Supreme Lord

Chapter 364 The Cuckold Emperor (Subscribe)

When the arson case of the assassination bureau occurred, the emperor was sitting in the cool hall of Jianzhang Palace outside the city.

His face was pale and cold, and his hands were shaking slightly because of extreme anger.


The emperor tried his best to suppress his anger and looked down coldly at the two dogs and bitches in front of him.

One of them was his good son, King Han, and the other was his Concubine Hui.

King Han was in disarray and kneeling on the ground. Concubine Hui may have known that she would die, so she simply did not wear outer clothes. She was half naked and sat on the ground with a dead face.

"King Han, tell me, why is this?"

The emperor exhaled a long breath, and his voice was full of confusion: "You evil beast, don't you know that the gods will end my family's favor? Don't you know that the first messenger of the gods is eyeing my dynasty? Don't you know that the Song Dynasty has come to an end? At this time when the court and the country are in turmoil, and there are internal and external troubles, if you and I take a wrong step, we will fall into the abyss! "

He emphasized his tone again: "I thought that you, the princes and the clansmen, would be of one mind with me and work together to save the crisis! So I ignored Zhao Yang's impeachment of you for many illegal things, and Han Wangjian, is this how you repay me?"

The King of Han was as pale as paper, he looked up at the emperor: "Son, son..."

He kept saying son for a long time, but couldn't make it out. Did he want to tell the emperor that it was particularly exciting and special?

The King of Han actually wanted to restrain his desire, but he couldn't.

He could only kowtow heavily, hitting his forehead against the ground, making a 'dong dong' sound.

The emperor laughed miserably when he saw this, with irony in his eyes.

He knew his son's mind like a mirror.

The emperor didn't care about this Huipin, and he would After this woman was taken into the harem, he hardly touched her.

But no matter how much he disliked or cared about her, she was still his woman, how could he allow others to touch her?

What's more, she was his son, the King of Han, whom he valued the most!

The emperor looked up outside the palace again, from here he could see his imperial guards, who were surrounding the palace in layers.

His imperial guards general Yu Yujun stood in front of the palace like an iron tower.

He was the emperor's most trusted general, with a cultivation and combat power as high as the ninth realm super emperor, better than most of the candidate gods!

Only this bastard's brain The son is not very useful.

The person who discovered the adultery between the King of Han and Huipin this time was Yu Yujun.

According to Yu Yujun, this bastard received reliable information that Huipin was committing adultery with someone else, so he was furious and brought a group of subordinates to catch the adultery.

When they rushed into the Chengliang Palace, they found that the one who committed adultery with Huipin was actually the Sixth Prince, the King of Han.

The emperor was very troubled and helpless.

He knew that Yu Yujun must have been calculated by someone.

This bastard was so stupid that he never thought about whether it was appropriate for him, a general of the imperial guards, to catch the adultery for the emperor? Yu Yujun even He couldn't explain clearly where his information came from. That bastard only said that he heard the palace maids talking about it when he passed by a corner of the corridor. Isn't this ridiculous?

However, the emperor must not be blamed for this, but must reward him heavily.

He must also deal with it as soon as possible and use thunder and lightning.

At that time, too many officers of the imperial guards saw it, so this scandal in the palace could not be suppressed.

This is not just a case of adultery, but also related to the reputation of the entire royal family and the majesty of him as the emperor.

"Come here, take Huipin away and give her white silk! "

The emperor felt exhausted and didn't want to talk nonsense with this beast. He raised his hand to signal the eunuchs beside him to drag Huipin away, and then stared at the King of Han.

Just when the emperor was thinking about how to deal with this beast, he received information from the Assassination Bureau.

It was about the arson case of the Assassination Bureau. The Assassination Bureau's important place, the library, was burned by two close followers of the King of Han.

The emperor was even more angry: "How outrageous!""

He couldn't control his strength and slapped a favorite desk in front of him into powder.

"King of Han Zhao Jian, no righteousness and filial piety, no shame, violent and arrogant, from now on he will be demoted to a commoner and detained in the clan house."


Lin Rui waited in the yamen for half an hour and waited for the order of the God's Envoy.

The God's Envoy not only ordered Deputy Commander Tan Xiangsheng to investigate the case, but also used the words "strict investigation" and "severe punishment after the case is found out" in the decree.

The God's Envoy also questioned Lin Hao in a tactful way, saying that the facts of the case were clear and the evidence was irrefutable. Was Lin Hao too rigorous in trying the case? He said that Xie Yong and Pan Dongfan's confessions were full of mistakes and omissions, so how could you believe them, Lin Hao?

Finally, the God's Envoy also appointed new guards of the Ninth and Tenth Wards, one named Fu Li and the other named Ruan Guoqiu, both of whom were young talents that Luo Wangshu was optimistic about.

I don't know what method Luo Wangshu used to make the God's Envoy agree to this appointment and realize her personnel intention.

Deputy Commander Tan Xiangsheng was originally ordered by Lin Rui to search all buildings inside and outside the Assassination Bureau to find files and archives that might have been stolen.

Shortly after he received the decree of the God's Envoy, he hastily ended the search.

Tan Xiangsheng had already searched inside and outside, but could not find any missing files, and he did not think that Xie Yong and Pan Dongfan were framed.

So much evidence was false? They said that the kerosene bag was not used and not opened. Could it be that these guys only brought one bag of kerosene?

The two men's plan was actually very perfect, but unfortunately they were unlucky. The commander was reminded by the Jiaku Pavilion Supervisor and was already on guard.

And even if the two people had a grievance, it had nothing to do with him.

For some reason, Tan Xiangsheng just wanted to start with the two of them to see if they could involve Sun Shicheng, their former boss and another deputy commander.

At this time, in the main hall of the Assassination Bureau, Li Li looked relaxed.

He saw Lin Rui sitting high in the hall, copying official documents with a calm expression, and couldn't help but admire him. He sent a message in the group: Junior brother is really good at concentration. My palms were sweating just now, for fear of being found out.

Those files and volumes are now hidden in Lin Rui and Ji Xueying's Demonic Dragon Armor.

After the battle, he, Wang Sen and others urgently sent those files into the cockpit inside the dragon armor.

Although Tan Xiangsheng was in charge of the search, he had no doubts about Lin Rui, and his men would not search the main courtyard of the Assassination Bureau seriously.

But everything is inevitable, and if there is a serious and responsible Daotouqing who wants to open the dragon armor to see what's going on, it will be troublesome.

Lin Rui smiled softly, shook his head and replied: What kind of concentration do I have? I have a backup plan.

His Demonic Dragon Armor was made from the remains of a mecha.

There is not only an oxygen supply system inside the cockpit, but also a self-cleaning system.

So he really has a back-up in the dragon armor. If he is unlucky and encounters a stupid young man who wants to open his eyes, he can just use the cockpit inside the dragon armor as a furnace and burn the files inside. .

Lin Rui has no obsession in this regard. It would be better if these things can be taken out, but if they can't be taken out, forget it.

Lin Rui then appointed the seventh supervisor Luo Renxi, the eighth supervisor Mo Daoquan, the sixteenth supervisor Yan Zhe, the twentieth supervisor Luo Tianman, and the newly appointed ninth supervisor Ruan Guoqiu. , Fu Li, the warden of the Tenth Prison, called them to the main hall together.

He distributed several files and information to the six people present, and slowly drank tea while holding a cup of hot tea handed over by Ji Xueying.

After Yan Zhe looked at it, his eyes were filled with surprise: "Master Commander, are these lists and companies in the file subject to ban and arrest? Are you sure they are all extraterrestrial demons?"

This is undoubtedly a very large operation, involving more than two thousand people and more than a dozen large businesses in the capital.

There are also some gentry near Luojing.

What surprised Yan Zhe was that a large part of them might be related to King Han.

"I'm not sure. This list comes from an unidentified extraterritorial demon. After I received this information, I checked it a little and I feel it's very likely."

Lin Rui blew the tea leaves in the cup: "Let's arrest him first and interrogate him. If the information is false, I will personally take the blame and plead guilty! This operation is led by Luo Tianman, with Yan Zhe as deputy. The rest of you will cooperate fully. In addition, I have requested the Tiger Talisman from the Divine Envoy Prison, and ordered Jin Wuwei and Yu Lin to dispatch 50,000 elite troops to assist in handling the case. "

When Yan Zhe heard this, he couldn't help but feel regretful.

He knew that the disrespectful thoughts in his heart had been traced by Lin Hao, so he was at a disadvantage in the competition with Luo Tianman.

Yan Zhe was even more jealous. If the information Lin Hao obtained was true, then this case would be the largest case in the history of the Assassination Bureau and an unprecedented success.

Yan Zhe didn't expect Lin Hao to be so generous and willing to hand over such a major case to his subordinates.

If he had known this, he should have been more respectful. After all, luck is also a kind of strength.

Look at this Commander-in-Chief. Not only did he secure his position through several major cases as soon as he took office, but he also helped the Third Divine Envoy win the important positions of two prison guards.

How awesome is this luck?

At this time, Lin Rui looked at Ruan Guoqiu, the guardian of the Ninth Prison, and Fu Li, the guardian of the Tenth Prison: "I know that you two have just taken office and are not yet stable. There is also panic within the Ninth Prison and the Tenth Prison. This time This case is an opportunity for you two, and it is also an opportunity for them. When handling the case, you must carefully observe your subordinates. If they are really capable, I will not only let go of the blame, but also vigorously promote them. "

Ruan Guoqiu and Fu Li understood the words and handed over their hands with tears of gratitude. They both thought that this boss was so agreeable.

Once this case is solved, they will not only be able to stand firm, but also have these two prisons firmly in their hands.

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