Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2303: White fog area

"It should be the father who has finished the trial." Xu Luo Xue said faintly.

Qin double and others nodded, and there was a bit of frustration in the heart. It seems that the previous opportunity should have nothing to do with them.

Sure enough, they flew all the way and never encountered danger.

One day later, Qin Double and others stopped and smog in front of them, and they could not see a trace of the white mist. Outside the white fog, there is no one figure.

"The Xu chiefs should have gone in." Qin double whispered.

Xu Luoxue and Xu Kaiyun nodded, and the faces of both people showed anxiety. However, it was only in the past less than half-time, and Xu Xuexue stepped into the white mist. When the white mist surged, it lost the trace of Xu Xuexue.

"Let's go in too!"

Qinqin only slightly indulged, and made a decision, have already come here, how can I not go in and see?

Xu Kaiyun and An Shicong nodded, and the three men stepped side by side and stepped into the white mist.

"not good!"

As soon as he stepped into the white mist, the piano double felt that he was moved. She was a fairy sect, and instantly felt that she had not moved in the moment she entered the white fog. In fact, she had turned around and had run her to another place. In other words, this piece of white fog is a big array, and now he is trapped in this big array.

She sensed it in a small amount and relaxed her mind slightly. This big bang seems to have no offensive danger, just a puzzle, or a magical array, maybe it will be a fascination plus a illusion. In short, at the very least, there is no danger now.

"Open the cloud!"

"Shi Cong!"

Knowing that he was not in danger for a while, Qin double began to call Xu Kaiyun and An Shicong. After calling a few times and not getting a response, they knew that the three of them were scattered.

"Do you want to find An Shicong?" Weiyang’s voice rang in consciousness.

"What? You have a way?"

"I and the two prisoners, who have been practicing the soul for so many years, have to be wary of each other and suddenly attack themselves, so they have a deep effort in the sense of the soul. As long as they are close to each other within a kilometer, they will There is induction. I can now sense the prisoner. If you want to meet with An Shicong, I can help you. If you don't want it, then forget it. The prisoner is leaning towards this side."

"Then we will rely on it!"

In such a place, one more person can still increase a security. After all, the prisoner and the Weiyang are still cooperative. The two of them have a common goal, so at least before seeing the Xu Mo couple, she and An Shicong There will be no conflicts between them.

"Weiyang also came over."

In the other direction, An Shicong’s consciousness sounded the voice of the prisoner. Hearing the voice of the prisoner, An Shicong gently breathed a sigh of relief. In such a place, he was able to stay with you, and his heart was inexplicably safe. In his heart, he had to admit that Qinqin had to win him in all aspects, and the final thing was that Qinqin’s line was very powerful.

The two men approached each other under the guidance of Weiyang and the prisoner, but the two did not go fast. In this unclear place, they could not be too careful. So, it took nearly a quarter of an hour for the two talents to come together.

"Qin double!" An Shi Cong's voice has a hint of excitement.

"Shi Cong!" There is also a hint of joy in the voice of Qin Double.

The two men were opposite each other, then back to back, and looked around quickly. The situation around them was strange and mysterious. Within two hundred meters of them, there was no white mist at this time. It was very clear. But within a hundred meters of the square, it is full of thick white mist, and can't see everything in the white mist. And until now, the two of them, apart from the white fog, have not encountered a trace of danger.

Two people have also discovered that the gods have entered the white mist. There is no such thing as suppressing their knowledge. Only after the gods enter the white fog, no matter how extended, they see a piece of whiteness. This made them both scared, because with the knowledge of the two of them, at least can spread out thousands of miles away.

But is this piece of white fog thousands of miles away?

Qin Shuang and An Shi Cong feel that it is impossible. Since there is no distance, it is because this is because the big array has changed their knowledge.

What kind of big array can change the exploration of the two of them?


In addition to the law, what else?

An Shicong and Qinshuang once again stood opposite each other. An Shicong looked to Qinshuang’s eyes full of expectations:

"Qin double, can you go out?"

Qinqin shook his head bitterly and said: "Maybe I can go out, but that is why we both happened to go out, let me push this big array, and finally go out with my own ability. I can't do it."

"Hey!" An Shichong sighed and sighed, then suddenly revealed the color of hope: "Is there a way for the predecessors?"

Qin double shook his head, she did not ask the prisoner to do it, if the prison has a way, An Shicong would not ask this.

"What do we do then?"

"Do not separate the two of us. Let's go free."

"Do you have to identify one direction?"

“Do you think you can identify the direction here?”

"That..." An Shicong thought for a moment: "We can choose a direction at will, then go straight ahead, maybe we can go out."

"It won't be that simple!" Qin double shook his head, but still agreed with An Shicong's way: "What do you want?"

Obviously, Qin double thinks that An Shicong's method is useless, but An Shicong is not convinced. I identified a direction, then took out my own black sword, and placed the black sword on the ground, dragging the black kendo:

"Then I will lead the way."

"Okay, I am following."

The two men went straight ahead and went straight. Behind the two of them, there was a line drawn by the black sword. Each time they walked forward, the clear space of a hundred meters was moving forward with them, and of course the white fog behind them drowned.

The trial area does not know what the reason is, and it never appears. It may take time to accumulate the power of the mystery, or there is a certain time interval. However, in the distant places, it is still purple. In this way, countless monks flew in this direction. They passed the trial area, and some monks did not hesitate to walk into the white fog area. Some monks are squatting outside the white fog area.


To the arrogance of the outside of the white fog area, the look flashed a bit hesitant, and finally stepped into the white fog area.


Thank you very much Liao Mubai (100), seaphay (100) for the reward!



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