Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 468: Blue light burst!


With the rapid cohesion of the true Yuan Li, in the palm of Wang Chen's palm, at this moment, there is already a blue light bomb with the size of an egg.

It can rub and make a sharp, harsh sound.

The light of the quiet color, at this moment, is even more dazzling, the horrible energy is even more motivating the space, the endless vitality begins to mad.

With the condensation of energy, the blue-light bullet in the hands of Wang Chen is still being compressed and condensed.


Under a sharp voice, the quiet light began to change more deeply, dark.

With Wang Chen’s current strength of the fifth-order emperor, plus the star-stirring body, the power of King Kong is not bad, and the energy he can bear is already terrifying.

Under the powerful spirit, Wang Chen is already a blue light that can condense seven layers of real power.

The seven-layer true elemental force under the blue light burst is even more integrated into the power of the violent star, how powerful it can be imagined.

Yes, it is the power of the stars.

In the past few months, Wang Chen has been the master of the use of the power of the stars.

With the help of the power of the stars, the power of the blue light burst has been greatly improved.

With the gradual condensation of the Qingguang explosion, Wang Chen’s spirit has reached its limit, and the sweat of the beans began to flow down the forehead.


The mouthful of wheezing, Wang Chen felt a trace of exhaustion.

He slightly slowed down a bit.

This is a slowdown.

Even if it’s just a little bit, this moment, that’s also... let Fujisawa bring the distance closer.

"Wang Chen, where to go."

Chasing for such a long time, the distance has been unable to get closer, which makes Fujisaki feel that it is awkward, and that is a fire in his heart.

Know that he is a warrior, a powerful martial artist.

How can a **** warrior like him tolerate a small emperor to escape in his hands, and if so, what face he still has to continue to stand on the mainland.

If you let others know, he can't be famous.

So, just now, Fujisawa is still angry and grievous. You say the speed of a martial artist, how can he be so fast, so against the sky.

This is not scientific.

How can the vines think about what happened?

And now, suddenly, he noticed that Wang Chen’s speed began to drop.

This makes Fujisawa happy.

Seeing how Wang Chen can escape this time, he concluded that before, Wang Chen must have used a certain kind of ability, and it is precisely because of this that Wang Chen’s speed is comparable to Shenwu in a short time. what.

And now, Wang Chen obviously can't support the secret method, so Wang Chen's speed begins to decrease.

Thinking of this, Fujisawa’s mood suddenly improved.

The speed is constantly increasing, the distance between him and Wang Chen, this moment began to gradually close.

Between the blink of an eye, it is nearly 100 meters.

Fifty meters...30 meters...20 meters...

Seeing to catch up with Wang Chen, the heart of Fujisawa, at the moment, it is a murderous silence.

"Twenty meters, fifteen meters..."

When Fujiwara is in a good mood, why isn’t Wang Chen?

Shenwu, that can't be underestimated.

Although the power of the blue light burst is infinite, if it is enough time for the Fujimori to prepare, Wang Chen wants to hit the rattan, it is impossible, he must find a way to bring the distance closer, as far as possible Let the vines have no chance of reaction.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Chen just slowed down the speed suddenly. What he wants is the effect now, so that Fujisawa will draw closer to infinity and will not cause the vine to be alert. .

And, as the distance gets closer, Fujisawa is bound to be a murderer. He even thinks that he is really a force, so he will keep chasing him in, so that Fujisawa will almost give up on him. The defense, so that the real power of the whole body is concentrated, ready to give yourself a fatal blow.

Now, as Wang Chen expected, the distance between Fujisawa and himself has already begun to draw closer. Moreover, Fujisawa has apparently completely relaxed his vigilance at this time. This created a very good opportunity for Wang Chen.

15 meters, has entered the best range of Wang Chen attack.

But, Wang Chen still did not rush to shoot, he is still waiting for opportunities, he still has to wait for an opportunity.

15 meters...14 meters...13 meters...

Wang Chen calculates the distance between the two sides a little bit, and he is preparing to find the best chance to shoot.

10 meters.

This is Wang Chen’s request.

If it is possible to bring the distance closer to ten meters, Wang Chen has made me hit the vine.

And vines.

Now, Fujisawa looked at the distance and kept getting closer. How excited he was on his face.

Ten meters, when I saw that I was going to zoom in to a distance of ten meters, the cold light in Fujiko’s eyes flashed for a time. He seemed to see the scene where Wang Chen was going to be killed by himself.

"Hey... Wang Chen, escape, continue to escape, to see how you can continue to escape."

A deep breath, the vines speed up again.

10 meters...9 meters...8 meters...

As the vines accelerate again, the distance between the two sides, this moment is finally getting closer to within ten meters.

Wang Chen's body pores, this moment seems to be tight, and each of his nerves, this moment seems to be tight.


The blue light burst in the hands is already brewing, just waiting for such an opportunity.

"Wang Chen, die."

At this moment, when the distance was nearly seven meters away, the figure of Fujisawa was finally violent, and the palm of his hand patted the back of Wang Chen.

He launched his offense.

The distance of seven meters, which is enough for Fujisawa.

"Hey, rest."

And just in the moment when Fujisawa made a move, Wang Chen’s pupil was also shrunk sharply at this moment.

"It's now."

In the heart, Wang Chen screamed in secret.

Yes, isn't he waiting for this opportunity? Wang Chen is waiting for this moment of Fujisaki's shot.

He is finally waiting for it now.

In the moment when Fujisawa shot, his defense will be completely reduced to zero, but there are many breakthroughs, and more importantly, the distance is close enough.

This is also the best chance for Wang Chen to take the shot.


Under a roar, Wang Chen also gave up the defense directly, directly reversing his hand and blasting the blue light burst that had already been prepared.


With Wang Chen’s reflexive smashing out of the blue light, suddenly, it was a big blue light, and suddenly the air was rolling.

The blue light flashed past, and in a twinkling of an eye, it came to the front of the vine.


This blue light flashed, and it really made Watten a big surprise.

"Not good."

A threat, this moment, suddenly climbed up, let the vines creep, and a strong sense of crisis began to spread and rise.

The speed is too fast, the distance is too close, and it is simply impossible to resist.


The crisis of death caused the vines to shrink sharply.

He resisted with one hand, but the other hand was smashing toward Wang Chen.

At this time, he wants to give up the offense, but it is impossible to defend.

The move can not be recovered, and it will be ugly to let him die.


The dull impact came instantly, and Wang Chen was stunned and his body was smashed out.


It’s just that, before the Fujimori makes the next reaction, the blue light bullet is an explosion in front of Fujisawa.

The roaring voice covered all the sounds.


A landslide.

At this moment, the ghost mountain of the two large people in the moment collapsed and began to sink. The dust was full of sky and the sky was shining.

The explosion is deafening, for a time, the sun and the moon are eclipsed, and the landslide is cracked.

This roaring sound is enough to spread the land of a hundred miles, and the sixth layer of Purgatory can hear the explosion here.

This kind of roar and aperture, such dust, lifted up to a full kilometer.

The horrible, invisible swells of the wind, rolling out around, and passing by, unscrupulous, raging.

Either the 100-meter hill or the kilometer-high mountain, this moment has been affected by terror.

The hills, in an instant, are also turned into nothing, while the mountains are violently shaken, crumbling, boulders rolling down, big trees turning gray.

This explosion has affected a distance of several kilometers.

Wang Chen was flying under the turmoil.


The blood is arrogant, and in the moment, it becomes blank. Under the attack of Fujisawa, Wang Chen is seriously injured, and the impact of the blue light bomb...

If it is not said that under the palm of the vine, Wang Chen will fly out a hundred meters, Wang Chen is affected by more words, at this moment... the consequences are unimaginable.

This is so, if it is the average person, in this case, I am afraid that it can only be dead. However, Wang Chen relies on the amazing physical strength and the help of the quenching of the stars. Come down.

Rage is so, at this moment, it is also a product that cannot bear to gamble.

The sky is soaring, biting his teeth, and enduring the pain. Looking at the distance, the blue light is still wrapped in it. It is still out of the scope of the explosion. Wang Chen’s mouth reveals a sneer.

Teng Yu... This time, you can eat a pot.

No matter how life or death, this time, Fujisaka is going to be awkward anyway.

The next moment, Wang Chen took a deep breath and endured the pain of collapsing. Wang Chen quickly got up, no longer stayed, and quickly fled away in the distance.

Now, you can't stay here anymore.

This place, such a huge explosion, must have caused the attention of many strong people around the perimeter.

If you continue to stay here, wait until the third party comes here, even if the rest of the vines of the Fuji family come here, it will definitely fall into an extremely dangerous situation. Wang Chen knows that now he must be as soon as possible. Leave this side, the farther the better.

As for... peak.

Maybe, he really didn't have a chance to go back later.

The sixth floor of Purgatory, Wang Chen, this moment, began his wandering life.

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