Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 466: Couple meets

Wang Chen said how, but also unexpectedly, the person who appeared at the moment turned out to be Fujisawa, his biggest enemy. .

Only four months ago, Wang Chen was really in the hands of Fujisawa, and he took a life and a dead end.

If it was not because of the appearance of the ambassador of the sacred mountain that he saved his own words, if it was taken away by the vines, what would be the consequences, Wang Chen could not imagine.

The vines will never let go of themselves.

At that time, even if there is a body that is not bad, the blood is not dead, and the body is not destroyed. If it is discovered by Fujisawa, Wang Chen is still sceptical.

So, Wang Chen must be thankful, can say, on how to, the sacred mountain messenger is saved Wang Chen once.

After that, in the hidden place on the fifth floor of Purgatory, Wang Chen cultivated and cultivated for more than three months, and then came to the sixth floor of Purgatory.

This is more than a month, in the sixth layer of Purgatory, Wang Chen really did not encounter any trouble, but now, the crisis has emerged.

Maybe, just when the breakthrough was too big, or maybe, what did Fujisawa get?

In short, what is now in front of Wang Chen is bound to be a crisis.

The eyes are slightly stunned, and Wang Chen takes a deep breath, and the look becomes cold and serious.


In a twinkling of an eye, Fujisawa has already looted before Wang Chen.

"Wang Chen, hahaha... I didn't expect that we met again."

After appearing in front of Wang Chen, I saw Wang Chen, the vines glimpsed, and then he was surprised and laughed.

In fact, Fujisawa really didn't know that Wang Chen came to the sixth floor of Purgatory. Otherwise, how could he come to Wang Chen at this time?

Wang Chen came to the sixth floor of Purgatory. The news was blocked very well, and only a few people knew it.

At the very least, Fujisawa is still unknown.

Otherwise, if he traversed the sixth floor of the entire purgatory, he would find Wang Chen in the first time.

Know that the battle that was more than four months ago really made the vines remember.

Wang Chen’s set of dance steps is to let the vines dream.

For more than four months, for this matter, he even squatted on everyone, quietly sneaked back to the fifth floor of Purgatory, trying to find Wang Chen’s figure, but unfortunately, he failed. It is.

In the fifth floor of Purgatory, where is the figure of Wang Chen.

This makes him a reluctance.

Wang Chen, how did it disappear? Is it that after the big war, it was seriously injured and died, which may not be a big name.

And who is the one who saved Wang Chen.

In the fifth floor of Purgatory, there are people with this strength...

The Holy Mountain Messenger.

The first time, Fujisawa thought about the ambassador of the Holy Mountain, but he could not believe it.

The ambassador of the Holy Mountain, there seems to be no need to help Wang Chen, there is nothing hidden in it.

On the question, Fujisawa is the news of losing Wang Chen.

This made him depressed and returned to the sixth floor of Purgatory to practice, only waiting for opportunities.

And just in the near future, during the two days, he suddenly felt the situation was wrong.

鸠峦峰, it’s less than a hundred miles away from the hanging mountain where he is. I heard that recently, there is a person here. Originally, Fujisawa was always looking for where Wang Chen is, so there is no come and see.

And these two, on the peak side, the breath suddenly became disordered, but suddenly became violent.

This is a sign of a strong breakthrough. He is familiar with it.

Who is this?

Shenwu, impossible.

After the Shenwu, how could there be a breakthrough?

Even if it is a breakthrough, it is also necessary to step into the highest level. The breakthrough at that level is not so simple.

That must be thunder, the world is discolored, and the earth is turbulent.

The people who come here are obviously unable to reach this point.

That... Is it not that the martial artists are breaking through, not the martial artists, that is...what, who is it.

Unable to reach the ranks of Shenwu, how could you be able to step into the sixth floor of Purgatory.

This really makes the Fujisawa full of doubts.

"Wang Chen."

When in doubt, suddenly, Fujisawa seems to think of something general.

Wang Chen, yes, he thought of Wang Chen for the first time.

Wang Chen, who has not stepped into the ranks of the martial arts, but has the strength of the martial arts, and is the one who came...

In the fifth floor of Purgatory, he has not found the whereabouts and whereabouts of Wang Chen. Is it... He came to the sixth floor of Purgatory, that person.

In fact, with the strength of Wang Chen, it seems that it is really barely qualified to step into the sixth floor of Purgatory.

After thinking about this, Fujisawa is not calm.

The first time he rushed in this direction, he wanted to find out.

At this point, Fujisaki was pleasantly surprised.

Wang Chen, it really is Wang Chen, in front of him, the person who appeared in front of him, this is not the words of Wang Chen, who is it?

This is what surprises Fujisawa.

This is an unexpected joy.

When I saw Wang Chen here, does it mean that the set of secrets that I have been searching for will come to my own hands.

This time, who else can save Wang Chen.

Think of this, in his heart, then all are happy and excited.


When the vines appeared in front of themselves, Wang Chen was ugly and screaming.

Unexpectedly, I will meet again.

Original, in the thought of Wang Chen, he will spend a year in this place, at least for a year.

As long as he gives him a year, he is very hopeful to step into the ranks of high-ranking Emperor.

When the time comes, with the strength of the martial arts of the star-hard body, King Kong is not bad, he is capable of fighting the vine.

Or, if you have more, give him three years, three years, as long as you are on the sixth floor of Purgatory, relying on the strength of this rich ratio, practicing three years, with the geniuses given by the Holy Mountain. Bao, Wang Chen is sure to rush into the ranks of Shenwu.

If this is the case, he will also fear the vines.

Unfortunately, the sky is not satisfactory, now... just met Fujisaka.

Wang Chen’s heart suddenly sinks down, and now he is still difficult to compete with Fujisaka.

But, the only thing that is fortunate is that with these two upgrades, Wang Chen stepped into the ranks of the fifth-order emperors, but it also made Wang Chen no longer as weak as the original.

Even if he is not, he will not let the vines slaughter.

"Hey... Wang Chen, I didn't expect to see you here."

Seeing the ugly look of Wang Chen, the vine is a big joy, which in his opinion is the performance of Wang Chen’s guilty conscience.

"Wang Chen, surrender that set of body."

Under the excitement, Fujisawa is a direct martyrdom.

The crime of sin is sinful, and this set of dance steps on Wang Chen’s body is really eye-catching.

There is also the eye of Suzaku, the baby of reincarnation, the mirror of Wanjia...

This makes the Fujisawa not let go.


Wang Chen's cold martyrdom.

The real thing in the body is rolling, and he has just stepped into the fifth-order emperor. At this moment, he is ready for the battle.

I want to dance in the sky, it is a dream.

"Oh...very good, very good." Seeing Wang Chen’s decisive rejection, Fujisawa sneered.

"This time, I have to see who else can save you, even if it is a holy mountain, I can't think about it."

The vine is cold and cold.

Seeing that Wang Chen appeared on the sixth floor of Purgatory, he already guessed it. The person who saved Wang Chen at that time was arbitrarily saved as a sacred mountain messenger. Who else besides him, and without him If allowed, Wang Chen can step into the sixth floor of Purgatory.

Although I don’t know what else is inside, it’s crucial.

First kill Wang Chen and say.

As for the holy mountain...

When you practiced the body of your own body, you will be afraid of the Holy Mountain Messenger by your own strength.

The vine kills the machine.


Under the murder, Fujisawa is the one who directly sacrificed his field, the realm of fantasy.


When seeing Fujisawa, he will sacrifice the field, and Wang Chen will scream.

After eating a loss, Wang Chen certainly won't eat a second loss.

Although he is not reconciled, but Wang Chen knows that the current escape may be the best choice.

The strength of today is still hard to beat the vines, but fleeing... should not be a problem.

Holding, now, his strength is not enough, but also need to be forbearing.

He seems to know, more than a month ago, when he met the **** day, he said something: step back and open the sky, one step is not enough, then take a step back, leaving the green hills not afraid of no firewood Burn it.

Wang Chen’s body shape turned, and the real power spurted out.


Under the anger, Wang Chen directly fled away in the distance.


The wind whistling, Wang Chen's figure is like an arrow from the string, rushed out.

If it is enveloped in the field, it will be troublesome.

The eight-door armor opens, and the Suzaku flames burn... Wang Chen has brought the speed to the extreme.

Under the Fengshen step, Wang Chen turned into a whirlwind and swept away.

"Where to go."

When seeing Wang Chen wanting to escape, Fujisawa sneered a little.

Escape, where to escape.

In his view, Wang Chen wants to escape, it is the performance of guilty conscience, this time, he will not give Wang Chen a chance.


Under a scorn, suddenly, the field vacated and covered, and Wang Chen was enveloped in it.

With the cover of the field, in an instant, the fog is rolling, rising, the revival is reborn, the Shura is full of heaven, and the devil is dancing.

At this moment, in front of Wang Chen’s eyes, everything has suddenly become illusory.

At this moment, Wang Chen’s front suddenly became distorted.

The field... is still generated, Wang Chen, after all, it is still a slow step.

"Ha ha ha... Wang Chen, see how you escape, die."

Seeing that Wang Chen was shrouded inside, Fujisaka, this time, the smile on his face, that is Can**.

In his eyes, Wang Chen at the moment seems to have become a sheep to be slaughtered... He saw the struggle of Wang Chenli, saw the body of the body, and showed the scene of the glory in his hands...

Wang Chen, once caught up in a big crisis.

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