Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 235: The ancient beast!

"Not good!"

When I saw this scene and saw the move of the eastern green hills, the Oriental Niu Hao seemed to think of something, and his face changed suddenly. Shouted in a loud voice. "No, boy, hurry up and help me kill this thief. He wants to summon the oriental family to guard the holy beast, and he can't let him succeed, otherwise he will be in trouble!"

A deep breath, the Eastern Niu Hao face shouted aloud.


Under the hope of self-knowledge, the eastern Qingshan Mountain has even displayed the taboo of the Eastern family, summoning the dragon!

The nature of summoning is the white dragonfly living in the East Dragon Pool in the legend of the Eastern family!

It is said that this strength is strong and boundless, but it is an ancient beast. Once it appears, **** hurricanes.

Unexpectedly, this moment, the eastern Qingshan turned out to be...

Even the Eastern Niu Hao feels amazed. Although the Eastern family has the Guardian of the Beast, there have been rumors early on. However, no one has ever seen it. Therefore, with the development of hundreds of years, everyone has already regarded this as a legend! Not many people regard this as a real existence.

But, who knows, now... Oriental Green Mountain is actually starting to summon white 蛟?

The move of Oriental Castle Peak made the Oriental Niu Hao think of a legend he had heard in the Eastern family.

The blood is the lead, the life is the deed, summoning the dragon!

At this moment, isn’t Dongshan Qingshan doing this? Unexpectedly, this turned out to be a real existence. I did not expect that the white cockroaches actually did, and the eastern Qingshan actually began to summon the white cockroaches.

You must never let him summon a day. Otherwise, it will be troublesome.

Although I don’t know how powerful the day is, it’s definitely not a good deal.

This danger must be strangled. Otherwise, it will be troublesome.

So, the Oriental Niu Hao rushed toward the eastern Qingshan for the first time.

At the same time, Wang Chen, who heard the anger of the Oriental Niu Hao, was also stunned, and then quickly plunged forward.

The Oriental family actually has a guardian beast? You can't summon the oriental green hills. Otherwise, you will be in trouble. Wang Chen’s idea is exactly the same as that of the Oriental Niu Hao!

"Hahaha, do you want to stop? Late, hahaha, you are all late!"

The eastern Qingshan crazy laughter.


In the moment when the laughter of the eastern green hills fell, there was a roar of looming sounds.

This roaring sound and Wang Chen when they just stepped into the East Longtan side, the illusory roar heard in the vagueness was exactly the same.


In the East Longtan, the big waves roared, the violent water waves, this moment actually blocked the way of Wang Chen and the Oriental Niu Hao, as if forming a strong defensive wall!


In the sky, the wind is changing, the lightning is flashing, I don’t know when it’s clouded.


The wind whispers and smashes everything around you.

Even, some huge trees that have been growing for centuries have been uprooted at this moment. "No, boy, go, can't resist, hurry to leave this place and escape Donglongtan!"

Being forced to retreat, the Oriental Niu Hao looked very embarrassed, looking at one side, the equally embarrassing Wang Chen shouted loudly.

Obviously, the day is coming.

They, now they want to resist, it is already impossible.

In this case, the most sensible choice is to leave here immediately, escape the scope of the Eastern family, and avoid the attacks of the day.


When I heard the words of Dongfang Niuhao, Wang Chen did not hesitate!

Although not reconciled. However, I know that there is no chance when I don’t leave at this time.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand decisively and shouted loudly toward the madman behind him: "Leave the Eastern family, fast!"

The voice fell, and Wang Chen’s figure flashed, and he followed the Oriental Niu Hao and rushed outside. "Humble humans, do you still want to escape?"

When Wang Chen and others rushed out to the white mist outside Donglongtan, a majestic voice seemed to come from the sky of nothingness. This majestic voice suddenly appeared in Wang Chen. Waiting for the ear to blow up is like a thunder.


At the same time, the original illusory white fog, this moment seems to have become a general, even hard to resist the way of Wang Chen and others.

In the dull crash, Wang Chen and others were all bounced back and squatted on the ground behind.


At the same time, in this incomparable voice, everyone only feels the blood rolling, except for the military of the strength of the martial arts such as Wang Chen, the rest of the people are all pale in the face, a blood spray come out.


The next moment, inside the rolling East Dragon Pool, the water is rolling, a huge white dragon with hundreds of feet rises slowly, the mighty body, soaring above the sky, eyes Looks contemptuous!

"White Dragon is now, heaven and earth are off!"

Seeing this scene, the Oriental Niu Hao is somewhat ecstatic, and his look is ugly and difficult.

White Dragon is now, heaven and earth are gone. Yes, this is a sentence circulating inside the Eastern family.

This sentence has been circulating for a thousand years, but I did not expect it to come true today.

The white scorpion was summoned from the East Dragon Pool, meaning the beginning of the storm. At this moment, Wang Chen’s way of their way was completely blocked. They were like beasts at this moment, and they were trapped inside Donglongtan.

At the moment, in front of Bai Long, they are so vulnerable, so powerless.

This single momentum has already made Wang Chen and others tumbling, so uncomfortable, so that they have no way to escape, if Bailong shot...

Thinking of this, Wang Chen’s face became dignified and awesome.

"Kid, it seems that we are in trouble!"

Looking at the huge body of a cruising, the Oriental Niu Hao said with difficulty.

It’s still a step late. They still have not been able to escape this dangerous place. Now, it is really dangerous.

The strength of this day is so powerful that it can be seen from the momentum.

The Oriental Niu Hao, who is a second-order holy warrior, feels even deeper.

He feels the strength of the day more clearly... This is not what they can resist!

Even if it is the Eastern Niu Hao, I feel that I am not a white opponent at all. If you fight, don’t take a moment, you will die.

Now, they are in a desperate situation.

Unexpectedly, the Oriental family actually had a guardian beast, and it was such a powerful guardian beast.

Such a powerful guardian beast, even if placed in the mainland, is also a powerful existence, enough to make the oriental family a first-class family.

But why, the Eastern family is willing to be partial in this barren land of northern Xinjiang?

The Eastern Niu Hao is a loss, it is a doubt.

"Millennium, hahaha, millennium, the deity has finally seen the sky!"

When the Oriental Niu Hao and others looked ugly, the white dragon snorted for a few laps, and exhaled a white breath, slowly speaking and saying.

Under this white air, all the objects that are touched are instantly turned into ice sculptures, and finally become broken.

A white gas, even so powerful, let Wang Chen and others take a breath.

It’s not the ancient savage beast, it’s one of the most powerful monsters under the beast, and it’s beautiful with the emperor! However, Wang Chen’s Emperor Huang has not yet grown up, and this white singer has grown to a sufficient level, and it is really boundless.

So powerful, how do they resist?

Wang Chen’s heart was bitter.

"Well, the descendants of the Eastern family, you call the deity, what are the requirements? Let's talk! Before the deity, promise your ancestors, realize your three wishes, and now the last one! You can say."

After the excitement, the white whispered slowly, the voice was unquestionable, and the majesty was incomparable.

The big eyes of his brass bells, pale at this moment, look at the incomparably oriental green hills.

Obviously, the eastern green hills were also scared by the white plaques that appeared in front of them. "Respected messenger, I... I am the ancestor of the generation of the Oriental family. Now, my Oriental family has encountered great danger. I hope that you can help my Oriental family to destroy the enemies in front of us, and all the enemies will be wiped out!" /

After stunned, the eastern green hills said evilly, the expression is crazy!

"Is these humble reptiles?"

After hearing the words of the eastern Qingshan, Baiyan turned his head and glanced at Wang Chen and others. He said faintly, the words were disdainful.

"Well, a second-order holy warrior, it's not bad! It can make up for the energy loss of the deity!" Then, after perceiving the strength of the Eastern Niu Hao, he nodded slightly.

Obviously, the second-order holy warrior is also in his eyes, he does not care.

"Hahaha, Heaven helps me too, Heaven helps me too. Shenwu bloodline! Pure blood of the gods. Qinglong blood, eight layers of Qinglong blood. There are actually Xuan Ming physique and moon and moon physique, and there are two moon and moon physique Hahahaha...good, very good!!”

Then, when Bai Hao noticed Wang Chen, Xuan Night, Moonlight and Xingyue, he laughed loudly.

Isn't it? At this moment, he was completely excited.

On this side, I found the perfect blood of the gods, the eight-layered dragon dragon blood, and three precious physical personnel. How can the white dragonfly not be excited?

He is a white man, only a beast. However, if you get the power of these blood and the power of your body, you may be able to become a dragon in thousands of years! Become a real beast----White Dragon!

For Bai Hao, it is definitely a leap, a huge leap, so, for a moment, after seeing Wang Chen and others, he began to squirm his body and laughed loudly. He is excited.

At this moment, he looked at the eyes of Wang Chen and others, and it seemed to see the strange treasures, so that Wang Chen and others couldn’t help but frown, and the complexion was even more awe.

A huge crisis is over.

Oriental family patron saint Bailong is in the world, **** hurricane hits, Wang Chen and others... Can you resist?


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