Supreme Lord

Chapter 366 Action (Subscription Request)

Hayden Smith turned on the internal network of the Security Bureau with an extremely ugly expression.

After checking it for a while, he felt even worse.

Smith found the arrest warrant issued by the judge and agreed to arrest Hua Xin on charges of treason and crimes against humanity.

The person responsible for arresting Hua Xin should be a 6S operation team affiliated with the 3rd Special Operations Division.

Currently, in the entire Ninth Division of the Security Bureau, this department is the only one that local factions like them have no choice but to penetrate into.

However, Smith has found relevant information from other sources.

Not long ago, a group of heavily armed security agents broke into the villa where Hua Xin lived and arrested her.

There was a lot of movement at that time. It happened to be when I was going to work in the morning, and more than one neighbor witnessed this scene.

Haydn Smith wanted to get some information from Zhou Yunfei during the regular ministerial meeting in the morning, but Zhou Yunfei actually canceled the communication meeting.

When he returned to his office, he couldn't help but twist his tie, feeling a little upset.

He first sent a message to the First Deputy Minister.

Haydn Smith: Old You, do you understand the situation? You have to help me or we're all screwed.

You Ming: What do I know? I know? I don't know anything!

You Ming was worried about the nursery rhyme killer. He mobilized the maximum resources and laid a dragnet in the ninth base city.

As a result, the nursery rhyme killer never showed up again since that day, and agencies such as the Secret Service Center and the Major Crime Investigation Division within the ministry have not yet identified the nursery rhyme killer.

Every day this dragnet lasted, the pressure he endured became greater and greater.

You Ming now began to suspect that there might be something wrong within their security bureau.

Although the children's song killer group's criminal methods are exquisite and professional, it is impossible for them to leave no clues.

You Ming felt that there was an invisible hand in the darkness, helping the nursery rhyme killer erase all traces.

This big hand probably came from the security bureau behind him.

You Ming checked various information within the Security Bureau with a cold face.

You Ming: Is that Hua Xin yours? Was it the assassination bureau contacted through her? Why haven't you dealt with her yet? You are too confident, Smith!

You Ming: How can I help you when you are so busy? Breaking into the Third Special Operations Section to rob people? Did you know that they transferred a few more colonel generals and created two new 6S combat groups?

As far as he knew, the office building of the Third Special Operations Section was as solid as a fortress, with various turrets and forts densely packed inside, and six Type 7 combat robots stationed there.

You Ming: I found some information. Hua Xin was probably arrested in the state of advent. When the Third Special Operations Division arrested her, they took away her sleeping cabin and the special spiritual device. People from the technical department are now He is trying to decipher her seance ritual and want to find the location of her alien body.

Haydn Smith squinted his eyes and understood what You Ming meant.

He must kill this woman before the Third Special Operations Section finds Han Lanxin!

He then sent a message to a Nine Realm boss.

Haydn Smith: Mr. Ling Huan, I'm in trouble here. You said before that you would help me deal with our branch chief. When do you plan to take action?

Haydn Smith believes that passive defense will fall into Zhou Yunfei's hands sooner or later. Only by getting rid of this guy can we solve the problem once and for all.

There are only a few people in the world who can quietly deal with a high-ranking official of the Security Bureau without causing any trouble.

The former vice-president of the Divine Note Society was one of them.

The big boss did not respond to him immediately, and Haydn Smith waited for more than ten minutes before receiving the message.

Ling Huan: I've already taken action, but he's not in any condition yet?

Ling Huan: I checked, and it seems that someone helped him resolve it. It should be an old rival of mine who came to the Ninth Base. You should also be extremely careful. That is their teacher, the political engineer of the East Asia National Security Bureau.

Linghuan: I still have something to do here, and it will take another two to three days. Don’t worry, since I took your money,

Naturally, this matter will be handled well, along with the Thunder Lieutenant General from the Third Special Operations Division.

Haydn Smith knew what the Phantom was doing.

The intelligence network of the Security Bureau is by no means simple. He knew that Ling Huan was hunting down one of his disciples.

He looked at the message sent by Linghuan and felt a heavy pressure on his shoulders.

Zhou Yunfei’s teacher? Is it the eight-level super-imperial magician from the Central Asian Republic?

This person is very powerful. He is a third-generation alien traveler. He only stopped in the eighth realm due to the defect of his reproductive equipment in his early years.

It is said that the technology of colonial clothing has advanced rapidly in recent years. The two-star marshal who is about 600 years old now has the possibility of repairing the damage and advancing to the ninth realm.

Haydn Smith quickly gathered his thoughts and began to organize people to search for Han Lanxin's whereabouts on Tianji Star.

Hayden Smith has one advantage over the 3rd Special Operations Class.

Not only did he know Han Lanxin's approximate location, he also had a backup plan for her.

And just in case, he not only called on all his power in Tianji Star this time, but also borrowed some alien walkers from several friends.

A total of six 6A-level special tactics platoons, carrying a large amount of heavy firepower.

Even if they collide head-on with the alien agent team from the Third Special Operations Section, they will have enough power to repel it and kill the mission target at the same time.

It was at this time that Hayden Smith saw more than a dozen working groups of the Ninth Division related to Tianji Star exploding at the same time.

I'm twenty, what's going on with Luo Jing? Why are so many Jinwu guards dispatched? The streets were filled with soldiers and horses of Jinwu Guard.

A battle broke out on Guangqing Street, and two alien walkers resisted arrest and were killed!

The Yitong store diagonally across from me was sealed. It seemed that all the more than 100 people inside were arrested, and three people were killed on the spot.

It was confirmed that it was a large-scale operation by the Assassination and Rape Bureau. They mobilized 20,000 Jinwu Guards and 30,000 Yulinzhi. They not only arrested people throughout the city, but also affected the eight states of Zhili! It is said that in less than 10 minutes after the operation began, nearly 300 alien walkers had been killed.

The Security Bureau headquarters once again issued a warning to all alien walkers near Luojing Zhili to stop all actions and pay attention to personal safety!

Damn it, this new commander of the Assassination and Rape Bureau is really crazy. They say that the new officer has three fires when he takes office. How many fires will he set?

Boss, I'm in trouble. The Security Bureau has closed down Yonghong Rice Store and I have been arrested. They should be targeting the owner and shopkeeper of the rice store, but there is still a possibility that I will be exposed.

Into his ancestors, I was also caught. What do so many intelligence analysts in the Security Bureau do?

How could such a vicious person be allowed to take over? ! Are they just watching? Don't they have any influence?

Hayden Smith was secretly frightened when he saw the information about these alien agents. He thought that the commander of the assassination bureau named Lin Hao was indeed extremely ruthless.

The smuggling case in Luo Manor has not yet subsided, and this man has caused another major case in Luojing.

This is likely to be the most difficult enemy the Security Bureau has faced in two hundred years.

The Intelligence Center of the Security Bureau and many intelligence analysts sat back and watched this person rise to power. They indeed made a big mistake.

Haydn Smith was anxious to deal with Hua Xin's foreign body and did not continue to pay attention.

He hurriedly walked into the cubicle next to his office and opened his sleeping cabin.

This matter is of great importance, and Haydn Smith must be personally present to handle it before he can rest assured.

At this time, the situation near Luojing was very dangerous, and there was a lot of rumors. However, Hayden Smith decided to venture in and try his best to eliminate the bomb disaster before the Third Special Operations Section arrested Hua Xin's alien body.

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