Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 467: Cross out the perimeter

The sneer of Fujiko is now so harsh in Wang Chen’s ear.

It’s still a step late. I didn’t expect that this illusion enchantment was so fast.

Looking at the continual turmoil around him, Wang Chen’s brows tightened.

Close your eyes and he calms his mind.

The soul is released, and Wang Chen looks around.

Danger, maybe, now more than four months ago, when I met the scene at the moment, in front of Fujisawa, I really only have to wait for a road.

But now, Wang Chen, is not the original Wang Chen.

Today, he can be easily killed by Fujisaka.

Awesome, but the real power has improved two levels. However, the improvement of the two elements of the real power, the help to Wang Chen can not be underestimated.

In particular, in the case of opening the eight armor and the blood talent, the strength of this point, the strength of this increase has been maximized.

"The space is torn...the wind is unparalleled."

Finally, the next moment, Wang Chen snorted with his eyes closed.

Under the anger, Wang Chen’s figure suddenly moved.

There was a sneer in his mouth, rushing toward the east side of the field.


The figure is flashing, wearing thousands of illusions, no desire, no peace of mind, calmness, calmness, and Lingtai.

At this moment, Wang Chen reached a wonderful realm.

Under this level, he saw everything at a glance and saw everything in it. This illusion seems to be non-existent.

The main reason is that this illusion field has not been fully developed yet, and the power is not fully displayed. Under the rush of time, this field has its own shape, essence and complete display. Come out, now, is the best chance for Wang Chen.

Otherwise, when the field is formed, then Wang Chen wants to break through, it is not so easy.

Between the blink of an eye, Wang Chen rushed to the edge of the east side of the field.

The hand is a claw, and Wang Chen’s eyes flashed in the cold. The next moment, his hands suddenly smashed toward the enchantment.


A dull tear came, but under a slight meal, Wang Chen suddenly smashed the field into a tear.

This is an experience that Wang Chen summed up after the last time he received the lesson. With the guidance of the ambassador of the sacred mountain, Wang Chen is now very good at finding a breakthrough before the illusion field is perfect.

The illusion field is of course powerful, but... the power of this field is based on a flaw.

Otherwise, in the realm of fantasy, it is not invincible.

This fantasy field is not the most powerful Lingyu because it takes more time.

With the spread of time, the power of the illusion field will continue to increase, and the superposition of thousands of illusions will enable the illusion field to reach a horrible level.

At the moment, the illusion field has just emerged, and the illusion has just begun. At this time, it happens to be the weakest moment in this field.

Even, it is weaker than the dual attribute field of Fujisawa.

The last time, Wang Chen was trapped in a desperate situation because of his lack of understanding of the field.

He has delayed too much time and let the power of this field be fully revealed. Naturally, he can only wait for death.

This is not the case today...


As the field was torn, Wang Chen screamed and screamed.

In a flash, he suddenly showed a ten-space tear.


For a time, the tearing sound continued.

The most fragile east side of the field, in a flash, produced cracks and cracks that did not know much.


At the same time, under the tears of Wang Chen, the figure of the vine that was originally hidden in the field flashed out.

Pale, **** and mad.

He widened his eyes and didn't believe that the situation at hand was true.

This... his field was actually broken by Wang Chen, and it was actually solved by Wang Chen.

Look at the east side of the field, the most vulnerable place, at this moment, has been ravaged by Wang Chen.

How did Wang Chen know that this is his own weakness, and he thought about it. Under such circumstances, he was rashly shot and determined.

Don’t say that Wang Chen had the last lesson. It’s the average person. After falling into the realm of fantasy, they will not dare to move. The illusions, although they have just produced little power, are enough to confuse and In the past, no matter how strong or weak, they have fallen into this field. They all show panic and are nervous. They can only wait and observe.

In such waiting and observation, what they don't know is that as time goes by, it can only make his illusion field more and more powerful.

Before, Wang Chen is not the case.

And now...

With the last lesson, according to the truth, Wang Chen can only be more taboo on his own fantasy field, and even more fear is right, he is even more unlikely to rush.

But now he is...

The vine grows his eyes incredulously: " it is possible."

There was a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, and his face looked very incomparable. He looked at Wang Chen and yelled.


When the vine appeared, the soul was hurt, and Wang Chen sneered.


The next moment, he ignored the vine, and his body flashed, and he plunged away.

This vine, do you want to delay the time, Wang Chen will not be fooled.

He knows that Fujisawa wants to delay his time to make up for the deficiencies of the illusion.

It’s a pity that Wang Chen will be fooled.

A figure flashed, and he rushed out from one of the tears.

Although, if it is possible now, counterattack is undoubtedly the best opportunity. The soul is hurt, so that the strength of Fujisawa must have a certain decline. If it is counterattack, the effect is undoubtedly the best.

But, Wang Chen is not.

He is very clear that even if the soul is injured, the impact on the vines is not great.

After all, the whole field is still there, a few mouthfuls, the shock caused by the soul, it is easy to make up, if it does not escape at this moment, let the vines seize the time, make up for the gap, and trap themselves again, Relying on the power of the illusion field, he can make up for the loss caused by the shock of the soul.

At the time, I still have to be at a disadvantage.

Wang Chen will not give Fujita a chance.

There are many opportunities to kill the vine.

Now, it is not the most anxious moment. Wang Chen’s most anxious thing now is to improve his strength. Naturally, he will not be entangled with Fujisawa.

The gentleman revenge, ten years is not too late, Wang Chen does not mind waiting.

It can be said that Wang Chen’s decisiveness made him escape a crisis.

Looking at Wang Chen’s decisive escape, the vine's face instantly became ugly.

The sinister wears off a trace of blood hanging from the corner of the mouth. The vines gnaw their teeth and roar: "Bastard, Wang Chen, where to escape."

The plan failed, and between Fujisawa’s wave, he took up his field.

As the environment disappears, there is still the former vine that is so weak.

His face is slightly pale, but it doesn't matter.

The illusion field, the other biggest role is to hide the soul and hide the true body.

When Wang Chen saw that the frail vines were fake, the tears in several fields and the damage caused to the vines were really not very big. He wanted to use fake performance. Deceive Wang Chen, let him fight back, and then come back with a fatal blow.

So, Wang Chen’s decisiveness saved Wang Chen himself once.

And Fujisawa, but I can’t think of it, Wang Chen turned out to be...

Under the face, the vine roared, and it was going to chase toward Wang Chen.

How many years have passed, Fujisaki has not eaten such a loss, especially now, in Wang Chen, this in the eyes of Fujisawa, but in the face of the ants' generally weak opponents, they actually suffered losses, Moreover, it did not kill Wang Chen, but also let him escape, which made Fujiseng able to accept.

He does not allow this to happen.

So, at the moment of the vine, it is a bite to pursue.

Today, he won't let Wang Chen escape.

This **** guy can't let him escape from his own hands one after another.

The last time, someone saved Wang Chen, which has already made Fujisaka succumb. This time, if Wang Chen is allowed to escape by his own strength, the vine will face.


Thinking of this, Fujisawa shows the speed to the extreme, and chasing it.


The wind whistling in the ear, under the wind **** steps, Wang Chen turned into a white light, like lightning, quickly shuttle between the mountains and forests, one kilometer, one kilometer step, everything around, began to become illusory.

Feng Shenbu, this is a powerful body, especially after the integration into the dance steps, it is absolutely not inferior to the god-level body skills, under the urging of the Emperor Dragon, Wang Chen's speed is not Inferior to an ordinary warrior.

Feeling behind the vines that are constantly chasing, Wang Chen’s brows are locked.

Under this, although not being pursued, who knows what is going on around.

In the sixth floor of this purgatory, there are still two rattans. If they continue to delay and let these people create encirclement for themselves...

Wang Chen’s brow is locked.

Can't continue to consume.

"Chasing, you have to chase, let you chase."

Suddenly, Wang Chen seems to think of something in general, his face flashed a trace of twilight, roared.

"Blue light burst."

Afterwards, Wang Chen’s mouth showed a sneer and quickly began to condense the blue light bomb.

In the process of high-speed escape, Wang Chen gave a glimpse of the gods and began to condense the blue light bomb. This was the first attack he had learned, and his attack power was extremely powerful.

He would like to see, this blue light pops up, Fujisawa, can continue to pursue it.

The blue light bomb seems to be at this moment. Under such a scene, the most suitable attack moves.

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