Supreme Lord

Chapter 114 Super Emperor Serum (Subscription Request)

The next day, Lin Rui and Wang Sen attended another grand funeral. This funeral was held by the people of Yinyue County for Li Qiufeng, the high priest of the Guangming Sect. It was also located at Qianfen Mound, seven miles away.

That day, Priest Li did what he said, delaying the spontaneous combustion of thirty thousand people in Yinyue County for half a moment, but at the cost of this, he exhausted all his energy and was burned to dust afterwards, returning to heaven and earth.

Lin Rui only learned about this after coming out of the cave, and he felt deeply shocked at that time.

The reason why Capt. Cao and the others were willing to follow Lin Rui to fight to the death was because they were born and raised in Yinyue County, out of love for their country, for their duty, and for themselves and their family.

Li Qiufeng had no reason to risk her life, but she generously died for the thousands of followers of the Guangming Holy Sect.

Lin Rui felt extremely ashamed, and still feels resentful about it.

In the past, his attitude towards Priest Li was too bad, and he judged a gentleman with a villain's heart.

Priest Li said that he had a bright heart, but in Lin Rui's opinion, it was Priest Li who really had a bright heart.

After Wang Sen attended the funeral, he also booed for this, and said with a gloomy look: "This should be what our ancients said about taking righteousness and becoming benevolent, right? It seems that this Holy Sect of Light still has something, a dignified Four Realm Great Priests can do this for the people and cannot simply be regarded as a cult."

Lin Rui also agreed. Based on his current understanding, the current teachings of the Guangming Holy Religion are still very pure, and they do not defraud stupid people of their hard-earned money. Of course, it may also be related to the fact that the people are poor and have no money to defraud.

In this sect, there are indeed a group of people who are firm-minded and truly believe in the 'Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire'. They really want to follow the light doctrine and use the Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire to cleanse the world, bring real light to the world, and let the people live and work in peace and contentment. , no longer have to worry about food and clothing, no longer trapped by demons.

Lin Rui was originally very worried about the Zhou brothers and sisters, but when Lin Rui saw that another high priest who came from Wangcheng County was also gentle and kind to the brothers and took care of them, he was relieved.

It is said that there are many women in this Guangming Holy Religion. Not only were the two high priests he met women, but 70% of those priests were women.

According to what he knew, it seemed that women had particular advantages in practicing the basic and advanced techniques of the Holy Light Sect.

Lin Rui also met with the high priest. Her name was Tang Wenlan. Like Li Qiufeng, she was a quiet, gentle and elegant woman. She was also very enthusiastic about Lin Rui, the person with whom she was destined.

Lin Rui's attitude towards Tang Wenlan was much better than towards Li Qiufeng. He always treated him with courtesy, but he still tried to keep a distance from the high priest in his words.

He is now a dignified seventh-grade ‘Captain of Martial Virtue’ and cannot ruin his future because of the Holy Religion of Light.

This is the Wude Commander of the Imperial City Division!

In the few days he had just traveled through time, he happened to read a piece of news saying that in order to insert a person into the Song Dynasty Imperial City System, the Federal Security Bureau had spent 300 million federal currency resources and the assistance of more than 80 alien walkers, but it still failed, resulting in A heavy casualty occurred, and a branch director of the Security Bureau resigned.

This matter made a big fuss and was reported in the news, so Lin Rui was particularly impressed.

"Okay, since the Holy Sect of Light has nothing to do with us, we should try our best not to have anything to do with them in the future."

But for Li Qiufeng's sake, he would turn a blind eye to some things in the future.

At this time, the two of them looked at each other at the same time, and they both discovered that their biochips had some abnormal changes.

"Damn, that thing is finally fixed.'

Wang Sen used that thing to refer to the quantum communication repeater. He turned on the network interface and communication interface with a look of surprise. He walked towards the county seat and read it endlessly.

Now several websites and forums commonly used by Alien Walkers can be opened directly inside Tianji Star, and the quantum communication system can also be used normally.

But after just a moment, his face darkened: "This Alien Body Management Bureau is so fucking evil! I just opened a few web pages and looked at them. I didn't even watch a single video, and it actually consumed 1G of data.'"'

1G traffic is 1,000 federal coins.

Although Wang Sen made a fortune following Lin Rui seven days ago, at least one-third of the monsters and cultivators they killed along the way had bounties on them, and could be exchanged for large amounts of bounties from the government. Wang Sen relied on this income afterwards. He was allocated more than three million federal coins, and later relied on those demon cultivators' swords, magic weapons, etc., and also exchanged them for more than one million.

But the consumption of this traffic still made his face turn pale.

Lin Rui was also browsing: "Professor Han sent us information in the group."

Wang Sen opened their work group and found that Professor Han had indeed sent a message in the group.

The professor assigned them three tasks for the quarter.

The first task must be completed, requiring them to become black belt agents in the yamen within three months; the second and third tasks are not mandatory, one is to try to complete the second realm of meridians in this quarter, and enter the blood training ; One is that Professor Han has mailed them one thousand taels of magic silver through the Alien Body Management Bureau, asking them to purchase some government-controlled materials on behalf of the project team in Yinyue County.

Wang Sen felt slightly happy after seeing it, thinking that this task is too easy, right?

If this professor knew that Lin Rui had not only become a head catcher a few days ago, but also a seventh-grade military virtue captain of the Imperial City Division, would he jump up in surprise?

Even he, Wang Sen, is now a dignified deputy police chief, and the two of them have already completed the meridians and entered the blood training realm.

There is also the purchase list listed by Professor Han, which is indeed difficult for ordinary people to access, but it is a piece of cake for the two of them.

For example, the list contains several common cultivation elixirs in the yamen, and the two of them can now exchange them for as many as they want.

Wang Sen used to dislike these elixirs and felt that they were less effective. Now it seems that not all alien practitioners have access to these things.

"I think this Professor Han is actually a very good person, with a hard face and a soft heart." Wang Sen smiled slightly: "The 1,000 taels of magic silver that were mailed here actually want to help us.'"

Lin Rui also felt the same way. If the two of them were ordinary alien walkers, the one thousand taels of magic silver would be of great help to them. If the two of them took this money and spent it casually, they would be able to speed up their work significantly. The speed of practice.

So the PhD supervisor Fang Ranran found for them was really good.

He nodded: "Let's divide the work according to the list and collect the things the professor wants and send them over as soon as possible.

Don't let them think we two are useless. "

When the two returned to the county town, they encountered another happy event.

Lin Rui found that his Blood Sword Princess was standing at the gate of the city waiting for him.

She was still dressed in red and carrying two swords. She was just like Lin Rui's impression when he first met her. Her breath was cold and she was so beautiful. Her long hair was like ink, fluttering in the wind, like black flames.

However, the girl's eyes no longer held the ultimate hatred and determination, and her face was a little pale for some reason.

Those cold jade-like eyes still looked cold, but when she saw Lin Rui, she immediately smiled, and her eyes warmed the world like a ray of rising sunshine in the early morning. Lin Rui's eyes also lit up when he saw her, Looking at her with a smile: "Have your family made arrangements?"

Ji Xueying has not been with him these days, just to settle down with her family.

Ji Xueying didn't want her parents to get involved in the fight with King Han anymore, and her family also wanted to find a place to stay anonymous and live out their lives peacefully.

"It has been arranged, household registration and everything is in order." Ji Xueying gave her a gift and said with a grateful look: "My parents asked me to thank you for the money the Lord gave them. The money is enough for them to reset their family property and live a comfortable life. "I'm really grateful. My father also specifically asked me to tell you that they will stay on their own terms and will never cause trouble for you."

When Lin Rui heard this, he thought that this might cause trouble.

Lin Rui has met Ji Xueying's parents. They are both kind and honest people. Ji Xueying's three brothers and sisters can also keep their duties.

Even if you were restless before, you will become calm after experiencing this near-death experience.

Lin Rui also gave them enough silver.

After the war, a group of them, together with the officials of the Yamen, Zandian and the Sixth Section, searched the properties of the county captain and Dianshi on the pretext of investigating demons, and scraped out nineteen thousand taels of magic silver, and many more. Fields, houses and storefronts.

They took 50% to honor their superiors, pay hush money to other officials in the yamen, and spend 50% of the expenses on revising land and house registration records in counties and cities. The rest was divided among Lin Rui and his group.

Lin Rui didn't want the land or real estate, so he divided a total of 5,000 taels, and he gave it to Ji Xueying's family for 3,000 taels.

This is the settlement fee and cannot be stingy.

The Ji family's problem lies in their household registration. The household registration system in this world is very strict and it is easy for people to get to the bottom of it.

Lin Rui asked Master Du for help in registering the Ji family's household registration.

This master may have felt guilty for shrinking from the battle, so he took the initiative to agree to the matter that day and gave Lin Rui a letter of introduction.

He said that he could take this letter to a certain household affairs official in the neighboring county and apply for a household registration for the Ji family.

However, this solution can only solve the urgent need, and there will still be hidden dangers in the long run. We will still have to find a way to solve it if we have the opportunity in the future.

"By the way, there's also this."

Ji Xueying took out two arm-sized porcelain bottles and looked at Lin Rui with her jade-like eyes: "These are two bottles of four-level super-imperial blood. I don't know where they came from. I guess they may be useful to you, master. '

Lin Rui looked stunned for a moment, and instantly realized that Ji Xueying must have guessed the identity of his extraterrestrial demon.

But it was a matter of time. He immediately smiled and took it unceremoniously: "Thank you Ying'er, your blood is indeed crucial to me!"

Lin Rui's blood training is almost completed. At this stage, there is no more suitable serum material for him than Ji Xueying's blood.

The serum material depends on the quality of the bloodline, not the cultivation level. Ji Xueying's fourth-level super-imperial blood has unlimited potential and is the best choice at the moment.

The key elemental power attribute is also very suitable. Ji Xueying used to have a pure thunder attribute, but now she has both thunder, fire and light.

Originally, Lin Rui was still thinking about how to ask for blood from Ji Xueying.

This time he wanted more blood, and he also needed some of Ji Xueying's marrow blood. He couldn't fool him like last time, but he didn't expect that Ji Xueying had already taken the initiative to prepare it for him.

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