Supreme Lord

Chapter 365 Success (Subscription Request)

After Lin Rui arranged the work for the six people, he took Ji Xueying and a group of followers and leisurely went out of the city and returned home. The next arrest work could not be completed in a short time.

Luo Tianman and his team only needed to determine the location and intelligence of the suspects, how to reasonably allocate manpower, assign tasks, and how to cooperate with the Jinwu Guards. They had to spend a lot of time studying and the affairs were numerous.

This matter was extremely troublesome, so Lin Rui did not intend to do it himself.

He still recognized the ability of Luo Tianman and others. Those who could become the supervisors of the Assassination Bureau were not useless, not to mention that his senior brothers Li Li and Wang Sen helped to keep an eye on them, so he was very relieved.

And even if something went wrong, how bad could the situation be at that time?

For Lin Rui, the importance of this case was not as important as the files hidden in his dragon armor.

[At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network → 𝑡𝑤𝑘𝑎𝑛.𝑐𝑜𝑚]

The Assassination Bureau is responsible for the Assassination of traitors and the suppression of demons, so these files involve many demon cases investigated by the Assassination Bureau in recent years.

In recent years, the traitor has appeared, so it is not just the Ninth Branch of the Security Bureau that has suffered heavy losses.

The Imperial City Bureau has long begun to reverse infiltrate the Earth Federation, so these files are of great value.

Lin Rui considered that these files would be used as evidence and it would be difficult to keep them completely confidential in the future, so he went to great lengths tonight to clean himself up.

Interestingly, when Lin Rui arrived at the gate of Chengtian Gate, Lin Xi had already taken office.

She wore a brand new fifth-rank official robe and checked Lin Rui's team in a formal manner before raising her hand to let him go.

Lin Rui looked at Xiao Xi's heroic and sarcastic appearance and couldn't help but doubt the First Envoy.

That person may have deliberately kept the position of "Chengtian Gate Supervisor" until now, with the purpose of disgusting the emperor.

In the future, the emperor will see Lin Xi every time he enters and leaves the city. It would be strange if he is in a good mood!

And those officials will have to go in and out of Chengtian Gate sooner or later. What will they think when they see the daughter of Zhou Rang?

Lin Ruifu said that if he were the emperor, he would definitely try his best to move Lin Xi away from this position.

Fortunately, the Han Wang case broke out, and the emperor should not be able to deal with Xiao Xi in a short time.

After Lin Rui left the city, he sent a message to Zhou Yunfei.

Lone Shadow Heavenly Blade (Lin Rui): Minister, I have brought out the files you asked for, a total of 1,320 case files, involving 97 large-scale demon cases in the past ten years. I will give these things to Xue Lingxue later.

Lin Rui acted very rigorously. He waited until he took these files out of the city before telling Zhou Yun K the good news.

Zhou Yunfei: Is it safe now? Xiao Rui, you are so beautiful! The key is that the end is also very clean, no matter what happens afterwards, it can't be linked to you, Xiao Rui.

Lin Rui raised his eyebrows and replied: Minister, do you know the situation?

Lin Rui has the right to act arbitrarily. Before and after the incident, he did not inform Zhou Yunfei of the plan, so how did Minister Zhou know?

Zhou Yunfei: I know, there is my man among the twenty trial martial arts lieutenants who joined the assassination bureau this morning.

He reported the changes in the assassination bureau today. I will know what the situation is after analyzing it.

Zhou Yunfei: I will give you the identity information of this person. If the situation permits, Xiao Rui, you can help me take care of and promote him. The bureau positions him as your helper, so you should use him when you need to. Don't be polite.

Zhou Yunfei: You completed the task beautifully this time! It's a pity that the second chief engineer has not woken up yet, otherwise I can ask for credit for you now.

Zhou Yunfei then sent a photo of a thumbs-up.

He sat in the office, his face flushed and his heart surging.

Lin Rui not only helped him get the file out, but also emptied nearly half of the files on the third floor of the storage cabinet. Zhou Yunfei was indeed extremely regretful. It was a pity that the second commander-in-chief had not woken up yet, otherwise their merits would be enough to exchange for a special medal of federal security and a first-class warning medal.

Lin Rui could even rely on these things to be promoted to the general of the Security Bureau!

However, Zhou Yunfei did not plan to hand over these files now. He knew that only when the second chief engineer woke up could they get the maximum benefit from these files in their hands.

However, the plan he and Lin Rui had previously formulated could be slightly improved on the existing basis and started to move forward.

Someone must pay the price for the blood feud of more than one hundred colleagues who died.

The next morning, Hayden Smith, the second deputy director of the ninth branch of the Security Bureau, had just woken up when he received a message that made him very worried from a channel inside Tianjixing.

"The file in the storage cabinet might have been stolen?"

Hayden Smith's mind trembled, and he instinctively became alert.

He checked the situation in detail and found out that there was an arson case in the Song Dynasty's Assassination Bureau last night.

According to the two suspects, the file in the library had been stolen before they entered.

However, the Song Dynasty's Divine Envoy Bureau did not believe it, thinking it was a lie of the two suspects.

People in the Assassination Bureau also searched the entire government office at that time and did not find any stolen files.

Hayden Smith was relieved.

Judging from the evidence of the arson case, it is unlikely that these files were stolen. Most likely, the two suspects came up with an excuse to escape punishment.

However, Smith still found a pen-shaped smart terminal from the study drawer and sent a message to his mistress: Honey, be careful in the past few days, both the original body and the alien body. Something happened with the Assassination Bureau. situation, your identity may be revealed.

Flowers Blooming at Midnight (Hua Xin): Leaked? how so? Haydn, didn't you say there wouldn't be any risk?

Hayden Smith frowned, his eyes displeased.

This Hua Xin's alien name is Han Lanxin, a girl he met on Tianji Star, a alien walker who only started his alien career a year ago.

The advantage is that they are vain and easy to deceive, but the disadvantage is that they can't hold their breath when things go wrong.

Megan (Smith): I mean it’s possible to leak, it’s not a big problem, don’t worry, honey, I said before, even if your identity is exposed, they won’t have any evidence against you, so there won’t be any risk .

Megan (Smith): Honey, I have booked a ticket for you to go to the Palace Entertainment Casino. You go and stay there for a few days. I will ask someone to transfer some money to you later. That’s fine over there. Have fun and relax.

Flowers blooming at midnight (Hua Xin): Really?

Flowers blooming at midnight (Hua Xin): I don’t want your dirty money, I just want you to accompany me.

Hayden Smith couldn't help laughing after reading this woman's reply.

He sent a message to someone: That woman will take a boat to the Star Port at nine o'clock in the morning and go to the Palace Entertainment Casino. Please help me deal with it. Her hands and feet must be clean.

Although he was still unsure about the arson case in the assassination bureau, Haydn no longer planned to let this woman live.

This woman is a hidden danger, and the longer she lives, the more dangerous she becomes.

She is also a gold-eating beast, and in just six months, she spent nearly 1 billion federal coins on him.

Although his income from those profit-making channels now exceeds tens of billions every year, he cannot afford such expenses.

Hayden Smith moved elegantly, packed himself up slowly and neatly, and then drove a luxury car to the 9th Branch of the Security Bureau.

Smith's mood hit rock bottom the moment he drove into the basement, because his boss Zhou Yunfei sent a message to the work group of the Alien Object Investigation Department and the Intelligence Center.

Zhou Yunfei: Attention everyone, there is a new mission! Starting now, all the working groups of the Alien Investigation Division and the Intelligence Center will do their best to search for this woman named "Han Lanxin" on Tianji Star. She is an alien walker, and her real body is called Hua Xin. She has been arrested by us. I will now find her in the shortest possible time. Within a short period of time, knowing where this woman's alien body is is the current top priority of the Security Bureau.

Haydn Smith looked at this message, and his heart suddenly became as cold as an ice cave.

He subconsciously wanted to send a message to Hua Xin to ask about the situation, but then he realized something was wrong.

Hayden Smith used a false identity to contact Hua Xin, and transmitted through the second smart terminal he carried with him. This ensured that even if Hua Xin was arrested, he would not be implicated.

But now if he takes the initiative to contact me, he is looking for death.

At this time, the director of the intelligence center asked doubtfully in the group: Minister, judging from the information in the intelligence database,

This woman is just a lieutenant colonel-level alien walker. Is there any special reason for making this woman the top priority of our intelligence center?

Zhou Yunfei: We have obtained conclusive evidence, confirming that it was this woman Han Lanxin who leaked the information about the Imperial City Si Tianmo case that led to the tragic death of more than 100 of our alien agents in Tianji Star in May this year.

Haydn Smith was puzzled by this, wondering where Zhou Yunfei's conclusive evidence could come from?

However, this timing is no coincidence. Zhou Yunfei launched an attack at the moment when an arson case occurred in the Assassination Bureau. Could it be that he really got the stolen case files from the Assassination Bureau?

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