Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 234: Crazy call!

With the Eastern Thousand Feathers being burned to the ash, there is no left, and Wang Chen exhales a long breath. Then, holding the Yuanlizhi soldiers, it is like a warrior in the other side of the battle circle, the Oriental Niu Hao Look at the battle between the mountains and the green mountains.

The battle between the two people, compared to their own side, do not know how much fierce, do not know how much tough. It is not at all that Wang Chen can intervene.

Seeing this, Wang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and closed the eight armor!

Opening seven doors for a long time, Wang Chen’s body load is serious. At this moment, it is quite weak, just take a break. At this moment, the remaining opponents, he does not need to open eight armor enough to deal with.

As for the Eastern Niu Hao, since you can't intervene, let them solve the battle by themselves! Wang Chen can only wait for an opportunity. "Thousands of ancestors are dead!"

"God, thousands of ancestors are dead!"

"Not good, thousands of ancestors were killed by Wang Chen!"

When Wang Chen closed the eight-door armor and gasped for a breath, in the distance, the people of the Eastern family had already begun to panic.

Thousands of ancestors, the Eastern Thousand Feathers, actually killed by Wang Chen. Is this... can you feel messy?

The owner was killed and thousands of ancestors were killed. Today, the remaining Aoyama ancestors are fighting in the Eastern Niu Hao.

And, it seems that Castle Peak’s ancestors have not gained any advantage...

Thinking of this, suddenly, the people of the Eastern family were completely panicked. They feel that the end of the world has arrived.

Not only the ordinary people of the Oriental family! At this moment, even the Qingshan ancestors of the Dong family are ugly.

In the distance, Wang Chen and the Eastern Thousands of Fighters, of course he saw it.

When the Eastern Thousand Feathers were killed by Wang Chen, what was the sorrow of Qingshan’s ancestors.

The strength of the Eastern Thousand Feathers is clear again! That is the great perfect martial arts.

I didn’t expect... the great perfect martial arts, so I was so smothered... What is this Wang Chen, what is the strength? He is a seventh-order peak martial artist. How did he do this? This is absolutely beyond imagination.

For a time, the face of the eastern green hills was blue.

"Ha ha ha, Qingshan old thief, the Eastern Thousand feathers have been killed! Your oriental family, finished!"

Similarly, the Oriental Niu Hao also saw the scene of Wang Chen killing the Eastern Thousand Feathers.

Original, I just hope that Wang Chen can delay the Qianyu of the East as much as possible, and then, waiting for his own rescue, who thought... He actually killed the East Thousand feathers, and the speed is so fast! A big perfect martial artist, but it was a quarter of an hour, and was actually killed by this kid. This makes the Oriental Niu Hao can't help but feel shame.

This kid, is it still a person? This is the fighting power that the seventh-order martial arts should have?

This is too bad, right?

However, after the horror, he began to get excited.

The laughter is very bright! At this moment, the Oriental Niu Hao is extremely excited.

In the laughter, the offensive of the Oriental Niu Hao is also getting more and more fierce.

The holy warrior. Second-order holy warrior!

The strength of the Oriental Niu Hao has reached the level of the second-order saints.

Although the Qingshan ancestors of the Eastern family also reached the strength of the second-order sacred warrior, but obviously, his combat power is slightly inferior to the crazy fighting power of the Eastern Niu Hao.

In the mad attack of the Eastern Niu Hao, in the twinkling of an eye, he fell into the wind.


The battle between the saints makes the heavens and the earth discolored, and the heavens and the earth are lost.

Under a burst of roar, the two men slammed again and again.

The landslide, the house of the Eastern family, has already been shocked into pieces in such a battle.

It’s just pity that the old and weak women and children in the Eastern family, in this battle, they became pool fish, being beaten to death!

These people who have no resistance, this moment, the wounded, the dead, is terrible.

Looking at this scene, Wang Chen, and everyone in the Wang family is stunned.

The battle of saints, is this the battle between saints? It is so powerful that it is so strong!

Sage, it really is boundless and powerful.

Even Wang Chen can't help but feel shame.

Before, he also felt that nowadays, his own strength, although he can't beat the saints, but it is not difficult to escape the chasing of the saints.

Now seeing the battle between the two saints, Wang Chen really felt the strength of the saints.

This is not a general power!

With such a second-order holy warrior, he can only wait to die. As for the first-order holy warrior? Wang Chen estimates that it is also difficult to resist. Can only escape from the wolf!

Unexpectedly, the Eastern family actually harbored a second-order holy warrior. Such a strong person...

If...At this time, there is no Eastern Niu Hao here, I believe that a second-order holy warrior is enough to let Wang Chen and the Wang family all... the whole army is destroyed?

Thinking of this, Wang Chen can't help but be afraid for a while.

Sure enough, you can't underestimate these powerful families that have passed down the millennium.

These families are really unimaginable for ordinary people! They contain infinite power! Their heritage is enough for all people to be jealous... enough to make their enemies smash.

Think of this, Wang Chen is secretly glad at the same time.

This time, the Oriental Niu Hao really saved the entire king.

When Wang Chen was filled with emotion, the battle between the Oriental Niu Hao and the Oriental Green Mountain was already at its most intense.

"Ahhhh... Oriental Niu Hao, I can’t spare you!"

Looking at the Eastern family house into a fragment, the millennium foundation was destroyed. Looking at the old and weak women and children, the death and injury were heavy, the eyes of the eastern Qingshan were full of blood, and the angry roared up. Especially in the confrontation with the Oriental Niu Hao, did not achieve any advantage, which is even more mad in the East Green Hills.

The hair is moving without the wind, and it stands upside down, making people look very stunned.

The palms are constantly blasting, and the palm prints of the sky are condensed out, and they are whistling toward the eastern cattle.

"Hey, kill me? You don't have that skill yet! Today, the Oriental family will be destroyed!" The Oriental Niu Hao screamed coldly. At the same time of anger, the Oriental Niu Hao hangs in the air and walks in the air, constantly flashing.

The hand is a claw, and it is constantly caught toward the front.

The ones that emerged from the eastern Qingshan Mountain seem to be incomparably violent, and the incomparable palm prints, under the claws of the Eastern Niuhao, instantly collapse and turn into nothingness, which does not pose any threat.

And the Oriental Niu Hao, but in such a situation, a little bit toward the eastern green hills close to the past. "Aoyama old thief, today, the Oriental family is finished, I have to look at it, what are your backs! Hahaha..."

The Eastern Niu Hao constantly destroys the palm prints that are coming to their own, and laughs loudly. Boom...

Finally, when the voice fell, he came to the front of the green hills of the East, and he slammed out with a palm of his hand.


The electric fan thundered and the wind whistled.


The blood is floating.

In the violent impact, the eastern green hills were slightly inferior and were rushed away by the Eastern Niu Hao.


Each one step, the eastern Qingshan Mountain left a deep footprint on the ground. Each stepped out, the whole ground began to tremble, and the lake began to tremble.


A move to retreat from the eastern green hills, after occupying the advantage, the Oriental Niu Hao is a cold-sounding, stepping out at the foot, and chasing it again.


The figure flashed past, leaving a shadow, and rushed to the front of the eastern Qingshan.

"Turning the sky!"

A scream, the Oriental Niu Hao, produced a complicated handprint, with one hand and one wave, the squatting down to the bottom.

The handprint blasted out, and in an instant, a sky-like sky was condensed on top of the emptiness, and the sky was overwhelming, and then whistling down to the bottom, as if to destroy the whole world. . "Ahhhh... I don't think about it!"

When I watched the skyfall, the oriental green hills showed a hint of madness and embarrassment on the face, and I was unwilling to resist with my hands.


The air is violent, and the wind is rising!


Between the blink of an eye, the sky is falling, and the bang is on the top of the eastern green hill.

At this time, the eastern Qingshan has also smashed two palm prints with both hands and resisted.

But this time, the Oriental Castle Peak is obviously still underestimating the power of the Eastern Niu Hao.

The huge sky is falling, how strong is it?

The violent power is released, bringing infinite energy release.

The blue light shines up the sky, letting the huge sky shine.


Several dragons soar around the sky, roaring, and boundless...

Tianjin martial arts, this is the power of the celestial martial arts.


The sky is like a broken bamboo, and it is unstoppable.

The two palm prints condensed from the eastern green hills were shattered and disappeared without a trace.


Then, under the slightest meal, the shackles of the sky were on the green hills of the East.

Ah ah...

In the screams of heartbreaking lungs, the eastern Qingshan, the second-order holy warrior, was suddenly bombarded.

This time, he was smashed out hundreds of meters, **** and arrogant, wolf! The hair is scattered and it is terrible.

"Hahaha, Oriental Castle Peak, but this! Today's today is your jealous day!"

The oriental green hills flew, and the Oriental Niu Hao sneered and shouted.

At this moment, the eastern Qingshan was seriously injured! If you continue to fight, it will not be the opponent of the Oriental Niu Hao. Oriental Niu Hao can be described as full of confidence.

"Oh, good, very good! Dongfang Niuhao, you hybrid, Wang Chen, Wang Jia, you guys, I will die if I am a mountain, I will not let you succeed. You will accept the punishment of my oriental family. Hahaha, I will accept the punishment of my oriental family, you are dead!"

After a serious injury, the eastern Qingshan Mountain is full of anger and anger.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, I saw the constant condensation of the hands of the eastern Qingshan, and spewed out a blood: "I took my blood and sacrificed the dragon. I am my life, summoning the dragon..."

The hands are constantly making a seal, the oriental green hills, with a face full of madness, constantly spit out a mouthful of blood into their own seals, this moment, the original calm East Dragon Pool, began to storm, began to roll Roaring...


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