Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 233: Thousands of ancestors (below)


The whistling sound of the wind, this moment seems to be the roar of the devil, making people shudder.

The power of the evil spirits exudes the spirit, so that everyone around the battle can't help but stop the battle and escape thousands of meters. The swordsmanship generated by this move even makes some low-powered warriors directly killed!


Feeling the power of Wang Chen’s release, after exiting for several kilometers, Xuan Night and others couldn’t help but look sad.

"This move, close to the full force of the holy warrior?" Cang night could not help but swallowed and swallowed.

"Hurry! But there may be a gap!" said the moonlit night. Looking at Wang Chen, his eyes are very complicated. Such a powerful attack moves, so that the moon and night can not help but bow down.

"In the Zongwu, invincible! Even if it is the great perfect martial artist, it is difficult to resist!" Liu Yuanxiu brows slightly wrinkled, said Shen Sheng.

Wang Chen, also brought him too much accident.

This time, when I came to the northern Xinjiang, I saw Wang Chen, and Liu Yuanxiu’s heart was a stormy wave.

At the beginning, the warrior who had just entered the Stars and only rebuilt the seventh stage, now grows to this height, grows to a height that makes him unmatchable, and makes Liu Yuanxiu feel a lot of emotions.

My sister, I really didn't choose the wrong person.

If, if Wang Chensheng is within the big family of the Chinese mainland, with the resources of the big family, how can he achieve more horror now? It's hard to imagine.

Maybe, only his own sister, Liu Xinyan can be compared with it!

"Change ~ state, the boss is too abnormal!"

Between the feelings of several people, the front, too late to escape, the madman who was directly smashed by the blast of wind and waves, screamed on the ground, grinning, and screaming in a weird look.

I don’t care about my wolverine. At this moment, the madman is wide-eyed and looks at the front of Wang Chen’s heart.

Besides the madman, isn’t it the other person? Around the Nangong family in the first battle, I saw Wang Chen's powerful Wang family, this moment, is still shocked.

The strength of Wang Chen shows them, let them be bloody!

Yes, the strength that Wang Chen showed up this time is indeed a stun and fear.

There are still people who are so impressed, and at this moment, there are thousands of oriental feathers in the center of the storm?

Feeling the power of Wang Chen’s move, he is even more changeable.

This trick... actually...

This move, the momentum that came out of it, was even stronger than the momentum that he gave out with all his efforts.

How is this possible!

He clearly noticed that the strength of Wang Chen in front of him was only the peak of the seventh-order martial arts. Even if the secret law is used at this moment, the strength is at most comparable to that of the ninth-order martial arts, and even worse than the ninth-order martial arts.

However, at this moment, how could he break out such a powerful move?

This is not scientific.

The face is stunned, my heart is horrified, and the Eastern Thousands of Feathers want to blast away.

But, what makes him even more awkward is this moment, he found that his body has been locked, and wants to go backwards, there is no chance!


Aware of this, his screaming roar, only to quickly resist!

The real power force was sent to the extreme to resist.

He has been scared by Wang Chen’s first move to the sudden attack.

The trick that was just a trick was to absorb the true power, which is totally unscientific. What about this move? Will this be the case? Under such an idea, there are some fearful feet in the East.

This situation is a taboo for a warrior. In this case, it is doomed to this time, and the East Thousands of Feathers will suffer.


In the moment when the East Thousand Feathers hesitated, Wang Chen’s moves were already slammed down.

Under the roar, the huge devil's head swallowed down and swallowed directly toward the East Thousands.


In the roar of the roar, the skull twisted, and under the huge air, it became very incomparable.


Before the sky, at this moment, there is an endless power of thunder and lightning, and the bang of the dragon is on the body of the East.

This time, the Eastern Thousands of feathers can be said to bear a triple blow.

Maybe, Wang Chen does not care about such lightning attacks. However, the Eastern Thousand Feathers are taboo.

So, under the thunder and lightning, the Eastern Thousand Feathers can be described as terrible.

Perhaps, just a tactic of destroying the soul, the Eastern Thousand Feathers can still rely on strong strength and barely resist. However, at this moment, after the attack of lightning,...

Ah ah...

In the screams, the Eastern Thousands of Feathers only resisted, and they were blasted out.


Blood blood.

A great perfect martial artist, this moment was directly bombarded by Wang Chen.


The body of the Eastern Thousand Feathers, under the bite of the devil's head formed by the waves, has been opened by countless mouths.

How strong is the body of the Zongwu? However, this moment is the endless scars left by the beggars.

The clothes are ruined and bloody. After a short two-handed confrontation, the Eastern Thousands of Feathers are already embarrassed. This scene can be described as those who let people go back to the distance to watch the war, widened their eyes, and their faces are unbelievable.

Especially the staff of the Oriental family, the face is pale in a moment.

Donglong, their homeowners, have been killed at the moment. Today, the two ancestors came out and let them think they saw hope. But...

Now, the Eastern Thousand Eagles are not the opponents of Wang Chen. What happened in the end? Damn, isn't that a dream? How is this possible, it is not scientific.

Wang Chen, what is the enchanting? How did he do it? This **** guy, how strong he is. Even thousands of ancestors have been bombarded!

Know that thousands of ancestors, this is a real great martial artist. In the northern Xinjiang, it is definitely a master who has nothing to say! Even in the mainland, it is a master. But now...

This time, watching thousands of ancestors screaming incomparably being smashed out, how can people not be messy?

Under such a mess, the people of the Eastern family felt desperate.

This side, thousands of ancestors fell in the wind, precarious. On the other hand, the Qingshan ancestors and the Eastern Niu Hao battle hard to resolve, for a time, even occupy less than a half point advantage!

This situation makes them feel awkward. When everyone was feeling, Wang Chen did not stop.

After a smashing of the soul of a thousand ancestors, Wang Chen waved a hand and took a bottle of Yuandan from the storage space. After swallowing two of them, they quickly recovered the true strength. The footsteps flashed, and once again, they rushed toward the East Thousands.

Yes, it’s Guidan!

Rao is the strength of the seventh-order martial artist's peak. Compared with the original, I don't know how much it is strong. However, the real power that is spent on destroying the soul still makes Wang Chen have some to stand.

With the improvement of strength, the power of destroying the soul is naturally greater and the consumption is more powerful.

Now, the strength of the seventh-order martial artist’s peak, exerting a trick, the real power that needs to be spent still reaches the three layers of horror!

In addition to the previous battles, Wang Chen’s real power is less than five layers!

In this case, you must make up the real power.

Swallow two of them, and suddenly, the endless power rises.

Under Wang Chen’s blast, he caught up with the seriously injured Oriental Thousands in a blink of an eye: “Wind!”

It is also a move of the wind, and the soldiers of Wang Chen Yuan Li draw a gorgeous red light, and rush toward the oriental thousand who have not stabilized their body shape.

This time, the Eastern Thousand Feathers can be described as a big surprise.

The foot has not yet stabilized, so I quickly resisted again.

In an instant, the two soldiers meet! Wang Chen’s Yuan Lizhi’s soldiers instantly absorbed the sacred gods of the Eastern Thousands. The Suzaku flames are wrapped and rolled into the real yuan.

Ah ah...

Feeling this situation, a thousand screaming ancestors who were struggling to make a scream!


Under a roar, he quickly gave up his own life and sent out. This is perhaps the best and most correct choice today.

But unfortunately, he met Wang Chen.

Wang Chen will give him the opportunity to escape.

Seeing the East Thousands of Feathers give up the sacred soldiers and prepare to escape, Wang Chen screams coldly: "Thunderstorm!"

A thunderstorm hits a moment.

Although the power does not reach the limit, it is enough.

Under the thunderstorm, the violent waves swelled out.

This violent violent wave, once again directly smashed the East Thousands of Feathers.

"The flames burn the sky!"

At the same time, Wang Chen snorted and the flames burned out.

This is another ability of Suzaku's Eye.

The flames burned the sky, and the green and green fires of the three dragons instantly formed a fire dragon to wrap around the oriental thousand feathers that were bombarded.

Ah ah...

In a flash, I was entangled in the fire dragon, feeling the burning of the three real fires, and the Eastern Thousand Feathers screamed again and again.

Then, quickly and quickly, the real force will resist and let the flames get close to your skin.

"Break the army! Die!"

Wang Chen at this moment, it can be said that it is completely formed.

Under the ability of Suzaku's horror, I didn't imagine the hard battles. Without the fierce battle in the imagination, Wang Chen quickly gained a one-sided advantage.

When I saw the oriental thousand feathers wrapped in the fire dragon, Wang Chen sneered and broke the army. It is time to kill.


The long sword crossed, the red light flashed, and the blood was floating.

The full resistance to the fire dragon, the severely injured Eastern Thousand Feathers, was too late to resist, and was divided into two by Wang Chen’s Yuan Lizhi.

The blood smashed into the sky, and he didn’t even have time to scream, and he had already crashed into the ground.


With the death of the Eastern Thousand Feathers, the body that lost the true strength of the body was instantly swallowed by the flames of Zhuque.

In the low-pitched sounds, the bodies of the Eastern Thousand Feathers were quickly burned out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Eastern Thousand Feathers died! The two ancestors of the Eastern family have already gone to one, and Wang Chen has won this battle!



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