed, and a new rib was instantly ignited on the neck. Raise the speed to the extreme and fly back toward the rear.


The meteor crash collided with the unicorn paw, and the mighty meteor fell, but at this time it was like a Mars, and was smashed by the huge unicorn claw.


The huge unicorn paw was shot on the lunar moon, while at the same time, there was another shield in front of the piano double, which was the shield of the water mine, and the brilliance of the piano double body flashed. That is the Qin double is ready to release the Emperor Tower.


The huge claws smashed the mask released by the lunar eclipse, and they were photographed on the shield made of water thunder beads...

At this time, the piano doubled out of the scope of the reef shrouded, the fierce attack and the water unicorn disappeared without a trace. If it wasn’t the blood flowing from the mouth of the piano, she personally experienced a battle on the verge of death. I suspect that nothing happened.

"It's too strong!" An Shicong said: "We can't beat the water unicorn."

"Maybe we don't have to defeat him."

"Boss, what do you mean?" Xu Kaiyun said. Xu Luoxue also looked over.

"Maybe we can just avoid the attack of the water unicorn. Penetrate the water unicorn defense and board the lotus platform."

Business is very likely!"


When Xu Kaiyun moved his handcuffs, he saw a five-line ring appearing around his body. Just less than three times, there were a hundred five-row rings, and Xu Xuexue on the side could not help but blink. Unclear, my heart is dark:

"Is this the strength of the innate Wu Linggen?"


Xu Kaiyun slammed his shoulders and flew toward the reef. People have not yet reached the scope of the reef, and they have turned fifty five lines down the reef, occupying almost the entire reef.


When Xu Kaiyun's figure fell within the reef's range, a roar rang on the reef, and a water unicorn appeared in front of Xu Kaiyun, picking up a paw and grabbing it toward Xu Kaiyun.


A huge five lines circled the water unicorn, and instantly shrouded the water kylon in the five-row ring, and then the five-ring ring suddenly shrank inward.


Each of the five rows of rings hung on the water unicorn, but the water unicorn body earned, and the five-row ring began to smash.


Xu Kaiyun was overjoyed, although the water unicorn smashed the five-line ring without pressure, but was able to give Xu Kaiyun a glimpse of time. Xu Kaiyun's figure flew toward the lotus in the middle of the reef, while the right hand pointed to the water unicorn.

"go with!"


One by one, the five-row ring shrouded the water unicorn, and then shrank inwardly, slamming the water unicorn, but then it was instantly smashed.


Xu Kaiyun’s figure has come to the front of the lotus platform, and one foot is stepping toward the lotus platform. Behind him, the water unicorn had smashed all the five-ring rings, and turned a paw and slammed it toward Xu Kaiyun.


Xu Kaiyun’s figure has completely fallen on the lotus platform. At the same time, he released a five-row ring and slammed the treasure boxing. His face was full of tension. He knew that if the lotus platform didn’t work, he couldn’t stop the water unicorn. As for this 90% of the possible deaths.

His eyes suddenly slammed, and he saw that the water unicorn that was being photographed to him was suddenly set in the air, and then quickly blurred, became transparent, and disappeared without a trace.

"It is!"

The Xu Kaiyun on the lotus platform and the Qin double on the waves are all ecstasy, especially Xu Xuexue. It can be said that Xu Kaiyun has already given him a model. He just has to do it according to Xu Kaiyun's method.


Xu Luo Xue flew toward the reef, and the five rows of rings were covered with reefs. Finally, he rushed to the lotus platform on the reef.

Above the waves, only two people, Qinshuang and An Shicong, were left. Qinqin was thinking about how to rush to the lotus platform, while An Shicong was communicating with the prison.

"Senior seniors, what should I do? With my strength, I can't climb the lotus platform."

"It's a waste!" The voice of the prisoner sounded.

An Shicong’s face became ugly: “I am a waste, aren’t you not helping me?”

“I didn’t do everything to help you? What kind of help do you want? You don’t need to find your own waste.”

"Then what do you say? If I can't get this chance, don't expect me to help you." An Shicong's voice cooled down.

"I don't have anything to dare? Big deal, we both die together. I don't believe that in this mystery, you are a soul, without me, you can survive!"

"Kid, I can help you. But you have to remember me, you must take me to the front of Xu Mo and Cai Xia."

"I will do my best!"

"For a while, you just rush toward the lotus, I will trap the water unicorn for a moment, if you can't take advantage of this moment, die, don't blame me."

"Good!" An Shicong's face was firm.

"Kid, I will help you this time, it will consume a lot, don't forget the promise to me, otherwise I will kill you and find another person."

"You can rest assured, what did you do before me, which one I didn't do?"

"That is your understanding, let's get started."


An Shicong bit his teeth and flew toward the reef. The strings on the waves are condensed and staring at An Shicong's back.


The black sword on An Shicong’s head suddenly sent out a sword, and then broke away from An Shicong’s head and took the first step to fly over the reef. An Shichong followed closely and rushed toward the lotus platform in the center of the reef. .


A water unicorn appeared on the route of An Shicong.


The black sword hovered and landed in the dark. This black curtain is different from the black curtain that shrouded An Shicong before. It is full of death, turning the dark curtain into a dead space.

"The prisoner shot!" suddenly heard the voice of Weiyang in the consciousness of Qinshuang: "I didn't think she went to this step and realized a rule."

Qin Shuang's gaze is also a glimpse. She saw that the death black curtain had slammed the water unicorn for a moment, and just in the blink of an eye, An Shicong had jumped onto a lotus platform.


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