Supreme Lord

Chapter 112 Seeing Through (Three more chapters, please subscribe)

Inside this bottle was a golden pill.

"This seems to be an 'artificial golden elixir'. It seems to be of a very high grade? Crazy. Looking at the comparison of the pictures, could it be a king-level divine fire golden elixir?"

Lin Rui's eyes were filled with surprise as he opened the database of the biochip and found that it was indeed an artificial elixir.

However, this kind of golden elixir is not the one used by human colonists, but is made for alien walkers and Tianji star people.

In the early years when the Federation first came into contact with the Tianji Star people, the overall quality of the alien walkers was uneven, and some of the walkers were unable to successfully form elixirs, so they began to turn to the Federation's biotechnology.

They create artificial golden elixirs specifically suitable for foreign bodies.

As we all know, the overall structure of the alien body is no different from that of the Tianji Star people. Since this golden elixir is suitable for the "Alien Body", it naturally also applies to the Tianji Star people. Later, the Federation established a strict alien body selection system. All the alien body practitioners selected have extremely high After that, apart from the rich people who came to Tianji Star at their own expense, there was no one among the alien travelers who failed to form a pill.

Therefore, this artificial golden elixir became an important bargaining chip used by the Federation to win over and corrupt the powerful people of Tianji Star.

"So, this Zhu Tianmao, and even the King of Han behind him, are likely to have contact with a powerful force in the Earth Federation. However, Zhu Tianmao is already a five-level shedding dragon. This golden elixir is probably prepared for others.' "'

Lin Rui didn't pay much attention and solemnly put the artificial golden elixir into his sleeve.

He certainly has no use for the artificial golden elixir, but if this thing is really a king-level divine fire golden elixir, then its value will be more expensive than the sword and shoes in Zhu Tianmao's hand combined.

As long as he can find a suitable buyer, he can easily sell it for tens of thousands of taels of magic silver, which is ten million federal coins, making him rich overnight and becoming a rich man!

After Lin Rui packed these things, he hooked his hand towards Zhang Tianchang.

Zhang Tianchang shook his head helplessly, took off his luminous armor and threw it to Lin Rui.

At this time, he had recovered some strength, got up and walked near the crystal coffins to check the physical condition of the people in the coffins.

These descendants of the Zhou Dynasty are both victims and witnesses. They cannot be allowed to die like this.

Zhang Tianchang still has a lot of anger in his heart that has not been vented.

Although Zhu Tianmao has been executed today, there is still one culprit left to solve, and that is the ‘King of Han’ in the capital!

That bastard prince with a human face and an animal heart actually dared to treat tens of thousands of people in Yinyue County like nothing!

Zhang Tianchang knew that he was just a small catcher, but he wanted to make the 'King of Han' pay a certain price with the help of these descendants of the Zhou Dynasty."

In the past, the Song Dynasty replaced the Zhou Dynasty through abdication, so officials respected the descendants of the Zhou Dynasty very much.

As long as today's case is exposed, the court will definitely punish the 'King of Han' severely.

"Don't worry, I've sensed it a long time ago. They are all in good condition. The Zhu family's uncle and nephew should have given them medicine in advance to make them die slower and give them more blood. Now that the magic circle has been destroyed, there will be no more Drawing blood from their bodies will naturally not put their lives in danger.”

As Lin Rui spoke, he looked deeply at Ji Shenyan's crystal coffin.

At this time, Ji Shenyan's body had decomposed to nearly one-third, and turned into blood and flowed into the formation altar. It was shattered and scattered when the formation altar exploded just now, which is very regrettable.

However, Lin Rui can still try to draw a few tubes of blood from Ji Shenyan's body.

This bit of blood cannot be used to make artificial serum, but it can be used to purify some refined blood and use it to cultivate foreign bodies!

This is a seventh-level emperor-level demon! You'll definitely be able to sell it for a sky-high price when you take it back.

But now that Zhang Tianchang is watching from the side, it is inconvenient for him to attack Ji Shenyan.

Lin Rui immediately turned around and walked towards the south entrance of the cave: "Let's go and see how Old Cao and the others are doing."

Zhang Tianchang's expression changed when he heard this, and he followed Lin Rui's pace with a slightly sad look in his eyes.

He understood what Lin Rui meant. The matter here was over, and it was time to say goodbye to Capt. Cao and the others.

Just at this moment, Ji Xueying also walked in with her mother in her arms with a cold expression.

She can't wait to deal with that Zhu Lingshi!

Since the next scene might be a little bloody, she wanted to ask the owner to leave temporarily.

Ji Xueying didn't want her master to see her looking like a monster.

But just when she walked in, Ji Xueying's mind moved.

After Ji Xueying completely let go of her guard, she was able to communicate with Lin Rui to a certain extent through the "Ruyi Knot".

Lin Rui just gave her an order in this way.

She couldn't help but raise her eyes and looked in the direction of Ji Shenyan's crystal coffin.

There was a hint of strangeness in Ji Xueying's eyes.

It turns out that she has been following Lin Twelve for more than ten days. Ji Xueying has long discovered that there are many things wrong with her master and the policeman named Wang Twenty-Qi. Their behavior patterns are very similar to the extraterrestrial demons that Ji Xueying knows. Very similar.

After Ji Xueying transformed into Blood Knife Princess, in order to help her better protect her master, the Yuan family hired teachers from various fields to teach her various knowledge.

Therefore, Ji Xueying knew many characteristics of extraterrestrial demons, such as their unusual desire for the blood of various demons and martial arts cultivators.

Another example is that for a period of time when the extraterrestrial demon first comes, sometimes it will behave slowly and sluggishly, and sometimes it will become smart and wise.

Ji Xueying then put away her thoughts.

Even if the master is an extraterritorial demon, so what? Zhu Lingshi and Zhu Tianmao are of the same species, but they almost put her and her family to death, and killed them alive; on the contrary, the master, an extraterritorial demon, not only pulled her out of hell, but also saved 30,000 people in Yinyue County from spontaneous combustion.

Ji Xueying only knew that even if she spent her whole life, she could not repay the master's kindness. As for the invasion of demons and the justice of the country, what did she have to do with a guardian demon like her?

She was no longer a human, but a demon.

At the same time, in the cave under Huoxu Village.

Zhuang Mingyue finally escaped from the "Six Yao Shenyang Formation" and was flying in the cave, chasing the "Blood Rain" Miao Shi in front of her.

The two of them changed their body movements in the dark and narrow environment underground, fighting fiercely, and from time to time, there were deafening roars and sparks from the collision of swords and knives. "Blood Rain" Miao Shi's cultivation was one level higher than Zhuang Mingyue. He was a fifth-level martial artist who had transformed into a demon. At this time, he was chased by Zhuang Mingyue and had no temper. He could only flee forward desperately.

Although Zhuang Mingyue behind him was only in the middle stage of the fourth level, he had the blood power of the king level.

The key is that this person also carries the "Demon Seal", a powerful magic weapon unique to the Imperial City Division.

The Demon Seal can not only suppress the power of all evil demons, but also increase the cultivation and combat power of the third-level martial artists by half a level. Its function is even better than those waist badges of the military virtue captains.

Zhuang Mingyue can also use the "Demon Seal" at a critical moment. The bloodline power is forcibly raised to a higher level by consuming life essence!

So the actual combat power of this woman is superior to his.

This woman actually has the qualifications for promotion. If she had not been delayed by chasing him, she would have been a sixth-rank supervisory deputy envoy of the Imperial City Department.

In addition, there is another Master Du following behind, hiding in the dark to assist Zhuang Mingyue.

The reason why Zhuang Mingyue escaped just now was because the magician surnamed Du managed to destroy his magic circle.

The two of them chased and fled, gradually leaving the underground mine and coming to the surface.

The first time Zhuang Mingyue stepped on the ground, she looked towards Yinyue County.

She was very worried about the situation in Yinyue County, so Judging from the few words Master Du said to her in the underground just now, the situation in Yinyue County is probably not good now. The existence of Zhu Tianmao makes Zhuang Mingyue feel uneasy.

However, when she looked carefully, she found that there was nothing unusual in the sky above Yinyue County, and there was no purple crystal dust.

At this time, the 'blood rain' Miao Shi was even more shocked. While running at full speed, he also turned sideways to look in the direction of Yinyue County with a confused look.

Not only was there no purple light in the sky above Yinyue County, Miao Shi was also unable to contact Zhu Lingshi and Zhu Tianmao with his communication magic tool.

But what happened? Did the transformation ceremony of Huangyan Blood Knife Princess fail? How did it fail? Are the Zhu family uncle and nephew alive or dead now?

Master Du, who came out from the back, looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

He thought that Yinyue County could no longer be saved, and the scene that happened 6,700 years ago would surely repeat itself.

But when he came up, he saw that the county had turned from danger to safety.

Was it Lin Twelve? Did he really do it?

Zhuang Mingyue was surprised at first, and then while chasing after Miao Shi, he took out the Demon Seal and tried to contact Lin Twelve.

The Demon Seal and the Wude Duwei waist badge also have the function of remote communication, and the contact range is even higher than the waist badges of the county's head constables and deputy head constables. Zhuang Mingyue now urgently wants to know what happened in the county?

What did Lin Twelve do? He resolved the catastrophe in Yinyue County,

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