Supreme Lord

Chapter 113: The Devil's Test (Subscription Request)

Seven days later, at night, the streets of Yinyue County were deserted.

Most of the tens of thousands of people in the city gathered at the foot of Qianfeng Hill, seven miles east of the city, to attend the funerals of three deceased police chiefs and four black belt constables.

Holding torches, the people crowded around in layers in the open field under Qianfeng Hill, all with solemn and dignified faces and mournful eyes.

They had personally experienced the pain of the spontaneous combustion of the purple crystal dust, and had heard the cause of the disaster that day. They knew the deeds of the deceased yamen runners, and they all stood in awe and were grateful for it.

At this time, Lin Rui was standing on the hillside of Qianfeng Hill. In front of him was a high platform built of pine wood, on which seven wooden coffins were neatly placed.

The upper and lower parts of the high platform were filled with a large amount of dry wood, and a lot of kerosene was poured on it.

When the "county magistrate" Zhuang Mingyue stepped forward with a torch to light the firewood pile, the flames spread rapidly, and the flames shot up into the sky, illuminating the entire night sky.

Lin Rui and Wang Sen looked at the raging fire with complicated expressions.

Among them, Lin Rui was better off. When he came out of the underground hall, Captain Cao and his men were already dead.

Wang Sen witnessed the process of the three people committing suicide with his own eyes, so he was deeply moved and could not let go of the emotion in his heart until now. When the whole cremation was over, the family of the deceased collected the ashes of Captain Cao and his men and buried them in the coffin again. It was already three o'clock in the morning.

Yinyue County used to be the territory of the Chili tribe, and the custom was to bury the tribe members by cremation.

However, after the bathing of the royal power of the court, only the Chili people living in the mountains in Yinyue County still adhered to the tradition, and the people in the city had become more popular with burial.

"The reason why the county magistrate picked up the custom of cremation was to cover up the traces of the three captains' transformation.

"The county magistrate also wanted to nail King Han to death. It is said that he has asked the court's Ministry of Justice and the Dali Temple, as well as the Shazhou Judicial Inspection Commissioner to send a special person to review the case.

In order to avoid being questioned by the Han Wangfu during the trial, which would lead to the case being overturned, they had to destroy the bodies of the three deceased police chiefs.

This also made it easier for the "county magistrate" to ask for compensation and rewards for the families of the police chiefs.

Otherwise, when the people in charge of the audit came down and saw that these deceased police chiefs had turned into demons, how could they be willing to give money?

So Lin Rui's impression of this "county magistrate" became better and better. This was a boss who was clear about right and wrong and very humane.

Unfortunately, he still didn't know what this seventh-rank inspector looked like. He only knew that this county magistrate was probably a woman, whose real name was Zhuang Mingyue, and she was also very young.

Standing in the distance, the "county magistrate" Zhuang Mingyue was looking at Lin Rui at this time.

Her eyes were appreciative, gratified, admiring and envious.

Zhuang Mingyue still remembers the shock she felt when she came to the ground and communicated with Lin Twelve seven days ago while chasing the "Blood Rain" seedlings.

This guy not only turned the tide on the day of the incident, but also killed Zhu Tianmao and Zhu Lingshi's uncle and nephew!

Lin Twelve actually relied on his wisdom and superb array talent to pull 30,000 people back from the edge of spontaneous combustion. Of course, what is even more amazing about this guy is his potential in martial arts.

After the incident, Zhuang Mingyue learned about the situation on that day in detail. If Lin Twelve couldn't cut off Zhu Lingshi's hand, if he couldn't survive 10 breaths under Zhu Tianmao's sword, then they would lose.

Zhuang Mingyue knew that this guy's future achievements in martial arts might be far ahead of her.

"This boy's talent is simply unfathomable. ’

Master Du sighed beside him: "You don't know, six days ago, I said I wanted to teach him the "Shenzhaoguan" three-level super king-level magic recently developed by the Imperial City Bureau. As a result, after listening to my explanation, he immediately understood the entry point and mastered all the essence of this magic in a moment. He even surpassed me on this basis, but he was not very familiar with it. It can be seen that this boy is really gifted. Unlike the outer demon, he had a deep accumulation before he came."

Master Du wanted to teach Lin Twelve this magic because he felt guilty and wanted to make up for it; secondly, he wanted to use this incident to see whether Lin Twelve's talent was real or not, and how high it was.

As a result, he witnessed a miracle. Lin Twelve only listened to the explanation once, and he understood the entry point of this "Shenzhaoguan". Soon he would be able to master all the essentials of this magic.

Master Du didn't know that Lin Twelve used the "soul power points" to deduce temporarily, but he thought that this guy's comprehension was indeed unfathomable and immeasurable.

No wonder Lin Twelve had only read the basic formation for a few days, but he could learn to a very high level by himself.

Zhuang Mingyue snorted coldly after hearing this, and said nothing.

Master Du couldn't help but smile bitterly, knowing that Zhuang Mingyue was still dissatisfied with his actions on the day of the incident.

Master Du also blamed himself. Fortunately, he gave the captain's waist badge to Lin Twelve that day, otherwise he would not be able to forgive himself now.

On that day, he actually wanted to protect his master's selfishness.

The blank appointment document of "Martial Arts Captain" was closely related to the waist badge, which was prepared by Zhuang Mingyue's uncle to recruit a hero in the world.

In order to obtain this blank appointment letter from the Imperial City Department, Zhuang Mingyue's uncle paid a great price.

Master Du didn't want Zhuang Mingyue to use this precious appointment letter here, on a dying person.

But in hindsight, this was the last chance to save Yinyue County, and Master Du almost missed it.

What's more, the talent and value shown by Lin Twelve were no worse than that of the underworld hero, ten times better.

Not only was that underworld hero far inferior to Lin Twelve in terms of understanding and talent, he was also not as powerful as Lin Twelve, a super-imperial fourth-level Blood Sword Princess!

Master Du smiled again and said: "I have already informed Master Mi of the matter after it happened that day. Just this morning, Master Mi wrote a letter back to me. Sir, guess what he said."'

Zhuang Mingyue curled her lips slightly and sneered secretly. She had long suspected that this person named Du was arranged by her uncle to keep an eye on her. Now, as expected, the two people could actually send letters to each other.

But she still raised her eyebrows with interest: "What did he say?"

Since she had been chasing Xue Yumiao these past few days and did not return until yesterday, she had not had time to contact her uncle.

"Master Mi said that you are truly my best son, you are brave and resourceful, you are good at understanding people, and you don't give in to men!"

Master Du cupped his hands with an expression of admiration: "Lord Mi was also full of praise for Lin Twelve, saying that this young man is a hero. Sir, your appointment in this document is extremely appropriate. You also asked you to treat Lin Twelve kindly and don't be cold to the hero." Heart."

The corners of Zhuang Mingyue's lips raised slightly. This was indeed the wisest decision she had made since entering the Imperial City Division, and she would be able to boast about it for the rest of her life.

At this moment, her expression suddenly changed, she raised her hand and grabbed it forward, and got a piece of white letterhead folded into the shape of a bird in the air.

That was actually a flying book message within their Imperial City Department system. It was sent from hundreds of miles away and was locked on the 'Devil Suppressing Seal' on her waist.

Zhuang Mingyue opened the letter and looked at it, and raised her eyebrows: "Interesting! The Imperial Envoy of Shazhou has sent a special person to Yinyue County for the purpose of reviewing this case and giving Lin Twelve a 'devil test." , testing his consciousness and body. This person is already in Wangcheng County and will arrive in our county tomorrow. ""

Master Du was stunned when he heard this: "Now we have to give Lin Twelve a demon test? How come it's so fast?"

Due to the great power and responsibility of the Imperial City Department, the Song Dynasty court reviewed the Imperial City Department extremely strictly.

The problem is that Lin Twelve is currently just a casual military commander with no actual authority, and his superiors won't care too much.

Zhuang Mingyue sneered; "This man's name is Lin Tianda, he is a sixth-grade censor. I happen to know this man. He is the teacher of the censor Jiang Hanzhang. In addition, he has a certain connection with Yuanji.'

Yuanji is the former master of Blood Knife Princess, Yuan Yi's uncle, who is in charge of all the Yuan family's medicinal materials and tea business in the south.

Zhuang Mingyue has found out that this person is closely connected with the Han Palace, and he is probably using the Yuan family's business channels to make money for the Han Palace while embezzling the Yuan family's assets.

"So that's it!" Master Du suddenly realized: "It seems that it was Prince Han's palace who caused it. They suspected that Lin Twelve was an extraterrestrial demon? Don't you intend to interfere?"

Zhuang Mingyue laughed when she heard this, thinking why should she interfere?

She crossed her arms and looked calm: "This matter has something to do with me. I have submitted a letter a few days ago, asking the superiors to appoint Lin Twelve to act as the defense envoy of Wangchengdu."

"Wangchengdu Defense Envoy?" Master Du took a breath of cold air and looked at Zhuang Mingyue in great surprise: "Your Majesty's move is truly astonishing.'

The Imperial City Division had a "Yulongzhi" in all counties and cities in the Song Dynasty. A sixth-grade Yulongzhi captain served as the defense envoy, responsible for suppressing local areas, supervising officials, suppressing demons, etc.

His status is so high that he can even be on par with the local county governor.

My Lord actually plans to push Lin Twelve to such a high position?

"It's just a temporary representation. Lin Twelve will soon complete his blood training and enter the fourth realm of martial arts. He will also have a fourth-level super-imperial protector demon with him. By then, there will be few people in Wangcheng who can match him. He has done enough to quell the demonic disaster in Yinyue County. Since the Imperial City Department cannot send anyone for the time being, Lin Twelve can take over and suppress the situation first. "

Zhuang Mingyue smiled slightly: "So there's nothing wrong with testing it."

Although she acted boldly and decisively, she was also extremely cautious when she should be cautious. Especially when it came to the matter of extraterrestrial demons, Zhuang Mingyue would not rely entirely on her own assumptions.

The position of Wangchengdu Defense Envoy is now very important to her master and her family.

Zhuang Mingyue was willing to use her personal network resources, and even invited her uncle and master to fight for Lin Twelve with all her strength.

But at the same time, she also wanted to make sure that this candidate was very reliable and could not trick her uncle and master because of this matter. So Lin Tianda came at the right time. If Lin Twelve passed this level, he would be truly credible. .

Zhuang Mingyue believed that this was not a problem. How could Lin Twelve be an extraterrestrial demon?

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